Source code for kiwi.ui.views

# Kiwi: a Framework and Enhanced Widgets for Python
# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Async Open Source
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
# Author(s): Christian Reis <>
#            Jon Nelson <>
#            Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <>
#            Johan Dahlin <>
#            Henrique Romano <>

Defines the View classes that are included in the Kiwi Framework, which
are the base of Delegates and Proxies.

import os
import re
import string

import gobject
import gtk
from gtk import gdk

from kiwi.environ import environ
from kiwi.interfaces import IValidatableProxyWidget
from kiwi.log import Logger
from kiwi.python import namedAny
from kiwi.utils import gsignal, type_register
from kiwi.ui.gadgets import quit_if_last, register_notebook_shortcuts
from kiwi.ui.proxy import Proxy

log = Logger('kiwi.view')

_non_interactive = (

color_red = gdk.color_parse('red')
color_black = gdk.color_parse('black')

# Signal brokers

method_regex = re.compile(r'^(on|after)_(\w+)__(\w+)$')

[docs]class SignalBroker(object): def __init__(self, view, controller): methods = controller._get_all_methods() self._do_connections(view, methods) def _do_connections(self, view, methods): """This method allows subclasses to add more connection mechanism""" self._autoconnect_by_method_name(view, methods) def _autoconnect_by_method_name(self, view, methods): """ Offers autoconnection of widget signals based on function names. You simply need to define your controller method in the format:: def on_widget_name__signal_name(self, widget): In other words, start the method by "on_", followed by the widget name, followed by two underscores ("__"), followed by the signal name. Note: If more than one double underscore sequences are in the string, the last one is assumed to separate the signal name. """ self._autoconnected = {} for fname in methods.keys(): # `on_x__y' has 7 chars and is the smallest possible handler if len(fname) < 7: continue match = method_regex.match(fname) if match is None: continue on_after, w_name, signal = match.groups() widget = getattr(view, w_name, None) if widget is None: raise AttributeError("couldn't find widget %s in %s" % (w_name, view)) if not isinstance(widget, gobject.GObject): raise AttributeError("%s (%s) is not a widget or an action " "and can't be connected to" % (w_name, widget)) # Must use getattr; using the class method ends up with it # being called unbound and lacking, thus, "self". try: if on_after == 'on': signal_id = widget.connect(signal, methods[fname]) elif on_after == 'after': signal_id = widget.connect_after(signal, methods[fname]) else: raise AssertionError except TypeError, e: raise TypeError("Widget %s doesn't provide a signal %s" % ( widget.__class__, signal)) self._autoconnected.setdefault(widget, []).append(( signal, signal_id))
[docs] def handler_block(self, widget, signal_name): signals = self._autoconnected if not widget in signals: return for signal, signal_id in signals[widget]: if signal_name is None or signal == signal_name: widget.handler_block(signal_id)
[docs] def handler_unblock(self, widget, signal_name): signals = self._autoconnected if not widget in signals: return for signal, signal_id in signals[widget]: if signal_name is None or signal == signal_name: widget.handler_unblock(signal_id)
[docs] def disconnect_autoconnected(self): for widget, signals in self._autoconnected.items(): for signal in signals: widget.disconnect(signal[1])
[docs]class GladeSignalBroker(SignalBroker): def _do_connections(self, view, methods): super(GladeSignalBroker, self)._do_connections(view, methods) self._connect_glade_signals(view, methods) def _connect_glade_signals(self, view, methods): # mainly because the two classes cannot have a common base # class. studying the class layout carefully or using # composition may be necessary. # called by framework.basecontroller. takes a controller, and # creates the dictionary to attach to the signals in the tree. if not methods: raise AssertionError("controller must be provided") dict = {} for name, method in methods.items(): if callable(method): dict[name] = method view._glade_adaptor.signal_autoconnect(dict)
[docs]class SlaveView(gobject.GObject): """ Base class for all View classes. Defines the essential class attributes (controller, toplevel, widgets) and handles initialization of toplevel and widgets. Once AbstractView.__init__() has been called, you can be sure self.toplevel and self.widgets are sane and processed. When a controller is associated with a View (the view should be passed in to its constructor) it will try and call a hook in the View called _attach_callbacks. See AbstractGladeView for an example of this method. """ controller = None toplevel = None widgets = [] toplevel_name = None gladefile = None domain = None # This signal is emited when the view wants to return a result value gsignal("result", object) # This is emitted when validation changed for a view # Used by parents views to know when child slaves changes gsignal('validation-changed', bool) def __init__(self, toplevel=None, widgets=None, gladefile=None, toplevel_name=None, domain=None): """ Creates a new SlaveView. Sets up self.toplevel and self.widgets and checks for reserved names. """ gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._broker = None self.slaves = {} self._proxies = [] self._valid = True # slave/widget name -> validation status self._validation = {} # stores the function that will be called when widgets # validity is checked self._validate_function = None # setup the initial state with the value of the arguments or the # class variables klass = type(self) self.toplevel = toplevel or klass.toplevel self.widgets = widgets or klass.widgets self.gladefile = gladefile or klass.gladefile self.toplevel_name = (toplevel_name or klass.toplevel_name or self.gladefile) self.domain = domain or klass.domain self._check_reserved() self._glade_adaptor = self.get_glade_adaptor() self.toplevel = self._get_toplevel() # grab the accel groups self._accel_groups = gtk.accel_groups_from_object(self.toplevel) # XXX: support normal widgets # notebook page label widget -> # dict (slave name -> validation status) self._notebook_validation = {} self._notebooks = self._get_notebooks() if len(self._notebooks) == 1: register_notebook_shortcuts(self, self._notebooks[0]) def _get_notebooks(self): if not self._glade_adaptor: return [] return [widget for widget in self._glade_adaptor.get_widgets() if isinstance(widget, gtk.Notebook)] def _check_reserved(self): for reserved in ["widgets", "toplevel", "gladefile", "tree", "model", "controller"]: # XXX: take into account widget constructor? if reserved in self.widgets: raise ValueError( "The widgets list for %s contains a widget named `%s', " "which is a reserved. name""" % (self, reserved)) def _get_toplevel(self): toplevel = self.toplevel if not toplevel and self.toplevel_name: toplevel = self.get_widget(self.toplevel_name) if not toplevel: raise TypeError("A View requires an instance variable " "called toplevel that specifies the " "toplevel widget in it") if isinstance(toplevel, gtk.Window): if toplevel.get_visible(): log.warn("Toplevel widget %s (%s) is visible; that's probably " "wrong" % (toplevel, toplevel.get_name())) return toplevel
[docs] def get_glade_adaptor(self): """Special init code that subclasses may want to override.""" if not self.gladefile: return glade_adaptor = _open_glade(self, self.gladefile, self.domain) container_name = self.toplevel_name if not container_name: raise ValueError( "You provided a gladefile %s to grab the widgets from " "but you didn't give me a toplevel/container name!" % self.gladefile) # a SlaveView inside a glade file needs to come inside a toplevel # window, so we pull our slave out from it, grab its groups and # muerder it later shell = glade_adaptor.get_widget(container_name) if not isinstance(shell, gtk.Window): raise TypeError("Container %s should be a Window, found %s" % ( container_name, type(shell))) self.toplevel = shell.get_child() shell.remove(self.toplevel) shell.destroy() return glade_adaptor # # Hooks #
[docs] def on_attach(self, parent): """ Hook function called when attach_slave is performed on slave views. """ pass
[docs] def on_startup(self): """ This is a virtual method that can be customized by classes that want to perform additional initalization after a controller has been set for it. If you need this, add this method to your View subclass and BaseController will call it when the controller is set to the proxy.""" pass # # Accessors #
[docs] def get_toplevel(self): """Returns the toplevel widget in the view""" return self.toplevel
[docs] def enable_window_controls(self): """Enables the dialog to have the same controls as a window (eg minimize, maximize and close buttons in its title bar). This method should be called before the window becomes visible. """ toplevel = self.get_toplevel() toplevel.set_type_hint(gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL)
[docs] def get_widget(self, name): """Retrieves the named widget from the View""" name = string.replace(name, '.', '_') if self._glade_adaptor: widget = self._glade_adaptor.get_widget(name) else: widget = getattr(self, name, None) if widget is None: raise AttributeError("Widget %s not found in view %s" % (name, self)) if not isinstance(widget, gtk.Widget): raise TypeError("%s in view %s is not a Widget" % (name, self)) return widget
[docs] def set_controller(self, controller): """ Sets the view's controller, checking to see if one has already been set before.""" # Only one controller per view, please if self.controller: raise AssertionError("This view already has a controller: %s" % self.controller) self.controller = controller # # GTK+ proxies and convenience functions #
[docs] def show_and_loop(self, parent=None): """ Runs show() and runs the GTK+ event loop. If the parent argument is supplied and is a valid view, this view is set as a transient for the parent view :param parent: """ if parent: self.set_transient_for(parent) gtk.main()
[docs] def show(self, *args): """Shows the toplevel widget"""
[docs] def show_all(self, *args): """Shows all widgets attached to the toplevel widget""" if self._glade_adaptor is not None: raise AssertionError("You don't want to call show_all on a " "SlaveView. Use show() instead.") self.toplevel.show_all()
[docs] def focus_toplevel(self): """Focuses the toplevel widget in the view""" # XXX: warn if there is no GdkWindow if self.toplevel and self.toplevel.window is not None: self.toplevel.grab_focus()
[docs] def focus_topmost(self, widgets=None): """ Looks through widgets specified (if no widgets are specified, look through all widgets attached to the view and sets focus to the widget that is rendered in the position closest to the view window's top and left - widgets: a list of widget names to be searched through """ widget = self.get_topmost_widget(widgets, can_focus=True) if widget is not None: widget.grab_focus() # So it can be idle_added safely return False
[docs] def get_topmost_widget(self, widgets=None, can_focus=False): """ A real hack; returns the widget that is most to the left and top of the window. - widgets: a list of widget names. If widgets is supplied, it only checks in the widgets in the list; otherwise, it looks at the widgets named in self.widgets, or, if self.widgets is None, looks through all widgets attached to the view. - can_focus: boolean, if set only searches through widget that can be focused """ # XXX: recurse through containers from toplevel widget, better # idea and will work. widgets = widgets or self.widgets or self.__dict__.keys() top_widget = None for widget_name in widgets: widget = getattr(self, widget_name) if not isinstance(widget, gtk.Widget): continue if not widget.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: # If widget isn't realized but we have a toplevel # window, it's safe to realize it. If this check isn't # performed, we get a crash as per # if isinstance(widget.get_toplevel(), gtk.Window): widget.realize() else: log.warn("get_topmost_widget: widget %s was not realized" % widget_name) continue if can_focus: # Combos don't focus, but their entries do if isinstance(widget, gtk.Combo): widget = widget.entry if not widget.flags() & gtk.CAN_FOCUS or \ isinstance(widget, (gtk.Label, gtk.HSeparator, gtk.VSeparator, gtk.Window)): continue if top_widget: allocation = widget.allocation top_allocation = getattr(top_widget, 'allocation', None) assert top_allocation != None if (top_allocation[0] + top_allocation[1] > allocation[0] + allocation[1]): top_widget = widget else: top_widget = widget return top_widget # # Callback handling #
def _attach_callbacks(self, controller): if self._glade_adaptor is None: brokerclass = SignalBroker else: brokerclass = GladeSignalBroker self._broker = brokerclass(self, controller) if self.toplevel: self.toplevel.connect("key-press-event", controller.on_key_press) # # Slave handling #
[docs] def attach_slave(self, name, slave, placeholder_widget=None): """Attaches a slaveview to the current view, substituting the widget specified by placeholder_widget. If placeholder_widget is not specified, an widget with the name specified must exist. The widget specified *must* be a eventbox; its child widget will be removed and substituted for the specified slaveview's toplevel widget:: .-----------------------. the widget that is indicated in the diagram |window/view (self.view)| as placeholder will be substituted for the | .----------------. | slaveview's toplevel. | | eventbox (name)| | .-----------------. | |.--------------.| |slaveview (slave)| | || placeholder <----. |.---------------.| | |'--------------'| \___ toplevel || | '----------------' | ''---------------'| '-----------------------' '-----------------' the original way of attachment (naming the *child* widget instead of the eventbox) is still supported for compatibility reasons but will print a warning. """ log('%s: Attaching slave %s of type %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name, slave.__class__.__name__)) if name in self.slaves: # XXX: TypeError log.warn("A slave with name %s is already attached to %r" % ( name, self)) self.slaves[name] = slave if not isinstance(slave, SlaveView): raise TypeError("slave must be a SlaveView, not a %s" % type(slave)) shell = slave.get_toplevel() if isinstance(shell, gtk.Window): # view with toplevel window new_widget = shell.get_child() shell.remove(new_widget) # remove from window to allow reparent else: # slaveview new_widget = shell placeholder = placeholder_widget or self.get_widget(name) placeholder.set_data('kiwi::slave', self) if not placeholder: raise AttributeError( "slave container widget `%s' not found" % name) parent = placeholder.get_parent() if slave._accel_groups: # take care of accelerator groups; attach to parent window if we # have one; if embedding a slave into another slave, store its # accel groups; otherwise complain if we're dropping the # accelerators win = parent.get_toplevel() if isinstance(win, gtk.Window): # use idle_add to be sure we attach the groups as late # as possible and avoid reattaching groups -- see # comment in _attach_groups. gtk.idle_add(self._attach_groups, win, slave._accel_groups) elif isinstance(self, SlaveView): self._accel_groups.extend(slave._accel_groups) else: log.warn("attached slave %s to parent %s, but parent lacked " "a window and was not a slave view" % (slave, self)) slave._accel_groups = [] # Merge the sizegroups of the slave that is being attached with the # sizegroups of where it is being attached to. Only the sizegroups # with the same name will be merged. for sizegroup in slave.get_sizegroups(): self._merge_sizegroup(sizegroup) if isinstance(placeholder, gtk.EventBox): # standard mechanism child = placeholder.get_child() if child is not None: placeholder.remove(child) placeholder.set_visible_window(False) placeholder.add(new_widget) elif isinstance(parent, gtk.EventBox): # backwards compatibility log.warn("attach_slave's api has changed: read docs, update code!") parent.remove(placeholder) parent.add(new_widget) else: raise TypeError( "widget to be replaced must be wrapped in eventbox") # when attaching a slave we usually want it visible # call slave's callback slave.on_attach(self) slave.connect('validation-changed', self._on_child__validation_changed, name) for notebook in self._notebooks: for child in notebook.get_children(): if not shell.is_ancestor(child): continue label = notebook.get_tab_label(child) slave.connect('validation-changed', self._on_notebook_slave__validation_changed, name, label) self._notebook_validation[label] = {} # Fire of an initial notification slave.check_and_notify_validity(force=True) # return placeholder we just removed return placeholder
[docs] def get_sizegroups(self): """ Get a list of sizegroups for the current view. """ if not self._glade_adaptor: return [] return self._glade_adaptor.get_sizegroups()
def _merge_sizegroup(self, other_sizegroup): # Merge sizegroup from other with self that have the same name. # Actually, no merging is being done, since the old group is preserved name = other_sizegroup.get_data('gazpacho::object-id') if name is None: return sizegroup = getattr(self, name, None) if not sizegroup: return widgets = other_sizegroup.get_data('gazpacho::sizegroup-widgets') if not widgets: return for widget in widgets: sizegroup.add_widget(widget)
[docs] def detach_slave(self, name): """ Detatch a slave called name from view """ if not name in self.slaves: raise LookupError("There is no slaved called %s attached to %r" % (name, self)) del self.slaves[name]
def _attach_groups(self, win, accel_groups): # get groups currently attached to the window; we use them # to avoid reattaching an accelerator to the same window, which # generates messages like: # # gtk-critical **: file gtkaccelgroup.c: line 188 # (gtk_accel_group_attach): assertion `g_slist_find # (accel_group->attach_objects, object) == null' failed. # # interestingly, this happens many times with notebook, # because libglade creates and attaches groups in runtime to # its toplevel window. current_groups = gtk.accel_groups_from_object(win) for group in accel_groups: if group in current_groups: # skip group already attached continue win.add_accel_group(group)
[docs] def get_slave(self, holder): return self.slaves.get(holder) # # Signal connection #
[docs] def connect_multiple(self, widgets, signal, handler, after=False): """ Connect the same handler to the specified signal for a number of widgets. - widgets: a list of GtkWidgets - signal: a string specifying the signals - handler: a callback method - after: a boolean; if TRUE, we use connect_after(), otherwise, connect() """ if not isinstance(widgets, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("widgets must be a list, found %s" % widgets) for widget in widgets: if not isinstance(widget, gtk.Widget): raise TypeError( "Only Gtk widgets may be passed in list, found\n%s" % widget) if after: widget.connect_after(signal, handler) else: widget.connect(signal, handler)
[docs] def disconnect_autoconnected(self): """ Disconnect handlers previously connected with autoconnect_signals()""" self._broker.disconnect_autoconnected()
[docs] def handler_block(self, widget, signal_name=None): # XXX: Warning, or bail out? if not self._broker: return self._broker.handler_block(widget, signal_name)
[docs] def handler_unblock(self, widget, signal_name=None): if not self._broker: return self._broker.handler_unblock(widget, signal_name) # # Proxies #
[docs] def add_proxy(self, model=None, widgets=None): """ Add a proxy to this view that automatically update a model when the view changes. Arguments: - model. the object we are proxing. It can be None if we don't have a model yet and we want to display the interface and set it up with future models. - widgets. the list of widgets that contains model attributes to be proxied. If it is None (or not specified) it will be the whole list of widgets this View has. This method return a Proxy object that you may want to use to force updates or setting new models. Keep a reference to it since there is no way to get that proxy later on. You have been warned (tm) """ log('%s: adding proxy for %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, model and model.__class__.__name__)) widgets = widgets or self.widgets for widget_name in widgets: widget = getattr(self, widget_name, None) if widget is None: continue if not IValidatableProxyWidget.providedBy(widget): continue try: widget.connect('validation-changed', self._on_child__validation_changed, widget_name) except TypeError: raise AssertionError("%r does not have a validation-changed " "signal." % widget) proxy = Proxy(self, model, widgets) self._proxies.append(proxy) return proxy # # Validation #
def _on_child__validation_changed(self, child, value, name): # Children of the view, eg slaves or widgets are connected to # this signal. When validation changes of a validatable child # this callback is called if isinstance(child, gtk.Widget): # Force invisible and insensitive widgets to be valid if (not child.get_property('visible') or not child.get_property('sensitive')): value = True self._validation[name] = value self.check_and_notify_validity() def _on_notebook_slave__validation_changed(self, slave, value, name, label): if not label: return validation = self._notebook_validation[label] validation[name] = value is_valid = True if False in validation.values(): is_valid = False if is_valid: color = color_black else: color = color_red # Only modify active state, since that's the (somewhat badly named) # state used for the pages which are not selected. label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, color) label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
[docs] def check_and_notify_validity(self, force=False): # Current view is only valid if we have no invalid children # their status are stored as values in the dictionary is_valid = True if False in self._validation.values(): is_valid = False # Check if validation really changed if self._valid == is_valid and force == False: return self._valid = is_valid self.emit('validation-changed', is_valid) # FIXME: Remove and update all callsites to use validation-changed if self._validate_function: self._validate_function(is_valid)
[docs] def force_validation(self): self.check_and_notify_validity(force=True)
[docs] def register_validate_function(self, function): """The signature of the validate function is: def function(is_valid): or, if it is a method: def function(self, is_valid): where the 'is_valid' parameter is True if all the widgets have valid data or False otherwise. """ self._validate_function = function
[docs]class BaseView(SlaveView): """A view with a toplevel window.""" def __init__(self, toplevel=None, widgets=None, gladefile=None, toplevel_name=None, domain=None, delete_handler=None): SlaveView.__init__(self, toplevel, widgets, gladefile, toplevel_name, domain) if not isinstance(self.toplevel, gtk.Window): raise TypeError("toplevel widget must be a Window " "(or inherit from it),\nfound `%s' %s" % (toplevel, self.toplevel)) self.toplevel.set_name(self.__class__.__name__) if delete_handler: id = self.toplevel.connect("delete-event", delete_handler) if not id: raise ValueError( "Invalid delete handler provided: %s" % delete_handler)
[docs] def get_glade_adaptor(self): if not self.gladefile: return return _open_glade(self, self.gladefile, self.domain) # # Hook for keypress handling #
def _attach_callbacks(self, controller): super(BaseView, self)._attach_callbacks(controller) self._setup_keypress_handler(controller.on_key_press) def _setup_keypress_handler(self, keypress_handler): self.toplevel.connect_after("key_press_event", keypress_handler) # # Proxying for self.toplevel #
[docs] def set_transient_for(self, view): """Makes the view a transient for another view; this is commonly done for dialogs, so the dialog window is managed differently than a top-level one. """ if hasattr(view, 'toplevel') and isinstance(view.toplevel, gtk.Window): self.toplevel.set_transient_for(view.toplevel) # In certain cases, it is more convenient to send in a window; # for instance, in a deep slaveview hierarchy, getting the # top view is difficult. We used to print a warning here, I # removed it for convenience; we might want to put it back when # is fixed elif isinstance(view, gtk.Window): self.toplevel.set_transient_for(view) else: raise TypeError("Parameter to set_transient_for should " "be View (found %s)" % view)
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """Sets the view's window title""" self.toplevel.set_title(title) # # Focus handling #
[docs] def get_focus_widget(self): """Returns the currently focused widget in the window""" return self.toplevel.get_focus()
[docs] def check_focus(self): """ Tests the focus in the window and prints a warning if no widget is focused. """ focus = self.toplevel.get_focus() if focus: return values = self.__dict__.values() interactive = None # Check if any of the widgets is interactive for v in values: if (isinstance(v, gtk.Widget) and not isinstance(v, _non_interactive)): interactive = v if interactive: log.warn("No widget is focused in view %s but you have an " "interactive widget in it: %s""" % (self, interactive)) # # Window show/hide and mainloop manipulation #
[docs] def hide(self, *args): """Hide the view's window""" self.toplevel.hide()
[docs] def show_all(self, parent=None, *args): self.toplevel.show_all(), *args)
[docs] def show(self, parent=None, *args): """Show the view's window. If the parent argument is supplied and is a valid view, this view is set as a transient for the parent view. """ # Uniconize window if minimized self.toplevel.present() # this call for us self.check_focus() if parent is not None: self.set_transient_for(parent)
[docs] def quit_if_last(self, *args): quit_if_last(*args)
[docs] def hide_and_quit(self, *args): """Hides the current window and breaks the GTK+ event loop if this is the last window. Its method signature allows it to be used as a signal handler. """ self.toplevel.hide() self.quit_if_last()
def _get_gazpacho(): try: from kiwi.ui.gazpacholoader import GazpachoWidgetTree except ImportError: return return GazpachoWidgetTree def _get_libglade(): try: from kiwi.ui.libgladeloader import LibgladeWidgetTree except ImportError: return return LibgladeWidgetTree def _get_gaxml(): try: from kiwi.ui.gaxmlloader import GAXMLWidgetTree except ImportError: return return GAXMLWidgetTree def _get_builder(): try: from kiwi.ui.builderloader import BuilderWidgetTree except ImportError: return return BuilderWidgetTree def _open_glade(view, gladefile, domain): if not gladefile: raise ValueError("A gladefile wasn't provided.") elif not isinstance(gladefile, basestring): raise TypeError( "gladefile should be a string, found %s" % type(gladefile)) if gladefile.endswith('.ui'): directory = os.path.dirname(namedAny(view.__module__).__file__) gladefile = os.path.join(directory, gladefile) else: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gladefile))[0] try: gladefile = environ.find_resource("glade", filename + '.glade') except EnvironmentError: gladefile = environ.find_resource("glade", filename + '.ui') fp = open(gladefile) sniff = fp.close() if '<interface' in sniff: WidgetTree = _get_builder() loader_name = 'builder' # glade-2: <!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM ""> # glade-3: <!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "glade-2.0.dtd"> elif 'glade-2.0.dtd' in sniff: WidgetTree = _get_libglade() loader_name = 'libglade' elif 'gaxml-0.1.dtd' in sniff: WidgetTree = _get_gaxml() loader_name = 'gaxml' # gazpacho: <!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM ""> elif 'gazpacho-0.1.dtd' in sniff: WidgetTree = _get_gazpacho() loader_name = 'gazpacho.loader' else: log.warning("Could not determine type/dtd of gladefile %s" % gladefile) # Defaulting to builder WidgetTree = _get_builder() loader_name = 'builder' # None means, failed to import if WidgetTree is None: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find %s, it needs to be installed to " "load the gladefile %r" % (loader_name, gladefile)) return WidgetTree(view, gladefile, domain)