Source code for kiwi.ui.widgets.spinbutton

# Kiwi: a Framework and Enhanced Widgets for Python
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Async Open Source
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
# Author(s): Christian Reis <>
#            Gustavo Rahal <>
#            Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <>
#            Evandro Vale Miquelito <>

"""GtkSpinButton support for the Kiwi Framework


import gobject
import gtk

from kiwi.datatypes import number, ValueUnset
from kiwi.python import deprecationwarn
from kiwi.ui.proxywidget import ProxyWidgetMixin, ValidatableProxyWidgetMixin
from kiwi.utils import gsignal, type_register

[docs]class ProxySpinButton(gtk.SpinButton, ValidatableProxyWidgetMixin): """ A SpinButton subclass which adds supports for the Kiwi Framework. This widget supports validation The only allowed types for spinbutton are int and float. """ __gtype_name__ = 'ProxySpinButton' data_type = getter=ProxyWidgetMixin.get_data_type, setter=ProxyWidgetMixin.set_data_type, type=str, blurb='Data Type') mandatory =, default=False) model_attribute =, blurb='Model attribute') gsignal('content-changed') gsignal('validation-changed', bool) gsignal('validate', object, retval=object) allowed_data_types = number def __init__(self, data_type=int): # since the default data_type is str we need to set it to int # or float for spinbuttons gtk.SpinButton.__init__(self) ValidatableProxyWidgetMixin.__init__(self) self.props.data_type = data_type self.set_property('xalign', 1.0) gsignal('changed', 'override')
[docs] def do_changed(self): """Called when the content of the spinbutton changes. """ # This is a work around, because GtkEditable.changed is called too # often, as reported here: if self.get_text() != '': self.emit('content-changed') self.chain()
[docs] def read(self): return self._from_string(self.get_text())
[docs] def update(self, data): if data is None or data is ValueUnset: self.set_text("") else: # set_value accepts a float or int, no as_string conversion needed, # and since we accept only int and float just send it in. self.set_value(data) # Old IconEntry API
[docs] def set_tooltip(self, text): self.set_property('primary-icon-tooltip-text', text)
[docs] def set_pixbuf(self, pixbuf): # Spinbuttons are always right aligned self.set_property('primary-icon-pixbuf', pixbuf)
[docs] def update_background(self, color): self.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
[docs] def get_background(self): return[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
[docs]class SpinButton(ProxySpinButton): def __init__(self): deprecationwarn( 'SpinButton is deprecated, use ProxySpinButton instead', stacklevel=3) ProxySpinButton.__init__(self)