Source code for stoq.gui.inventory

# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8 -*-
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## Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
""" Main gui definition for inventory application. """

import datetime

import gtk
from kiwi.ui.objectlist import Column
from kiwi.ui.dialogs import save
from storm.expr import Join

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.domain.inventory import Inventory
from stoqlib.domain.person import Branch
from stoqlib.domain.product import ProductStockItem, Storable
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable
from stoqlib.enums import SearchFilterPosition
from stoqlib.exceptions import DatabaseInconsistency
from stoqlib.gui.editors.inventoryadjustmenteditor import InventoryAdjustmentEditor
from stoqlib.gui.editors.inventoryeditor import InventoryOpenEditor
from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.inventorydetails import InventoryDetailsDialog
from import IdentifierColumn, SearchColumn
from import ComboSearchFilter
from stoqlib.gui.utils.keybindings import get_accels
from stoqlib.gui.wizards.inventorywizard import InventoryCountWizard
from stoqlib.lib.message import warning, yesno
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _
from stoqlib.reporting.product import ProductCountingReport
from stoqlib.reporting.inventory import InventoryReport

from import ShellApp

[docs]class InventoryApp(ShellApp): # TODO: Change all widget.set_sensitive to self.set_sensitive([widget]) app_title = _('Inventory') gladefile = "inventory" search_spec = Inventory search_labels = _('Matching:') report_table = InventoryReport # # Application #
[docs] def create_actions(self): group = get_accels('app.inventory') actions = [ # File ('NewInventory', None, _('Inventory...'), group.get('new_inventory'), _('Create a new inventory for product counting')), # Inventory ('InventoryMenu', None, _('Inventory')), ('Details', gtk.STOCK_INFO, _('Details...'), group.get('inventory_details'), _('See details about this inventory')), ('CountingAction', gtk.STOCK_INDEX, _('_Count...'), group.get('inventory_count'), _('Register the actual stock of products in the selected ' 'inventory')), ('AdjustAction', gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, _('_Adjust...'), group.get('inventory_adjust'), _('Adjust the stock accordingly to the counting in the selected ' 'inventory')), ('Cancel', gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, _('Cancel...'), group.get('inventory_cancel'), _('Cancel the selected inventory')), ('Export', gtk.STOCK_SAVE, _('Export for external counting...'), None, _('Export the list of products for external counting')), ('PrintProductListing', gtk.STOCK_PRINT, _('Print product listing...'), group.get('inventory_print'), _('Print the product listing for this inventory')) ] self.inventory_ui = self.add_ui_actions('', actions, filename='inventory.xml') self.set_help_section(_("Inventory help"), 'app-inventory') self.AdjustAction.set_short_label(_("Adjust")) self.CountingAction.set_short_label(_("Count")) self.Details.set_short_label(_("Details")) self.Cancel.set_short_label(_("Cancel")) self.AdjustAction.props.is_important = True self.CountingAction.props.is_important = True self.Details.props.is_important = True self.Cancel.props.is_important = True
[docs] def create_ui(self): self.popup = self.uimanager.get_widget('/InventorySelection') self.window.add_new_items([self.NewInventory]) self.window.Print.set_tooltip( _("Print a report of these inventories"))
[docs] def activate(self, refresh=True): if refresh: # Avoid letting this sensitive if has-rows is never emitted self.refresh() self._update_widgets() self.window.SearchToolItem.set_sensitive(False)
[docs] def deactivate(self): self.uimanager.remove_ui(self.inventory_ui) self.window.SearchToolItem.set_sensitive(True)
[docs] def new_activate(self): if not self.NewInventory.get_sensitive(): warning(_("You cannot open an inventory without having a " "branch with stock in it.")) return self._open_inventory()
[docs] def create_filters(self): # Disable string search right now, until we use a proper Viewable # for this application self.branch_filter = ComboSearchFilter(_('Show inventories at:'), self._get_branches_for_filter()) current = api.get_current_branch( self.add_filter(self.branch_filter, SearchFilterPosition.TOP, columns=["branch_id"])
[docs] def get_columns(self): return [IdentifierColumn('identifier', title=_('Inventory #'), sorted=True, order=gtk.SORT_DESCENDING), SearchColumn('status_str', title=_('Status'), data_type=str, width=100, valid_values=self._get_status_values(), search_attribute='status'), Column('branch.description', title=_('Branch'), data_type=str, expand=True), SearchColumn('open_date', title=_('Opened'), long_title=_('Date Opened'),, width=120), SearchColumn('close_date', title=_('Closed'), long_title=_('Date Closed'),, width=120)]
# # Private API # def _get_status_values(self): values = [(v, k) for k, v in Inventory.statuses.items()] values.insert(0, (_("Any"), None)) return values def _get_branches(self): return def _get_branches_for_filter(self): items = [(b.get_description(), for b in self._get_branches()] if not items: raise DatabaseInconsistency('You should have at least one ' 'branch on your database.' 'Found zero') items.insert(0, [_('All branches'), None]) return items def _update_widgets(self): has_open = False all_counted = False has_adjusted = False selected = self.results.get_selected() if selected: all_counted = selected.all_items_counted() has_open = selected.is_open() has_adjusted = selected.has_adjusted_items() self.set_sensitive([self.PrintProductListing, self.Details], bool(selected)) self.set_sensitive([self.Cancel], has_open and not has_adjusted) self.set_sensitive([self.NewInventory], self._can_open()) self.set_sensitive([self.CountingAction], has_open and not all_counted) self.set_sensitive([self.AdjustAction], has_open and all_counted) self.window.set_new_menu_sensitive(self._can_open()) def _can_open(self): branch = api.get_current_branch( if Inventory.has_open(, branch): return False # It doesn't make sense to open an inventory if we don't have any stock return, branch=branch).count() > 0 def _open_inventory(self): with api.new_store() as store: rv = self.run_dialog(InventoryOpenEditor, store) if rv: self.refresh() self._update_widgets() def _cancel_inventory(self): if not yesno(_('Are you sure you want to cancel this inventory ?'), gtk.RESPONSE_NO, _("Cancel inventory"), _("Don't cancel")): return store = api.new_store() inventory = store.fetch(self.results.get_selected()) inventory.cancel() store.commit() store.close() self.refresh() self._update_widgets() def _export_product_list(self): filename = save(_("Save products file"), self.get_toplevel(), "%s.txt" % (_('products'))) if not filename: return tables = [ Sellable, Join(Storable, ==, ] sellables =*tables).find(Sellable) with open(filename, 'w') as fh: for sellable in sellables: # TODO: Add a dialog for the user to choose the format for # exporting fh.write('%-20s%s\n' % (sellable.barcode, sellable.description)) def _register_product_counting(self): store = api.new_store() inventory = store.fetch(self.results.get_selected()) model = self.run_dialog(InventoryCountWizard, store, inventory) store.confirm(model) store.close() self.refresh() self._update_widgets() def _adjust_product_quantities(self): store = api.new_store() inventory = store.fetch(self.results.get_selected()) model = self.run_dialog(InventoryAdjustmentEditor, store, inventory) store.confirm(model) store.close() self.refresh() self._update_widgets() def _update_filter_slave(self, slave): self.refresh() def _get_sellables_by_inventory(self, inventory): for item in inventory.get_items(): yield item.product.sellable def _show_inventory_details(self): store = api.new_store() inventory = store.fetch(self.results.get_selected()) self.run_dialog(InventoryDetailsDialog, store, inventory) store.close() # # Callbacks #
[docs] def on_NewInventory__activate(self, action): self._open_inventory()
[docs] def on_CountingAction__activate(self, action): self._register_product_counting()
[docs] def on_AdjustAction__activate(self, action): self._adjust_product_quantities()
[docs] def on_Details__activate(self, action): self._show_inventory_details()
[docs] def on_results__selection_changed(self, results, product): self._update_widgets()
[docs] def on_results__right_click(self, results, result, event): self.popup.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
[docs] def on_results__double_click(self, results, inventory): self._show_inventory_details()
[docs] def on_Cancel__activate(self, widget): self._cancel_inventory()
[docs] def on_Export__activate(self, widget): self._export_product_list()
[docs] def on_PrintProductListing__activate(self, button): selected = self.results.get_selected() sellables = list(self._get_sellables_by_inventory(selected)) if not sellables: warning(_("No products found in the inventory.")) return self.print_report(ProductCountingReport, sellables)