Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 *-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

# NOTE: We need to be careful about imports at this point, we cannot yet
#       depend that all libraries are present, nor that all external
#       dependencies are properly configured, so only import the standard
#       library here.
import locale
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import time
import traceback

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ShellBootstrap(object): """Bootstraps the Stoq application, it's responsible for: - Setting up log files - Checking dependencies - Setting up libraries (gobject, gtk, kiwi) - Checking version - Locale - User settings and keybindings When this is completed Stoq is ready to connect to a database. """ def __init__(self, options, initial): self._initial = initial self._log_filename = None self._options = options self.entered_main = False = None
[docs] def bootstrap(self): self._setup_gobject() self._set_uptime() # Do this as soon as possible, before we attempt to use the # external libraries/resources self._set_user_locale() # Do this as early as possible to get as much as possible into the # log file itself, which means we cannot depend on the config or # anything else self._prepare_logfiles() self._set_app_info() self._check_dependencies() self._setup_exception_hook() self._setup_gtk() self._setup_kiwi() self._show_splash() self._setup_psycopg() self._check_version_policy() self._setup_ui_dialogs() self._setup_cookiefile() self._register_stock_icons() self._setup_domain_slave_mapper() self._load_key_bindings() self._setup_debug_options() self._check_locale() self._setup_autoreload()
def _setup_gobject(self): if not self._initial: return import gobject gobject.threads_init() def _set_uptime(self): from stoqlib.lib.uptime import set_initial set_initial() def _set_user_locale(self): from stoqlib.lib.settings import get_settings from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _ self._locale_error = None settings = get_settings() lang = settings.get('user-locale', None) if not lang: return lang += '.UTF-8' try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, lang) except locale.Error as err: msg = _("Could not set locale to %s. Make sure that you have " "the packages for this locale installed.") % lang[:-6] self._locale_error = (msg, err) log.warning(msg) else: os.environ['LC_ALL'] = lang os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = lang def _setup_autoreload(self): if not self._options.autoreload: return from stoqlib.lib.autoreload import install_autoreload install_autoreload() def _prepare_logfiles(self): from stoqlib.lib.osutils import get_application_dir stoqdir = get_application_dir("stoq") log_dir = os.path.join(stoqdir, 'logs', time.strftime('%Y'), time.strftime('%m')) if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) filename = 'stoq_%s.%s.log' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), os.getpid()) self._log_filename = os.path.join(log_dir, filename) from kiwi.log import set_log_file self._stream = set_log_file(self._log_filename, 'stoq*') if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): link_file = os.path.join(stoqdir, 'stoq.log') if os.path.exists(link_file): os.unlink(link_file) os.symlink(self._log_filename, link_file) # We want developers to see deprecation warnings. from stoqlib.lib.environment import is_developer_mode if is_developer_mode(): import warnings if self._options.non_fatal_warnings: action = "default" else: action = "error" warnings.filterwarnings( action, category=DeprecationWarning, module="^(stoq|kiwi)") def _set_app_info(self): from kiwi.component import provide_utility from stoqlib.lib.appinfo import AppInfo from stoqlib.lib.kiwilibrary import library from stoqlib.lib.interfaces import IAppInfo import stoq # FIXME: use only stoq.stoq_version here and all other callsites of # IAppInfo stoq_version = stoq.version stoq_ver = stoq.stoq_version if hasattr(library, 'get_revision'): rev = library.get_revision() if rev is not None: stoq_version += ' ' + rev stoq_ver += (rev,) info = AppInfo() info.set("name", "Stoq") info.set("version", stoq_version) info.set("ver", stoq_ver) info.set("log", self._log_filename) provide_utility(IAppInfo, info) def _check_dependencies(self): from stoq.lib.dependencies import check_dependencies check_dependencies() def _setup_exception_hook(self): if self._options.debug: hook = self._debug_hook else: hook = self._write_exception_hook sys.excepthook = hook def _setup_gtk(self): import gtk from kiwi.environ import environ # Total madness to make sure we can draw treeview lines, # this affects the GtkTreeView::grid-line-pattern style property # # Two bytes are sent in, see gtk_tree_view_set_grid_lines in gtktreeview.c # Byte 1 should be as high as possible, gtk+ 0x7F appears to be # the highest allowed for Gtk+ 2.22 while 0xFF worked in # earlier versions # Byte 2 should ideally be allowed to be 0, but neither C nor Python # allows that. # data = environ.get_resource_string("stoq", "misc", "stoq.gtkrc") data = data.replace('\\x7f\\x01', '\x7f\x01') gtk.rc_parse_string(data) # Creating a button as a temporary workaround for bug #, until gtk 3.0 gtk.Button() settings = gtk.settings_get_default() settings.props.gtk_button_images = True from stoqlib.lib.environment import is_developer_mode if is_developer_mode() and gtk.gtk_version[0] == 2: from gtk import gdk # Install a Control-Q handler that forcefully exits # the program without saving any kind of state def event_handler(event): if (event.type == gdk.KEY_PRESS and event.state & gdk.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.q): os._exit(0) gtk.main_do_event(event) gdk.event_handler_set(event_handler) def _setup_kiwi(self): from kiwi.datatypes import get_localeconv from kiwi.ui.widgets.label import ProxyLabel ProxyLabel.replace('$CURRENCY', get_localeconv()['currency_symbol']) def _show_splash(self): if not self._options.splashscreen: return from stoqlib.gui.widgets.splash import show_splash show_splash() def _setup_psycopg(self): # This will only be required when we use uuid.UUID instances # for UUIDCol #from psycopg2.extras import register_uuid #register_uuid() return def _check_version_policy(self): # No need to bother version checking when not running in developer mode from stoqlib.lib.environment import is_developer_mode if not is_developer_mode(): return import stoq # # Policies for stoq/stoqlib versions, # All these policies here are made so that stoqlib version is tightly # tied to the stoq versioning # # We reserve the first 89 for the stable series. FIRST_UNSTABLE_MICRO_VERSION = 90 # Stable series of Stoq must: # 1) have extra_version set to < 90 # 2) Depend on a stoqlib version with extra_version < 90 # if stoq.stable: if (stoq.micro_version >= FIRST_UNSTABLE_MICRO_VERSION and not 'rc' in stoq.extra_version): # FIXME: Reenable this check for 1.13 series pass #raise SystemExit( # "Stable stoq release should set micro_version to " # "%d or lower" % (FIRST_UNSTABLE_MICRO_VERSION, )) # Unstable series of Stoq must have: # 1) have extra_version set to >= 90 # 2) Must depend stoqlib version with extra_version >= 90 # else: if stoq.micro_version < FIRST_UNSTABLE_MICRO_VERSION: raise SystemExit( "Unstable stoq (%s) must set micro_version to %d or higher, " "or did you forget to set stoq.stable to True?" % ( stoq.version, FIRST_UNSTABLE_MICRO_VERSION)) def _setup_ui_dialogs(self): # This needs to be here otherwise we can't install the dialog if 'STOQ_TEST_MODE' in os.environ: return log.debug('providing graphical notification dialogs') from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import DialogSystemNotifier from stoqlib.lib.interfaces import ISystemNotifier from kiwi.component import provide_utility provide_utility(ISystemNotifier, DialogSystemNotifier(), replace=True) import gtk from kiwi.environ import environ from kiwi.ui.pixbufutils import pixbuf_from_string data = environ.get_resource_string( 'stoq', 'pixmaps', 'stoq-stock-app-24x24.png') gtk.window_set_default_icon(pixbuf_from_string(data)) if platform.system() == 'Darwin': from AppKit import NSApplication, NSData, NSImage bytes = environ.get_resource_string( 'stoq', 'pixmaps', 'stoq-stock-app-48x48.png') data = NSData.alloc().initWithBytes_length_(bytes, len(bytes)) icon = NSImage.alloc().initWithData_(data) app = NSApplication.sharedApplication() app.setApplicationIconImage_(icon) def _setup_cookiefile(self): log.debug('setting up cookie file') from kiwi.component import provide_utility from stoqlib.lib.cookie import Base64CookieFile from stoqlib.lib.interfaces import ICookieFile from stoqlib.lib.osutils import get_application_dir app_dir = get_application_dir() cookiefile = os.path.join(app_dir, "cookie") provide_utility(ICookieFile, Base64CookieFile(cookiefile)) def _register_stock_icons(self): from stoqlib.gui.stockicons import register log.debug('register stock icons') register() def _setup_domain_slave_mapper(self): from kiwi.component import provide_utility from stoqlib.gui.interfaces import IDomainSlaveMapper from stoqlib.gui.slaves.domainslavemapper import DefaultDomainSlaveMapper provide_utility(IDomainSlaveMapper, DefaultDomainSlaveMapper(), replace=True) def _load_key_bindings(self): from stoqlib.gui.utils.keybindings import load_user_keybindings load_user_keybindings() def _check_locale(self): if not self._locale_error: return from stoqlib.lib.message import warning warning(self._locale_error[0], str(self._locale_error[1])) def _setup_debug_options(self): if not self._options.debug: return from gtk import keysyms from stoqlib.gui.utils.introspection import introspect_slaves from stoqlib.gui.utils.keyboardhandler import install_global_keyhandler install_global_keyhandler(keysyms.F12, introspect_slaves) # # Global functions # def _debug_hook(self, exctype, value, tb): self._write_exception_hook(exctype, value, tb) traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb) print() print('-- Starting debugger --') print() import pdb def _write_exception_hook(self, exctype, value, tb): try: from psycopg2 import OperationalError if exctype == OperationalError: from stoqlib.lib.message import error from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _ return error(_('There was an error quering the database'), str(value)) except ImportError: pass appname = 'unknown' try: from import get_shell shell = get_shell() if shell: appname = shell.get_current_app_name() except ImportError: pass window_name = 'unknown' try: from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import get_current_toplevel window = get_current_toplevel() if window: window_name = window.get_name() except ImportError: pass'An error occurred in application "%s", toplevel window=%s' % ( appname, window_name)) exc_lines = traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb) for line in ''.join(exc_lines).split('\n')[:-1]: log.error(line) from stoqlib.lib.crashreport import collect_traceback collect_traceback((exctype, value, tb)) if self.entered_main: return import gtk from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.crashreportdialog import show_dialog show_dialog(callback=gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() raise SystemExit
[docs]def boot_shell(options, initial=True): bootstrap = ShellBootstrap(options=options, initial=initial) bootstrap.bootstrap() # We can now import Shell which can import any dependencies it like, # as all should be configured properly at this point from import Shell shell = Shell(bootstrap, options) return shell