Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 *-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

""" Stoq shell routines"""

import logging
import os
import sys

import glib

# FIXME: We can import whatever we want here, but don't import anything
#        significant, it's good to maintain lazy loaded things during startup
from stoqlib.exceptions import StoqlibError
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_shell = None
    "One of the new features of Stoq 1.0 is support for online "
    "services. Features using the online services include automatic "
    "bug report and update notifications. More services are under development."
    "To be able to provide a better service and properly identify the user "
    "we will collect the CNPJ of the primary branch and the ip address.\n\n"
    "<b>We will not disclose the collected information and we are committed "
    "to keeping your privacy intact.</b>")

[docs]class ShellDatabaseConnection(object): """Sets up a database connection - Connects to a database - Telling why if it failed - Runs database wizard if needed - Runs schema migration - Activates plugins - Sets up main branch """ def __init__(self, options): self._options = options self._config = None self._ran_wizard = False
[docs] def connect(self): self._load_configuration() self._maybe_run_first_time_wizard() self._try_connect() self._post_connect()
def _load_configuration(self): from stoqlib.lib.configparser import StoqConfig log.debug('reading configuration') self._config = StoqConfig() if self._options.filename: self._config.load(self._options.filename) else: self._config.load_default() def _maybe_run_first_time_wizard(self): from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog from stoq.gui.config import FirstTimeConfigWizard config_file = self._config.get_filename() if self._options.wizard or not os.path.exists(config_file): run_dialog(FirstTimeConfigWizard, None, self._options) self._ran_wizard = True if self._config.get('Database', 'enable_production') == 'True': run_dialog(FirstTimeConfigWizard, None, self._options, self._config) self._ran_wizard = True def _get_password(self): import binascii configdir = self._config.get_config_directory() filename = os.path.join(configdir, 'data') if not os.path.exists(filename): return data = open(filename).read() return binascii.a2b_base64(data) def _try_connect(self): from stoqlib.lib.message import error try: store_uri = self._config.get_settings().get_store_uri() except Exception: type, value, trace = sys.exc_info() error(_("Could not open the database config file"), _("Invalid config file settings, got error '%s', " "of type '%s'") % (value, type)) from stoqlib.database.exceptions import PostgreSQLError from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_default_store from stoqlib.exceptions import DatabaseError from stoqlib.lib.pgpass import write_pg_pass from stoq.lib.startup import setup # XXX: progress dialog for connecting (if it takes more than # 2 seconds) or creating the database log.debug('calling setup()') try: setup(self._config, self._options, register_station=False, check_schema=False, load_plugins=False) # the setup call above is not really trying to connect (since # register_station, check_schema and load_plugins are all False). # Try to really connect here. get_default_store() except (StoqlibError, PostgreSQLError) as e: log.debug('Connection failed.') error(_('Could not connect to the database'), 'error=%s uri=%s' % (str(e), store_uri)) except DatabaseError: log.debug('Connection failed. Tring to setup .pgpass') # This is probably a missing password configuration. Setup the # pgpass file and try again. try: password = self._get_password() if not password: # There is no password stored in data file. Abort raise from stoqlib.database.settings import db_settings write_pg_pass(db_settings.dbname, db_settings.address, db_settings.port, db_settings.username, password) # Now that there is a pg_pass file, try to connect again get_default_store() except DatabaseError as e: log.debug('Connection failed again.') error(_('Could not connect to the database'), 'error=%s uri=%s' % (str(e), store_uri)) def _post_connect(self): self._check_schema_migration() self._check_branch() self._activate_plugins() def _check_schema_migration(self): from stoqlib.lib.message import error from stoqlib.database.migration import needs_schema_update from stoqlib.exceptions import DatabaseInconsistency if needs_schema_update(): self._run_update_wizard() from stoqlib.database.migration import StoqlibSchemaMigration migration = StoqlibSchemaMigration() try: migration.check() except DatabaseInconsistency as e: error(_('The database version differs from your installed ' 'version.'), str(e)) def _activate_plugins(self): from stoqlib.lib.pluginmanager import get_plugin_manager manager = get_plugin_manager() manager.activate_installed_plugins() def _check_branch(self): from stoqlib.database.runtime import (get_default_store, new_store, get_current_station, set_current_branch_station) from stoqlib.domain.person import Company from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam from stoqlib.lib.message import info default_store = get_default_store() compaines = default_store.find(Company) if (compaines.count() == 0 or not sysparam.has_object('MAIN_COMPANY')): from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.branchdialog import BranchDialog if self._ran_wizard: info(_("You need to register a company before start using Stoq")) else: info(_("Could not find a company. You'll need to register one " "before start using Stoq")) store = new_store() person = run_dialog(BranchDialog, None, store) if not person: raise SystemExit branch = person.branch sysparam.set_object(store, 'MAIN_COMPANY', branch) current_station = get_current_station(store) if current_station is not None: current_station.branch = branch store.commit() store.close() set_current_branch_station(default_store, station_name=None) def _run_update_wizard(self): from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog from stoq.gui.update import SchemaUpdateWizard retval = run_dialog(SchemaUpdateWizard, None) if not retval: raise SystemExit()
[docs]class Shell(object): """The main application shell - bootstraps via ShellBootstrap - connects to the database via ShellDatabaseConnection - handles login - runs applications """ def __init__(self, bootstrap, options, initial=True): global _shell _shell = self self._appname = None self._bootstrap = bootstrap self._dbconn = ShellDatabaseConnection(options=options) self._blocked_apps = [] self._hidden_apps = [] self._login = None self._options = options self._user = None = [] # # Private # def _do_login(self): from stoqlib.exceptions import LoginError from stoqlib.gui.utils.login import LoginHelper from stoqlib.lib.message import error self._login = LoginHelper(username=self._options.login_username) try: if not self.login(): return False except LoginError as e: error(str(e)) return False self._check_param_online_services() self._maybe_show_welcome_dialog() return True def _check_param_online_services(self): from stoqlib.database.runtime import new_store from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam import gtk if sysparam.get_bool('ONLINE_SERVICES') is None: from kiwi.ui.dialogs import HIGAlertDialog # FIXME: All of this is to avoid having to set markup as the default # in kiwi/ui/dialogs:HIGAlertDialog.set_details, after 1.0 # this can be simplified when we fix so that all descriptions # sent to these dialogs are properly escaped dialog = HIGAlertDialog( parent=None, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING) dialog.add_button(_("Not right now"), gtk.RESPONSE_NO) dialog.add_button(_("Enable online services"), gtk.RESPONSE_YES) dialog.set_primary(_('Do you want to enable Stoq online services?')) dialog.set_details(PRIVACY_STRING, use_markup=True) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_YES) response = dialog.destroy() store = new_store() sysparam.set_bool(store, 'ONLINE_SERVICES', response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES) store.commit() store.close() def _maybe_show_welcome_dialog(self): from stoqlib.api import api if not api.user_settings.get('show-welcome-dialog', True): return api.user_settings.set('show-welcome-dialog', False) from stoq.gui.welcomedialog import WelcomeDialog from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog run_dialog(WelcomeDialog) def _maybe_correct_demo_position(self, shell_window): # Possibly correct window position (livecd workaround for small # screens) from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam from stoqlib.lib.pluginmanager import get_plugin_manager manager = get_plugin_manager() if (sysparam.get_bool('DEMO_MODE') and manager.is_active(u'ecf')): pos = shell_window.toplevel.get_position() if pos[0] < 220: shell_window.toplevel.move(220, pos[1]) def _maybe_schedule_idle_logout(self): # Verify if the user will use automatic logout. from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam minutes = sysparam.get_int('AUTOMATIC_LOGOUT') # If user defined 0 minutes, ignore automatic logout. if minutes != 0: seconds = minutes * 60 glib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self._verify_idle_logout, seconds) def _verify_idle_logout(self, seconds): # This is called once every 10 seconds from stoqlib.gui.utils.idle import get_idle_seconds if get_idle_seconds() > seconds: return self._idle_logout() # Call us again in 10 seconds return True def _idle_logout(self): # Before performing logout, verify that the currently opened window # is modal. from kiwi.component import get_utility from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import has_modal_window from stoqlib.lib.interfaces import ICookieFile # If not a modal window, logout. # Otherwise returns True to continue checking the automatic logout. if not has_modal_window(): log.debug('Automatic logout') get_utility(ICookieFile).clear() self.quit(restart=True) return True def _logout(self): from stoqlib.database.runtime import (get_current_user, get_default_store) log.debug('Logging out the current user') try: user = get_current_user(get_default_store()) if user: user.logout() except StoqlibError: pass def _terminate(self, restart=False, app=None):"Terminating Stoq") # This removes all temporary files created when calling # get_resource_filename() that extract files to the file system import pkg_resources pkg_resources.cleanup_resources() log.debug('Stopping deamon') from stoqlib.lib.daemonutils import stop_daemon stop_daemon() # Finally, go out of the reactor and show possible crash reports log.debug("Show some crash reports") self._show_crash_reports() log.debug("Stoq gtk.main") import gtk gtk.main_quit() if restart: from stoqlib.lib.process import Process'Restarting Stoq') args = [sys.argv[0], '--no-splash-screen'] if app is not None: args.append(app) Process(args) # os._exit() forces a quit without running atexit handlers # and does not block on any running threads # FIXME: This is the wrong solution, we should figure out why there # are any running threads/processes at this point log.debug("Terminating by calling os._exit()") os._exit(0) raise AssertionError("Should never happen") def _show_crash_reports(self): from stoqlib.lib.crashreport import has_tracebacks if not has_tracebacks(): return if 'STOQ_DISABLE_CRASHREPORT' in os.environ: return import gtk from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.crashreportdialog import show_dialog show_dialog(gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() # # Public API #
[docs] def login(self): """ Do a login @param try_cookie: Try to use a cookie if one is available @returns: True if login succeed, otherwise false """ from stoqlib.exceptions import LoginError from stoqlib.lib.message import info user = self._login.cookie_login() if not user: try: user = self._login.validate_user() except LoginError as e: info(str(e)) if user: self._user = user return bool(user)
[docs] def get_current_app_name(self): """ Get the name of the currently running application @returns: the name @rtype: str """ if not return '' app =[0].current_app if not app: return '' return app.app_name
[docs] def create_window(self): """ Creates a new shell window. Note that it will not contain any applications and it will be hidden. :returns: the shell_window """ from import ShellWindow from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_default_store shell_window = ShellWindow(self._options, shell=self, store=get_default_store()) self._maybe_correct_demo_position(shell_window) return shell_window
[docs] def close_window(self, shell_window): """ Close a currently open window :param ShellWindow shell_window: the shell_window """ shell_window.close()
[docs] def main(self, appname, action_name=None): """ Start the shell. This will: - connect to the database - login the current user - create a new window - run the launcher/application selector app - run a mainloop This will only exit when the complete stoq application is shutdown. :param appname: name of the application to run :param action_name: action to activate or ``None`` """ self._dbconn.connect() if not self._do_login(): raise SystemExit if appname is None: appname = u'launcher' shell_window = self.create_window() app = shell_window.run_application(unicode(appname)) if action_name is not None: action = getattr(app, action_name, None) if action is not None: action.activate() self._maybe_schedule_idle_logout() log.debug("Entering main loop") self._bootstrap.entered_main = True import gtk gtk.main()"Leaving main loop")
[docs] def quit(self, restart=False, app=None): """ Quit the shell and exit the application. This will save user settings and then forcefully terminate the application :param restart: if ``True`` restart after terminating :param str app: if not ``None``, name of the application to restart """ from stoqlib.api import api self._logout() # Write user settings to disk, this obviously only happens when # termination the complete stoq application log.debug("Flushing user settings") api.user_settings.flush() self._terminate(restart=restart, app=app)
[docs]def get_shell(): return _shell