Source code for stoqlib.database.debug

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import datetime
import os
import sys
import platform
import struct

import psycopg2

from storm.tracer import BaseStatementTracer, install_tracer

    from sqlparse import engine, filters, sql
    has_sqlparse = True
except ImportError:
    has_sqlparse = False

[docs]def getTerminalSize(): if platform.system() != 'Linux': return 80, 20 import fcntl import termios env = os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')) except: return 80, 20 return cr cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except: pass if not cr: try: cr = (env['LINES'], env['COLUMNS']) except: cr = (25, 80) return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
if has_sqlparse:
[docs] class MyReindentFilter(filters.ReindentFilter): def __init__(self, max_width): self.max_width = max_width filters.ReindentFilter.__init__(self) def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist): identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers()) if len(identifiers) > 1 and not tlist.within(sql.Function): # This is not working in some cases # first = list(identifiers[0].flatten())[0] # num_offset = self._get_offset(first) - len(first.value) num_offset = 7 self.offset += num_offset width = self.offset for token in identifiers: width += len(str(token)) + 2 if width > self.max_width: tlist.insert_before(token, width = self.offset + len(str(token)) self.offset -= num_offset return True
[docs] def format_sql(statement, prefix_length=0): width, height = getTerminalSize() stack = engine.FilterStack() stack.enable_grouping() stack.stmtprocess.append(filters.StripWhitespaceFilter()) stack.stmtprocess.append(MyReindentFilter(width - 30)) stack.postprocess.append(filters.SerializerUnicode()) statement = ''.join( lines = statement.split('\n') new_lines = [lines[0]] for line in lines[1:]: new_lines.append(' ' * prefix_length + line) statement = '\n'.join(new_lines) return statement
[docs]class StoqlibDebugTracer(BaseStatementTracer): ATTRIBUTES = dict(bold=1, dark=2, underline=4, blink=5, reverse=7, concealed=8) COLORS = dict(grey=30, red=31, green=32, yellow=33, blue=34, magenta=35, cyan=36, white=37) RESET = '\033[0m' # pylint: disable=W1401 def __init__(self, stream=None): # This colors will be used to highlight the transaction self._available_colors = ['blue', 'green', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'red'] self._current_color = 0 # Mapping pid > color self._transactions = {} # Mapping pid > query count self._transactions_count = {} if stream is None: stream = sys.stderr self._stream = stream def _colored(self, text, color=None, attrs=None): if os.getenv('ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED') is None: fmt_str = '\033[%dm%s' # pylint: disable=W1401 if color is not None: text = fmt_str % (self.COLORS[color], text) if attrs is not None: for attr in attrs: text = fmt_str % (self.ATTRIBUTES[attr], text) text += self.RESET return text def _format_statement(self, statement, header_size): if has_sqlparse: statement = format_sql(statement, header_size) replaces = [] if statement.startswith('SELECT'): color = 'blue' replaces = ['SELECT', 'FROM', 'WHERE', 'GROUP BY', 'JOIN', 'LEFT', 'AND', 'OR', 'ORDER BY'] elif statement.startswith('UPDATE'): color = 'yellow' replaces = ['UPDATE', 'SET', 'WHERE'] elif statement.startswith('INSERT INTO transaction_entry'): # transaction entry inserting is quite common and always the same query. # Make it less prominent statement = self._colored(statement, 'white') elif statement.startswith('INSERT'): color = 'green' replaces = ['INSERT', 'INTO', 'VALUES'] elif statement.startswith('DELETE'): color = 'red' replaces = ['DELETE', 'FROM', 'WHERE'] for i in replaces: statement = statement.replace(i + ' ', self._colored(i, color) + ' ') statement = statement.replace(i + '\n', self._colored(i, color) + '\n') return statement
[docs] def write(self, msg): self._stream.write(msg) self._stream.flush()
[docs] def header(self, pid, color, header, tail='\n'): pid = self._colored('%s' % pid, color) header = self._colored('%5s' % header, 'grey', ['bold']) self.write("[%s %s]%s" % (pid, header, tail))
def _expanded_raw_execute(self, transaction, raw_cursor, statement): pid = raw_cursor.connection.get_backend_pid() self._transactions_count.setdefault(pid, 0) self._transactions_count[pid] += 1 count = self._transactions_count[pid] header_size = 9 + len(str(pid)) color = self._get_transaction_color(pid) pid = self._colored(pid, color) self._start_time = self.statement = self._format_statement(statement, header_size) # Dont write new line, so we can print the time at the end self.header(pid, color, count, tail=' ') self.write(self.statement + '\n')
[docs] def connection_raw_execute_success(self, transaction, raw_cursor, statement, params): pid = raw_cursor.connection.get_backend_pid() header_size = 9 + len(str(pid)) now = duration = now - self._start_time seconds = duration.seconds + float(duration.microseconds) / 10 ** 6 rows = raw_cursor.rowcount text = '%s%s seconds | %s rows | %s' % ( ' ' * header_size, self._colored(seconds, attrs=['bold']), self._colored(rows, attrs=['bold']), self._colored(now.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S.%f'), attrs=['bold'])) if statement.startswith('INSERT') and rows == 1: try: rowid = raw_cursor.fetchone()[0] raw_cursor.scroll(-1) text += ' | id: ' + self._colored(repr(rowid), attrs=['bold']) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: text = '' self.write(text + '\n')
def _get_transaction_color(self, pid): if pid not in self._transactions: self._transactions[pid] = self._available_colors[self._current_color] self._current_color += 1 if self._current_color == len(self._available_colors): self._current_color = 0 return self._transactions[pid]
[docs] def transaction_create(self, store): pid = store._connection._raw_connection.get_backend_pid() color = self._get_transaction_color(pid) self.header(pid, color, 'BEGIN')
[docs] def transaction_commit(self, store): pid = store._connection._raw_connection.get_backend_pid() color = self._get_transaction_color(pid) self.header(pid, color, 'COMIT')
[docs] def transaction_rollback(self, store, xid=None): pid = store._connection._raw_connection.get_backend_pid() color = self._get_transaction_color(pid) self.header(pid, color, 'ROLLB')
[docs] def transaction_close(self, store): pid = store._connection._raw_connection.get_backend_pid() color = self._get_transaction_color(pid) del self._transactions[pid] self.header(pid, color, 'CLOSE')
[docs]def enable(): install_tracer(StoqlibDebugTracer())