Source code for stoqlib.gui.dialogs.paymentflowhistorydialog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2010 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""Payment Flow History Report Dialog"""

from storm.expr import And, Eq, Or

from stoqlib.database.expr import Date
from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.daterangedialog import DateRangeDialog
from stoqlib.gui.utils.printing import print_report
from stoqlib.lib.message import info
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext
from stoqlib.reporting.payment import PaymentFlowHistoryReport

_ = stoqlib_gettext

# A few comments for the payment_flow_query:
# - The first table in the FROM clause is the list of all possible dates
# (due_date and paid_date) in the results. This is done so that the subsequent
# subselect can be joined properly
# - In that same subselect, we use IS NOT NULL to avoid an empty row for
# payments that were not received yet.
# - We filter out statuses (0, 5) to not include PREVIEW and CANCELED payments
# - payment_type = 1 are OUT_PAYMENTS  and 0 are IN_PAYMENTS

payment_flow_query = """
       COALESCE(payments_to_pay.count, 0) as to_pay_payments,
       COALESCE(payments_to_pay.to_pay, 0) as to_pay,
       COALESCE(payments_paid.count, 0) as paid_payments,
       COALESCE(payments_paid.paid, 0) as paid,
       COALESCE(payments_to_receive.count, 0) as to_receive_payments,
       COALESCE(payments_to_receive.to_receive, 0) as to_receive,
       COALESCE(payments_received.count, 0) as received_payments,
       COALESCE(payments_received.received, 0) as received

FROM (SELECT date(due_date) as date FROM payment
      UNION SELECT date(paid_date) as date FROM payment WHERE
      paid_date IS NOT NULL) as all_payment_dates

-- To pay (out payments)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE(due_date) as date, count(1) as count, sum(value) as to_pay
           FROM payment WHERE payment_type = 'out' AND status not in ('preview', 'cancelled')
           GROUP BY DATE(due_date))
     AS payments_to_pay ON ( =

-- Paid (out payments)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE(paid_date) as date, count(1) as count, sum(value) as paid
           FROM payment WHERE payment_type = 'out'
           AND payment.status not in ('preview', 'cancelled')
           GROUP BY DATE(paid_date))
     AS payments_paid ON ( =

-- To receive (in payments)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE(due_date) as date, count(1) as count, sum(value) as to_receive
           FROM payment WHERE payment_type = 'in'
           AND payment.status not in ('preview', 'cancelled')
           GROUP BY DATE(due_date))
     AS payments_to_receive ON ( =

-- Received (in payments)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE(paid_date) as date, count(1) as count, sum(value) as received
           FROM payment WHERE payment_type = 'in'
           AND payment.status not in ('preview', 'cancelled')
           GROUP BY DATE(paid_date))
     AS payments_received ON ( =

[docs]class PaymentFlowDay(object): def __init__(self, store, row, previous_day=None): """Payment Flow History for a given date :param row: A list of values from the payment_flow_query above :param previous_day: The `previous_day <PaymentFlowDay>`. This is used to calculate the expected and real balances for each day (based on the previous dates). """ (date, to_pay_count, to_pay, paid_count, paid, to_receive_count, to_receive, received_count, received) = row self.history_date = date # values self.to_pay = to_pay self.to_receive = to_receive self.paid = paid self.received = received # counts self.to_pay_payments = to_pay_count self.to_receive_payments = to_receive_count self.paid_payments = paid_count self.received_payments = received_count if previous_day: self.previous_balance = previous_day.balance_real else: self.previous_balance = 0 # Today's balance is the previous day balance, plus the payments we # received, minus what we paid. expected if for the payments we should # have paid/received self.balance_expected = self.previous_balance + to_receive - to_pay self.balance_real = self.previous_balance + received - paid = store
[docs] def get_divergent_payments(self): """Returns a :class:`Payment` sequence that meet the following requirements: * The payment due date, paid date or cancel date is the current PaymentFlowHistory date. * The payment was paid/received with different values (eg with discount or surcharge). * The payment was scheduled to be paid/received on the current, but it was not. * The payment was not expected to be paid/received on the current date. """ from stoqlib.domain.payment.payment import Payment date = self.history_date query = And(Or(Date(Payment.due_date) == date, Date(Payment.paid_date) == date, Date(Payment.cancel_date) == date), Or(Eq(Payment.paid_value, None), Payment.value != Payment.paid_value, Eq(Payment.paid_date, None), Date(Payment.due_date) != Date(Payment.paid_date))) return, query)
[docs] def get_flow_history(cls, store, start, end): """Get the payment flow history for a given date interval This will return a list of PaymentFlowDay, one for each date that has payments registered and are in the interval specified. """ history = [] previous_entry = None for row in store.execute(payment_flow_query).get_all(): entry = cls(store, row, previous_entry) if entry.history_date > end: break # We only store entries for dates higher than the user requested, but # we still need to create the entries from the beginning, so we # have the real balances if entry.history_date >= start: history.append(entry) previous_entry = entry return history
[docs]class PaymentFlowHistoryDialog(DateRangeDialog): title = _(u'Payment Flow History Dialog') desc = _("Select a date or a range to be visualised in the report:") size = (-1, -1) def __init__(self, store): """A dialog to print the PaymentFlowHistoryReport report. :param store: a store """ = store DateRangeDialog.__init__(self, title=self.title, header_text=self.desc) # # BasicDialog #
[docs] def confirm(self): DateRangeDialog.confirm(self) start = self.retval.start end = self.retval.end results = PaymentFlowDay.get_flow_history(, start, end) if not results: info(_('No payment history found.')) return False print_report(PaymentFlowHistoryReport, payment_histories=results) return True