# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <stoq-devel@async.com.br>
"""Production editors
This file contains several editors used in the production process:
* :py:class:`ProductionItemEditor`: A base class with some information about the product or
material (description, location, unit). See subclassesfor specifc usage.
* :py:class:`ProductionItemProducedEditor`: A dialog to enter the number of itens produced.
This uses the :py:class:`ProducedItemSlave` slave for serial number input
* :py:class:`ProductionServiceEditor`: Editor for an service item in the production order
* :py:class:`ProductionMaterialEditor`: Item for an production material in the production order
from decimal import Decimal
import gtk
from kiwi.datatypes import ValidationError
from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.domain.production import (ProductionItem, ProductionMaterial,
from stoqlib.gui.editors.baseeditor import BaseEditor
from stoqlib.gui.slaves.productionslave import ProducedItemSlave
from stoqlib.lib.defaults import QUANTITY_PRECISION, MAX_INT
from stoqlib.lib.message import info
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext
_ = stoqlib_gettext
[docs]class ProductionItemEditor(BaseEditor):
"""This is a base class for all items used in a production:
* :py:class:`~stoqlib.domain.production.ProductionItem`
(For both Produced and Lost items)
* :py:class:`~stoqlib.domain.production.ProductionService`
(When adding services to a production order)
* :py:class:`~stoqlib.domain.production.ProductionMaterial`
(The material that will be consumed by an order)
gladefile = 'ProductionItemEditor'
model_type = ProductionItem
size = (-1, -1)
model_name = _(u'Production Item')
proxy_widgets = ['description', 'quantity', 'unit_description']
help_section = 'production'
[docs] def get_max_quantity(self):
"""Returns the maximum quantity allowed in the quantity spinbutton.
return MAX_INT
[docs] def setup_proxies(self):
self.proxy = self.add_proxy(
self.model, ProductionItemEditor.proxy_widgets)
# Kiwi callbacks
[docs] def on_quantity__validate(self, widget, value):
if not value or value <= 0:
return ValidationError(_(u'This quantity should be positive.'))
[docs]class TempProductionItem(object):
to_produce = Decimal(0)
[docs]class ProductionItemProducedEditor(ProductionItemEditor):
title = _(u'Produce Items')
quantity_title = _(u'Produce:')
quantity_attribute = 'to_produce'
def __init__(self, store, model):
self.temp_model = TempProductionItem()
ProductionItemEditor.__init__(self, store, model)
def _setup_widgets(self):
[docs] def setup_proxies(self):
self.quantity.set_property('model-attribute', self.quantity_attribute)
self.proxy = self.add_proxy(self.temp_model, self.proxy_widgets)
self.add_proxy(self.model, ['description', 'unit_description'])
[docs] def setup_slaves(self):
self.serial_slave = None
if self.model.product.has_quality_tests():
self.serial_slave = ProducedItemSlave(self.store, self)
self.attach_slave('place_holder', self.serial_slave)
[docs] def get_max_quantity(self):
return self.model.quantity - self.model.lost - self.model.produced
[docs] def validate_confirm(self):
serials = []
if self.serial_slave:
for i in range(self.temp_model.to_produce):
serials.append(self.serial_slave.model.serial_number + i)
api.get_current_user(self.store), serials)
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
# FIXME: Adicionar mensagem exibindo produtos faltantes
info(_(u'Can not produce this quantity. Not enough materials '
'allocated to this production.'))
return False
return True
[docs] def on_quantity__validate(self, widget, value):
if value <= 0:
return ValidationError(
_(u'Produced value should be greater than zero.'))
[docs]class ProductionMaterialLostEditor(ProductionItemProducedEditor):
title = _(u'Lost Items')
quantity_title = _(u'Lost:')
quantity_attribute = 'lost'
model_type = ProductionMaterial
[docs] def validate_confirm(self):
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
info(_(u'Can not lose this quantity. Not enough materials '
'allocated to this production.'))
return False
return True
[docs] def get_max_quantity(self):
return self.model.allocated - self.model.lost - self.model.consumed
[docs] def on_quantity__validate(self, widget, value):
if value <= 0:
return ValidationError(
_(u'Lost value should be greater than zero.'))
[docs]class ProductionMaterialAllocateEditor(ProductionItemProducedEditor):
title = _(u'Allocate Items')
quantity_title = _(u'Allocate:')
quantity_attribute = 'allocate'
model_type = ProductionMaterial
[docs] def validate_confirm(self):
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
info(_(u'Can not allocate this quantity.'))
return False
return True
[docs] def get_max_quantity(self):
return self.model.get_stock_quantity()
[docs] def on_quantity__validate(self, widget, value):
if value <= 0:
return ValidationError(
_(u'Allocated value should be greater than zero.'))
# Production Wizard Editors
[docs]class ProductionServiceEditor(ProductionItemEditor):
model_type = ProductionService
model_name = _(u'Production Service')
[docs] def setup_proxies(self):
self.proxy = self.add_proxy(
self.model, ProductionServiceEditor.proxy_widgets)
[docs]class ProductionMaterialEditor(ProductionItemEditor):
model_type = ProductionMaterial
model_name = _(u'Production Material Item')
proxy_widgets = ['description']
[docs] def setup_proxies(self):
self.proxy = self.add_proxy(
self.model, ProductionMaterialEditor.proxy_widgets)
self._has_components = self.model.product.has_components()
if self._has_components:
proxy_field = 'to_make'
self.quantity_lbl.set_text(_(u'Quantity to make:'))
proxy_field = 'to_purchase'
self.quantity_lbl.set_text(_(u'Quantity to purchase:'))
self.quantity.set_property('model-attribute', proxy_field)
self.proxy.add_widget(proxy_field, self.quantity)
# Kiwi Callbacks
[docs] def on_quantity__validate(self, widget, value):
if value and value < 0:
return ValidationError(_(u'This quantity should be positive.'))