Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Async Open Source
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import logging

import gtk
from kiwi.environ import environ
from kiwi.ui.delegates import GladeSlaveDelegate
from kiwi.utils import gsignal

from stoqlib.database.queryexecuter import DateQueryState, DateIntervalQueryState
from stoqlib.domain.person import Individual
from stoqlib.enums import SearchFilterPosition
from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import BasicDialog
from stoqlib.gui.base.gtkadds import button_set_image_with_label
from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.spreadsheetexporterdialog import SpreadSheetExporter
from import SearchDialogSetupSearchEvent
from import ComboSearchFilter
from import SearchSlave
from stoqlib.gui.utils.printing import print_report
from stoqlib.lib.decorators import public
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _SearchDialogDetailsSlave(GladeSlaveDelegate):
    """ Slave for internal use of SearchEditor, offering an eventbox for a
    toolbar and managing the 'New' and 'Edit' buttons. """

    domain = 'stoq'
    gladefile = 'SearchDialogDetailsSlave'


    # Kiwi handlers

    def on_details_button__clicked(self, button):

    def on_print_button__clicked(self, button):

[docs]class SearchDialog(BasicDialog): """ Base class for *all* the search dialogs, responsible for the list construction and "Filter" and "Clear" buttons management. This class must be subclassed and its subclass *must* implement the methods 'get_columns' and 'get_query_and_args' (if desired, 'get_query_and_args' can be implemented in the user's slave class, so SearchDialog will get its slave instance and call the method directly). Its subclass also must implement a setup_slaves method and call its equivalent base class method as in: >>> def setup_slave(self): ... SearchDialog.setup_slaves(self) or then, call it in its constructor, like: >>> def __init__(self, *args): ... SearchDialog.__init__(self) """ main_label_text = '' #: Title that will appear in the window, for instance 'Product Search' title = '' # The table type which we will query on to get the objects. search_spec = None #: The label that will be used for the main filter in this dialog search_label = None #: Selection mode to use (if its possible to select more than one row) selection_mode = gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE #: Default size for this dialog size = () #: If the advanced search is enabled or disabled. When ``True`` we will #: instrospect the columns returned by :meth:`get_columns`,and use those #: that are subclasses of :class:`` #: to add as options for the user to filter the results. advanced_search = True #: the report class used to print a report for the results. #: If ``None``, the print button will not even be created report_class = None #: If the results should use an objecttree instead of objectlist. The result #: objects should have a get_parent method if this is set. tree = False #: Provide your own result_view_class for the search results. #: See for more #: information on what should be implemented result_view_class = None #: If we should use the (experimental) fast iter feature of the result set. #: See stoqlib.database.runtime for more information fast_iter = False #: If defined, should be a list of properties that will be filtred by the #: default entry text_field_columns = None #: If defined, this should be a column from some table that refrences a #: branch, and a filter will be added for this column branch_filter_column = None #: If False, the number of results will respect the parameter #: MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS. When True, there will be no limit and everything will #: be displayed unlimited_results = False #: If the column settings should be saved or not. save_columns = True def __init__(self, store, search_spec=None, hide_footer=True, title='', selection_mode=None, double_click_confirm=False, initial_string=''): """ A base class for search dialog inheritance :param store: a store :param search_spec: :param hide_footer: :param title: :param selection_mode: :param double_click_confirm: If double click a item in the list should automatically confirm :param initial_string: the string that should be initially filtered """ = store self.search_spec = search_spec or self.search_spec if not self.search_spec: raise ValueError("%r needs a search table" % self) self.selection_mode = self._setup_selection_mode(selection_mode) self.summary_label = None self.double_click_confirm = double_click_confirm self.csv_button = None self.initial_string = initial_string BasicDialog.__init__(self, hide_footer=hide_footer, main_label_text=self.main_label_text, title=title or self.title, size=self.size) self.enable_window_controls() self.disable_ok() self.set_ok_label(_('Se_lect Items')) self._setup_search() self._setup_details_slave() self._create_default_filters() self.create_filters() self.setup_widgets() if self.search_label: self.set_searchbar_label(self.search_label) if self.initial_string: search_filter = search_filter.set_state(self.initial_string) search_filter.entry.grab_focus() def _setup_selection_mode(self, selection_mode): # For consistency do not allow none or single, in other words, # only allowed values are browse and multiple so we always will # be able to use both the keyboard and the mouse to select items # in the search list. selection_mode = selection_mode or self.selection_mode if (selection_mode != gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE and selection_mode != gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE): raise ValueError('Invalid selection mode %r' % selection_mode) return selection_mode def _setup_search(self): self.columns = self.get_columns() SearchDialogSetupSearchEvent.emit(self) if self.save_columns: restore_name = self.__class__.__name__ else: restore_name = None = SearchSlave( self.columns, tree=self.tree, restore_name=restore_name,, search_spec=self.search_spec, fast_iter=self.fast_iter, result_view_class=self.result_view_class ) if self.advanced_search: self.attach_slave('main', self.header.hide() self.results = self.results.set_selection_mode(self.selection_mode) self.results.connect('cell-edited', self._on_results__cell_edited) self.results.connect('selection-changed', self._on_results__selection_changed) self.results.connect('row-activated', self._on_results__row_activated) def _setup_details_slave(self): # FIXME: Gross hack has_details_btn = hasattr(self, 'on_details_button_clicked') has_print_btn = self.report_class is not None self.results.connect('has-rows', self._has_rows) if not (has_details_btn or has_print_btn): self._details_slave = None return self._details_slave = _SearchDialogDetailsSlave() self.attach_slave('details_holder', self._details_slave) if has_details_btn: self._details_slave.connect("details", self.on_details_button_clicked) else: self._details_slave.details_button.hide() if has_print_btn: self._details_slave.connect("print", self._on_print_button__clicked) self.set_print_button_sensitive(False) else: self._details_slave.print_button.hide() def _create_default_filters(self): """Creates default filters This will create filters based on attributes defined on the class. """ if self.text_field_columns is not None: self.set_text_field_columns(self.text_field_columns) if self.branch_filter_column is not None: self.branch_filter = self.create_branch_filter( column=self.branch_filter_column) if self.unlimited_results: # # Public API #
[docs] def add_button(self, label, stock=None, image=None): """Adds a button in the bottom of the dialog. :param label: the text that will be displayed by the button. :param stock: the gtk stock id to be used in the button. :param image: the image filename. """ button = gtk.Button(label=label) if image: image_widget = gtk.Image() image_widget.set_from_file( environ.get_resource_filename('stoq', 'pixmaps', image)) button.set_image(image_widget) elif stock: button_set_image_with_label(button, stock, label) self.action_area.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) self.action_area.pack_start(button, False, False, 6) self.action_area.set_child_secondary(button, True) return button
[docs] def add_csv_button(self, name, prefix): self._csv_name = name self._csv_prefix = prefix self.csv_button = self.add_button(label=_("Export to spreadsheet...")) self.csv_button.connect('clicked', self._on_export_csv_button__clicked) self.csv_button.set_sensitive(False)
[docs] def set_details_button_sensitive(self, value): self._details_slave.details_button.set_sensitive(value)
[docs] def set_print_button_sensitive(self, value): self._details_slave.print_button.set_sensitive(value)
[docs] def get_selection(self): mode = self.results.get_selection_mode() if mode == gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE: return self.results.get_selected() return self.results.get_selected_rows()
[docs] def confirm(self, retval=None): """Confirms the dialog :param retval: optional parameter which will be selected when the dialog is closed """ if retval is None: retval = self.get_selection() self.retval = retval if self.save_columns: # FIXME: This should chain up so the "confirm" signal gets emitted self.close()
[docs] def cancel(self, *args): self.retval = [] if self.save_columns: # FIXME: This should chain up so the "cancel" signal gets emitted self.close()
[docs] def print_report(self): print_report(self.report_class, self.results, list(self.results),
# FIXME: This should be on BasePersonSearch # FIXME: -> remove/use # TODO: Check if we can remove
[docs] def set_searchbar_label(self, label): search_filter = search_filter.set_label(label)
[docs] def set_searchbar_search_string(self, string): if string == self.get_searchbar_search_string(): return search_filter = search_filter.entry.set_text(string)
[docs] def get_searchbar_search_string(self): search_filter = return search_filter.get_state().text
[docs] def set_text_field_columns(self, columns): """See :class:`SearchSlave.set_text_field_columns` """
[docs] def disable_search_entry(self): """See :class:`SearchSlave.disable_search_entry` """
[docs] def add_filter(self, search_filter, position=SearchFilterPosition.BOTTOM, columns=None, callback=None): """See :class:`SearchSlave.add_filter` """, position, columns, callback)
[docs] def row_activate(self, obj): """This is called when an item in the results list is double clicked. :param obj: the item that was double clicked. """ if self.double_click_confirm: # But only if its also confirmable with ok_button if self.ok_button.props.sensitive: self.confirm()
[docs] def add_extension(self, extension): """Adds the extention to this search. See :class:` for more information """ extension.attach(self)
[docs] def add_columns(self, columns): """Add some columns to the default ones. Note that this method must be called during the setup of this search, which right now is only possible for those who capture the `<>` """ self.columns.extend(columns)
# # Filters #
[docs] def create_branch_filter(self, label=None, column=None): return, column)
[docs] def create_sellable_filter(self, label=None): from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable items = [(desc, status) for status, desc in Sellable.statuses.items()] items.insert(0, (_(u"Any"), None)) if label is None: label = _('With status:') sellable_filter = ComboSearchFilter(label, items) # Select status available by default return sellable_filter
[docs] def create_payment_filter(self, label=None): from stoqlib.domain.payment.method import PaymentMethod methods = PaymentMethod.get_active_methods( items = [(_('Any'), None)] for method in methods: if method.method_name == 'multiple': continue items.append((method.description, method)) if not label: label = _('Method:') payment_filter = ComboSearchFilter(label, items) return payment_filter
[docs] def create_provider_filter(self, label=None): from stoqlib.domain.payment.card import CreditProvider providers = CreditProvider.get_card_providers( items = [(p.short_name, p) for p in providers] items.insert(0, (_("Any"), None)) if not label: label = _('Provider:') provider_filter = ComboSearchFilter(label, items) return provider_filter
[docs] def create_salesperson_filter(self, label=None): from stoqlib.domain.person import SalesPerson items = SalesPerson.get_active_items( items.insert(0, (_("Any"), None)) if not label: label = _('Salesperson:') return ComboSearchFilter(label, items)
# # Callbacks #
[docs] def on_search__search_completed(self, search, results, states): self.search_completed(results, states)
def _on_results__cell_edited(self, results, obj, column): """Override this method on child when it's needed to perform some tasks when editing a row. """ def _on_results__selection_changed(self, results, selected): self.update_widgets() if selected: self.enable_ok() else: self.disable_ok() def _on_results__row_activated(self, results, obj): self.row_activate(obj) def _has_rows(self, results, obj): if self._details_slave: self.set_print_button_sensitive(obj) if self.csv_button: self.csv_button.set_sensitive(bool(obj)) def _on_export_csv_button__clicked(self, widget): if not self.unlimited_results: # FIXME: This is making the filters set by the user be respected # when exporting the results. executer = data = else: # The results are already unlimited, let the exporter get the data # from the objectlist data = None sse = SpreadSheetExporter() sse.export(object_list=self.results, data=data, name=self._csv_name, filename_prefix=self._csv_prefix) def _on_print_button__clicked(self, button): self.print_report() # # Hooks #
[docs] def create_filters(self): pass
[docs] def setup_widgets(self): pass
[docs] def get_columns(self): raise NotImplementedError( "get_columns() must be implemented in %r" % self)
[docs] def update_widgets(self): """Subclass can have an 'update_widgets', and this method will be called when a signal is emitted by 'Filter' or 'Clear' buttons and also when a list item is selected. """
[docs] def search_completed(self, results, states): pass
[docs]class SearchDialogPrintSlave(GladeSlaveDelegate): """ Slave for internal use of SearchEditor, offering an eventbox for a toolbar and managing the 'print_price_button' buttons. """ domain = 'stoq' gladefile = 'SearchDialogPrintSlave' gsignal('print') # # Kiwi handlers #
[docs] def on_print_price_button__clicked(self, button): self.emit('print')
[docs]class SearchDialogButtonSlave(GladeSlaveDelegate): """ Slave for internal use of SearchEditor, offering an eventbox for a toolbar and managing buttons. """ domain = 'stoq' gladefile = 'SearchDialogButtonSlave' gsignal('click') # # Kiwi handlers #
[docs] def on_button__clicked(self, button): self.emit('click')