Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
""" Implementation of sellable search """

from decimal import Decimal

import gtk
from kiwi.currency import currency
from storm.expr import Ne

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.database.orm import ORMObject
from stoqlib.domain.product import ProductSupplierInfo, Product
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable
from stoqlib.domain.views import SellableFullStockView
from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.sellableimage import SellableImageViewer
from stoqlib.gui.editors.producteditor import ProductEditor
from import (AccessorColumn, SearchColumn,
from import SearchEditor
from stoqlib.gui.wizards.productwizard import ProductCreateWizard
from stoqlib.lib.defaults import sort_sellable_code
from stoqlib.lib.formatters import format_quantity
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

[docs]class SellableSearch(SearchEditor): title = _('Item search') size = (800, 500) model_list_lookup_attr = 'product_id' footer_ok_label = _('_Select item') search_spec = SellableFullStockView editor_class = None exclude_delivery_service = True text_field_columns = [SellableFullStockView.description, SellableFullStockView.category_description, SellableFullStockView.barcode, SellableFullStockView.code] def __init__(self, store, hide_footer=False, hide_toolbar=True, selection_mode=None, search_str=None, search_spec=None, search_query=None, double_click_confirm=True, info_message=None, show_closed_items=False): """ :param store: a store :param hide_footer: do I have to hide the dialog footer? :param hide_toolbar: do I have to hide the dialog toolbar? :param selection_mode: the kiwi list selection mode :param search_str: If this search should already filter for some string :param double_click_confirm: If double click a item in the list should automatically confirm :param show_closed_items: if this parameter is True, shows sellable with status closed """ if selection_mode is None: selection_mode = gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE self._image_viewer = None self._first_search = True self._first_search_string = search_str self._search_query = search_query self._show_closed_items = show_closed_items self._delivery_sellable = sysparam.get_object( store, 'DELIVERY_SERVICE').sellable SearchEditor.__init__(self, store, search_spec=search_spec, editor_class=self.editor_class, hide_footer=hide_footer, hide_toolbar=hide_toolbar, selection_mode=selection_mode, double_click_confirm=double_click_confirm) if info_message: self.set_message(info_message) if search_str: self.set_searchbar_search_string(search_str) # # SearchEditor #
[docs] def key_shift_Return(self): self.confirm()
[docs] def key_control_Return(self): self.confirm()
[docs] def key_shift_KP_Enter(self): self.confirm()
[docs] def key_control_KP_Enter(self): self.confirm()
[docs] def close(self): # Make sure image viewer gets closed when this search closes self._close_image_viewer() super(SellableSearch, self).close()
[docs] def confirm(self, retval=None): # FIXME: This is a hack, we need to do proper validation in the parent if retval is None and not self.ok_button.get_sensitive(): return super(SellableSearch, self).confirm(retval=retval)
[docs] def setup_widgets(self): self.image_viewer_toggler = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Show image viewer")) self.popup = gtk.Menu() self.popup.add(self.image_viewer_toggler) self.popup.show_all() if hasattr(self.search_spec, 'product'): self.branch_stock_button = self.add_button(label=_('Stock details')) self.branch_stock_button.set_sensitive(False) else: self.branch_stock_button = None
[docs] def create_filters(self):
[docs] def get_columns(self): columns = [SearchColumn('code', title=_(u'Code'), data_type=str), SearchColumn('barcode', title=_('Barcode'), data_type=str, sort_func=sort_sellable_code, width=80), SearchColumn('category_description', title=_('Category'), data_type=str, width=120), SearchColumn('description', title=_('Description'), data_type=str, expand=True, sorted=True), SearchColumn('location', title=_('Location'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('manufacturer', title=_('Manufacturer'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('model', title=_('Model'), data_type=str, visible=False)] if hasattr(self.search_spec, 'price'): columns.append(SearchColumn('price', title=_(u'Price'), data_type=currency, visible=True)) if hasattr(self.search_spec, 'minimum_quantity'): columns.append(SearchColumn('minimum_quantity', title=_(u'Minimum Qty'), data_type=Decimal, visible=False)) if hasattr(self.search_spec, 'stock'): columns.append(QuantityColumn('stock', title=_(u'In Stock'))) return columns
[docs] def update_widgets(self): sellable_view = self.results.get_selected() self.set_edit_button_sensitive(bool(sellable_view)) self.ok_button.set_sensitive(bool(sellable_view)) if self.branch_stock_button is not None: self.branch_stock_button.set_sensitive( bool(self._get_selected_storable()))
[docs] def executer_query(self, store): # If the viewable has a find_by_branch method, then lets use it instead # of the generic find, to show only the stock for the current branch. if hasattr(self.search_spec, 'find_by_branch'): branch = api.get_current_branch(store) results = self.search_spec.find_by_branch(store, branch) else: results = store.find(self.search_spec) if self._search_query: results = results.find(self._search_query) if not self._show_closed_items: results = results.find( self.search_spec.status == Sellable.STATUS_AVAILABLE) if self.exclude_delivery_service: results = results.find( != return results
# # Private # def _get_selected_storable(self): product = getattr(self.results.get_selected(), 'product', None) if product and self.fast_iter: product =, return product and product.storable def _open_image_viewer(self): assert self._image_viewer is None self._image_viewer = SellableImageViewer(size=(325, 325)) self._update_image_viewer() self._image_viewer.toplevel.connect( 'delete-event', self._on_image_viewer__delete_event) self._image_viewer.show_all() def _close_image_viewer(self): if self._image_viewer is None: return self._image_viewer.destroy() self._image_viewer = None def _update_image_viewer(self): if self._image_viewer is None: return row = self.results.get_selected() self._image_viewer.set_sellable(row and row.sellable) # # Callbacks # def _on_image_viewer__delete_event(self, window, event): self._image_viewer = None self.image_viewer_toggler.set_active(False)
[docs] def on_image_viewer_toggler__toggled(self, item): if item.get_active(): self._open_image_viewer() else: self._close_image_viewer()
[docs] def on_results__right_click(self, klist, row, event): self.popup.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
[docs] def on_results__selection_changed(self, klist, row): self._update_image_viewer()
[docs] def on_branch_stock_button__clicked(self, widget): from import ProductBranchSearch storable = self._get_selected_storable() if not storable: return self.run_dialog(ProductBranchSearch, self,, storable)
[docs]class SaleSellableSearch(SellableSearch): footer_ok_label = _('_Add sale items') has_new_button = False def __init__(self, store, hide_footer=False, hide_toolbar=True, search_str=None, search_query=None, info_message=None, sale_items=None, quantity=None): """ :param sale_items: optionally, a list of sellables which will be used to deduct stock values :param quantity: the quantity of stock to add to the order, is necessary to supply if you supply an order. """ self._quantity = quantity self._first_search = True self._first_search_string = search_str self._current_sale_stock = {} if sale_items: if self._quantity is None: raise TypeError("You need to specify a quantity " "when supplying an order") for item in sale_items: if item.sellable.product_storable: quantity = self._current_sale_stock.get(, 0) quantity += item.quantity self._current_sale_stock[] = quantity SellableSearch.__init__(self, store, hide_footer=hide_footer, hide_toolbar=hide_toolbar, search_str=search_str, search_query=search_query, info_message=info_message) # # SellableSearch #
[docs] def search_completed(self, results, states): if not self._first_search: if self._first_search_string != self.get_searchbar_search_string(): self.set_message(None) if len(results) >= 1:[0]) self._first_search = False
[docs] def executer_query(self, store): results = super(SaleSellableSearch, self).executer_query(store) # if we select a quantity which is not an integer, filter out # sellables without a unit set if self._quantity is not None and (self._quantity % 1) != 0: results = results.find(Ne(Sellable.unit_id, None)) return results
[docs] def update_widgets(self): super(SaleSellableSearch, self).update_widgets() sellable_view = self.results.get_selected() if not sellable_view: return sellable = sellable_view.sellable if (sellable.product_storable and self._quantity > self._get_available_stock(sellable_view)): self.ok_button.set_sensitive(False) else: self.ok_button.set_sensitive(True)
[docs] def get_columns(self): return [SearchColumn('code', title=_('Code'), data_type=str, sort_func=sort_sellable_code, sorted=True), SearchColumn('barcode', title=_('Barcode'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('description', title=_('Description'), data_type=str, expand=True), SearchColumn('location', title=_('Location'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('manufacturer', title=_('Manufacturer'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('model', title=_('Model'), data_type=str, visible=False), SearchColumn('price', title=_('Price'), data_type=currency, justify=gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT, width=120), SearchColumn('category_description', title=_('Category'), data_type=str, visible=False), AccessorColumn('stock', title=_(u'Stock'), accessor=self._get_available_stock, format_func=format_quantity, width=90, data_type=Decimal)]
# # Private # def _get_available_stock(self, sellable_view): return sellable_view.stock - self._current_sale_stock.get(, 0)
[docs]class PurchaseSellableSearch(SellableSearch): editor_class = ProductEditor def __init__(self, store, hide_footer=False, hide_toolbar=False, search_str=None, search_spec=None, search_query=None, info_message=None, supplier=None): self._supplier = supplier SellableSearch.__init__(self, store, hide_footer=hide_footer, hide_toolbar=hide_toolbar, search_str=search_str, search_spec=search_spec, search_query=search_query, info_message=info_message)
[docs] def get_editor_model(self, model): return model.product
[docs] def run_editor(self, obj=None): store = api.new_store() if not obj: self.editor_class = ProductCreateWizard product = self.editor_class.run_wizard(self) product = product and store.fetch(product) else: self.editor_class = ProductEditor product = self.run_dialog(self.editor_class, self, store, store.fetch(obj), visual_mode=self._read_only) # This means we are creating a new product. After that, add the # current supplier as the supplier for this product if (obj is None and product and not product.is_supplied_by(self._supplier)): ProductSupplierInfo(store=store, supplier=store.fetch(self._supplier), product=product, base_cost=product.sellable.cost, is_main_supplier=True) if store.confirm(product): # If the return value is an ORMObject, fetch it from # the right connection if isinstance(product, ORMObject): product =, # If we created a new object, confirm the dialog automatically if obj is None: self.confirm(product) store.close() return store.close() return product