Source code for stoqlib.gui.widgets.calculator

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## Copyright (C) 2013 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
##  Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import decimal
import operator

import gtk
from kiwi.currency import currency
from kiwi.datatypes import converter, ValidationError
from kiwi.ui.widgets.entry import ProxyEntry
from kiwi.ui.popup import PopupWindow
import pango

from stoqlib.gui.stockicons import STOQ_CALC
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _

[docs]class CalculatorPopup(PopupWindow): """A popup calculator for entries Right now it supports both :class:`kiwi.ui.widgets.spinbutton.ProxySpinButton` and :class:`kiwi.ui.widgets.entry.ProxyEntry`, as long as their data types are numeric (e.g. int, currency, Decimal, etc) """ #: The add mode. Any value typed on the entry will be added to the #: original value. e.g. 10% means +10% MODE_ADD = 0 #: The sub mode. Any value typed on the entry will be subtracted from the #: original value. e.g. 10% means -10% MODE_SUB = 1 _mode = None _data_type_mapper = { 'currency': currency, 'Decimal': decimal.Decimal, } def __init__(self, entry, mode): """ :param entry: a :class:`kiwi.ui.widgets.spinbutton.ProxySpinButton` or a :class:`kiwi.ui.widgets.entry.ProxyEntry` subclass :param mode: one of :attr:`.MODE_ADD`, :attr:`.MODE_SUB` """ self._mode = mode self._new_value = None self._data_type = self._data_type_mapper[entry.data_type] self._converter = converter.get_converter(self._data_type) super(CalculatorPopup, self).__init__(entry) # # Public API #
[docs] def get_main_widget(self): # This is done on entry to check where to put the validation/mandatory # icons. We should put the calculator on the other side. # Note that spinbuttons are always right aligned and thus # xalign will always be 1.0 if self.widget.get_property('xalign') > 0.5: self._icon_pos = 'secondary-icon' else: self._icon_pos = 'primary-icon' self.widget.set_property(self._icon_pos + '-activatable', True) self.widget.set_property(self._icon_pos + '-tooltip-text', _("Do calculations on top of this value")) self.widget.connect('notify::sensitive', self._on_entry_sensitive__notify) self.widget.connect('icon-press', self._on_entry__icon_press) self._toggle_calculator_icon() vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6) self._main_label = gtk.Label() self._main_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) vbox.pack_start(self._main_label, True, True) self._entry = ProxyEntry() # FIXME: We need a model_attribute here or else the entry.is_valid() # will always return None. Check's FIXME to see why self._entry.model_attribute = 'not_used' self._entry.connect('validate', self._on_entry__validate) self._entry.connect_after('changed', self._after_entry__changed) self._entry.set_alignment(1.0) vbox.pack_start(self._entry, True, True) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=6) vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True) self._label = gtk.Label() self._label.set_property('xalign', 1.0) self._label.set_use_markup(True) hbox.pack_start(self._label, True, True) self._warning = gtk.Image() hbox.pack_start(self._warning, False, False) return vbox
[docs] def validate_popup(self): try: self._new_value = self._data_type(self.widget.get_text()) except decimal.InvalidOperation: return False self._entry.set_text('') self._entry.set_tooltip_text(_("Use absolute or percentage (%) value")) self._preview_new_value() self._main_label.set_text(self._get_main_label()) return True
[docs] def confirm(self): self._maybe_apply_new_value()
# # Private # def _get_main_label(self): if self._mode == self.MODE_ADD: return (_("Surcharge") if self._data_type == currency else _("Addition")) elif self._mode == self.MODE_SUB: return (_("Discount") if self._data_type == currency else _("Subtraction")) else: raise AssertionError def _set_warning(self, warning): if warning is None: self._warning.hide() else: self._warning.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self._warning.set_tooltip_text(warning) def _get_new_value(self): operation = self._entry.get_text().strip() operation = operation.replace(',', '.') if operation.endswith('%'): op_value = operation[:-1] percentage = True else: op_value = operation percentage = False if not operation: return if operation[0] in ['+', '-']: raise ValueError(_("Operator signals are not supported...")) if self._mode == self.MODE_SUB: op = operator.sub elif self._mode == self.MODE_ADD: op = operator.add try: op_value = decimal.Decimal(op_value) except decimal.InvalidOperation: raise ValueError( _("'%s' is not a valid operation...") % (operation,)) if percentage: value = op(self._new_value, self._new_value * (op_value / 100)) else: value = op(self._new_value, op_value) return value def _update_new_value(self): if not self._entry.is_valid(): return self._new_value = self._get_new_value() self._entry.set_text('') self._preview_new_value() def _preview_new_value(self): self._label.set_markup('<b>%s</b>' % ( self._converter.as_string(self._new_value), )) def _maybe_apply_new_value(self): if self._entry.get_text(): self._update_new_value() return self.widget.update(self._new_value) self.popdown() def _toggle_calculator_icon(self): if self.widget.get_sensitive(): pixbuf = self.render_icon(STOQ_CALC, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) else: pixbuf = None self.widget.set_property(self._icon_pos + '-pixbuf', pixbuf) # # Callbacks # def _on_entry__validate(self, entry, value): try: value = self._get_new_value() except ValueError as err: return ValidationError('%s\n%s' % (err, _("Use absolute or percentage (%) value"))) if value: warning = self.widget.emit('validate', value) warning = warning and str(warning) else: warning = None self._set_warning(warning) def _after_entry__changed(self, entry): entry.validate(force=True) def _on_entry_sensitive__notify(self, obj, pspec): self._toggle_calculator_icon() def _on_entry__icon_press(self, entry, icon_pos, event): if icon_pos != gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY: return self.popup()