Source code for stoqlib.gui.widgets.webview

# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import logging
import json
import urlparse

import gtk
import webkit

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localdate
from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog
from stoqlib.gui.editors.paymenteditor import get_dialog_for_payment
from stoqlib.gui.utils.openbrowser import open_browser

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

USER_AGENT = ("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) "
              "AppleWebKit/535.4+ (KHTML, like Gecko) "
              "Version/5.0 Safari/535.4+ Stoq")

# urlparse.urlparse() requires you to register your custom url
# scheme to be able to use result.query

[docs]def register_scheme(scheme): for method in filter(lambda s: s.startswith('uses_'), dir(urlparse)): getattr(urlparse, method).append(scheme)
[docs]class WebView(gtk.ScrolledWindow): def __init__(self): gtk.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self) self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self._view = webkit.WebView() settings = self._view.props.settings settings.props.enable_developer_extras = True settings.props.user_agent = USER_AGENT settings.props.enable_default_context_menu = False self._view.get_web_inspector().connect( 'inspect-web-view', self._on_inspector__inspect_web_view) self._view.connect( 'navigation-policy-decision-requested', self._on_view__navigation_policy_decision_requested) self.add(self._view) def _dialog_payment_details(self, id): from stoqlib.domain.payment.payment import Payment store = api.new_store() payment = store.get(Payment, id) dialog_class = get_dialog_for_payment(payment) retval = run_dialog(dialog_class,, store, payment) if store.confirm(retval): self.refresh() store.close() def _dialog_purchase(self, id): from stoqlib.domain.purchase import PurchaseOrder from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.purchasedetails import PurchaseDetailsDialog store = api.new_store() purchase = store.get(PurchaseOrder, id) retval = run_dialog(PurchaseDetailsDialog,, store, purchase) if store.confirm(retval): self.refresh() store.close() def _dialog_call(self, id): from stoqlib.domain.person import Calls from stoqlib.gui.editors.callseditor import CallsEditor store = api.new_store() model = store.get(Calls, id) retval = run_dialog(CallsEditor,, store, model, None, None) if store.confirm(retval): self.refresh() store.close() def _dialog_client(self, id): from stoqlib.domain.person import Client from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.clientdetails import ClientDetailsDialog with api.new_store() as store: model = store.get(Client, id) run_dialog(ClientDetailsDialog,, store, model) def _dialog_work_order(self, id): from stoqlib.domain.workorder import WorkOrder from stoqlib.gui.editors.workordereditor import WorkOrderEditor with api.new_store() as store: model = store.get(WorkOrder, id) user = api.get_current_user(store) visual_mode = not user.profile.check_app_permission(u'services') run_dialog(WorkOrderEditor,, store, model, visual_mode=visual_mode) def _show_search_by_date(self, date, app_name): y, m, d = map(int, date.split('-')) date = localdate(y, m, d).date() shell_app = app_name, refresh=False) shell_app.search_for_date(date) def _show_in_payments_by_date(self, date): self._show_search_by_date(date, u'receivable') def _show_out_payments_by_date(self, date): self._show_search_by_date(date, u'payable') def _show_purchases_by_date(self, date): self._show_search_by_date(date, u'purchase') def _show_work_orders_by_date(self, date): self._show_search_by_date(date, u'services') def _show_client_birthdays_by_date(self, date): from import ClientSearch with api.new_store() as store: y, m, d = map(int, date.split('-')) date = localdate(y, m, d).date() run_dialog(ClientSearch,, store, birth_date=date) def _show_client_calls_by_date(self, date): from import ClientCallsSearch store = api.new_store() y, m, d = map(int, date.split('-')) date = localdate(y, m, d).date() run_dialog(ClientCallsSearch,, store, date=date) store.close() def _uri_run_dialog(self, result, kwargs): path = result.path if path == '/payment': self._dialog_payment_details(**kwargs) elif path == '/purchase': self._dialog_purchase(**kwargs) elif path == '/call': self._dialog_call(**kwargs) elif path == '/birthday': self._dialog_client(**kwargs) elif path == '/workorder': self._dialog_work_order(**kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(path) def _uri_show(self, result, kwargs): path = result.path if path == '/in-payments-by-date': self._show_in_payments_by_date(**kwargs) elif path == '/out-payments-by-date': self._show_out_payments_by_date(**kwargs) elif path == '/purchases-by-date': self._show_purchases_by_date(**kwargs) elif path == '/work-orders-by-date': self._show_work_orders_by_date(**kwargs) elif path == '/client-calls-by-date': self._show_client_calls_by_date(**kwargs) elif path == '/client-birthdays-by-date': self._show_client_birthdays_by_date(**kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(path) def _uri_self(self, result, kwargs): self.web_open_uri(kwargs) def _parse_stoq_uri(self, uri): result = urlparse.urlparse(uri) kwargs = {} for arg in result.query.split(','): k, v = arg.split('=', 1) kwargs[k] = v if result.hostname == 'dialog': self._uri_run_dialog(result, kwargs) elif result.hostname == 'show': self._uri_show(result, kwargs) elif result.hostname == 'self': self._uri_self(result, kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(result.hostname) def _policy_decision(self, uri, policy): if uri.startswith('file:///'): policy.use() elif uri.startswith('http://localhost'): policy.use() elif uri.startswith('stoq://'): policy.ignore() self._parse_stoq_uri(uri) else: open_browser(uri, self.get_screen()) def _create_view_for_inspector(self, introspector_view): window = gtk.Window() window.set_size_request(800, 600) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() window.add(sw) view = webkit.WebView() sw.add(introspector_view) window.show_all() return view # # Callbacks # def _on_inspector__inspect_web_view(self, inspector, view): return self._create_view_for_inspector(view) def _on_view__navigation_policy_decision_requested(self, view, frame, request, action, policy): self._policy_decision(request.props.uri, policy) # # Public API #
[docs] def refresh(self): pass
[docs] def get_view(self): return self._view
[docs] def print_(self): self._view.execute_script('window.print()')
[docs] def load_uri(self, uri):"Loading uri: %s" % (uri, )) self._view.load_uri(uri)
[docs] def load_string(self, html, mime_type='text/html', encoding='utf-8'):"Loading html: %r" % (html, )) self._view.load_string(html, mime_type, encoding, '')
[docs] def js_function_call(self, function, *args): js_values = [] for arg in args: if arg is True: value = 'true' elif arg is False: value = 'false' elif type(arg) in [str, int, float]: value = repr(arg) else: value = json.dumps(arg) js_values.append(value) self._view.execute_script('%s(%s)' % ( function, ', '.join(js_values)))
[docs] def web_open_uri(self, kwargs): pass
[docs]def show_html(html): w = gtk.Window() w.set_size_request(600, 400) wv = WebView() wv.load_string(html) w.add(wv) w.show_all()