Source code for stoqlib.gui.wizards.personwizard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
""" Person role wizards definition """

from kiwi.python import Settable
from kiwi.datatypes import ValidationError

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.domain.person import Person
from stoqlib.gui.base.wizards import (WizardEditorStep, BaseWizard,
from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog
from stoqlib.gui.editors.personeditor import BranchEditor, UserEditor
from stoqlib.gui.templates.persontemplate import BasePersonRoleEditor
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

# Wizard Steps

[docs]class RoleEditorStep(BaseWizardStep): gladefile = 'HolderTemplate' def __init__(self, wizard, store, previous, role_type, person=None, document=None, description=None): BaseWizardStep.__init__(self, store, wizard, previous=previous) self.role_editor = self.wizard.role_editor(, person=person, role_type=role_type, parent=self.wizard, document=document, description=description) self.wizard.set_editor(self.role_editor) self.person_slave = self.role_editor.get_person_slave() self.person_slave.get_toplevel().reparent(self.place_holder)
[docs] def post_init(self): refresh_method = self.wizard.refresh_next self.person_slave.register_validate_function(refresh_method) self.person_slave.force_validation()
[docs] def previous_step(self): # We don't want to create duplicate person objects when switching # steps. return BaseWizardStep.previous_step(self)
[docs] def has_next_step(self): return False
[docs]class PersonRoleTypeStep(WizardEditorStep): gladefile = 'PersonRoleTypeStep' model_type = Settable def __init__(self, wizard, store, document=None, description=None): self._description = description self._document = document WizardEditorStep.__init__(self, store, wizard) self._setup_widgets() def _setup_widgets(self): self.document_l10n = api.get_l10n_field('person_document') self.person_document.set_mask(self.document_l10n.entry_mask) self.person_document.set_width_chars(17) if self._document: self.person_document.update(self._document) self.document_label.set_text(self.document_l10n.label) # Just adding some labels label = _('What kind of %s are you adding?') role_editor = self.wizard.role_editor if role_editor == BranchEditor or role_editor == UserEditor: self.company_check.set_sensitive(False) self.individual_check.set_sensitive(False) if role_editor == UserEditor: self.individual_check.set_active(True) else: label = _('Adding a %s') self.company_check.set_active(True) role_name = self.wizard.get_role_name().lower() self.person_role_label.set_text(label % role_name) self.person_role_label.set_size('large') self.person_role_label.set_bold(True) self.register_validate_function(self.wizard.refresh_next) # # WizardStep hooks #
[docs] def create_model(self, store): return Settable(document=u'')
[docs] def setup_proxies(self): self.add_proxy(self.model, ['person_document'])
[docs] def next_step(self): if self.individual_check.get_active(): role_type = Person.ROLE_INDIVIDUAL else: role_type = Person.ROLE_COMPANY # If someone wants to register with an empty document if self.person_document.is_empty(): return RoleEditorStep(self.wizard,, self, role_type, description=self._description) person = Person.get_by_document(, self.model.person_document) return RoleEditorStep(self.wizard,, self, role_type, person, document=self.model.person_document)
[docs] def has_previous_step(self): return False
# Callbacks
[docs] def on_person_document__activate(self, entry): self.wizard.go_to_next()
[docs] def on_person_document__validate(self, entry, value): # FIXME: There is a bug in kiwi that this method gets called when # setting the mask. if not self.person_document.mask: return # This will allow the user to use an empty value to this field if self.person_document.is_empty(): return if not self.document_l10n.validate(value): return ValidationError(_('%s is not valid.') % (self.document_l10n.label,))
[docs] def on_individual_check__toggled(self, *args): """ Change document labels based on check button Changes the document_label (proxy_widget) with the right document (CPF or CNPJ) that will be inserted on the person_document entry. Also changes the mask of person_document when is necessary """ if self.individual_check.get_active(): self.document_l10n = api.get_l10n_field('person_document') self.document_label.set_text(self.document_l10n.label + ':') # Change the entry size (in chars) to accomodate the cpf self.person_document.set_width_chars(17) else: self.document_l10n = api.get_l10n_field('company_document') self.document_label.set_text(self.document_l10n.label + ':') # Change the entry size (in chars) to accomodate the cnpj self.person_document.set_width_chars(21) self.person_document.set_mask(self.document_l10n.entry_mask)
# # Main wizard #
[docs]class PersonRoleWizard(BaseWizard): size = (650, 450) def __init__(self, store, role_editor, document=None, description=None): if not issubclass(role_editor, BasePersonRoleEditor): raise TypeError('Editor %s must be BasePersonRoleEditor ' 'instance' % role_editor) self.role_editor = role_editor self._description = description self._document = document BaseWizard.__init__(self, store, self.get_first_step(store), title=self.get_role_title()) if role_editor.help_section: self.set_help_section(role_editor.help_section)
[docs] def get_first_step(self, store): return PersonRoleTypeStep(self, store, document=self._document, description=self._description)
[docs] def get_role_name(self): if not self.role_editor.model_name: raise ValueError('Editor %s must define a model_name attribute ' % self.role_editor) return self.role_editor.model_name
[docs] def get_role_title(self): if not self.role_editor.title: raise ValueError('Editor %s must define a title attribute ' % self.role_editor) return self.role_editor.title
[docs] def set_editor(self, editor): self.editor = editor
# # WizardStep hooks #
[docs] def finish(self): if not self.editor.confirm(): return self.retval = self.editor.model self.close()
[docs]def run_person_role_dialog(role_editor, parent, store, model=None, **editor_kwargs): if not model: editor_kwargs.pop('visual_mode', None) return run_dialog(PersonRoleWizard, parent, store, role_editor, **editor_kwargs) return run_dialog(role_editor, parent, store, model, **editor_kwargs)