Source code for stoqlib.gui.wizards.productwizard

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## Copyright (C) 2014 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import gtk

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.domain.product import Product
from stoqlib.gui.base.dialogs import run_dialog
from stoqlib.gui.base.wizards import BaseWizard, BaseWizardStep
from stoqlib.gui.editors.producteditor import ProductEditor
from stoqlib.gui.slaves.productslave import ProductAttributeSlave
from stoqlib.lib.message import yesno, warning
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _

[docs]class ProductTypeStep(BaseWizardStep): gladefile = 'ProductTypeStep' # # WizardEditorStep #
[docs] def next_step(self): if self.wizard.product_type == Product.TYPE_GRID: return ProductAttributeEditorStep(, self.wizard, previous=self) else: return ProductEditorStep(, wizard=self.wizard, previous=self)
# # Callbacks #
[docs] def on_common__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_COMMON
[docs] def on_batch__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_BATCH
[docs] def on_without_stock__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_WITHOUT_STOCK
[docs] def on_consigned__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_CONSIGNED
[docs] def on_grid__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_GRID
[docs] def on_package__toggled(self, radio): if radio.get_active(): self.wizard.product_type = Product.TYPE_PACKAGE
[docs]class ProductAttributeEditorStep(BaseWizardStep): gladefile = 'HolderTemplate' def __init__(self, store, wizard, previous): BaseWizardStep.__init__(self, store, wizard, previous) self.slave = ProductAttributeSlave(, object()) self.attach_slave('product_attribute_holder', self.slave, self.place_holder)
[docs] def validate_step(self): if len(self.slave.get_selected_attributes()) == 0: warning(_("You should select an attribute first")) return False return True
[docs] def next_step(self): self.wizard.attr_list = self.slave.get_selected_attributes() return ProductEditorStep(, self.wizard, previous=self)
[docs]class ProductEditorStep(BaseWizardStep): gladefile = 'HolderTemplate' # # BaseWizardStep #
[docs] def post_init(self): # self.wizard.model will return something if it is coming back from self.slave = ProductEditor(, wizard=self.wizard, product_type=self.wizard.product_type) self.slave.get_toplevel().reparent(self.place_holder) self.wizard.model = self.slave.model self.slave.register_validate_function(self.wizard.refresh_next) self.slave.force_validation()
[docs] def previous_step(self): # Avoid creating duplicated products when going back return super(ProductEditorStep, self).previous_step()
[docs] def has_next_step(self): return False
[docs]class ProductCreateWizard(BaseWizard): size = (800, 450) title = _('Product creation wizard') help_section = 'product-new' need_cancel_confirmation = True # args and kwargs are here to get extra parameters sent by SearchEditor's # run_dialog. We will just ignore them since they are not useful here def __init__(self, store, *args, **kwargs): self.product_type = Product.TYPE_COMMON first_step = ProductTypeStep(store, self) BaseWizard.__init__(self, store, first_step) # # BaseWizard #
[docs] def finish(self): last_step = self.get_current_step() # Forcing the wizard to confirm all slaves if not last_step.slave.confirm(): return self.retval = self.model self.close() self.model.update_children_info()
[docs] def cancel(self): last_step = self.get_current_step() if isinstance(last_step, ProductEditorStep): last_step.slave.cancel() return super(ProductCreateWizard, self).cancel()
# # Classmethods # @classmethod
[docs] def run_wizard(cls, parent): """Run the wizard to create a product This will run the wizard and after finishing, ask if the user wants to create another product alike. The product will be cloned and `stoqlib.gui.editors.producteditor.ProductEditor` will run as long as the user chooses to create one alike """ with api.new_store() as store: rv = run_dialog(cls, parent, store) if rv: inner_rv = rv while yesno(_("Would you like to register another product alike?"), gtk.RESPONSE_NO, _("Yes"), _("No")): with api.new_store() as store: template = store.fetch(rv) inner_rv = run_dialog(ProductEditor, parent, store, product_type=template.product_type, template=template) if not inner_rv: break # We are insterested in the first rv that means that at least one # obj was created. return rv