Source code for stoqlib.gui.wizards.salereturnwizard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
""" Sale return wizards definition """

import decimal

import gtk
from kiwi.currency import currency
from kiwi.datatypes import converter
from kiwi.ui.objectlist import Column
from storm.expr import Ne

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_current_user, get_current_branch
from stoqlib.domain.product import StorableBatch
from stoqlib.domain.returnedsale import ReturnedSale, ReturnedSaleItem
from import Sale
from stoqlib.enums import ReturnPolicy
from stoqlib.lib.defaults import MAX_INT
from stoqlib.lib.formatters import format_quantity, format_sellable_description
from stoqlib.lib.message import info, yesno
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext
from stoqlib.gui.base.wizards import WizardEditorStep, BaseWizard
from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.batchselectiondialog import BatchIncreaseSelectionDialog
from import (SaleReturnWizardFinishEvent,
from import SaleSearch
from stoqlib.gui.slaves.paymentslave import (register_payment_slaves,
from stoqlib.gui.utils.printing import print_report
from stoqlib.gui.wizards.abstractwizard import SellableItemStep
from stoqlib.reporting.clientcredit import ClientCreditReport

_ = stoqlib_gettext

def _adjust_returned_sale_item(item):
    # Some temporary attrs for wizards/steps bellow
    item.will_return = bool(item.quantity)
    if item.sale_item:
        item.max_quantity = item.quantity
        item.max_quantity = MAX_INT

#  Steps

[docs]class SaleReturnSelectionStep(WizardEditorStep): gladefile = 'SaleReturnSelectionStep' model_type = object # # WizardEditorStep #
[docs] def create_model(self, store): # FIXME: We don't really need a model, but we need to use a # WizardEditorStep subclass so we can attach slaves return object()
[docs] def post_init(self): if not self._allow_unknown_sales(): self.unknown_sale_check.hide() self.register_validate_function(self._validation_func) self.slave.results.connect('selection-changed', self._on_results__selection_changed) self.force_validation()
[docs] def setup_slaves(self): self.slave = SaleSearch( self.attach_slave('place_holder', self.slave)
[docs] def next_step(self): self._update_wizard_model() return SaleReturnItemsStep(self.wizard, self,, self.wizard.model)
[docs] def has_next_step(self): return True
# # Private # def _allow_unknown_sales(self): return sysparam.get_bool('ALLOW_TRADE_NOT_REGISTERED_SALES') def _validation_func(self, value): has_selected = self.slave.results.get_selected() if self._allow_unknown_sales() and self.unknown_sale_check.get_active(): can_advance = True else: can_advance = has_selected self.wizard.refresh_next(value and can_advance) def _update_wizard_model(self): wizard_model = self.wizard.model if wizard_model: # We are replacing the model. Remove old one wizard_model.remove() sale_view = self.slave.results.get_selected() # FIXME: Selecting a sale and then clicking on unknown_sale_check # will not really deselect it, not until the results are sensitive # again. This should be as simple as 'if sale_view'. if sale_view and not self.unknown_sale_check.get_active(): sale = model = sale.create_sale_return_adapter() for item in model.returned_items: _adjust_returned_sale_item(item) else: assert self._allow_unknown_sales() model = ReturnedSale(, responsible=get_current_user(, branch=get_current_branch(, ) self.wizard.model = model def _sale_executer_query(self, store): # Only show sales that can be returned query = Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED return store.find(self.slave.search_spec, query) # # Callbacks # def _on_results__selection_changed(self, results, obj): self.force_validation()
[docs] def on_unknown_sale_check__toggled(self, check): active = check.get_active() self.wizard.unkown_sale = active self.slave.results.set_sensitive(not active) if not active: self.slave.results.unselect_all() self.force_validation()
[docs]class SaleReturnItemsStep(SellableItemStep): model_type = ReturnedSale item_table = ReturnedSaleItem cost_editable = False summary_label_text = '<b>%s</b>' % api.escape(_("Total to return:")) # This will only be used when wizard.unkown_sale is True batch_selection_dialog = BatchIncreaseSelectionDialog stock_labels_visible = False # # SellableItemStep #
[docs] def post_init(self): super(SaleReturnItemsStep, self).post_init() self.cost_label.set_text(_("Price:")) self.hide_add_button() self.hide_edit_button() self.hide_del_button() # If we have a sale reference, we cannot add more items if self.hide_item_addition_toolbar() self.slave.klist.connect('cell-edited', self._on_klist__cell_edited) self.slave.klist.connect('cell-editing-started', self._on_klist__cell_editing_started) self.force_validation()
[docs] def next_step(self): return SaleReturnInvoiceStep(, self.wizard, model=self.model, previous=self)
[docs] def get_columns(self, editable=True): adjustment = gtk.Adjustment(lower=0, upper=MAX_INT, step_incr=1) columns = [ Column('will_return', title=_('Return'), data_type=bool, editable=editable), Column('sellable.code', title=_('Code'), data_type=str, visible=False, sorted=True), Column('sellable.barcode', title=_('Barcode'), data_type=str, visible=False), Column('sellable.description', title=_('Description'), data_type=str, expand=True, format_func=self._format_description, format_func_data=True), Column('price', title=_('Sale price'), data_type=currency), ] # max_quantity has no meaning on returns without a sale reference if columns.append(Column('max_quantity', title=_('Sold quantity'), data_type=decimal.Decimal, format_func=format_quantity)) kwargs = {} if editable: kwargs['spin_adjustment'] = adjustment columns.extend([ Column('quantity', title=_('Quantity'), data_type=decimal.Decimal, format_func=format_quantity, editable=editable, **kwargs), Column('total', title=_('Total'), data_type=currency), ]) return columns
[docs] def get_saved_items(self): return self.model.returned_items.find(Ne(ReturnedSaleItem.quantity, 0))
[docs] def get_order_item(self, sellable, price, quantity, batch=None, parent=None): if parent: if parent.sellable.product.is_package: component = self.get_component(parent, sellable) quantity = parent.quantity * component.quantity price = component.price else: # Do not add the components if its not a package product return if batch is not None: batch = StorableBatch.get_or_create(, storable=sellable.product_storable, batch_number=batch) item = ReturnedSaleItem(, quantity=quantity, price=price, sellable=sellable, batch=batch, returned_sale=self.model, parent_item=parent ) _adjust_returned_sale_item(item) WizardAddSellableEvent.emit(self.wizard, item) return item
[docs] def sellable_selected(self, sellable, batch=None): SellableItemStep.sellable_selected(self, sellable, batch=batch) if sellable: self.cost.update(sellable.price)
[docs] def validate_step(self): items = list(self.model.returned_items) if not len(items): # Will happen on a trade without a sale reference return False returned_items = [item for item in items if item.will_return] if not len(returned_items): return False if not all([0 < item.quantity <= item.max_quantity for item in returned_items]): # Just a precaution..should not happen! return False return True
[docs] def validate(self, value): super(SaleReturnItemsStep, self).validate(value) self.wizard.refresh_next(value and self.validate_step())
# # Private # def _format_description(self, item, data): return format_sellable_description(item.sellable, item.batch) # # Callbacks # def _on_klist__cell_edited(self, klist, obj, column): if column.attribute == 'quantity': obj.will_return = bool(obj.quantity) elif column.attribute == 'will_return': obj.quantity = obj.max_quantity * int(obj.will_return) parent = obj.parent_item if parent: quantity = parent.max_quantity for sibling in parent.children_items: component = self.get_component(parent, sibling.sellable) # The quantity for the parent is the minimum quantity possible # between all siblings quantity = min(quantity, int(sibling.quantity / component.quantity)) parent.quantity = decimal.Decimal(quantity) parent.will_return = bool(parent.quantity) for child in obj.children_items: component = self.get_component(obj, child.sellable) child.quantity = min(obj.quantity * component.quantity, child.max_quantity) child.will_return = bool(child.quantity) self.summary.update_total() self.force_validation() self.slave.klist.queue_draw() def _on_klist__cell_editing_started(self, klist, obj, attr, renderer, editable): if attr == 'quantity': adjustment = editable.get_adjustment() # Don't let the user return more than was bought adjustment.set_upper(obj.max_quantity)
[docs]class SaleReturnInvoiceStep(WizardEditorStep): gladefile = 'SaleReturnInvoiceStep' model_type = ReturnedSale proxy_widgets = [ 'responsible', 'reason', 'sale_total', 'paid_total', 'returned_total', 'total_amount_abs', ] # # WizardEditorStep #
[docs] def post_init(self): self.register_validate_function(self.wizard.refresh_next) self.force_validation() if isinstance(self.wizard, SaleTradeWizard): for widget in [self.total_amount_lbl, self.total_amount_abs, self.total_separator]: widget.hide() self._update_widgets()
[docs] def next_step(self): return SaleReturnPaymentStep(, self.wizard, model=self.model, previous=self)
[docs] def has_next_step(self): if isinstance(self.wizard, SaleTradeWizard): return False return self.model.total_amount > 0
[docs] def setup_proxies(self): self.proxy = self.add_proxy(self.model, self.proxy_widgets)
# # Private # def _update_widgets(self): self.proxy.update('total_amount_abs') if self.model.total_amount < 0: self.total_amount_lbl.set_text(_("Overpaid:")) elif self.model.total_amount > 0: self.total_amount_lbl.set_text(_("Missing:")) else: self.total_amount_lbl.set_text(_("Difference:")) if (isinstance(self.wizard, SaleTradeWizard) or not self.credit_checkbutton.hide() policy = sysparam.get_int('RETURN_POLICY_ON_SALES') self.credit_checkbutton.set_sensitive(policy == ReturnPolicy.CLIENT_CHOICE) self.credit_checkbutton.set_active(policy == ReturnPolicy.RETURN_CREDIT) = self.wizard.update_view() self.force_validation() # # Callbacks #
[docs] def on_credit_checkbutton__toggled(self, widget): =
[docs]class SaleReturnPaymentStep(WizardEditorStep): gladefile = 'HolderTemplate' model_type = ReturnedSale # # WizardEditorStep #
[docs] def post_init(self): self.register_validate_function(self._validation_func) self.force_validation() before_debt = currency(self.model.sale_total - self.model.paid_total) now_debt = currency(before_debt - self.model.returned_total) short = _("The client's debt has changed. " "Use this step to adjust the payments.") longdesc = _("The debt before was %s and now is %s. Cancel some unpaid " "installments and create new ones.") info(short, longdesc % (converter.as_string(currency, before_debt), converter.as_string(currency, now_debt)))
[docs] def setup_slaves(self): register_payment_slaves() outstanding_value = (self.model.total_amount_abs + self.model.paid_total) self.slave = MultipleMethodSlave(self.wizard, self,, self.model, None, outstanding_value=outstanding_value, finish_on_total=False, allow_remove_paid=False) self.slave.enable_remove() self.attach_slave('place_holder', self.slave)
[docs] def validate_step(self): return True
[docs] def has_next_step(self): return False
# # Callbacks # def _validation_func(self, value): can_finish = value and self.slave.can_confirm() self.wizard.refresh_next(can_finish)
# # Wizards # class _BaseSaleReturnWizard(BaseWizard): size = (800, 450) def __init__(self, store, model=None): self.unkown_sale = False if model: # Adjust items befre creating the step, so that plugins may have a # chance to change the value for item in model.returned_items: _adjust_returned_sale_item(item) first_step = SaleReturnItemsStep(self, None, store, model) else: first_step = SaleReturnSelectionStep(store, self, None) BaseWizard.__init__(self, store, first_step, model)
[docs]class SaleReturnWizard(_BaseSaleReturnWizard): """Wizard for returning a sale""" title = _('Return Sale Order') help_section = 'sale-return' # # BaseWizard #
[docs] def finish(self): invoice_ok = InvoiceSetupEvent.emit() if invoice_ok is False: # If there is any problem with the invoice, the event will display an error # message and the dialog is kept open so the user can fix whatever is wrong. return for payment in if payment.is_preview(): # Set payments created on SaleReturnPaymentStep as pending payment.set_pending() total_amount = self.model.total_amount # If the user chose to create credit for the client instead of returning # money, there is no need to display this messages. if not if total_amount == 0: info(_("The client does not have a debt to this sale anymore. " "Any existing unpaid installment will be cancelled.")) elif total_amount < 0: info(_("A reversal payment to the client will be created. " "You can see it on the Payable Application.")) login_user = api.get_current_user( self.model.return_(method_name=u'credit' if else u'money', login_user=login_user) SaleReturnWizardFinishEvent.emit(self.model) self.retval = self.model self.close() # Commit before printing to avoid losing data if something breaks if if yesno(_(u'Would you like to print the credit letter?'), gtk.RESPONSE_YES, _(u"Print Letter"), _(u"Don't print")): print_report(ClientCreditReport, self.model.client)
[docs]class SaleTradeWizard(_BaseSaleReturnWizard): """Wizard for trading a sale""" title = _('Trade Sale Order') help_section = 'sale-trade' # # BaseWizard #
[docs] def finish(self): # Dont call here, since it will be called on # POS after the new sale is created.. SaleTradeWizardFinishEvent.emit(self.model) self.retval = self.model self.close()