Source code for stoqlib.importers.productimporter

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## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Async Open Source
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

from decimal import Decimal

from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_default_store
from stoqlib.domain.commission import CommissionSource
from stoqlib.domain.person import Supplier
from stoqlib.domain.product import (Product, ProductSupplierInfo,
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import (Sellable,
from stoqlib.domain.taxes import (ProductIcmsTemplate,
from stoqlib.importers.csvimporter import CSVImporter
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam

[docs]class ProductImporter(CSVImporter): fields = ['base_category', 'barcode', 'category', 'description', 'price', 'cost', 'commission', 'commission2', 'markup', 'markup2', 'ncm' ] optional_fields = [ 'unit', ] def __init__(self): super(ProductImporter, self).__init__() default_store = get_default_store() suppliers = default_store.find(Supplier) if not suppliers.count(): raise ValueError(u'You must have at least one suppliers on your ' u'database at this point.') self.supplier = suppliers[0] self.units = {} for unit in default_store.find(SellableUnit): self.units[unit.description] = unit self.tax_constant_id = sysparam.get_object_id( 'DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TAX_CONSTANT') self._code = 1 def _get_or_create(self, table, store, **attributes): obj = store.find(table, **attributes).one() if obj is None: obj = table(store=store, **attributes) return obj def _maybe_create_taxes(self, store): icms_template = self._get_or_create(ProductTaxTemplate, store, name=u'icms', tax_type=ProductTaxTemplate.TYPE_ICMS) pis_template = self._get_or_create(ProductTaxTemplate, store, name=u'pis', tax_type=ProductTaxTemplate.TYPE_PIS) cofins_template = self._get_or_create(ProductTaxTemplate, store, name=u'cofins', tax_type=ProductTaxTemplate.TYPE_COFINS) taxes = {} taxes['icms'] = self._get_or_create(ProductIcmsTemplate, store, product_tax_template=icms_template, csosn=102, orig=2) taxes['pis'] = self._get_or_create(ProductPisTemplate, store=store, product_tax_template=pis_template, cst=99, calculo=ProductPisTemplate.CALC_PERCENTAGE, p_pis=10) taxes['cofins'] = self._get_or_create(ProductCofinsTemplate, store=store, product_tax_template=cofins_template, cst=99, calculo=ProductPisTemplate.CALC_PERCENTAGE, p_cofins=10) return taxes
[docs] def process_one(self, data, fields, store): base_category = self._get_or_create( SellableCategory, store, suggested_markup=Decimal(data.markup), salesperson_commission=Decimal(data.commission), category=None, description=data.base_category) # create a commission source self._get_or_create( CommissionSource, store, direct_value=Decimal(data.commission), installments_value=Decimal(data.commission2), category=base_category) category = self._get_or_create( SellableCategory, store, description=data.category, suggested_markup=Decimal(data.markup2), category=base_category) sellable = Sellable(store=store, cost=Decimal(data.cost), category=category, description=data.description, price=Decimal(data.price)) sellable.barcode = data.barcode sellable.code = u'%02d' % self._code self._code += 1 if u'unit' in fields: if not data.unit in self.units: raise ValueError(u"invalid unit: %s" % data.unit) sellable.unit = store.fetch(self.units[data.unit]) sellable.tax_constant_id = self.tax_constant_id product = Product(store=store, sellable=sellable, ncm=data.ncm) taxes = self._maybe_create_taxes(store) product.icms_template = taxes['icms'] product.pis_template = taxes['pis'] product.cofins_template = taxes['cofins'] supplier = store.fetch(self.supplier) ProductSupplierInfo(store=store, supplier=supplier, is_main_supplier=True, base_cost=Decimal(data.cost), product=product) Storable(product=product, store=store)