Source code for stoqlib.lib.boleto

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Async Open Source
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""Boleto generation code.


import collections
import datetime
import logging

from kiwi.environ import environ
from kiwi.currency import currency
from kiwi.datatypes import converter

from stoqlib.lib.algorithms import (modulo10,
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localtoday
from import BBCnab
from import BradescoCnab
from stoqlib.lib.cnab.caixa import CaixaCnab
from stoqlib.lib.cnab.itau400 import ItauCnab400
from stoqlib.lib.cnab.santander import SantanderCnab
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class BoletoException(Exception): pass
def _validate_number(value, min_value=0, max_value=None): if value == '': raise BoletoException(_("Value cannot be empty")) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise BoletoException(_("Value must be a number")) if min_value is not None and value < min_value: raise BoletoException( _("Value must be a number greater than {}").format(min_value)) if max_value is not None and value > max_value: raise BoletoException( _("Value must be a number lower than {}").format(max_value))
[docs]def custom_property(name, num_length): """Function to create properties on boleto It accepts a number with or without a DV and zerofills it """ internal_attr = '_%s' % name def _set_attr(self, val): val = val.split('-') if len(val) is 1: val[0] = str(val[0]).zfill(num_length) setattr(self, internal_attr, val[0]) elif len(val) is 2: val[0] = str(val[0]).zfill(num_length) setattr(self, internal_attr, '-'.join(val)) else: raise BoletoException(_('Wrong value format')) return property( lambda self: getattr(self, internal_attr), _set_attr, lambda self: delattr(self, internal_attr), name )
[docs]class BankInfo(object): """Base class for generating bill information For each bank, a subclass of this should be created defining how the value is formatted for the bill. """ aceite = 'N' especie_documento = 'DM' especie = "R$" moeda = "9" # This 2 values are usually empty in the printed bill quantidade = None valor = None # Override in base class description = None bank_name = None bank_number = None options = {} logo = '' validate_field_func = None validate_field_dv = None nosso_numero = custom_property('nosso_numero', 13) agencia = custom_property('agencia', 4) conta = custom_property('conta', 7) def __init__(self, payment): self.payment = payment self.payer = self.branch = payment.branch = self.data_processamento = localtoday() props = self.get_properties(payment) for key, value in props.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.logo_image_path = "" if self.logo: self.logo_image_path = environ.get_resource_filename( 'stoq', 'pixmaps', self.logo)
[docs] def get_properties(self, payment): """Get values necesary for bill emission. This includes nosso numero, bank agency and bank account. Also, any other custom options that the bank require will be present here. """ props = dict( nosso_numero=str(int(payment.identifier)),, for opt in props[opt.option] = opt.value return props
# # Properties # @property def local_pagamento(self): return sysparam.get_string('BILL_PAYMENT_PLACE') @property def numero_documento(self): payment = self.payment sale = if sale: return sale.invoice.invoice_number else: return payment.identifier @property def penalty_percentage(self): return sysparam.get_decimal('BILL_PENALTY') @property def interest_percentage(self): return sysparam.get_decimal('BILL_INTEREST') @property def discount_percentage(self): return sysparam.get_decimal('BILL_DISCOUNT') @property def instrucoes(self): instructions = [] payment = self.payment # FIXME: Penalty and interest are also defined on the payment method. We # should use that information instead. We could also add a discount # information on the payment method. penalty = currency(self.penalty_percentage / 100 * payment.value) interest = currency(self.interest_percentage / 100 * payment.value) discount = currency(self.discount_percentage / 100 * payment.value) data = sysparam.get_string('BILL_INSTRUCTIONS') for line in data.split('\n')[:4]: line = line.replace('$DATE', payment.due_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')) line = line.replace('$PENALTY', converter.as_string(currency, penalty)) line = line.replace('$INTEREST', converter.as_string(currency, interest)) line = line.replace('$DISCOUNT', converter.as_string(currency, discount)) line = line.replace('$INVOICE_NUMBER', str(self.numero_documento)) instructions.append(line) # FIXME: Only add this if not a subscriber #instructions.append('') #instructions.append('\n' + _('Stoq Retail Management') + ' -') return instructions @property def demonstrativo(self): payment = self.payment demonstrativo = [] sale = if sale: for item in sale.get_items(): demonstrativo.append(' - %s' % item.get_description()) return demonstrativo @property def campo_livre(self): # pragma no cover raise NotImplementedError @property def barcode(self): num = "%03d%1s%1s%4s%10s%25s" % ( self.bank_number, self.moeda, 'X', self.fator_vencimento, self.formata_valor(self.payment.value, 10), self.campo_livre ) dv = self.calculate_dv_barcode(num.replace('X', '', 1)) num = num.replace('X', str(dv), 1) if len(num) != 44: raise BoletoException( _('The barcode must have 44 caracteres, found %d') % len(num)) return num @property def dv_nosso_numero(self): # pragma no cover """Returns nosso número DV It should be implemented by derived class """ raise NotImplementedError @property def dv_agencia(self): if '-' in self.agencia: return self.agencia.split('-')[1] else: return '' @property def dv_conta(self): if '-' in self.conta: return self.conta.split('-')[1] else: return '' @property def dv_agencia_conta(self): """Verifier digit for agency and account Some banks don't require this. The ones that does, should override this method """ return ''
[docs] def calculate_dv_barcode(self, line): resto2 = modulo11(line, 9, 1) if resto2 in [0, 1, 10]: dv = 1 else: dv = 11 - resto2 return dv
[docs] def format_nosso_numero(self): """Return Formatted Nosso Número for bill printing It should be implemented by derived class """ return self.nosso_numero
@property def fator_vencimento(self): date_ref =, 7, 3) # Fator = 1000 delta = - date_ref return delta.days + 1000 @property def agencia_conta(self): return "%s/%s" % (self.agencia, self.conta) @property def codigo_dv_banco(self): num = '%03d' % (self.bank_number, ) cod = "%s-%s" % (num, modulo11(num)) return cod @property def linha_digitavel(self): """Linha que o cliente pode utilizar para digitar se o código de barras não puder ser lido Posição Conteúdo 1 a 3 Número do banco 4 Código da Moeda - 9 para Real 5 Digito verificador do Código de Barras 6 a 19 Valor (12 inteiros e 2 decimais) 20 a 44 Campo Livre definido por cada banco """ linha = self.barcode assert linha, "Boleto doesn't have a barcode" def monta_campo(campo): campo_dv = "%s%s" % (campo, modulo10(campo)) return "%s.%s" % (campo_dv[0:5], campo_dv[5:]) campo1 = monta_campo(linha[0:4] + linha[19:24]) campo2 = monta_campo(linha[24:34]) campo3 = monta_campo(linha[34:44]) campo4 = linha[4] campo5 = linha[5:19] return "%s %s %s %s %s" % (campo1, campo2, campo3, campo4, campo5) # # Class Methods # @classmethod
[docs] def get_cnab(cls, payments): branch = payments[0].branch bank = payments[0] info = cls(payments[0]) cnab = cls.cnab_class(branch, bank, info) cnab.setup(payments) return cnab.as_string()
[docs] def get_extra_options(cls): rv = [] for option, kind in cls.options.items(): if kind == BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM: rv.append(option) return rv
[docs] def validate_field(cls, field): if ' ' in field: raise BoletoException(_('The field cannot have spaces')) if '.' in field or ',' in field: raise BoletoException(_('The field cannot have dots of commas')) dv = None if '-' in field: if field.count('-') != 1: raise BoletoException(_('More than one hyphen found')) field, dv = field.split('-', 1) if not dv: raise BoletoException(_('Verifier digit cannot be empty')) try: int(field) except ValueError: raise BoletoException(_('Account needs to be a number')) if dv and cls.validate_field_dv is not None: func = cls.validate_field_func if func == 'modulo11': ret = modulo11(field) elif func == 'modulo10': ret = modulo10(field) else: ret = None if dv.lower() in [cls.validate_field_dv]: # FIXME: Is it correct that the rest of 0 is # the same as 10? if ret == 0: pass elif (ret is not None and str(ret) != dv.lower() and ret < 10): raise BoletoException(_('Invalid verifier digit')) else: try: dv = int(dv) except ValueError: raise BoletoException( _('Verifier digit must be a number or %s') % cls.validate_field_dv) if ret is not None and ret != dv: raise BoletoException(_('Invalid verifier digit'))
[docs] def validate_option(cls, option, value): # pragma no cover pass
[docs] def formata_numero(numero, tamanho): if len(numero) > tamanho: raise BoletoException( _('Number length must be less than %s') % tamanho) return numero.zfill(tamanho)
[docs] def formata_valor(value, tamanho): txt = "%.2f" % value txt = txt.replace('.', '') txt = BankInfo.formata_numero(txt, tamanho) return txt
_banks = []
[docs]def register_bank(bank_class): if not issubclass(bank_class, BankInfo): # pragma no cover raise TypeError assert not bank_class in _banks _banks.append(bank_class) return bank_class
[docs]class BankBanrisul(BankInfo): description = 'Banrisul' bank_number = 41 logo = 'logo_banrisul.jpg' options = {u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} nosso_numero = custom_property('nosso_numero', 8) conta = custom_property('conta', 6) @property def campo_livre(self): content = '21%04d%07d%08d40' % (int(self.agencia), int(self.conta), int(self.nosso_numero)) dv = calculaDuploDigito(content) return '%s%s' % (content, dv)
[docs]class BankBradesco(BankInfo): description = 'Bradesco' bank_name = 'BRADESCO' cnab_class = BradescoCnab bank_number = 237 logo = "logo_bancobradesco.jpg" options = {u'carteira': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'convenio': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'identificacao_produto': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} validate_field_func = 'modulo11' validate_field_dv = '0' # Nosso numero (sem dv) sao 11 digitos nosso_numero = custom_property('nosso_numero', 11) agencia = custom_property('agencia', 4) conta = custom_property('conta', 7)
[docs] def format_nosso_numero(self): return "%s/%s-%s" % ( self.carteira, self.nosso_numero, self.dv_nosso_numero )
@property def dv_nosso_numero(self): resto2 = modulo11(self.nosso_numero, 7, 1) digito = 11 - resto2 if digito == 10: dv = 'P' elif digito == 11: dv = 0 else: dv = digito return dv @property def campo_livre(self): return "%04d%02d%11s%07d0" % (int(self.agencia.split('-')[0]), int(self.carteira), self.nosso_numero, int(self.conta.split('-')[0])) @classmethod
[docs] def validate_option(cls, option, value): if option == 'carteira': _validate_number(value, max_value=99)
[docs]class BankBB(BankInfo): description = 'Banco do Brasil' bank_number = 1 bank_name = 'BANCO DO BRASIL' logo = 'logo_bb.gif' options = {u'convenio': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} validate_field_func = 'modulo11' validate_field_dv = 'x' agencia = custom_property('agencia', 4) conta = custom_property('conta', 8) cnab_class = BBCnab
[docs] def get_properties(self, payment): props = super(BankBB, self).get_properties(payment) if not 'carteira' in props: props['carteira'] = '18' convenio = props.pop('convenio', None) if convenio: self.len_convenio = len(convenio) self.convenio = convenio else: self.len_convenio = 7 self.convenio = '' self.format_nnumero = 1 if 'format_nnumero' in props: self.format_nnumero = int(props.pop('format_nnumero')) props['agencia'] = props['agencia'].split('-')[0] props['conta'] = props['conta'].split('-')[0] return props
[docs] def format_nosso_numero(self): return "%s-%s" % ( self.nosso_numero, self.dv_nosso_numero )
# Nosso numero (sem dv) sao 11 digitos @property def nosso_numero(self): return self.convenio + self._nosso_numero @nosso_numero.setter def nosso_numero(self, val): val = str(val) if self.len_convenio == 4: nn = val.zfill(7) if self.len_convenio == 6: if self.format_nnumero == 1: nn = val.zfill(5) elif self.format_nnumero == 2: nn = val.zfill(17) elif self.len_convenio == 7: nn = val.zfill(10) elif self.len_convenio == 8: nn = val.zfill(9) self._nosso_numero = nn @property def convenio(self): return self._convenio @convenio.setter def convenio(self, val): self._convenio = str(val).ljust(self.len_convenio, '0') @property def agencia_conta(self): return "%s-%s / %s-%s" % ( self.agencia, modulo11(self.agencia), self.conta, modulo11(self.conta) ) @property def dv_nosso_numero(self): return modulo11(self.nosso_numero) @property def campo_livre(self): if self.len_convenio in (7, 8): return "%6s%s%s" % ('000000', self.nosso_numero, self.carteira) elif self.len_convenio is 6: if self.format_nnumero is 1: return "%s%s%s%s" % (self.nosso_numero, self.agencia, self.conta, self.carteira) if self.format_nnumero is 2: return "%s%2s" % (self.nosso_numero, '21') # numero do serviço @classmethod
[docs] def validate_option(cls, option, value): if option == 'convenio': _validate_number(value) if len(value) not in [6, 7, 8]: raise BoletoException( # TRANSLATORS: Do not translate 'Convenio' _("Convenio length must be 6, 7 or 8. Try filing it with " "'0's at the left."))
[docs]class BankCaixa(BankInfo): description = 'Caixa Econômica Federal' bank_name = 'CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL' bank_number = 104 cnab_class = CaixaCnab logo = 'logo_bancocaixa.jpg' options = {u'carteira': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'codigo_beneficiario': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'codigo_convenio': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} inicio_nosso_numero = '80' conta = custom_property('conta', 11) # Nosso numero (sem dv) sao 10 digitos @property def nosso_numero(self): '''Nosso Número sem DV, máximo 8 chars''' return self._nosso_numero @nosso_numero.setter def nosso_numero(self, val): self._nosso_numero = (self.inicio_nosso_numero + self.formata_numero(val, 8)) @property def dv_nosso_numero(self): resto2 = modulo11(self.nosso_numero.split('-')[0], 9, 1) digito = 11 - resto2 if digito == 10 or digito == 11: dv = 0 else: dv = digito return dv @property def campo_livre(self): return "%10s%4s%11s" % (self.nosso_numero, self.agencia, self.conta.split('-')[0])
[docs]class BankItau(BankInfo): description = 'Banco Itaú' bank_name = 'BANCO ITAU SA' bank_number = 341 cnab_class = ItauCnab400 logo = 'logo_itau.gif' options = collections.OrderedDict([ (u'agencia', BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH), (u'conta', BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH), (u'carteira', BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM), (u'instrucao_1', BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM), (u'instrucao_2', BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM), (u'prazo', BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM), ]) nosso_numero = custom_property('nosso_numero', 8) agencia = custom_property('agencia', 4) conta = custom_property('conta', 5) @classmethod
[docs] def validate_option(cls, option, value): if option in ['instrucao_1', 'instrucao_2', 'prazo']: _validate_number(value, max_value=99) if option == 'carteira': _validate_number(value, min_value=100, max_value=200)
@property def dac_nosso_numero(self): agencia = self.agencia.split('-')[0] conta = self.conta.split('-')[0] return modulo10(agencia + conta + self.carteira + self.nosso_numero)
[docs] def format_nosso_numero(self): return '%s/%s-%s' % (self.carteira, self.nosso_numero, self.dac_nosso_numero)
@property def dv_agencia_conta(self): agencia = self.agencia.split('-')[0] conta = self.conta.split('-')[0] return modulo10(agencia + conta) @property def agencia_conta(self): agencia = self.agencia.split('-')[0] conta = self.conta.split('-')[0] return '%s / %s-%s' % (agencia, conta, self.dv_agencia_conta) @property def campo_livre(self): agencia = self.agencia.split('-')[0] conta = self.conta.split('-')[0] return "%3s%8s%1s%4s%5s%1s%3s" % ( self.carteira, self.nosso_numero, self.dac_nosso_numero, agencia, conta, modulo10(agencia + conta), '000' )
[docs]class BankReal(BankInfo): description = 'Banco Real' bank_number = 356 logo = 'logo_bancoreal.jpg' options = {u'carteira': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} @property def agencia_conta(self): return "%s/%s-%s" % (self.agencia, self.conta, self.digitao_cobranca) @property def digitao_cobranca(self): num = "%s%s%s" % (self.nosso_numero, self.agencia, self.conta) return modulo10(num) @property def campo_livre(self): return "%4s%7s%1s%13s" % (self.agencia, self.conta, self.digitao_cobranca, self.nosso_numero)
[docs]class BankSantander(BankInfo): description = 'Banco Santander' bank_name = description bank_number = 33 cnab_class = SantanderCnab logo = 'logo_santander.jpg' options = {u'carteira': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'codigo_transmissao': BILL_OPTION_CUSTOM, u'agencia': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH, u'conta': BILL_OPTION_BANK_BRANCH} # Numero fixo na posição 5 fixo = '9' # IOS - somente para Seguradoras (Se 7% informar 7, limitado 9%) # Demais clientes usar 0 (zero) ios = '0' nosso_numero = custom_property('nosso_numero', 7) carteira = '102'
[docs] def format_nosso_numero(self): return "00000%s-%s" % ( self.nosso_numero, modulo11(self.nosso_numero))
@property def campo_livre(self): conta = self.formata_numero(self.conta, 7) dv_nosso_numero = modulo11(self.nosso_numero) return '%s%s00000%s%s%s%s' % (self.fixo, conta, self.nosso_numero, dv_nosso_numero, self.ios, self.carteira)
[docs]def get_all_banks(): return _banks
[docs]def get_bank_info_by_number(number): for bank in _banks: if bank.bank_number == number: return bank raise NotImplementedError(number) # pragma no cover