Source code for stoqlib.lib.dateutils

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## Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Async Open Source
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""Utilities for working with dates"""

import collections
import datetime

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from dateutil.rrule import rrule, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY

from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

_Interval = collections.namedtuple(
    'Interval', 'multiple singular plural adverb constant')

_interval_types = [
    _Interval(1, _('day'), _('days'), _('Daily'), INTERVALTYPE_DAY),
    _Interval(1, _('week'), _('weeks'), _('Weekly'), INTERVALTYPE_WEEK),
    _Interval(2, _('week'), _('weeks'), _('Biweekly'), INTERVALTYPE_BIWEEK),
    _Interval(1, _('month'), _('months'), _('Monthly'), INTERVALTYPE_MONTH),
    _Interval(4, _('month'), _('months'), _('Quarterly'), INTERVALTYPE_QUARTER),
    _Interval(1, _('year'), _('years'), _('Yearly'), INTERVALTYPE_YEAR),

[docs]def localnow(): """Get the current date according to the local timezone. This is relative to the clock on the computer where Stoq is run. :rtype: datetime.datetime object :returns: right now according to the current locale """ # FIXME: When we can use TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP in PostgreSQL # this should set the timezone. return
[docs]def localtoday(): """Get the beginning of the current date according to the local timezone. This is relative to the clock on the computer where Stoq is run. :rtype: datetime.datetime object :returns: today according to the current locale """ return localnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
[docs]def localdate(year, month, day): """Get a date according to the local timezone. This will return a date at midnight for the current locale. This is relative to the clock on the computer where Stoq is run. :param int year: the year in four digits :param int month: the month (1-12) :param int day: the day (1-31) :rtype: datetime.datetime object :returns: a date according to the current locale """ return localdatetime(year, month, day)
[docs]def localdatetime(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0): """Get a datetime according to the local timezone. This will return a date at midnight for the current locale. This is relative to the clock on the computer where Stoq is run. :param int year: the year in four digits :param int month: the month (1-12) :param int day: the day (1-31) :param int hour: the hour (0-23) :param int minute: the minute (0-59) :param int second: the second (0-59) :param int microsecond: the microsecond (1-99999) :rtype: datetime.datetime object :returns: a date according to the current locale """ # FIXME: When we can use TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP in PostgreSQL # this should set the timezone. return datetime.datetime(year=year, day=day, month=month, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, microsecond=microsecond)
[docs]def get_interval_type_items(with_multiples=False, plural=False, adverb=False): """Get a list of items suitable for putting into a combo. You can get three variants, singular, plural or adverb depending on how you want to display it. You can skip multiples if you plan to use them in conjuction with a spinbutton :param with_multiples: if multiples such as biweekly and quarterly should be included :param plural: if the plural variant should be used :param adverb: if the adverbial form should be used :returns: a list of tuples (labels, interval_type) """ labels = [] for interval in _interval_types: if not with_multiples and interval.multiple > 1: continue if adverb: label = interval.adverb elif plural: label = interval.plural else: label = interval.singular labels.append((label, interval.constant)) return labels
[docs]def get_month_names(): return [_('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December')]
[docs]def get_short_month_names(): return [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')]
[docs]def get_day_names(): return [_('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday')]
[docs]def get_short_day_names(): return [_('Sun'), _('Mon'), _('Tue'), _('Wed'), _('Thu'), _('Fri'), _('Sat')]
[docs]def create_date_interval(interval_type, start_date=None, end_date=None, interval=None, count=None): """Generate a bunch of dates given a set of parameters. There are two ways of using this, either as: * interval_type, interval, count, start_date or: * interval_type, start_date, end_date :param interval_type: one of the INTERVALTYPE_* above :param intervals: interval between the dates :param count: number of items to create :param start_date: start :class:`date <>` :param end_date: end :class:`date <>` :returns: a :class:`datetime.rrule.rrule` object """ if ((not interval and not count and not start_date) and (not start_date and not end_date)): raise TypeError("Needs interval/count/end date or start/end date") if interval and (not start_date and not count): raise TypeError("interval needs start_date/count") if interval and end_date: raise TypeError("Can't specify both interval and end date") bymonthday = None bysetpos = None if interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_DAY: freq = DAILY _interval = 1 elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_WEEK: freq = WEEKLY _interval = 1 elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_BIWEEK: freq = WEEKLY _interval = 2 elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_MONTH: # This really means: last day of month, it'll never # cross month boundaries even if there are less than # 31 days. bysetpos = 1 bymonthday = (, -1) freq = MONTHLY _interval = 1 elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_QUARTER: freq = MONTHLY _interval = 3 elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_YEAR: freq = YEARLY _interval = 1 else: raise AssertionError(interval_type) if not interval: interval = _interval return rrule(dtstart=start_date, until=end_date, freq=freq, interval=interval, count=count, bymonthday=bymonthday, bysetpos=bysetpos)
[docs]def interval_type_as_relativedelta(interval_type): """ Gets a interval_type as a relativedelta :returns: a relativedelta """ if interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_DAY: return relativedelta(days=1) elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_WEEK: return relativedelta(weeks=1) elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_BIWEEK: return relativedelta(weeks=2) elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_MONTH: return relativedelta(months=1) elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_QUARTER: return relativedelta(months=3) elif interval_type == INTERVALTYPE_YEAR: return relativedelta(years=1) else: raise AssertionError(interval_type)
[docs]def get_month_intervals_for_year(year): """Returns a list of tuples with first and last day of a month""" months = iter( rrule(MONTHLY, count=24, # 2 per year, 12 months bymonthday=(1, -1), dtstart=datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1))) while True: try: yield, except StopIteration: break
def _df(seconds, denominator, past, text_future, text_past): if past: return text_past % ((seconds + denominator / 2) / denominator, ) else: return text_future % ((seconds + denominator / 2) / denominator, ) # pretty_date() is: # __author__ = "S Anand (" # __copyright__ = "Copyright 2010, S Anand" # __license__ = "WTFPL"
[docs]def pretty_date(time=False, asdays=False): '''Returns a pretty formatted date. Inputs: time is a datetime object or an int timestamp asdays is True if you only want to measure days, not seconds ''' now = if type(time) is int: time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time) elif not time: time = now if time > now: past = False diff = time - now else: past = True diff = now - time seconds = diff.seconds days = diff.days if days == 0 and not asdays: if seconds < 10: return _('now') elif seconds < 60: return _df(seconds, 1, past, _('in %d seconds'), _('%d seconds ago')) elif seconds < 120: return _('a minute ago') if past else _('in a minute') elif seconds < 3600: return _df(seconds, 60, past, _('in %d minutes'), _('%d minutes ago')) elif seconds < 7200: return _('an hour ago') if past else _('in an hour') else: return _df(seconds, 3600, past, _('in %d hours'), _('%d hours ago')) else: if days == 0: return _('today') elif days == 1: return _('yesterday') if past else _('tomorrow') elif days == 2: return _('day before') if past else _('day after') elif days < 7: return _df(days, 1, past, _('in %d days'), _('%d days ago')) elif days < 14: return _('last week') if past else _('next week') elif days < 31: return _df(days, 7, past, _('in %d weeks'), _('%d weeks ago')) elif days < 61: return _('last month') if past else _('next month') elif days < 365: return _df(days, 30, past, _('in %d months'), _('%d months ago')) elif days < 730: return _('last year') if past else _('next year') else: return _df(days, 365, past, _('in %d years'), _('%d years ago'))