# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2006,2008 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <stoq-devel@async.com.br>
""" Stoqlib Interfaces """
# pylint: disable=E0102,E0211,E0213
from zope.interface.interface import Interface, Attribute
[docs]class CookieError(Exception):
[docs]class ICookieFile(Interface):
def get():
"""Fetch the cookie or raise CookieError if a problem occurred
:returns: (username, password)
:rtype: tuple
def store(username, password):
"""Stores a username and password
:param username: username
:param password: password
def clear():
"""Resets the cookie
[docs]class IApplicationDescriptions(Interface):
"""Get a list of application names, useful for launcher programs
def get_application_names():
Gets a list of application names.
:returns: a list of application names.
def get_descriptions():
Gets a list of tuples with some important Stoq application
informations. Each tuple jas the following data:
* Application name
* Application full name
* Application icon name
* Application description
:returns: a list of tuples with Stoq application informations.
[docs]class ISystemNotifier(Interface):
def info(short, description):
# FIXME: Remove *args/**kwargs
def warning(short, description, *args, **kwargs):
def error(short, description):
def yesno(text, default, *verbs):
[docs]class IPluginManager(Interface):
"""A manager for plugins.
[docs]class IPlugin(Interface):
name = Attribute('name')
def activate():
"""Called everytime the plugins gets activated
This is where the init plugin logic should be, like events
connection and so on.
def get_migration():
"""Get the database migration for the plugin
:returns: a :class:`stoqlib.database.migration.PluginSchemaMigration`
def get_tables():
"""Returns a C{list} of domain classes
This should return a C{list} of tuples, each one containing the
domain path as the first item, and a list of classes as
the second. e.g. A 'from a.b import C, D' should be
translated into the C{tuple} ('a.b', ['C', 'D']).
@note: this information is used for database synchronization
:returns: a C{list} of C{tuple} containing domain info
def get_server_tasks():
"""Get a list of tasks that the server will be responsible to run
A task is a object implementing :class:`.IPluginTask`.
:returns: a list of tasks
def get_dbadmin_commands():
"""Returns a list of available commands for dbadmin
:returns: a C{list} of available commands
def handle_dbadmin_command(command, options, args):
"""Handle a dbadmin command
:param command: the command string
:param options: extra optparser options
:param args: a list of C{args}
[docs]class IPluginTask(Interface):
"""A plugin task that can run on stoq server"""
name = Attribute('name')
handle_actions = Attribute('handle_actions')
def start(**kwargs):
"""Called to start the task.
:keyword pipe_connection: the connection used to communicate
with the stoqserver api. Will only be present if
:attr:`.handle_actions` is ``True``
[docs]class IPaymentOperation(Interface):
"""An object implementing IPaymentOperation is a 1:1
mapping to a payment method. It's responsible for the
logic specific parts of a method.
name = Attribute('name')
description = Attribute('description')
max_installments = Attribute('max_installments')
def pay_on_sale_confirm():
"""If we should set the payment as paid when confirming a sale"""
def payment_create(payment):
"""This is called when a payment is created
:param payment: the created payment
def payment_delete(payment):
"""This is called just before a payment is deleted
:param payment: the payment which is going to be deleted
def create_transaction():
"""If this payment method should create a transaction when
:returns: True if an AccountTransaction should be created
def selectable(method):
"""This is called to find out if the method should
be shown in the slave list of payment methods
:returns: True if it should be shown
def creatable(method, payment_type, separate):
"""If it's possible to create new payments of this payment method type
:param method: payment method
:param payment_type: kind of payment
:param separate: if it's created separately from a sale/purchase
:returns: True if you can create new methods of this type
def can_cancel(payment):
"""If it's possible to cancel a payment
:param payment: the payment to cancel
def can_change_due_date(payment):
"""If it's possible to change the due date of a payment
:param payment: the payment to change due date
def can_pay(payment):
"""If it's possible to pay a payable
:param payment: the payment to pay
def can_print(payment):
"""If it's possible to print this payment
:param payment: the payment to print
def can_set_not_paid(payment):
"""If it can be set as not paid once it has been paid
:param payment: the payment to be set as not paid
def print_(payment):
"""Prints this payment
:param payment: the payment to print
def get_constant(payment):
"""This should return a stoqdriver payment method constant
:param payment: the payment whose method we shout return a stoqdrivers
:returns: one :class:`PaymentMethodConstant`
def require_person(payment_type):
"""If this payment requires a person to be created
:param payment_type: the kind of payment
[docs]class IPaymentOperationManager(Interface):
"""This is a singleton for storing payment
operations. You can register one and fetch by name
def get_operation_names():
"""Get the operation names registered in this manager
:returns: payment names
:rtype: list of strings
def register(name, operation):
"""Register a payment operation.
:param name: name of the payment operation
:param operation: the payment operation
:type operation: an object implementing :class:`IPaymentOperation`
def get(name):
"""Get an operation given a name
:param name: name of the operation
:returns: the operation
:rtype operation: an object implementing :class:`IPaymentOperation`
[docs]class IStoqConfig(Interface):
[docs]class IAppInfo(Interface):
"""Store global application data, such as
name, version.
def set(name, value):
"""Sets a variable to value
:param name: string, variable name
:param value: value of the key
def get(name):
"""Gets a variable
:param name: name of the variable to fetch
:returns: the key for @name
[docs]class IPermissionManager(Interface):
"""A permission manager controling what parts of the system are acessible.
To completely disable access to a feature, set permission=0.
def set(key, permission):
"""Set the credentials the current user have to access a feature.
If the feature should be completely disabled (user cannot access the
feature), permission should be 0.
If the key is a domain object, available credentials are: PERM_SEARCH,
PERM_CREATE, PERM_EDIT, PERM_DETAILS. This credentials are used by
SearchEditors and will disable/enable create, edit and details button.
If the key is a menu action, the only credential is PERM_ACCESS. If the
user has it, he will be allowed to access the feature, oherwise it will
be hidden.
:param key: String identifing the feature. This should be the name of
the domain object (Product, Client, etc..), or an
identifier for the related menu action (app.admin.new_order,
for instance).
:param permission: The credentials the current user has for accessing
the feature.
def get(key):
"""Returns the current user credentials for the feature
the value returned should be checked agains PERM_* flags.
def can_search(key):
"""Returns if the user has permission to search the given feature"""
def can_edit(key):
"""Returns if the user has permission to edit the given feature"""
def can_create(key):
"""Returns if the user has permission to create new objects of the given
def can_see_details(key):
"""Returns if the user has permission to see details of objects of the
given feature"""
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