Source code for stoqlib.lib.invoice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
## USA.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""Invoice generation"""

import array
from decimal import Decimal

from kiwi.datatypes import ValidationError

from stoqdrivers.enum import TaxType
from stoqdrivers.escp import EscPPrinter

from stoqlib.domain.fiscal import Invoice
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localtoday
from stoqlib.lib.message import warning
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext as _

[docs]def splititers(iterator, size): while iterator: yield iterator[:size] iterator = iterator[size:]
[docs]class InvoicePage(object): """This represent a page part of an invoice""" def __init__(self, width, height): """ Create a new InvoicePage object. :param width: the width of the page :param height: the height of the page """ self._data = [] for lines in range(height): self._data.append( array.array('c', (' ' * width) + '\n')) self.width = width self.height = height def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data) def _put(self, x, y, width, data): if type(data) != str: raise AssertionError(type(data)) output = array.array('c', data.upper()) if y > len(self._data): raise ValueError( "maximum invoice layout is %d, got %d" % (self.height, y)) row = self._data[y] row[x:x + width] = output[:width] def _add_boolean(self, x, y, width, data): if data: data = 'X' else: data = ' ' self._put(x, y, width, data) def _add_integer(self, x, y, width, data): if data is None: data = '' else: data = '%*.2f' % (int(width), data) self._put(x, y, width, data) def _add_decimal(self, x, y, width, data): if data is None: data = '' else: data = '%*.2f' % (int(width), float(data)) self._put(x, y, width, data) def _add_string(self, x, y, width, data): if type(data) == unicode: data = str(data) if data is None: data = '' else: data = '%-*s' % (int(width), data) self._put(x, y, width, data) def _add_list(self, data_type, x, y, width, height, data): for y_offset, line in enumerate(data): self.add(data_type[0], x, y + y_offset, width, height, line)
[docs] def add(self, data_type, x, y, width, height, data): """Adds a new field to the page :param data_type: data type of the field :param x: x position of the left side of the field :param y: y position of the upper side of the field :param width: width of the field :param height: height of the field :param data: data to be printed at the field. This is dependent of the data type """ if data_type == bool: self._add_boolean(x, y, width, data) elif data_type == str: self._add_string(x, y, width, data) elif data_type == Decimal: self._add_decimal(x, y, width, data) elif data_type == int: self._add_integer(x, y, width, data) elif type(data_type) == list: self._add_list(data_type, x, y, width, height, data) else: raise AssertionError( "unsupported field type: %s" % (data_type, ))
class _Invoice(object): date_format = '%d-%m-%Y' def __init__(self, layout): self.layout = layout self.header_fields = [] self.list_fields = [] self.footer_fields = [] self._arrange_fields() def _arrange_fields(self): """Arrange all the fields. We have three field types internally, headers, list and footers. The header iterms should appear on all pages The list items should be split up and separated by page Footer items should only appear on the last page List items are items are invoice fields which has a list type All items which has are located above a list item is a header item and all item which are located belove is a footer item. """ # First pass, figure out upper and lower bounds of the list area, # eg the area which the list items cover. # FIXME if we have a non-list widget in between lists, it will be treat # that widget as a list, which will crash the program top = self.layout.height bottom = 0 for field in self.layout.fields: invoice_field_class = get_invoice_field_by_name(field.field_name) if not isinstance(invoice_field_class.field_type, list): continue if field.y < top: top = field.y if (field.y + field.height) > bottom: bottom = field.y + field.height # Now when we know the interval of all the list items, # Just arrange the items by their relative position to the # list area: # above area -> header # below area -> footer # inside arae -> list for field in self.layout.fields: if field.y + field.height <= top: self.header_fields.append(field) elif field.y >= bottom: self.footer_fields.append(field) else: self.list_fields.append(field) def _fetch_data_by_field(self, field): invoice_field_class = get_invoice_field_by_name(field.field_name) if invoice_field_class is None: print('WARNING: Could not find field %s' % (field.field_name, )) return invoice_field = invoice_field_class(self, field) return (invoice_field.fetch(field.width, field.height), invoice_field.field_type) def _add_field(self, page, field, height_delta=0): data, field_type = self._fetch_data_by_field(field) page.add(field_type, field.x, field.y + height_delta, field.width, field.height, data) def _fetch_list_fields(self): """Fetch the list field data and seperate/sort it by page. The dictionary returned is structured like this:: - key: page number - value: field, field_type, lines for the page - field comes from the database - field_type is the type of the field - lines is all the lines which should be printed on the current page :returns: a dictionary """ # Fetch the data from all list fields list_fields = [] for field in self.list_fields: data, field_type = self._fetch_data_by_field(field) list_fields.append((field, field_type, list(data))) # Split up the data by page page_list_fields = {} for field, field_type, data in list_fields: if self.layout.continuous_page: line_data = [data] else: line_data = splititers(data, field.height) for n, lines in enumerate(line_data): if not n in page_list_fields: page_list_fields[n] = [] page_list_fields[n].append((field, field_type, lines)) return page_list_fields def generate_pages(self): """Formats the data from the sale according to the fields specified in the layout :returns: pages printed :rtype: a list of pages """ list_field_data = self._fetch_list_fields() pages = [] # The height delta is how many lines the footer should be offset to the # bottom when printing continuously. height_delta = 0 if self.layout.continuous_page: # When printing continuously, there is only one page first_page = list_field_data[0] # Get the first field of this page field = first_page[0] # And the number of lines in this field height_delta = len(field[2]) - 1 for page_no in sorted(list_field_data): list_fields = list_field_data[page_no] page = InvoicePage(self.layout.width, self.layout.height + height_delta) # Header fields for field in self.header_fields: self._add_field(page, field) # List fields for field, field_type, lines in list_fields: page.add(field_type, field.x, field.y, field.width, field.height, lines) pages.append(page) # Footer fields if pages: last_page = pages[-1] for field in self.footer_fields: self._add_field(last_page, field, height_delta) return pages def has_invoice_number(self): """Returns if the invoice has an invoice number field or not. :returns: True if there is an invoice field, False otherwise """ for field in self.header_fields: if field.field_name == 'INVOICE_NUMBER': return True return False def send_to_printer(self, device): """Send the printer invoice to the printer :param device: device name of the printer :type device: string """ try: printer = EscPPrinter(device) except IOError as e: warning(str(e)) return for page in self.generate_pages(): for line in page: printer.send(line.tostring()) printer.form_feed() printer.done()
[docs]class SaleInvoice(_Invoice): def __init__(self, sale, layout): """Creates a new sale invoice :param sale: sale to print an invoice for :param layout: the invoice layout to use """ _Invoice.__init__(self, layout) = sale self.type = _('Sale') = localtoday().date()
[docs]class PurchaseInvoice(_Invoice): def __init__(self, purchase, layout): _Invoice.__init__(self, layout) self.purchase = purchase self.type = _('Purchase') = localtoday().date()
[docs]def validate_invoice_number(invoice_number, store): if not 0 < invoice_number <= 999999999: return ValidationError( _("Invoice number must be between 1 and 999999999")) if not store.find(Invoice, invoice_number=invoice_number).is_empty(): return ValidationError(_(u'Invoice number already used.'))
[docs]class InvoiceFieldDescription(object): field_type = str height = 1 description = '' name = None category = '' length = -1 def __init__(self, invoice, field): self.invoice = invoice self.field = field = = @classmethod
[docs] def get_description(cls): return cls.description or
invoice_fields = {} def _register_invoice_field(field): invoice_fields[] = field return field
[docs]def get_invoice_field_by_name(field_name): return invoice_fields.get(field_name)
[docs]def get_invoice_fields(): return list(invoice_fields.values())
[docs]class FreeTextField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"FREE_TEXT" description = _("Free text") category = _("Other") length = 10
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return self.field.content
# # Company fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class CompanyDocumentField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_DOCUMENT" description = _("Company document number") category = _("Branch") length = 18
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class StateRegistryField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"STATE_REGISTRY" description = _("State registry number") category = _("Branch") length = 14
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CityRegistryField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CITY_REGISTRY" description = _("City registry number") category = _("Branch") length = 14
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class InscrEstadualSubstitudoField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"INSCR_ESTADUAL_SUBSTITUTO_TRIB" category = _("Branch") length = 4
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): # TODO figure out what to return return ''
[docs]class CompanyAddressField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_ADDRESS" description = _("Company address") category = _("Branch") length = 34
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CompanyNameField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_NAME" description = _("Company name") category = _("Branch") length = 34
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CompanyFancyNameField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_FANCY_NAME" description = _("Company fancy name") category = _("Branch") length = 34
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CompanyPostalCodeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_POSTAL_CODE" description = _("Company postal code") category = _("Branch") length = 8
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CompanyCityLocationField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"COMPANY_CITY_LOCATION" description = _("Company city location") category = _("Branch") length = 8
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): city_location = return '%s / %s' % (, city_location.state)
# # Sale fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class SaleNumberField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SALE_NUMBER" category = _("Sale") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return unicode(
[docs]class SalesPersonNameField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SALESPERSON_NAME" category = _("Sale") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class CfopField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CFOP" category = _("Other") length = 4
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if return
[docs]class SaleTotalValueField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_TOTAL_NOTA" category = _("Sale") length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class AdditionalSaleNotesField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"ADDITIONAL_SALE_NOTES" category = _("Sale") lenght = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): comments = [] # FIXME We may have problems to print multiples comments. # If we have comments that exceeds the lenght of the widget, it wont # print it properly for comment in comments.append(comment.comment) return '\n'.join(comments)
[docs]class SaleTokenField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SALE_TOKEN_CODE" description = _("Sale token code") category = _("Sale") length = 8
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
# # Product fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class ProductItemCounterField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_COUNTER" description = _('Product item counter') category = _("Product") length = 3 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): product_count = for i in range(product_count): # This will pad zeros dynamicly, accordingly to product_count yield '%0*d' % (len(str(product_count)), i + 1)
[docs]class ProductItemCodeDescriptionField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_CODE_DESCRIPTION" description = _('Product item code / description') category = _("Product") length = 35 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in code = '%014s' % sale_item.sellable.code yield '%s / %s' % ( code.replace(' ', '0'), sale_item.get_description())
[docs]class ProductItemDescriptionField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" description = _('Product item description') category = _("Product") length = 30 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield '%s' % sale_item.get_description()
[docs]class ProductItemCodeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_CODE" description = _('Product item code') category = _("Product") length = 5 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in code = '%05s' % sale_item.sellable.code yield code[-width:]
[docs]class ProductItemCodeSituationField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_CODE_SITUATION" description = _('Product item situation') category = _("Product") length = 1 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield 'N'
[docs]class ProductItemCodeUnitField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_CODE_UNIT" description = _('Product item unit') category = _("Product") length = 2 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.sellable.unit_description
[docs]class ProductItemQuantityField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_QUANTITY" description = _('Product item quantity') category = _("Product") length = 5 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.quantity
[docs]class ProductItemPriceField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_PRICE" description = _('Product item price') category = _("Product") length = 5 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.price
[docs]class ProductItemTotalField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_TOTAL" description = _('Product item total (price * quantity)') category = _("Product") length = 7 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.get_total()
[docs]class ValorTotalProductsField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_TOTAL_PRODUTOS" category = _("Product") length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
# # Client fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class ClientNameField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_NAME" description = _('Client name') category = _("Client") length = 35
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientAddressField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_ADDRESS" description = _('Client Address') category = _("Client") length = 34
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientDocumentField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_DOCUMENT" description = _("Client's document number") category = _("Client") length = 14
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' individual = if individual is not None: return individual.cpf company = if company is not None: return company.cnpj
[docs]class ClientDistrictField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_DISTRICT" description = _("Client's district") category = _("Client") length = 15
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientPostalCodeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_POSTAL_CODE" description = _("Client's postal code") category = _("Client") length = 8
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientCityField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_CITY" description = _("Client's city") category = _("Client") length = 34
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientPhoneField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_PHONE" description = _('Client Phone number') category = _("Client") length = 12
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientFaxField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_FAX" description = _('Client Fax number') category = _("Client") length = 12
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientPhoneFaxField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_PHONE_FAX" description = _('Client Phone/Fax number') category = _("Client") length = 12
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return '%s / %s' % (,
[docs]class ClientStateField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_STATE" description = _('Client state abbreviation') category = _("Client") length = 2
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' return
[docs]class ClientStateRegistryDocumentField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"CLIENT_STATE_REGISTRY_DOCUMENT" description = _('Clients state registry number or document number') category = _("Client") length = 14
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): if not return '' company = if company is None: return '' return company.state_registry
# # Payment fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class PaymentNumbersField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PAYMENT_NUMBERS" description = _('Number of payments') category = _('Payment') length = 4
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return str(
[docs]class PaymentDueDatesField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PAYMENT_DUE_DATES" description = _('Payment due dates') category = _('Payment') length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): dates = [p.due_date.strftime(self.invoice.date_format) for p in] return ', '.join(dates)
[docs]class PaymentValuesField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PAYMENT_VALUES" description = _('Payment values') category = _('Payment') length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): dates = [str(p.value) for p in] return ', '.join(dates)
# # Tax fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class BaseDeCalculoICMSField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"BASE_DE_CALCULO_ICMS" length = 1 category = _('Tax') field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if not tax or not tax.tax_value: continue total += sale_item.get_total() return total
[docs]class ICMSValueField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_ICMS" category = _('Tax') length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) for sale_item in # FIXME: Use the same information we already added for NF-e tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax and tax.tax_value: total += sale_item.get_total() * (tax.tax_value / 100) return total
[docs]class BaseDeCalculoICMSSubstField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"BASE_DE_CALCULO_ICMS_SUBST" category = _('Tax') length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax.tax_type == TaxType.SUBSTITUTION: total += sale_item.get_total() return total
[docs]class ValorICMSSubstField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_ICMS_SUBST" category = _('Tax') length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) tax_value = sysparam.get_decimal('SUBSTITUTION_TAX') for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax.tax_type == TaxType.SUBSTITUTION: total += sale_item.get_total() * (Decimal(tax_value) / 100) return total
[docs]class BaseDeCalculoISSField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"BASE_DE_CALCULO_ISS" category = _('Tax') length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if not tax or not tax.tax_value: continue total += sale_item.get_total() return total
[docs]class ValorISSField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_ISS" category = _('Tax') length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): total = Decimal(0) tax_value = sysparam.get_decimal('ISS_TAX') for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax.tax_type == TaxType.SERVICE: total += sale_item.get_total() * (Decimal(tax_value) / 100) return total
[docs]class ValorIPIField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_IPI" category = _('Tax') length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): # TODO figure out what to return return 0
[docs]class ProductItemTaxField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"PRODUCT_ITEM_TAX" description = _('Product item tax') category = _('Tax') length = 2 field_type = [int]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax and tax.tax_value: value = int(tax.tax_value) else: value = None yield value
# # Invoice fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class OutgoingInvoiceField(InvoiceFieldDescription): field_type = bool name = u"OUTGOING_INVOICE" description = _("Outgoing invoice") category = _("Invoice") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return isinstance(self.invoice, SaleInvoice)
[docs]class IncomingInvoiceField(InvoiceFieldDescription): field_type = bool name = u"INCOMING_INVOICE" description = _("Incoming invoice") category = _("Invoice") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return isinstance(self.invoice, PurchaseInvoice)
[docs]class OrderEmissionDateField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"ORDER_EMISSION_DATE" description = _('Emission date') category = _("Invoice") length = 10
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class OrderCreationDateField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"ORDER_CREATION_DATE" description = _('Creation date') category = _("Invoice") length = 10
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return
[docs]class OrderCreationTimeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"ORDER_CREATION_TIME" description = _('Creation time') category = _("Invoice") length = 8
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return'%H:%S')
[docs]class InvoiceNumberField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"INVOICE_NUMBER" description = _(u"Invoice number") category = _("Invoice") length = 6
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return '%09d' %
[docs]class InvoiceTypeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"INVOICE_TYPE" description = _("Invoice Type") category = _("Invoice") length = 10
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return self.invoice.type
# # Service fields # @_register_invoice_field
[docs]class ServiceItemCodeDescriptionField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_CODE_DESCRIPTION" description = _('Service item code / description') category = _("Service") length = 35 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in code = '%014s' % sale_item.sellable.code yield '%s / %s' % ( code.replace(' ', '0'), sale_item.get_description())
[docs]class ServiceItemDescriptionField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" description = _('Service item description') category = _("Service") length = 30 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield '%s' % sale_item.get_description()
[docs]class ServiceItemCodeField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_CODE" description = _('Service item code') category = _("Service") length = 5 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in code = '%05s' % sale_item.sellable.code yield code[-width:]
[docs]class ServiceItemCodeUnitField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_CODE_UNIT" description = _('Service item unit') category = _("Service") length = 2 field_type = [str]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.sellable.unit_description
[docs]class ServiceItemQuantityField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_QUANTITY" description = _('Service item quantity') category = _("Service") length = 5 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.quantity
[docs]class ServiceItemPriceField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_PRICE" description = _('Service item price') category = _("Service") length = 5 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.price
[docs]class ServiceItemTotalField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_TOTAL" description = _('Service item total (price * quantity)') category = _("Service") length = 7 field_type = [Decimal]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in yield sale_item.get_total()
[docs]class ServiceItemTaxField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"SERVICE_ITEM_TAX" description = _('Service item tax') category = _("Service") length = 2 field_type = [int]
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): for sale_item in tax = sale_item.sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax and tax.tax_value: value = int(tax.tax_value) else: value = None yield value
[docs]class ValorTotalServicosField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_TOTAL_SERVICOS" category = _("Service") length = 1 field_type = Decimal
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): return sum([s.quantity * s.price for s in], Decimal(0))
# # Uncategorized fields # #@_register_invoice_field
[docs]class ValorFreteField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_FRETE" category = _("Other") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): # TODO figure out what to return return 0
[docs]class ValorSeguroField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_SEGURO" category = _("Other") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): # TODO figure out what to return return 0
[docs]class ValorDespesasField(InvoiceFieldDescription): name = u"VALOR_DESPESAS" category = _("Other") length = 1
[docs] def fetch(self, width, height): # TODO figure out what to return return 0