Source code for stoqlib.lib.sintegra

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2007 Async Open Source
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <>

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from stoqlib.lib import latscii

_number_type = (int, long, Decimal)

[docs]def argtype_name(argtype): if argtype == _number_type: return 'number' else: return argtype.__name__
[docs]class SintegraError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SintegraFile(object): def __init__(self): self._registers = []
[docs] def add(self, register): """Adds a register to the file :param register: a register :type register: :class:`SintegraRegister` """ if not isinstance(register, SintegraRegister): raise TypeError("register must be a SintegraRegister instance") numbers = [f.sintegra_number for f in self._registers] if register.sintegra_unique: if register.sintegra_number in numbers: raise SintegraError("%s can only be added once" % (register.sintegra_number, )) if register.sintegra_requires: for number in register.sintegra_requires: if not number in numbers: raise SintegraError("%s must be added at this point" % (number, )) self._registers.append(register)
[docs] def add_header(self, cgc, estadual, company, city, state, fax, start, end): """Receive values to generate Sintegra Register type 10. :param cgc: the branch CNPJ number. :param estadual: the branch 'Inscrição estadual' number or ISENTO. :param company: the company fancy name. :param city: the branch city. :param state: the branch city state. :param fax: the branch fax number. :param start: start's date period, generally, the 1th month day. :type start: :param end: end's date periodo, generally, the last month day. :type end: """ self.add(SintegraRegister10( cgc, estadual, company, city, state, fax, int(start.strftime('%Y%m%d')), int(end.strftime('%Y%m%d')), '331'))
[docs] def add_complement_header(self, address, number, complement, district, postal, name, phone): """Receive values to generate Sintegra Register type 11. :param address: the branch address. :param number: the number of the branch address. :param complement: the complement of the branch address. :param district: district of the branch address. :param postal: postal code number of the branch address. :param name: the branch manager name. :param phone: the branch phone number. """ self.add(SintegraRegister11( address, number, complement, district, postal, name, phone))
[docs] def add_fiscal_coupon(self, date, printerserial, printerid, coupon_start, coupon_end, crz, cro, period_total, total): """Receive values for generate 60M Sintegra Register. :param date: emission date of the fiscal coupon. :type date: :param printerserial: serial number of the fiscal printer. :param printerid: the refered number (id) for the fiscal printer in a branch. :param coupon_start: the number in which the coupon fiscal starts. :param coupon_end: the number in which the fiscal coupon ends. :param crz: counter the number of 'Zs reduction' made by fiscal printer. :param cro: counter how many times the fiscal printer was restarted their operations. :param period_total: value total in a fiscal day. :param total: total acumulated in fiscal printer. """ if not isinstance(date, raise TypeError idate = int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) total = int(total * 100) self.add(SintegraRegister60M('M', idate, printerserial, int(printerid), '2D', coupon_start, coupon_end, crz, cro, period_total * 100, total * 100))
[docs] def add_fiscal_tax(self, date, printerserial, code, value): """ Receive values for generate 60A Sintegra Register. :param date: emission date of the fiscal coupon. :type date: :param printerserial: serial number of the fiscal printer. :param code: the tax code. :param value: the tax value. """ self.add(SintegraRegister60A( 'A', int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), printerserial, code, value * 100))
[docs] def add_products_summarized(self, date, product_code, product_quantity, total_liquido_produto, total_icms_base, icms_aliquota): code = "%014s" % product_code product_code = code.replace(' ', '0') icms_aliquota = '%04d' % (icms_aliquota) if icms_aliquota == '0000': icms_aliquota = "I" self.add(SintegraRegister60R('R', date, product_code, product_quantity, total_liquido_produto, total_icms_base, icms_aliquota, ""))
[docs] def add_receiving_order(self, cnpj, state_registry, receival_date, state, modelo, serial, numero, cfop, emitente, total, icms_base, icms_total, isenta, outras, aliquota_icms, situacao): cfop_code = cfop.replace(".", "") date = int(receival_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")) self.add(SintegraRegister50(cnpj, str(state_registry), date, str(state), modelo, serial, numero, int(cfop_code), emitente, total * 100, icms_base * 100, icms_total * 100, isenta * 100, outras * 100, aliquota_icms * 100, situacao))
[docs] def add_receiving_order_item(self, cnpj, modelo, serial, numero, cfop, cst, numero_item, product_code, product_quantity, valor_bruto_produto, desconto, icms_base, icms_subst_trib, ipi, icms_aliquota): cfop_code = cfop.replace(".", "") cfop_int = int(cfop_code) if product_code is None: product_code = " " * 14 else: code = '%014s' % (product_code, ) product_code = code.replace(' ', '0') if cst is None: cst = ' ' * 3 self.add(SintegraRegister54(cnpj, modelo, serial, numero, cfop_int, cst, numero_item, product_code, product_quantity * 1000, valor_bruto_produto * 100, desconto * 100, icms_base * 100, icms_subst_trib * 100, ipi * 100, icms_aliquota * 100))
[docs] def add_inventory_item(self, start, product_code, product_quantity, total_product_value, owner_code, owner_cnpj, owner_state_registry, state): inventory_date = int(start.strftime("%Y%m%d")) code = '%014s' % product_code product_code = code.replace(' ', '0') blank = ' ' * 45 # When the actual company owns the products, the owner_cnpj and # owner_state_registry fields must be filled with pre-defined values. # See the link in #3708 for details. if owner_code == 1: owner_cnpj = 0 owner_state_registry = ' ' * 14 self.add(SintegraRegister74(inventory_date, product_code, product_quantity, total_product_value, owner_code, owner_cnpj, owner_state_registry, state, blank))
[docs] def add_product(self, start, end, product_code, ncm, desc, unit, aliquota_ipi, aliquota_icms, reducao_icms, base_icms): start = int(start.strftime("%Y%m%d")) end = int(end.strftime("%Y%m%d")) product_code = '%014d' % (int(product_code)) ncm = '%08d' % (int(ncm)) self.add(SintegraRegister75(start, end, product_code, ncm, desc, unit, aliquota_ipi, aliquota_icms, reducao_icms, base_icms))
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the file. This will add a couple of registers of type 90. """ sums = {} for register in self._registers[2:]: number = register.sintegra_number if not number in sums: sums[number] = 1 else: sums[number] += 1 cgc = self._registers[0].cgc estadual = self._registers[0].estadual totalizers = len(sums) + 1 for number, fsum in sorted(sums.items()): self.add(SintegraRegister90(cgc, estadual, number, fsum, '', totalizers)) self.add(SintegraRegister90(cgc, estadual, 99, len(self._registers) + 1, '', totalizers))
[docs] def write(self, filename=None, fp=None): """Writes out of the content of the file to a filename or fp :param filename: filename :param fp: file object, anything implementing write(data) """ if filename is None and fp is None: raise TypeError if filename is not None and fp is not None: raise TypeError if fp is None: fp = open(filename, 'wb') for register in self.get_registers(): fp.write(register.get_string())
[docs] def get_registers(self): last_register = self._registers[-1] if (last_register.sintegra_number != 90 or last_register.type != 99): raise TypeError("You need to close the document before calling write()") return self._registers
[docs]class SintegraRegister(object): """ This is an abstract class The arguments depends on what is defined in the class variable sintegra_fields :cvar sintegra_number: :cvar sintegra_fields: :cvar sintegra_unique: :cvar sintegra_requires: """ sintegra_number = 0 sintegra_fields = None sintegra_unique = False sintegra_requires = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new SintegraRegister""" if not self.sintegra_fields: raise TypeError if not self.sintegra_number: raise TypeError if len(args) != len(self.sintegra_fields): raise TypeError('%s expected %d parameters but got %d' % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.sintegra_fields), len(args))) sent_args = dict([(field[0], field[1:2]) for field in zip(self.sintegra_fields, args)]) for key in kwargs: if key in sent_args: raise SintegraError("%s specified two times" % (key, )) total = 0 self._values = {} for (name, length, argtype), arg in zip(self.sintegra_fields, args): if arg is None: pass elif not isinstance(arg, argtype): fmt = "argument %s should be of type %s but got %s" raise TypeError(fmt % (name, argtype_name(argtype), type(arg).__name__)) self._values[name] = self._arg_to_string(arg, length, argtype) setattr(self, name, arg) total += length if total > 124: raise TypeError( "There are items with a total length of %d in %s, " "but only 124 is allowed" % (total, self.__class__.__name__)) elif total < 124: self.padding = 124 - total else: self.padding = 0 # # Public API #
[docs] def get_string(self): """ Gets a string for all sintegra fields. :returns: sintegra fields as string. """ values = [] for (name, _, _) in self.sintegra_fields: values.append(self._values[name]) if self.padding: values.append(' ' * self.padding) return '%02d%s\r\n' % (self.sintegra_number, ''.join(values))
# Private def _arg_to_string(self, value, length, argtype): if value is None: return ' ' * length if argtype == _number_type: # If a value is higher the the maximum allowed, # set it to the maximum allowed value instead. max_value = (10 ** length) - 1 if value > max_value: value = max_value arg = '%0*d' % (length, value) elif argtype == basestring: # Accept normal strings, which are assumed to be UTF-8 if type(value) == str: value = unicode(value, 'utf-8') # Convert to latscii value = value.encode('ascii', 'replacelatscii') arg = '%-*s' % (length, value) # Chop strings which are too long if len(arg) > length: arg = arg[:length] else: raise AssertionError assert len(arg) <= length, (repr(arg), length) return arg
[docs]class SintegraRegister10(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 10 sintegra_fields = [ ('cgc', 14, _number_type), ('estadual', 14, basestring), ('company', 35, basestring), ('city', 30, basestring), ('state', 2, basestring), ('fax', 10, _number_type), ('start_date', 8, _number_type), ('end_date', 8, _number_type), ('codes', 3, basestring), # 1: 1..3 # 2: 1..3 # 3: 1..3,5 ] sintegra_unique = True
[docs]class SintegraRegister11(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 11 sintegra_fields = [ ('place', 34, basestring), ('number', 5, _number_type), ('complement', 22, basestring), ('dibasestringict', 15, basestring), ('postal', 8, _number_type), ('name', 28, basestring), ('phone', 12, _number_type), ] sintegra_requires = 10, sintegra_unique = True
[docs]class SintegraRegister60M(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 60 sintegra_fields = [ ('type', 1, basestring), ('date', 8, _number_type), ('printerserial', 20, basestring), ('printerid', 3, _number_type), ('model', 2, basestring), ('start_coo', 6, _number_type), ('end_coo', 6, _number_type), ('crz', 6, _number_type), ('cro', 3, _number_type), ('period_total', 16, _number_type), ('total', 16, _number_type), ] sintegra_requires = 10, 11
[docs]class SintegraRegister60A(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 60 sintegra_fields = [ ('type', 1, basestring), ('date', 8, _number_type), ('printerserial', 20, basestring), ('tax', 4, basestring), ('total', 12, _number_type), ] sintegra_requires = 10, 11
[docs]class SintegraRegister60R(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 60 sintegra_fields = [ ('type', 1, basestring), ('date', 6, _number_type), ('product_code', 14, basestring), ('product_quantity', 13, _number_type), ('total_liquido_produto', 16, _number_type), ('total_icms_base', 16, _number_type), ('icms_aliquota', 4, basestring), ('blank', 54, basestring), ]
[docs]class SintegraRegister50(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 50 sintegra_fields = [ ('cnpj', 14, _number_type), ('estadual', 14, basestring), ('date', 8, _number_type), ('state', 2, basestring), ('modelo', 2, _number_type), ('serial', 3, basestring), ('numero', 6, _number_type), ('cfop', 4, _number_type), ('emitente', 1, basestring), ('total', 13, _number_type), ('icms_base', 13, _number_type), ('icms_total', 13, _number_type), ('isenta', 13, _number_type), ('outras', 13, _number_type), ('aliquota_icms', 4, _number_type), ('situacao', 1, basestring), ]
[docs]class SintegraRegister54(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 54 sintegra_fields = [ ('cnpj', 14, _number_type), ('modelo', 2, _number_type), ('serial', 3, basestring), ('numero', 6, _number_type), ('cfop', 4, _number_type), ('cst', 3, basestring), ('numero_item', 3, _number_type), ('product_code', 14, basestring), ('product_quantity', 11, _number_type), ('valor_bruto_produto', 12, _number_type), ('desconto', 12, _number_type), ('icms_base', 12, _number_type), ('icms_subst_trib', 12, _number_type), ('ipi', 12, _number_type), ('icms_aliquota', 4, _number_type), ]
[docs]class SintegraRegister74(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 74 sintegra_fields = [ ('inventory_date', 8, _number_type), ('product_code', 14, basestring), ('product_quantity', 13, _number_type), ('total_product_value', 13, _number_type), # 'owner_code' accept the following values: # 1, Mercadorias de propriedade do Informante e em seu poder # 2, Mercadorias de propriedade do Informante em poder de terceiros # 3, Mercadorias de propriedade de terceiros em poder do Informante # according to the document linked in #3708 ('owner_code', 1, _number_type), ('owner_cnpj', 14, _number_type), # The 'owner_state_registry' field must conform to the value in # 'owner_code' eg 'owner_state_registry' must be filled with the # company's data that really owns the product. ('owner_state_registry', 14, basestring), ('state', 2, basestring), ('blank', 45, basestring), ]
[docs]class SintegraRegister75(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 75 sintegra_fields = [ ('start_date', 8, _number_type), ('end_date', 8, _number_type), ('product_code', 14, basestring), ('ncm', 8, basestring), ('descricao', 53, basestring), ('unit', 6, basestring), ('aliquota_ipi', 5, _number_type), ('aliquota_icms', 4, _number_type), ('reducao_icms', 5, _number_type), ('base_icms', 13, _number_type), ]
[docs]class SintegraRegister90(SintegraRegister): sintegra_number = 90 sintegra_fields = [ ('cgc', 14, _number_type), ('estadual', 14, basestring), ('type', 2, _number_type), ('registers', 8, _number_type), ('blank', 85, basestring), ('number', 1, _number_type), ] sintegra_requires = 10, 11
[docs]def test(): # pragma nocover s = SintegraFile() cgc = int('03852995000107') estadual = '110042490114' s.add(SintegraRegister10( cgc, estadual, 'TESTES E TESTES LTDA', 'CANDEIAS', 'SP', int('0710802316'), 20070401, 20070430, '331')) s.add(SintegraRegister11( 'RODOVIA BA 000 KM 00', 12, ',CX', 'POSTAL 60', 43800000, 'EDSON / PEDRO', int('07100000000'))) s.add_fiscal_coupon(, 4, 1), '12345678901234567890', 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 100, 1000) s.close() s.write('/tmp/sintegra-dos.txt')
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma nocover test()