Source code for stoqlib.test.tests_runner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2014 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
## Author(s): Stoq Team <> ##

import doctest
import os
import re
import sys

import nose
from nose.plugins.doctests import DocFileCase
from nose.plugins import Plugin

import stoqlib

# YANC nose plugin
# Copyright 2011-2013 Arthur Noel

_RESET = '\033[0m'  # pylint: disable=W1401
    bold=1, dark=2, underline=4, blink=5, reverse=7, concealed=8)
_COLORS = dict(
    grey=30, red=31, green=32, yellow=33, blue=34, magenta=35, cyan=36, white=37)

def _colored(text, color=None, attrs=None):
    if os.getenv('ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED') is None:
        fmt_str = '\033[%dm%s'  # pylint: disable=W1401
        if color is not None:
            text = fmt_str % (_COLORS[color], text)

        if attrs is not None:
            for attr in attrs:
                text = fmt_str % (_ATTRIBUTES[attr], text)

        text += _RESET
    return text

[docs]class ColorStream(object): _colors = { "green": ("OK", "ok", "."), "red": ("ERROR", "FAILED", "errors", "E"), "yellow": ("FAILURE", "FAIL", "failures", "F"), "magenta": ("SKIP", "S"), "blue": ("-" * 70, "=" * 70), } def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream self._color_map = {} self._patten_map = {} for color, labels in self._colors.items(): for label in labels: self._color_map[label] = color if len(label) > 1: self._patten_map[label] = re.compile(r"%s=\d+" % label) def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self._stream, key) def _colorize(self, string, color=None): if not string or color is not None: return string color = self._color_map.get(string) if color is None: for key in self._color_map: # looking for a test failure as LABEL: str(test) if string.startswith(key + ":"): segments = string.split(":") label = self._colorize(segments[0] + ":", self._color_map[key]) desc = ":".join(segments[1:]) if desc.startswith(" Failure: "): desc = _colored(desc, self._color_map[key]) return label + desc for key, key_color in self._color_map.items(): # looking for label=number in the summary pattern = self._patten_map.get(key) if pattern is not None: for match in pattern.findall(string): string = string.replace( match, self._colorize(match, key_color)) if color is not None: string = _colored(string, color, attrs=("bold",)) return string
[docs] def write(self, string): self._stream.write(self._colorize(string))
[docs] def writeln(self, string=""): self._stream.writeln(self._colorize(string))
[docs]class YANC(Plugin): """Yet another nose colorer""" name = "yanc" previous_path = None previous_klass = None
[docs] def options(self, parser, env): super(YANC, self).options(parser, env)
[docs] def configure(self, options, conf): super(YANC, self).configure(options, conf) self.color = ( hasattr(self.conf, "stream") and hasattr(, "isatty") and
[docs] def startContext(self, context): self.should_format = True
[docs] def stopContext(self, context): self.should_format = False
[docs] def describeTest(self, test): path = parts = path.split('.') method = parts.pop() try: klass = parts.pop() except IndexError: return test.test._dt_test.filename[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:] path = '.'.join(parts) return '%s:%s.%s' % (path, klass, method)
[docs] def begin(self): if self.color: = ColorStream(
[docs] def finalize(self, result): if self.color: =
# # Stoq nose plugin #
[docs]class Stoq(Plugin): """Stoq plugin for nose tests This plugin is reponsible for setting up the environment so Stoq and it's plugins can be tested right. """ name = "stoq"
[docs] def begin(self): # The tests require that the environment is currently set to C, to avoid # translated strings and use the default date/number/currency formatting os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C' os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'C' if 'STOQ_USE_GI' in os.environ: from stoq.lib import gicompat gicompat.enable() # If we import tests.base before Cover.setup() in the coverage plugin # is called the statistics will skip the modules imported by tests.base from stoqlib.database.testsuite import bootstrap_suite hostname = os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_HOSTNAME') dbname = os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_DBNAME') username = os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_USERNAME') password = os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_PASSWORD') port = int(os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_PORT') or 0) quick = os.environ.get('STOQLIB_TEST_QUICK', None) is not None config = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(stoqlib.__file__), 'tests', '') if os.path.exists(config): execfile(config, globals(), locals()) bootstrap_suite(address=hostname, dbname=dbname, port=port, username=username, password=password, quick=quick)
# The doctests plugin in nosetests 1.1.2 doesn't have --doctest-options, # which we need to set to ELLIPSIS, so monkeypatch that support in. # We can remove this monkeypatch as soon as we migrate to trusty def _init(self, test, optionflags=0, setUp=None, tearDown=None, checker=None, obj=None, result_var='_'): self._result_var = result_var self._nose_obj = obj super(DocFileCase, self).__init__( test, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE, setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown, checker=checker) DocFileCase.__init__ = _init def _collect_coverage_modules(filenames): # Collects a list of coverage modules given a set of filenames # stoqlib/domain -> stoqlib.domain # stoqlib/domain/test -> stoqlib.domain # stoqlib/domain/test/test_account -> stoqlib.domain.account # stoqlib/domain/test/ -> stoqlib.domain.account # (for instance via __tests__ global attribute in for filename in filenames: if os.path.isdir(filename): filename = filename.rstrip('/') if filename.endswith('/test'): filename = filename[:-5] yield filename.replace('/', '.') continue try: fd = open(filename) except IOError: continue for line in fd.readlines(): if not line.startswith('__tests__'): continue line = line[:-1] test_filename = line.split(' = ', 1)[1][1:-1] if test_filename.endswith('.py'): test_filename = test_filename[:-3] test_filename = test_filename.replace('/', '.') yield test_filename break # FIXME: This is mimicking what is done on the module containing the IPlugin # implemented class. Different from stoq that will always import that module, # nosetests will try to look for tests in each .py, producing ImportErrors. # This can be removed when the plugins import situation is solved. plugins_topdir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(stoqlib.__file__)), 'plugins') for plugin_dir in os.listdir(plugins_topdir): sys.path.append(os.path.join(plugins_topdir, plugin_dir))
[docs]def main(args, extra_plugins=None): if '--sql' in args: args.remove('--sql') from stoqlib.database.debug import enable enable() if '--coverage' in args: args.remove('--coverage') modules = _collect_coverage_modules(args) if modules: args.append('--with-coverage') args.append('--cover-package=%s' % (','.join(modules), )) for extra_option in [ # Disable capturing of stdout, we often use this for print debugging '--nocapture', # Disable logging capture, kiwi is quite verbose and doesn't give # a lot of useful information '--nologcapture', # Be verbose, one line per test instead of just a dot (like trial) '--verbose', # Detailed errors, useful for tracking down assertEquals '--detailed-errors', # Enable doctests '--with-doctest', # Our doctests ends with .txt, eg sellable.txt '--doctest-extension=txt']: if not extra_option in args: args.append(extra_option) plugins = [Stoq(), YANC()] if extra_plugins is not None: plugins.extend(extra_plugins) # --with-plugin must be the last args for p in plugins: args.append('--with-%s' % return nose.main(argv=args, addplugins=plugins)