Module s.exceptions

Part of stoqlib

Exception and warning definitions
Class ConfigError Error for config files which don't have a certain section
Class FilePermissionError General error for file permissions.
Class NoConfigurationError Raise this error when we don't have a config option properly set.
Class ModelDataError General model data errors
Class SellError Exceptions for sale operations
Class DatabaseInconsistency Exceptions for missing data or inconsistency
Class DatabaseError General database errors
Class StockError Exception for stock operations
Class EditorError Exception for stoqlib editors
Class SelectionError Invalid number of items selected in a list
Class TillError General Till operation errors
Class PaymentError General payment errors
Class PaymentMethodError Error for payment methods
Class AdapterError Raise this exception when an object try adding a facet but it doesn't
Class UserProfileError Raise when a certain user lacks credentials for an application
Class LoginError Raise when an username or password is invalid
Class SQLError Bad syntax for sql scripts
Class SellableError Errors for sellables
Class StoqlibError General Error for stoqlib domain classes and dialogs
Class InvalidStatus Invalid status for the object which the operation was requested
Class BarcodeDoesNotExists There are no products with the specified barcode
Class DeviceError A problem with a Device such as a fiscal printer
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.