Class s.r.p.PayablePaymentReport(_BasePaymentReport):

Part of stoqlib.reporting.payment View In Hierarchy

This report shows a list of payable payments. For each payment it shows: payment number, description, supplier, due date, paid date, status and value.

Inherited from ObjectListReport (via _BasePaymentReport):

Method _convert_column Undocumented
Method _setup_columns_from_list Undocumented
Method get_columns Returns the report columns.
Method add_summary_by_column Includes the summary of a certain column in the summary row.
Method get_summary_row Returns the row used to summarize data.

Inherited from SearchResultsReport (via _BasePaymentReport, ObjectListReport):

Method get_title This method build the report title based on the arguments sent

Inherited from BaseStoqReport (via _BasePaymentReport, ObjectListReport, SearchResultsReport):

Method draw_header Draws the report header (the thing where you can want to put your
Method _initialize Undocumented

Inherited from ReportTemplate (via _BasePaymentReport, ObjectListReport, SearchResultsReport, BaseStoqReport):

Method get_report_name Undocumented
Method draw_footer Implementation of BaseReportTemplate hook. This method is called on

Inherited from BaseReportTemplate (via _BasePaymentReport, ObjectListReport, SearchResultsReport, BaseStoqReport, ReportTemplate):

Method save Build and saves the report. Internal use (you don't need to call
Method build Build the report - initialize all the pages and start drawing its
Method setup_page_templates Report initialization. Here we have to initialize report control
Method add Adds a flowable to report.
Method start_group Starts flowables groupping.
Method end_group Finish flowables groupping
Method get_usable_width Returns the horizontal space available for drawing.
Method get_usable_height Returns the vertical space available for drawing.
Method set_page_number Sets the current page.
Method get_page_number Returns the current page number
Method add_page_break Adds a simple page break
Method add_document_break This method adds a document break, starting a new document.
Method add_blank_space Adds a blank space on the current report position. Through
Method add_signatures Adds a signature flowable.
Method add_preformatted_text Adds a given given text to the document, using a given
Method add_paragraph Adds a paragraph to the document, using a given style.
Method add_line Insert a simple line on the report.
Method add_title Adds a title. The title flowable is composed of a text inside two
Method add_report_table Inserts a report table.
Method add_column_table Adds a column table.
Method add_object_table Insert an object table. Its parameters are:
Method add_grouping_table TODO
Method add_data_table Insert a data table on the report.
Method paint_page_canvas This method is called by Reportlab on each time that a page starts
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.