SchemaSpy Analysis of stoq_schema.public - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Mon Nov 09 14:32 BRST 2015
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

stoq_schema.public contains 1132 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
sellable_unit allow_fraction bool 1  √  true
invoice_item_icms bc_include_ipi bool 1  √  true
product_icms_template bc_include_ipi bool 1  √  true
invoice_item_icms bc_st_include_ipi bool 1  √  true
product_icms_template bc_st_include_ipi bool 1  √  true
payment bill_received bool 1  √  false
branch can_execute_foreign_work_orders bool 1  √  false
purchase_order consigned bool 1  √  false
product consignment bool 1 false
invoice_layout continuous_page bool 1  √  null
transaction_entry dirty bool 1  √  true
production_produced_item entered_stock bool 1  √  null
profile_settings has_permission bool 1  √  null
product internal_use bool 1  √  false
branch is_active bool 1  √  null
branch_station is_active bool 1  √  null
company is_active bool 1  √  null
cost_center is_active bool 1 true
credit_provider is_active bool 1  √  null
device_settings is_active bool 1  √  null
employee is_active bool 1  √  null
employee_role_history is_active bool 1  √  null
grid_attribute is_active bool 1  √  true
grid_group is_active bool 1  √  true
grid_option is_active bool 1  √  true
individual is_active bool 1  √  null
login_user is_active bool 1  √  null
payment_method is_active bool 1  √  null
sales_person is_active bool 1  √  null
supplier is_active bool 1  √  null
transporter is_active bool 1  √  null
inventory_item is_adjusted bool 1 false
storable is_batch bool 1  √  false
product is_composed bool 1  √  false
parameter_data is_editable bool 1  √  null
product is_grid bool 1  √  false
address is_main_address bool 1  √  null
product_supplier_info is_main_supplier bool 1  √  null
work_order is_rejected bool 1 false
fiscal_book_entry is_reversal bool 1  √  null
device_constant is_valid_model bool 1  √  null
product manage_stock bool 1  √  true
ui_field mandatory bool 1  √  null
sale paid bool 1  √  false
production_item_quality_result test_passed bool 1  √  null
production_produced_item test_passed bool 1  √  null
ui_field visible bool 1  √  null
credit_card_data auth int4 10  √  null
bank_account bank_number int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_ipi calculo int4 10  √  null
product_ipi_template calculo int4 10  √  null
city_location city_code int4 10  √  null
payment_method closing_day int4 10  √  null
sales_person comission_type int4 10  √  null
commission commission_type int4 10
device_constant constant_enum int4 10  √  null
device_constant constant_type int4 10  √  null
fiscal_sale_history coo int4 10  √  null
fiscal_day_history coupon_end int4 10  √  null
sale coupon_id int4 10  √  null
fiscal_day_history coupon_start int4 10  √  null
fiscal_day_history cro int4 10  √  null
branch crt int4 10  √  1
fiscal_day_history crz int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_icms csosn int4 10  √  null
product_icms_template csosn int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_icms cst int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_ipi cst int4 10  √  null
product_icms_template cst int4 10  √  null
product_ipi_template cst int4 10  √  null
client days_late int4 10  √  null
employee dependent_person_number int4 10  √  null
fiscal_sale_history document_counter int4 10  √  null
fiscal_sale_history document_type int4 10  √  null
fiscal_book_entry entry_type int4 10  √  null
system_table generation int4 10  √  null
inventory identifier serial 10  √  nextval('inventory_identifier_seq'::regclass)
loan identifier serial 10  √  nextval('loan_identifier_seq'::regclass)
payment identifier serial 10  √  nextval('payment_identifier_seq'::regclass)
payment_renegotiation identifier serial 10  √  nextval('payment_renegotiation_identifier_seq'::regclass)
production_order identifier serial 10  √  nextval('production_order_identifier_seq'::regclass)
purchase_order identifier serial 10  √  nextval('purchase_order_identifier_seq'::regclass)
quotation identifier serial 10  √  nextval('quotation_identifier_seq'::regclass)
quote_group identifier serial 10  √  nextval('quote_group_identifier_seq'::regclass)
receiving_order identifier serial 10  √  nextval('receiving_order_identifier_seq'::regclass)
returned_sale identifier serial 10  √  nextval('returned_sale_identifier_seq'::regclass)
sale identifier serial 10  √  nextval('sale_identifier_seq'::regclass)
stock_decrease identifier serial 10  √  nextval('stock_decrease_identifier_seq'::regclass)
till_entry identifier serial 10  √  nextval('till_entry_identifier_seq'::regclass)
transfer_order identifier serial 10  √  nextval('transfer_order_identifier_seq'::regclass)
work_order identifier serial 10  √  nextval('work_order_identifier_seq'::regclass)
card_operation_cost installment_end int4 10  √  null
card_operation_cost installment_start int4 10  √  null
credit_card_data installments int4 10  √  1
fiscal_book_entry invoice_number int4 10  √  null
inventory invoice_number int4 10  √  null
invoice invoice_number int4 10  √  null
receiving_order invoice_number int4 10  √  null
returned_sale invoice_number int4 10  √  null
sale invoice_number int4 10  √  null
stock_decrease invoice_number int4 10  √  null
transfer_order invoice_number int4 10  √  null
product_supplier_info lead_time int4 10  √  1
credit_provider max_installments int4 10  √  12
payment_method max_installments int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_icms mod_bc int4 10  √  null
product_icms_template mod_bc int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_icms mod_bc_st int4 10  √  null
product_icms_template mod_bc_st int4 10  √  null
credit_card_data nsu int4 10  √  null
grid_option option_order int4 10  √  null
invoice_item_icms orig int4 10  √  null
product_icms_template orig int4 10  √  null
payment_flow_history paid_payments int4 10  √  null
system_table patchlevel int4 10  √  null
payment_method payment_day int4 10  √  null
card_operation_cost payment_days int4 10  √  null
installed_plugin plugin_version int4 10  √  null
product production_time int4 10  √  0
invoice_item_ipi q_selo int4 10  √  null
product_ipi_template q_selo int4 10  √  null
work_order quantity int4 10  √  1
payment_flow_history received_payments int4 10  √  null
fiscal_day_history serial_id int4 10  √  null
production_produced_item serial_number int4 10  √  null
sale service_invoice_number int4 10  √  null
city_location state_code int4 10  √  null
payment_renegotiation status int4 10  √  null
address streetnumber int4 10  √  null
product_tax_template tax_type int4 10  √  null
sellable_tax_constant tax_type int4 10  √  null
payment_flow_history to_pay_payments int4 10  √  null
payment_flow_history to_receive_payments int4 10  √  null
device_settings type int4 10  √  null
sellable_unit unit_index int4 10  √  null
sales_person comission numeric 10,2  √  null
client_category_price commission numeric 10,2  √  null
sellable commission numeric 10,2  √  null
device_constant constant_value numeric 10,2  √  null
payment_method daily_interest numeric 10,2  √  null
product depth numeric 10,2  √  null
commission_source direct_value numeric 10,2
work_order estimated_hours numeric 10,2  √  null
card_operation_cost fee numeric 10,2  √  null
credit_card_data fee numeric 10,2 0
transporter freight_percentage numeric 10,2
product height numeric 10,2  √  null
product_supplier_info icms numeric 10,2  √  null
commission_source installments_value numeric 10,2
client_category max_discount numeric 10,2  √  0
client_category_price max_discount numeric 10,2  √  null
sellable max_discount numeric 10,2  √  null
user_profile max_discount numeric 10,2  √  0
invoice_item_icms p_cred_sn numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_cred_sn numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms p_icms numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_icms numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms p_icms_st numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_icms_st numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_ipi p_ipi numeric 10,2  √  null
product_ipi_template p_ipi numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms p_mva_st numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_mva_st numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms p_red_bc numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_red_bc numeric 10,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms p_red_bc_st numeric 10,2  √  null
product_icms_template p_red_bc_st numeric 10,2  √  null
payment_method penalty numeric 10,2  √  null
client_category_price price numeric 10,2  √  null
sellable_category salesperson_commission numeric 10,2  √  null
sellable_category suggested_markup numeric 10,2  √  null
fiscal_day_history tax_total numeric 10,2  √  null
sellable_tax_constant tax_value numeric 10,2  √  null
product weight numeric 10,2  √  null
product width numeric 10,2  √  null
fiscal_day_history emission_date date 13  √  null
invoice_item_ipi q_unid numeric 16,4  √  null
product_ipi_template q_unid numeric 16,4  √  null
bank_account bank_type int8 19  √  null
individual birth_location_id int8 19  √  null
address city_location_id int8 19  √  null
invoice_field height int8 19
invoice_layout height int8 19
branch_synchronization id bigserial 19  √  nextval('branch_synchronization_id_seq'::regclass)
city_location id bigserial 19  √  nextval('city_location_id_seq'::regclass)
event id bigserial 19  √  nextval('event_id_seq'::regclass)
system_table id bigserial 19  √  nextval('system_table_id_seq'::regclass)
transaction_entry id bigserial 19  √  nextval('transaction_entry_id_seq'::regclass)
account te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
account_transaction te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
address te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
attachment te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
bank_account te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
bill_option te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
branch te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
branch_station te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
calls te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
card_operation_cost te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
card_payment_device te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
cfop_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
check_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
client te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
client_category te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
client_category_price te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
client_salary_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
commission te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
commission_source te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
company te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
contact_info te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
cost_center te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
cost_center_entry te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
credit_card_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
credit_check_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
credit_provider te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
delivery te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
device_constant te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
device_settings te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
employee te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
employee_role te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
employee_role_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
fiscal_book_entry te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
fiscal_day_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
fiscal_day_tax te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
fiscal_sale_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
grid_attribute te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
grid_group te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
grid_option te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
image te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
individual te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
installed_plugin te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
inventory te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
inventory_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_field te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_item_icms te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_item_ipi te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_layout te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_printer te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
loan te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
loan_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
login_user te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
military_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
parameter_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_category te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_change_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_comment te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_flow_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_group te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_method te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
payment_renegotiation te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
person te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
plugin_egg te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_attribute te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_component te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_icms_template te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_ipi_template te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_manufacturer te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_option_map te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_quality_test te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_stock_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_supplier_info te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
product_tax_template te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_item_quality_result te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_material te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_order te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_produced_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
production_service te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
profile_settings te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
purchase_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
purchase_order te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
purchase_receiving_map te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
quotation te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
quote_group te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
receiving_order te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
receiving_order_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
returned_sale te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
returned_sale_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sale te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sale_comment te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sale_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sale_token te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sales_person te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sellable te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sellable_category te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sellable_tax_constant te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
sellable_unit te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
service te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
stock_decrease te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
stock_decrease_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
stock_transaction_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
storable te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
storable_batch te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
supplier te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
till te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
till_entry te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
transfer_order te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
transfer_order_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
transporter te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
ui_field te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
ui_form te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
user_branch_access te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
user_profile te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
voter_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order_category te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order_history te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order_package te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_order_package_item te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
work_permit_data te_id int8 19  √  new_te()
invoice_field width int8 19
invoice_layout width int8 19
invoice_field x int8 19
invoice_field y int8 19
payment_flow_history balance_expected numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_flow_history balance_real numeric 20,2  √  null
loan_item base_price numeric 20,2  √  null
sale_item base_price numeric 20,2  √  null
sellable base_price numeric 20,2  √  null
payment base_value numeric 20,2  √  null
cost_center budget numeric 20,2  √  null
client credit_limit numeric 20,2  √  0
payment discount numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_renegotiation discount_value numeric 20,2  √  null
purchase_order discount_value numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order discount_value numeric 20,2  √  null
sale discount_value numeric 20,2  √  null
credit_card_data entrance_value numeric 20,2  √  0
work_order estimated_cost numeric 20,2  √  null
purchase_order expected_freight numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order expense_value numeric 20,2  √  null
card_operation_cost fare numeric 20,2  √  null
credit_card_data fare numeric 20,2  √  0
credit_card_data fee_value numeric 20,2  √  0
till final_cash_amount numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order freight_total numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order icms_total numeric 20,2  √  null
fiscal_book_entry icms_value numeric 20,2  √  null
till initial_cash_amount numeric 20,2  √  null
payment interest numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order invoice_total numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order ipi_total numeric 20,2  √  null
fiscal_book_entry ipi_value numeric 20,2  √  null
fiscal_book_entry iss_value numeric 20,2  √  null
card_payment_device monthly_cost numeric 20,2  √  null
client_salary_history new_salary numeric 20,2  √  0
client_salary_history old_salary numeric 20,2  √  0
sellable on_sale_price numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_flow_history paid numeric 20,2  √  null
payment paid_value numeric 20,2  √  null
payment penalty numeric 20,2  √  null
fiscal_day_history period_total numeric 20,2  √  null
loan_item price numeric 20,2  √  null
returned_sale_item price numeric 20,2  √  null
sale_item price numeric 20,2  √  null
work_order_item price numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_flow_history received numeric 20,2  √  null
client salary numeric 20,2  √  0
employee salary numeric 20,2  √  null
employee_role_history salary numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order secure_value numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_renegotiation surcharge_value numeric 20,2  √  null
purchase_order surcharge_value numeric 20,2  √  null
receiving_order surcharge_value numeric 20,2  √  null
sale surcharge_value numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_flow_history to_pay numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_flow_history to_receive numeric 20,2  √  null
fiscal_day_history total numeric 20,2  √  null
payment_renegotiation total numeric 20,2  √  null
sale total_amount numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_bc numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_ipi v_bc numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_bc_st numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_bc_st_ret numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_cred_icms_sn numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_icms numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_icms_st numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_icms v_icms_st_ret numeric 20,2  √  null
invoice_item_ipi v_ipi numeric 20,2  √  null
account_transaction value numeric 20,2  √  null
commission value numeric 20,2
fiscal_day_tax value numeric 20,2  √  null
payment value numeric 20,2  √  null
till_entry value numeric 20,2  √  null
inventory_item actual_quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
production_material allocated numeric 20,3  √  0
production_material consumed numeric 20,3  √  0
inventory_item counted_quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
production_item lost numeric 20,3  √  0
production_material lost numeric 20,3  √  0
storable maximum_quantity numeric 20,3  √  0
product_supplier_info minimum_purchase numeric 20,3  √  1
storable minimum_quantity numeric 20,3  √  0
production_material needed numeric 20,3  √  null
production_item produced numeric 20,3  √  0
loan_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
product_component quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
product_stock_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
production_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
production_service quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
purchase_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
receiving_order_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
returned_sale_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
sale_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
stock_decrease_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
stock_transaction_history quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
transfer_order_item quantity numeric 20,3
work_order_item quantity numeric 20,3  √  null
product_history quantity_consumed numeric 20,3  √  null
product_history quantity_decreased numeric 20,3  √  null
sale_item quantity_decreased numeric 20,3  √  0
work_order_item quantity_decreased numeric 20,3  √  null
product_history quantity_lost numeric 20,3  √  null
product_history quantity_produced numeric 20,3  √  null
product_history quantity_received numeric 20,3  √  null
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