Table stoq_schema.public.payment Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v1()
account_transaction.payment_id account_transaction_payment_id_fkey R
check_data.payment_id check_data_payment_id_fkey R
commission.payment_id commission_payment_id_fkey R
cost_center_entry.payment_id cost_center_entry_payment_id_fkey R
credit_card_data.payment_id credit_card_data_payment_id_fkey R
payment_change_history.payment_id payment_change_history_payment_id_fkey R
payment_comment.payment_id payment_comment_payment_id_fkey R
till_entry.payment_id till_entry_payment_id_fkey R
te_id int8 19  √  new_te() payment_te_id_fkey R
identifier serial 10  √  nextval('payment_identifier_seq'::regclass)
payment_type payment_type 2147483647
status payment_status 2147483647
open_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
due_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
paid_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
cancel_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
paid_value numeric 20,2  √  null
base_value numeric 20,2  √  null
value numeric 20,2  √  null
interest numeric 20,2  √  null
discount numeric 20,2  √  null
description text 2147483647  √  null
payment_number text 2147483647  √  null
penalty numeric 20,2  √  null
bill_received bool 1  √  false
attachment_id uuid 2147483647  √  null payment_attachment_id_fkey R
method_id uuid 2147483647  √  null payment_method_id_fkey R
group_id uuid 2147483647  √  null payment_group_id_fkey R
branch_id uuid 2147483647 payment_branch_id_fkey R
category_id uuid 2147483647  √  null payment_category_id_fkey R

Analyzed at Fri Jun 10 16:06 BRT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name Anomalies
id Primary key Asc payment_pkey  
attachment_id Must be unique Asc payment_attachment_id_key This unique column is also nullable
identifier + branch_id Must be unique Asc/Asc payment_identifier_branch_id_key  
te_id Must be unique Asc payment_te_id_key This unique column is also nullable

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