Source code for stoqlib.domain.account

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## Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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This module contains classes centered around account, banks and transactions
between accounts.

The main class is an :class:`Account` holds a set of :class:`AccountTransaction`.

For accounts that are banks there's a :class:`BankAccount` class for
the bank specific state and for bill generation there's also

Finally there's a :class:`AccountTransactionView` that is used by
the financial application to efficiently display a ledger.

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import datetime

from kiwi.currency import currency
from storm.expr import And, LeftJoin, Or
from import ClassAlias
from storm.references import Reference
from zope.interface import implementer

from stoqlib.database.expr import TransactionTimestamp, Date
from import (DateTimeCol, EnumCol, IdCol,
                                         IntCol, PriceCol, UnicodeCol)
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IDescribable
from stoqlib.domain.station import BranchStation
from stoqlib.exceptions import PaymentError
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

[docs]class BillOption(Domain): """List of values for bill (boleto) generation See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'bill_option' #: option name, such as nosso_numero option = UnicodeCol() #: value of the option value = UnicodeCol() bank_account_id = IdCol() #: the |bankaccount| this option belongs to bank_account = Reference(bank_account_id, '')
[docs]class BankAccount(Domain): """Information specific to a bank See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'bank_account' account_id = IdCol() #: the |account| for this bank account account = Reference(account_id, '') # FIXME: This is brazil specific, should probably be replaced by a # bank reference to a separate class with name in addition to # the bank number #: an identify for the bank type of this account, bank_number = IntCol(default=0) #: an identifier for the bank branch/agency which is responsible #: for this bank_branch = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: an identifier for this bank account bank_account = UnicodeCol(default=None) @property def options(self): """Get the bill options for this bank account :returns: a list of :class:`BillOption` """ return, bank_account=self) def add_bill_option(self, name, value): return BillOption(, option=name, value=value,
[docs]class Account(Domain): """An account, a collection of |accounttransactions| that may be controlled by a bank. See also: `schema <>`__, `manual <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'account' #: Bank TYPE_BANK = u'bank' #: Cash/Till TYPE_CASH = u'cash' #: Assets, like investement account TYPE_ASSET = u'asset' #: Credit TYPE_CREDIT = u'credit' #: Income/Salary TYPE_INCOME = u'income' #: Expenses TYPE_EXPENSE = u'expense' #: Equity, like unbalanced TYPE_EQUITY = u'equity' account_labels = { TYPE_BANK: (_(u"Deposit"), _(u"Withdrawal")), TYPE_CASH: (_(u"Receive"), _(u"Spend")), TYPE_ASSET: (_(u"Increase"), _(u"Decrease")), TYPE_CREDIT: (_(u"Payment"), _(u"Charge")), TYPE_INCOME: (_(u"Income"), _(u"Charge"),), TYPE_EXPENSE: (_(u"Rebate"), _(u"Expense")), TYPE_EQUITY: (_(u"Increase"), _(u"Decrease")), } account_type_descriptions = [ (_(u"Bank"), TYPE_BANK), (_(u"Cash"), TYPE_CASH), (_(u"Asset"), TYPE_ASSET), (_(u"Credit"), TYPE_CREDIT), (_(u"Income"), TYPE_INCOME), (_(u"Expense"), TYPE_EXPENSE), (_(u"Equity"), TYPE_EQUITY), ] #: name of the account description = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: code which identifies the account code = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: parent account id, can be None parent_id = IdCol(default=None) #: parent account parent = Reference(parent_id, '') station_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |branchstation| tied #: to this account, mainly for TYPE_CASH accounts station = Reference(station_id, '') #: kind of account, one of the TYPE_* defines in this class account_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_BANK) #: |bankaccount| for this account, used by TYPE_BANK accounts bank = Reference('id', 'BankAccount.account_id', on_remote=True) # # IDescribable implementation # def get_description(self): return self.description # # Class Methods # @classmethod
[docs] def get_by_station(cls, store, station): """Fetch the account assoicated with a station :param store: a store :param station: a |branchstation| :returns: the account """ if station is None: raise TypeError("station cannot be None") if not isinstance(station, BranchStation): raise TypeError("station must be a BranchStation, not %r" % (station, )) return store.find(cls, station=station).one()
[docs] def get_children_for(cls, store, parent): """Get a list of child accounts for :param store: :param |account| parent: parent account :returns: the child accounts :rtype: resultset """ return store.find(cls, parent=parent)
[docs] def get_accounts(cls, store): """Get a list of all accounts :param store: a store :returns all accounts :rtype: resultset """ return store.find(cls)
# # Properties # @property def long_description(self): """Get a long description, including all the parent accounts, such as Tills:cotovia""" parts = [] account = self while account: if not account in parts: parts.append(account) account = account.parent return u':'.join([a.description for a in reversed(parts)]) @property def transactions(self): """Returns a list of transactions to this account. :returns: list of |accounttransaction| """ return, Or( == AccountTransaction.account_id, == AccountTransaction.source_account_id)) # # Public API #
[docs] def get_total_for_interval(self, start, end): """Fetch total value for a given interval :param datetime start: beginning of interval :param datetime end: of interval :returns: total value or one """ if not isinstance(start, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError("start must be a datetime.datetime, not %s" % ( type(start), )) if not isinstance(end, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError("end must be a datetime.datetime, not %s" % ( type(end), )) query = And(Date( >= start, Date( <= end, AccountTransaction.source_account_id != AccountTransaction.account_id) transactions =, query) incoming = transactions.find(AccountTransaction.account_id == outgoing = transactions.find(AccountTransaction.source_account_id == positive_values = incoming.sum(AccountTransaction.value) or 0 negative_values = outgoing.sum(AccountTransaction.value) or 0 return currency(positive_values - negative_values)
[docs] def can_remove(self): """If the account can be removed. Not all accounts can be removed, some are internal to Stoq and cannot be removed""" # Can't remove accounts that are used in a parameter if (sysparam.compare_object('IMBALANCE_ACCOUNT', self) or sysparam.compare_object('TILLS_ACCOUNT', self) or sysparam.compare_object('BANKS_ACCOUNT', self)): return False # Can't remove station accounts if self.station: return False # When we remove this Account, all the related AccountTransaction will # be assigned to the IMBALANCE_ACCOUNT and BankAccount will be removed, # so we need to skip them here return super(Account, self).can_remove( skip=[('account_transaction', 'account_id'), ('account_transaction', 'source_account_id'), ('bank_account', 'account_id')])
[docs] def remove(self, store): """Remove the current account. This updates all transactions which refers to this account and removes them. :param store: a store """ if not self.can_remove(): raise TypeError("Account %r cannot be removed" % (self, )) imbalance_account_id = sysparam.get_object_id('IMBALANCE_ACCOUNT') for transaction in store.find(AccountTransaction, account=self): transaction.account_id = imbalance_account_id store.flush() for transaction in store.find(AccountTransaction, source_account=self): transaction.source_account_id = imbalance_account_id store.flush() bank = if bank: for option in bank.options: store.remove(option) store.remove(bank)
[docs] def has_child_accounts(self): """If this account has child accounts :returns: True if any other accounts has this account as a parent""" return not, parent=self).is_empty()
[docs] def get_type_label(self, out): """Returns the label to show for the increases/decreases for transactions of this account. See :obj:`~..account_labels` :param out: if the transaction is going out """ return self.account_labels[self.account_type][int(out)]
[docs] def matches(self, account_id): """Check if this account or it's parent account is the same as another account id. :param account_id: the account id to compare with :returns: if the accounts matches. """ if == account_id: return True if self.parent_id and self.parent_id == account_id: return True return False
[docs]class AccountTransaction(Domain): """Transaction between two accounts. A transaction is a transfer of money from the :obj:`~.source_account` to the :obj:`~.account`. It removes a negative amount of money from the source and increases the account by the same amount. There's only one value, but depending on the view it's either negative or positive, it can never be zero though. A transaction can optionally be tied to a |payment| See also: `schema <>`__ `manual <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'account_transaction' # operation_type values TYPE_IN = u'in' TYPE_OUT = u'out' # FIXME: It's way to tricky to calculate the direction and it's # values for an AccountTransaction due to the fact that # we're only store one value. We should store two values, # one for how much the current account should be increased # with and another one which is how much the other account # should be increased with. For split transaction we might # want to store more values, so it might make sense to allow # N values per transaction. account_id = IdCol() #: destination |account| account = Reference(account_id, '') source_account_id = IdCol() #: source |account| source_account = Reference(source_account_id, '') #: short human readable summary of the transaction description = UnicodeCol() #: identifier of this transaction within a account code = UnicodeCol() #: value transfered value = PriceCol(default=0) #: date the transaction was done date = DateTimeCol() payment_id = IdCol(default=None) #: |payment| this transaction relates to, can also be ``None`` payment = Reference(payment_id, '') #: operation_type represents the type of transaction (debit/credit) operation_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_IN) class sqlmeta: lazyUpdate = True @classmethod
[docs] def get_inverted_operation_type(cls, operation_type): """ Get the inverted operation_type (IN->OUT / OUT->IN) :param operation_type: the type of transaction :returns: the inverted transaction type """ if operation_type == cls.TYPE_IN: return cls.TYPE_OUT return cls.TYPE_IN
[docs] def create_from_payment(cls, payment, code=None, source_account=None, destination_account=None): """Create a new transaction based on a |payment|. It's normally used when creating a transaction which represents a payment, for instance when you receive a bill or a check from a |client| which will enter a |bankaccount|. :param payment: the |payment| to create the transaction for. :param code: the code for the transaction. If not provided, the payment identifier will be used by default :param source_account: the source |account| for the transaction. :param destination_account: the destination |account| for the transaction. :returns: the transaction """ if not payment.is_paid(): raise PaymentError(_("Payment needs to be paid")) store = value = payment.paid_value if payment.is_outpayment(): operation_type = cls.TYPE_OUT source = source_account or payment.method.destination_account destination = (destination_account or sysparam.get_object(store, 'IMBALANCE_ACCOUNT')) else: operation_type = cls.TYPE_IN source = (source_account or sysparam.get_object(store, 'IMBALANCE_ACCOUNT')) destination = (destination_account or payment.method.destination_account) code = code if code is not None else unicode(payment.identifier) return cls(source_account=source, account=destination, value=value, description=payment.description, code=code, date=payment.paid_date, store=store, payment=payment, operation_type=operation_type)
[docs] def create_reverse(self): """Reverse this transaction, this happens when a payment is set as not paid. :returns: the newly created account transaction representing the reversal """ # We're effectively canceling the old transaction here, # to avoid having more than one transaction referencing the same # payment we reset the payment to None. # # It would be nice to have all of them reference the same payment, # but it makes it harder to create the reversal. self.payment = None new_type = self.get_inverted_operation_type(self.operation_type) return AccountTransaction( source_account=self.account, account=self.source_account, value=self.value, description=_(u"Reverted: %s") % (self.description), code=self.code, date=TransactionTimestamp(),, payment=None, operation_type=new_type)
[docs] def invert_transaction_type(self): """ Invert source/destination accounts and operation_type When change a incoming transaction to outgoing or vice-versa. The source and destination accounts must be inverted. Thus, the outgoing value always will belong to the source account. """ temp_account = self.account operation_type = self.operation_type self.account = self.source_account self.source_account = temp_account self.operation_type = self.get_inverted_operation_type(operation_type)
[docs] def get_other_account(self, account): """Get the other end of a transaction :param account: an |account| :returns: the other end """ if self.source_account == account: return self.account elif self.account == account: return self.source_account else: raise AssertionError
[docs] def set_other_account(self, other, account): """Set the other end of a transaction :param other: an |account| which we do not want to set :param account: the |account| to set """ other = if self.source_account == other: self.account = account elif self.account == other: self.source_account = account else: raise AssertionError
[docs]class AccountTransactionView(Viewable): """AccountTransactionView provides a fast view of the transactions tied to a specific |account|. It's mainly used to show a ledger. """ Account_Dest = ClassAlias(Account, 'account_dest') Account_Source = ClassAlias(Account, 'account_source') transaction = AccountTransaction id = code = AccountTransaction.code description = AccountTransaction.description value = AccountTransaction.value date = operation_type = AccountTransaction.operation_type dest_account_id = dest_account_description = Account_Dest.description source_account_id = source_account_description = Account_Source.description tables = [ AccountTransaction, LeftJoin(Account_Dest, AccountTransaction.account_id ==, LeftJoin(Account_Source, AccountTransaction.source_account_id ==, ] @classmethod
[docs] def get_for_account(cls, account, store): """Get all transactions for this |account|, see Account.transaction""" return store.find(cls, Or( == AccountTransaction.account_id, == AccountTransaction.source_account_id))
[docs] def get_account_description(self, account): """Get description of the other |account|, eg. the one which is transfered to/from. """ if self.source_account_id == return self.dest_account_description elif self.dest_account_id == return self.source_account_description else: raise AssertionError
[docs] def get_value(self, account): """ Gets the transaction value according to an |account|. If this |account| is the source, the value returned will be negative. Representing a outgoing transaction. """ # A transaction that was not adjusted, will have the source equals # to destination account. So get the value based on operation type. if self.source_account_id == self.dest_account_id: return self.get_value_by_type() elif self.source_account_id == return -self.value else: return self.value
[docs] def get_value_by_type(self): """ Returns the transaction value, based on operation type. """ if self.operation_type == AccountTransaction.TYPE_IN: return self.value else: return -self.value