Source code for
# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8 -*-
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## Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
Events used in the domain code
# pylint: enable=E1101
from stoqlib.enums import CreatePaymentStatus
from stoqlib.lib.event import Event
from stoqlib.lib.decorators import public
# Base domain events
[docs]class DomainMergeEvent(Event):
This event is emitted two domain objects are being merged
:param obj: the main object that is being merged with (the one that will be kept)
:param other: the object that is being merged. This is the one that will
have the references fixed
def handle_return_values(self, values):
skip = set()
for value in values:
if value is None:
skip = skip.union(value)
return skip
# Product events
[docs]class ProductCreateEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |product| is created.
:param product: the created |product|
[docs]class ProductEditEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |product| is edited.
:param product: the edited |product|
[docs]class ProductRemoveEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |product| is about to be removed.
:param product: the removed |product|
[docs]class ProductStockUpdateEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |product| stock is in/decreased.
:param product: the |product| that had it's stock modified
:param branch: the |branch| on which the stock was modified
:param old_quantity: the old product stock quantity
:param new_quantity: the new product stock quantity
[docs]class SellableCheckTaxesEvent(Event):
This event is emitted to check the sellable fiscal data.
If the tax is not valid, one should raise `TaxError` just like
sellable.check_tax_validity does.
:param sellable: the |sellable| that will be checked
# Service events
[docs]class ServiceCreateEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |service| is created.
:param service: the created |service|
[docs]class ServiceEditEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |service| is edited.
:param service: the edited |service|
[docs]class ServiceRemoveEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |service| is about to be removed.
:param product: the removed |service|
# Category events
[docs]class CategoryCreateEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a category is created.
:param category: the created category
[docs]class CategoryEditEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a category is edited.
:param category: the edited category
# Image events
[docs]class ImageCreateEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when an |image| is created.
:param image: the created |image|
[docs]class ImageEditEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when an |image| is edited.
:param image: the edited |image|
[docs]class ImageRemoveEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when an |image| is removed.
:param image: the removed |image|
# Sale events
[docs]class SaleStatusChangedEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |sale| is has it's status changed
:param sale: the |sale| which had it's status changed
:param old_status: the old sale status
[docs]class SaleCanCancelEvent(Event):
This event is emitted to check if a |sale| can be cancelled
The expected return should be ``True`` if the |sale| can be
canceled, or ``False`` if it can't.
:param sale: the |sale| that is going to be cancelled
[docs]class SaleIsExternalEvent(Event):
"""Emitted to check if a |sale| is external.
External sales are the ones done outside of the commercial
The expected return value should be ``True`` if the sale
is to be considered as external or ``False`` otherwise.
:param sale: The sale that we want to check
[docs]class SaleItemBeforeDecreaseStockEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |saleitem| is about to decrease the stock
This is usually called at the beginning of
:param sale_item: the |saleitem| object
[docs]class SaleItemBeforeIncreaseStockEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |saleitem| is about to increase the stock
This is usually called at the beginning of
:param sale_item: the |saleitem| object
[docs]class SaleItemAfterSetBatchesEvent(Event):
This event is emitted after a |saleitem| set it's batches
This is called at the end of
:param sale_item: the |saleitem| object
:param new_sale_items: a list of the new |saleitems| created
when setting the batches
[docs]class DeliveryStatusChangedEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |delivery| has it's status changed
:param delivery: the |delivery| which had it's status changed
:param old_status: the old delivery status
[docs]class SaleAvoidCancelEvent(Event):
This event is emitted to compare the last |sale| with the last document
in ECF.
:param sale: |sale| that will be compared.
:param new_status: Indicates what the new status of the sale would become.
This status can be Sale.STATUS_RETURNED and Sale.STATUS_CANCELLED
:return: ``True`` if the cancellation should be avoided or
``False` otherwise
# Payment related events
[docs]class PaymentGroupGetOrderEvent(Event):
"""Get the order of a payment group.
:param group: the |paymentgroup| that we want the related order
:param store: a store
[docs]class CreatePaymentEvent(Event):
This event is emmited when a |payment| is about to be created and
should be used to 'intercept' that payment creation.
return value should be one of :class:`enum.CreatePaymentStatus`
:param payment_method: The selected |payment| method.
:param sale: The |sale| the payment should belong to
returnclass = CreatePaymentStatus
[docs]class CardPaymentReceiptPrepareEvent(Event):
This will be emmited when a card |payment| receipt should be printed.
Expected return value is a string to be printed
:param payment: the receipt of this |payment|
:param supports_duplicate: if the printer being used supports duplicate
[docs]class CardPaymentReceiptPrintedEvent(Event):
This gets emmited after a card |payment| receipt is successfully printed.
:param payment: the receipt of this |payment|
[docs]class CancelPendingPaymentsEvent(Event):
This gets emmited if a card |payment| receipt fails to be printed, meaning
that all payments should be cancelled
[docs]class GerencialReportPrintEvent(Event):
This is emitted when the user requests a gerencial report
for fiscal printers.
[docs]class GerencialReportCancelEvent(Event):
This is emitted when the user cancels a gerencial report
for fiscal printers.
[docs]class CheckECFStateEvent(Event):
"""After the TEF has initialized, we must check if the printer is
responding. TEF plugin will emit this event for the ECF plugin
# Till events
[docs]class TillOpenEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |till| is opened
:param till: the opened |till|
[docs]class TillCloseEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a |till| is closed
:param till: the closed |till|
:param previous_day: if the |till| wasn't closed previously
[docs]class HasPendingReduceZ(Event):
This event is emitted when a has pending 'reduce z' in ecf.
[docs]class TillAddCashEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when cash is added to a |till|
:param till: the closed |till|
:param value: amount added to the |till|
[docs]class TillRemoveCashEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when cash is removed from a |till|
:param till: the closed |till|
:param value: amount remove from the |till|
[docs]class TillAddTillEntryEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when:
* cash is added to a |till|
* cash is removed from a |till|
:param till_entry: a |tillentry|
:param store: a store
[docs]class HasOpenCouponEvent(Event):
This event is emitted to check for opened coupon.
# Stock Events
[docs]class StockOperationConfirmedEvent(Event):
This event is emitted when a stock operation is confirmed, such as sales,
transfers, stock decreases, loans and sale returns
:param model: the model whose stock operation was confirmed
:param reason: the reason the model is being cancelled
:param old_status: the old status of the model if the confirmation
includes a status change
[docs]class StockOperationTryFiscalCancelEvent(Event):
This event is emitted to try to cancel a operation with sefaz.
:param operation: the operation to be tried to cancel
:return: ``True`` if the cancellation is successfull, `False` otherwise.
# ECF Events
[docs]class ECFGetPrinterUserNumberEvent(Event):
""" This event is emitted to get the active ECFPrinter user number. """