Source code for stoqlib.domain.inventory

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## Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
""" Inventory object and related objects implementation """

# pylint: enable=E1101

from decimal import Decimal

from storm.expr import And, Eq, Cast, Join, LeftJoin, Or, Coalesce
from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet

from import (QuantityCol, PriceCol, DateTimeCol,
                                         IntCol, UnicodeCol, IdentifierCol,
                                         IdCol, BoolCol, EnumCol)
from stoqlib.database.expr import StatementTimestamp
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.fiscal import FiscalBookEntry
from stoqlib.domain.person import LoginUser, Person, Branch
from stoqlib.domain.product import (StockTransactionHistory, StorableBatch, Product,
                                    Storable, ProductStockItem)
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

[docs]class InventoryItem(Domain): """An |inventory| item It contains the recorded quantity and the actual quantity related to a specific product. If those quantities are not identitical, it will also contain a reason and a cfop describing that. See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'inventory_item' product_id = IdCol() #: the item product = Reference(product_id, '') batch_id = IdCol() #: If the product is a storable, the |batch| of the product that is being #: inventored batch = Reference(batch_id, '') #: the recorded quantity of the |product|, that is, the product's quantity #: in stock at the time the inventory process started. recorded_quantity = QuantityCol() #: the counted quantity of the |product|, that is, a quantity counted by #: someone looking at the real physical stock counted_quantity = QuantityCol(default=None) #: the actual quantity of the |product|, that will be used to #: increase/decrease stock using :meth:`.adjust`. Normally this will be #: the same as :obj:`counted_quantity`, but it can be different if, for #: instance, the count was done wrong. In cases like that, be sure to #: mention the reason for the difference on :obj:`.reason` actual_quantity = QuantityCol(default=None) #: the product's cost when the product was adjusted. product_cost = PriceCol() #: the reason of why this item has been adjusted reason = UnicodeCol(default=u"") #: if this inventory's stock difference was adjusted is_adjusted = BoolCol(allow_none=False, default=False) cfop_data_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the cfop used to adjust this item, this is only set when #: an adjustment is done cfop_data = Reference(cfop_data_id, '') inventory_id = IdCol() #: the inventory process that contains this item inventory = Reference(inventory_id, '') @property def difference(self): """The difference between the recorded and the counted quantities This is the same as:: :obj:`.counted_quantity` - :obj:`.recorded_quantity` Note that, if :obj:`.counted_quantity` is ``None``, this will also be ``None``. """ if self.counted_quantity is None: return None return self.counted_quantity - self.recorded_quantity @property def unit_description(self): """Returns the product unit description or None if it's not set """ sellable = self.product.sellable if sellable.unit: return sellable.unit.description # # Private # def _add_inventory_fiscal_entry(self, invoice_number): inventory = self.inventory return FiscalBookEntry( entry_type=FiscalBookEntry.TYPE_INVENTORY, invoice_number=inventory.invoice_number, branch=inventory.branch, cfop=self.cfop_data, # # Public API #
[docs] def adjust(self, invoice_number): """Create an entry in fiscal book registering the adjustment with the related cfop data and change the product quantity available in stock. :param invoice_number: invoice number to register """ assert self.inventory.is_open() assert not self.is_adjusted storable = self.product.storable if storable is None: raise TypeError( "The adjustment item must be a storable product.") adjustment_qty = self.actual_quantity - self.recorded_quantity if not adjustment_qty: return elif adjustment_qty > 0: storable.increase_stock(adjustment_qty, self.inventory.branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_INVENTORY_ADJUST,, batch=self.batch) else: storable.decrease_stock(abs(adjustment_qty), self.inventory.branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_INVENTORY_ADJUST,, batch=self.batch) self._add_inventory_fiscal_entry(invoice_number) self.is_adjusted = True
[docs] def get_code(self): """Get the product code of this item :returns: the product code """ return self.product.sellable.code
[docs] def get_description(self): """Returns the product description""" return self.product.sellable.get_description()
[docs] def get_fiscal_description(self): """Returns a description of the product tax constant""" return self.product.sellable.tax_constant.get_description()
[docs] def get_total_cost(self): """Returns the total cost of this item, the actual quantity multiplied by the product cost in the moment it was adjusted. If the item was not adjusted yet, the total cost will be zero. """ if not self.is_adjusted and self.actual_quantity is None: return Decimal(0) return self.product_cost * self.actual_quantity
[docs]class Inventory(Domain): """ The Inventory handles the logic related to creating inventories for the available |product| (or a group of) in a certain |branch|. It has the following states: - STATUS_OPEN: an inventory is opened, at this point the products which are going to be counted (and eventually adjusted) are selected. And then, the inventory items are available for counting and adjustment. - STATUS_CLOSED: all the inventory items have been counted (and eventually) adjusted. - STATUS_CANCELLED: the process was cancelled before being finished, this can only happen before any items are adjusted. .. graphviz:: digraph inventory_status { STATUS_OPEN -> STATUS_CLOSED; STATUS_OPEN -> STATUS_CANCELLED; } """ __storm_table__ = 'inventory' #: The inventory process is open STATUS_OPEN = u'open' #: The inventory process is closed STATUS_CLOSED = u'closed' #: The inventory process was cancelled, eg never finished STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled' statuses = {STATUS_OPEN: _(u'Opened'), STATUS_CLOSED: _(u'Closed'), STATUS_CANCELLED: _(u'Cancelled')} #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of #: :obj:`` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such. identifier = IdentifierCol() #: status of the inventory, either STATUS_OPEN, STATUS_CLOSED or #: STATUS_CANCELLED status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_OPEN) #: number of the invoice if this inventory generated an adjustment invoice_number = IntCol(default=None) #: the date inventory process was started open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) #: the date inventory process was closed close_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date the inventory was cancelled cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the reason the inventory was cancelled cancel_reason = UnicodeCol() responsible_id = IdCol(allow_none=False) #: the responsible for this inventory. At the moment, the #: |loginuser| that opened the inventory responsible = Reference(responsible_id, '') branch_id = IdCol(allow_none=False) #: branch where the inventory process was done branch = Reference(branch_id, '') cancel_responsible_id = IdCol() #: The responsible for cancelling this inventory. At the moment, the #: |loginuser| that cancelled the inventory cancel_responsible = Reference(cancel_responsible_id, '') #: the |inventoryitems| of this inventory inventory_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'InventoryItem.inventory_id') # # Properties # @property def status_str(self): return self.statuses[self.status] @property def branch_name(self): """The |branch| name for this inventory""" return self.branch.get_description() @property def responsible_name(self): """The responsible for this inventory""" return self.responsible.get_description() # # Public API #
[docs] def add_storable(self, storable, quantity, batch_number=None, batch=None): """Add a storable to this inventory. The parameters product, storable and batch are passed here to avoid future queries, increase the performance when opening the inventory :param storable: the |storable| to be added :param quantity: the current quantity of the product in stock :param batch_number: a batch number representing a |batch| for the given sellable. It's used like that instead of getting the |batch| directly since we may be adding an item not registered before :param batch: the corresponding batch to the batch_number """ if batch_number is not None and not batch: batch = StorableBatch.get_or_create(, storable=storable, batch_number=batch_number) product = storable.product sellable = product.sellable self.validate_batch(batch, sellable, storable=storable) return InventoryItem(, product=product, batch=batch, product_cost=sellable.cost, recorded_quantity=quantity, inventory=self)
[docs] def is_open(self): """Checks if this inventory is opened :returns: ``True`` if the inventory process is open, ``False`` otherwise """ return self.status == self.STATUS_OPEN
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the inventory process :raises: :exc:`AssertionError` if the inventory is already closed """ if not self.is_open(): # FIXME: We should be raising a better error here. raise AssertionError("You can not close an inventory which is " "already closed!") for item in self.inventory_items: if (item.actual_quantity is None or item.recorded_quantity == item.actual_quantity): continue # FIXME: We are setting this here because, when generating a # sintegra file, even if this item wasn't really adjusted (e.g. # adjustment_qty bellow is 0) it needs to be specified and not # setting this would result on self.get_cost returning 0. Maybe # we should resolve this in another way # We don't call item.adjust since it needs an invoice number item.is_adjusted = True self.close_date = StatementTimestamp() self.status = Inventory.STATUS_CLOSED
[docs] def all_items_counted(self): """Checks if all items of this inventory were counted :returns: ``True`` if all inventory items are counted, ``False`` otherwise. """ # FIXME: Why would items not be counted if the status is closed? # The status can only be closed if the items were counted and adjusted if self.status == self.STATUS_CLOSED: return False return self.inventory_items.find(counted_quantity=None).is_empty()
[docs] def get_items(self): """Returns all the inventory items related to this inventory :returns: items :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItem` """ store = return store.find(InventoryItem, inventory=self)
[docs] def has_open(cls, store, branch): """Returns if there is an inventory opened at the moment or not. :returns: The open inventory, if there is one. None otherwise. """ return store.find(cls, status=Inventory.STATUS_OPEN, branch=branch).one()
[docs] def get_items_for_adjustment(self): """Gets all the inventory items that needs adjustment An item needing adjustment is any :class:`InventoryItem` with :attr:`InventoryItem.recorded_quantity` different from :attr:`InventoryItem.counted_quantity`. :returns: items :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItem` """ return self.inventory_items.find( And(InventoryItem.recorded_quantity != InventoryItem.counted_quantity, Eq(InventoryItem.is_adjusted, False)))
[docs] def has_adjusted_items(self): """Returns if we already have an item adjusted or not. :returns: ``True`` if there is one or more items adjusted, False otherwise. """ return not self.inventory_items.find(is_adjusted=True).is_empty()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel this inventory Note that you can only cancel an inventory as long as you haven't adjusted any :class:`InventoryItem` :raises: :exc:`AssertionError` if the inventory is not open or if any item was already adjusted """ if not self.is_open(): raise AssertionError( "You can't cancel an inventory that is not opened!") if self.has_adjusted_items(): raise AssertionError( "You can't cancel an inventory that has adjusted items!") self.status = Inventory.STATUS_CANCELLED
[docs] def get_inventory_data(self): """Returns a generator with the details of the Inventory Each item contains: - The |inventoryitem| - the |storable| - the |product| - the |sellable| - the |storablebatch| """ store = tables = [InventoryItem, Join(Product, == InventoryItem.product_id), Join(Storable, ==, Join(Sellable, ==, LeftJoin(StorableBatch, == InventoryItem.batch_id)] return store.using(*tables).find( (InventoryItem, Storable, Product, Sellable, StorableBatch), InventoryItem.inventory_id ==
[docs] def get_sellables_for_inventory(cls, store, branch, extra_query=None): """Returns a generator with the necessary data about the stock to open an Inventory :param store: The store to fetch data from :param branch: The branch that is being inventoried :param query: A query that should be used to restrict the storables for the inventory. This can filter based on categories or other aspects of the product. :returns: a generator of the following objects: (Sellable, Product, Storable, StorableBatch, ProductStockItem) """ # XXX: If we should want all storables to be inclued in the inventory, even if if # never had a ProductStockItem before, than we should inclue this query in the # LeftJoin with ProductStockItem below query = ProductStockItem.branch_id == if extra_query: query = And(query, extra_query) tables = [Sellable, Join(Product, ==, Join(Storable, ==, LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.storable_id ==, LeftJoin(ProductStockItem, And(ProductStockItem.storable_id ==, Or(ProductStockItem.batch_id ==, Eq(ProductStockItem.batch_id, None)))), ] return store.using(*tables).find( (Sellable, Product, Storable, StorableBatch, ProductStockItem), query)
[docs] def create_inventory(cls, store, branch, responsible, query=None): """Create a inventory with products that match the given query :param store: A store to open the inventory in :param query: A query to restrict the products that should be in the inventory. """ inventory = cls(store=store, open_date=localnow(),, for data in cls.get_sellables_for_inventory(store, branch, query): sellable, product, storable, batch, stock_item = data quantity = stock_item and stock_item.quantity or 0 if storable.is_batch: # This used to test 'stock_item.quantity > 0' too to avoid # creating inventory items for old batches not used anymore. # We can't do that since that would make it impossible to # adjust a batch that was wrongly set to 0. We need to find a # way to mark the batches as "not used anymore" because they # tend to grow to very large proportions and we are duplicating # everyone here if batch and stock_item: inventory.add_storable(storable, quantity, batch=batch) else: inventory.add_storable(storable, quantity) return inventory
[docs]class InventoryItemsView(Viewable): """Holds information about |inventoryitems| This is used to get the most information of an inventory item without doing lots of database queries. It's best used with :meth:`.find_by_product` """ #: the |inventoryitem| inventory_item = InventoryItem #: the |inventory| inventory = Inventory #: the |sellable| sellable = Sellable #: The |StorableBatch| batch = StorableBatch branch = Branch # InventoryItem id = product_id = InventoryItem.product_id recorded_quantity = InventoryItem.recorded_quantity counted_quantity = InventoryItem.counted_quantity actual_quantity = InventoryItem.actual_quantity product_cost = InventoryItem.product_cost is_adjusted = InventoryItem.is_adjusted reason = InventoryItem.reason # Inventory inventory_identifier = Inventory.identifier open_date = Inventory.open_date close_date = Inventory.close_date #: The name of the person that performed the inventory responsible_name = #: The code of the sellable code = Sellable.code # XXX: Maybe we should have this in the database, since the price may change price = Sellable.base_price #: The description of the product description = Sellable.description #: The number of the batch that was adjusted batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'') batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date tables = [ InventoryItem, Join(Inventory, InventoryItem.inventory_id ==, Join(Product, == InventoryItem.product_id), Join(Sellable, ==, LeftJoin(StorableBatch, InventoryItem.batch_id ==, Join(LoginUser, Inventory.responsible_id ==, Join(Person, LoginUser.person_id ==, Join(Branch, Inventory.branch_id ==, ] @classmethod
[docs] def find_by_inventory(cls, store, inventory): """find results for this view that are related to the given inventory :param store: the store that will be used to find the results :param inventory: the |inventory| that should be filtered :returns: the matching views :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItemView` """ return store.find(cls, ==
[docs] def find_by_product(cls, store, product): """find results for this view that references *product* :param store: the store that will be used to find the results :param product: the |product| used to filter the results :returns: the matching views :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItemView` """ return store.find(cls,
[docs]class InventoryView(Viewable): """Stores general information's about inventories""" inventory = Inventory # Inventory #: Inventory Id id = #: Inventory Identifier identifier = Inventory.identifier #: Inventory Identifier ToString identifier_str = Cast(Inventory.identifier, 'text') #: Invoice number invoice_number = Inventory.invoice_number #: Date of open operation open_date = Inventory.open_date #: Date of close operation close_date = Inventory.close_date #: Status of Inventory status = Inventory.status #: Id of referenced Branch branch_id = Inventory.branch_id tables = [Inventory] @classmethod
[docs] def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch=None): """find results for this Inventory View that refenrences *Branch* :param store: the store that will be used for find the results :param branch: the |branch| used to filter the results :return: the matching views """ if branch is not None: return store.find(cls, return store.find(cls)