Source code for stoqlib.domain.person

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Foundation, Inc., or visit:
##  Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""Person domain classes

The Person domain classes in Stoqlib are special since the :obj:`Person`
class is small and additional functionality is provided through

There are currently the following person facets available:

  * |branch| - a physical location within a company
  * |client| - when buying something from a branch
  * |company| - a company, tax entitity
  * |employee| - works for a branch
  * |individual| - physical person
  * |loginuser| - can login and use the system
  * :obj:`SalesPerson` - can sell to clients
  * |supplier| - provides product and services to a branch
  * |transporter| - transports deliveries to/from a branch

To create a new person, just issue the following::

    >>> from stoqlib.database.runtime import new_store
    >>> store = new_store()

    >>> person = Person(name=u"A new person", store=store)

Then to add a client, you can will do:

    >>> client = Client(person=person, store=store)


# pylint: enable=E1101

import collections
import hashlib
import operator

from kiwi.currency import currency
from kiwi.datatypes import converter
from storm.expr import (And, Coalesce, Eq, Join, LeftJoin, Or, Update, Select,
                        Alias, Sum)
from import ClassAlias
from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet
from zope.interface import implementer

from stoqlib.database.expr import (Age, Case, Concat, Date, DateTrunc, Interval,
                                   Field, NotIn, StoqNormalizeString)
from import (BoolCol, DateTimeCol,
                                         IntCol, PercentCol,
                                         PriceCol, EnumCol,
                                         UnicodeCol, IdCol)
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_current_station, get_current_branch
from stoqlib.domain.address import Address
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.event import Event
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IDescribable, IActive
from import PaymentGroup
from stoqlib.domain.payment.method import PaymentMethod
from stoqlib.domain.payment.payment import Payment
from stoqlib.domain.profile import UserProfile
from stoqlib.enums import LatePaymentPolicy, RelativeLocation
from stoqlib.exceptions import (DatabaseInconsistency, LoginError, SellError,
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow, localtoday
from stoqlib.lib.formatters import (raw_phone_number, format_phone_number,
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import locale_sorted, stoqlib_gettext
from stoqlib.lib.validators import validate_cnpj, validate_cpf

_ = stoqlib_gettext

# Base Domain Classes

[docs]class EmployeeRole(Domain): """Base class to store the |employee| roles.""" __storm_table__ = 'employee_role' name = UnicodeCol() # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API #
[docs] def has_other_role(self, name): """Check if there is another role with the same name :param name: name of the role to check :returns: ``True`` if it exists, otherwise ``False`` """ return self.check_unique_value_exists(, name, case_sensitive=False)
# WorkPermitData, MilitaryData, and VoterData are Brazil-specific information.
[docs]class WorkPermitData(Domain): """Work permit data for an |employee|. .. note:: This is Brazil-specific information. """ __storm_table__ = 'work_permit_data' number = UnicodeCol(default=None) series_number = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: number of PIS ("Programa de Integracao Social") pis_number = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: bank PIS ("Programa de Integracao Social") pis_bank = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: registry date of PIS ("Programa de Integracao Social") pis_registry_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
[docs]class MilitaryData(Domain): """ Military data for an |employee|. .. note:: This is Brazil-specific information. """ __storm_table__ = 'military_data' number = UnicodeCol(default=None) series_number = UnicodeCol(default=None) category = UnicodeCol(default=None)
[docs]class VoterData(Domain): """Voter data for an |employee|. .. note:: This is Brazil-specific information. """ __storm_table__ = 'voter_data' number = UnicodeCol(default=None) section = UnicodeCol(default=None) zone = UnicodeCol(default=None)
[docs]class ContactInfo(Domain): """Class to store the person's contact information. This can be used to store: * phone numbers (land lines and mobile) * email addresses * web sites (corporate, home, Facebook, Google Plus) * IM contact information * contact of other people inside an organization""" __storm_table__ = 'contact_info' #: describes what the contact information is, e.g. Home Phone Number description = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: the contact information itself, e.g. 1234-5678,, ... contact_info = UnicodeCol(default=u'') person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return self.description
[docs]class CreditCheckHistory(Domain): """Client credit check history This stores credit information about a |client|. From time to time, a store may contact some 'credit protection agency' that will inform the status of a certain client, for instance, if the client has active debt with other companies. """ __storm_table__ = 'credit_check_history' #: if a client has debt STATUS_INCLUDED = u'included' #: if a client does not have debt STATUS_NOT_INCLUDED = u'not-included' statuses = {STATUS_INCLUDED: _(u'Included'), STATUS_NOT_INCLUDED: _(u'Not included')} #: when this check was created creation_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) #: when the check was made check_date = DateTimeCol() # FIXME: Change identifier to another name, to avoid confusions # with IdentifierCol used elsewhere #: an unique identifier created by the agency identifier = UnicodeCol() #: the client status given the options above status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_INCLUDED) #: notes about the credit check history created by the user notes = UnicodeCol() client_id = IdCol() #: the |client| client = Reference(client_id, '') user_id = IdCol() #: the `user` that created this entry user = Reference(user_id, '')
[docs]class Calls(Domain): """Person's calls information. Calls are information associated to a |person| (|client|, |supplier|, |employee|, etc) that can be financial problems registries, collection letters information, some problems with a product delivered, etc. """ __storm_table__ = 'calls' date = DateTimeCol() description = UnicodeCol() message = UnicodeCol() person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') attendant_id = IdCol() attendant = Reference(attendant_id, '') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return self.description
def _validate_number(person, attr, number): if number is None: number = u'' return raw_phone_number(number) # A Person can actually be thought of as a "Contactable", to use # the same terminology as Storable/Sellable.
[docs]class Person(Domain): """A Person, an entity that can be contacted (via phone, email). It usually has an |address|. """ __storm_table__ = 'person' # FIXME: These two are internal to person template and should be # moved there. (ROLE_INDIVIDUAL, ROLE_COMPANY) = range(2) #: name of the person, depending on the facets, it can either #: be something like "John Doe" or "Microsoft Corporation" name = UnicodeCol() #: phone number for this person phone_number = UnicodeCol(default=u'', validator=_validate_number) #: cell/mobile number for this person mobile_number = UnicodeCol(default=u'', validator=_validate_number) #: fax number for this person fax_number = UnicodeCol(default=u'', validator=_validate_number) #: email address email = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: notes about the person notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: all `contact information <ContactInfo>` related to this person contact_infos = ReferenceSet('id', 'ContactInfo.person_id') #: list of |addresses| addresses = ReferenceSet('id', 'Address.person_id') #: all `calls <Calls>` made to this person calls = ReferenceSet('id', 'Calls.person_id') #: the |branch| facet for this person branch = Reference('id', 'Branch.person_id', on_remote=True) #: the |client| facet for this person client = Reference('id', 'Client.person_id', on_remote=True) #: the |company| facet for this person company = Reference('id', 'Company.person_id', on_remote=True) #: |employee| facet for this person employee = Reference('id', 'Employee.person_id', on_remote=True) #: |individual| for this person individual = Reference('id', 'Individual.person_id', on_remote=True) #: |loginuser| facet for this person login_user = Reference('id', 'LoginUser.person_id', on_remote=True) #: the :obj:`sales person <SalesPerson>` facet for this person sales_person = Reference('id', 'SalesPerson.person_id', on_remote=True) #: the |supplier| facet for this person supplier = Reference('id', 'Supplier.person_id', on_remote=True) #: the |transporter| facet for this person transporter = Reference('id', 'Transporter.person_id', on_remote=True) #: The id of the person this person has been merged into. When a person is #: merged into another one. All references to that person (and its facets) #: are updated to the other person. merged_with_id = IdCol() @property def address(self): """The |address| for this person """ return self.get_main_address() # # Classmethods # @classmethod
[docs] def get_by_document(cls, store, document): """ Returns a |person| given a specific document. :param store: a database store :param document: a document can be a cpf from a |individual| or a cnpj from a |company| (Brazil standard) :returns: |person| """ query = Or(Individual.cpf == document, Company.cnpj == document) tables = [Person, LeftJoin(Individual, == Individual.person_id), LeftJoin(Company, == Company.person_id)] return store.using(*tables).find(Person, query).one()
# # Acessors #
[docs] def get_main_address(self): """The primary |address| for this person. It is normally set when you register the client for the first time. """ return,, is_main_address=True).one()
[docs] def get_total_addresses(self): """The total number of |addresses| for this person. :returns: the number of |addresses| """ return,
[docs] def get_address_string(self): """The primary |address| for this person formatted as a string. :returns: the |address| """ address = self.get_main_address() if not address: return u'' return address.get_address_string()
[docs] def get_phone_number_number(self): """Returns the phone number without any non-numeric characters :returns: the phone number as a number """ if not self.phone_number: return 0 return int(''.join([c for c in self.phone_number if c in u'1234567890']))
[docs] def get_fax_number_number(self): """Returns the fax number without any non-numeric characters :returns: the fax number as a number """ if not self.fax_number: return 0 return int(''.join([c for c in self.fax_number if c in u'1234567890']))
[docs] def get_formatted_phone_number(self): """ :returns: a dash-separated phone number or an empty string """ if self.phone_number: return format_phone_number(self.phone_number) return u""
[docs] def get_formatted_fax_number(self): """ :returns: a dash-separated fax number or an empty string """ if self.fax_number: return format_phone_number(self.fax_number) return u""
[docs] def get_formatted_mobile_number(self): """ :returns: a dash-separated fax number or an empty string """ if self.mobile_number: return format_phone_number(self.mobile_number) return u""
[docs] def get_items(cls, store, query): """ Return a list of items (name, id) :param store: a store :returns: the items """ join = LeftJoin(Company, And(Company.person_id ==, query)) items = store.using(Person, join).find((Coalesce(Concat(Company.fancy_name, u" (",, u")"),, return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
# # Public API #
[docs] def get_cnpj_or_cpf(self): """Returns this person cnpf or cpf If the person is a company, return its cnpj, otherwise, return its cpf. """ if return elif self.individual: return self.individual.cpf
def get_relative_location(self, other): my_location = self.get_main_address().city_location other_location = other.get_main_address().city_location if other_location.state == my_location.state: return RelativeLocation.SAME_STATE if != return RelativeLocation.OTHER_COUNTRY else: return RelativeLocation.OTHER_STATE def has_individual_or_company_facets(self): return self.individual or def merge_facet(self, this_facet, other_facet): if not other_facet: return if this_facet is not None: # if the other person has the facet and so do we, se should: Fix all # objects that reference that facet and make them reference this # facet; and remove that facet. this_facet.merge_with(other_facet) else: # If the other person has the facet but we dont, we just need # to fix the reference of that facet. other_facet.person = self
[docs] def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): """Merges this person with other objects This will fix all references that point to the other person, and make them point to this person. """ skip = set([('person', 'merged_with_id')]) facets = ['branch', 'individual', 'company', 'client', 'transporter', 'supplier', 'sales_person', 'login_user', 'employee'] for facet in facets: skip.add((facet, 'person_id')) this_facet = getattr(self, facet) other_facet = getattr(other, facet) self.merge_facet(this_facet, other_facet) skip.add(('address', 'person_id')) if copy_empty_values: if other.notes: self.notes += '\n' + other.notes if self.address and other.address: self.address.copy_empty_values(other.address) super(Person, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values) other.merged_with_id =
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Individual(Domain): """Being or characteristic of a single person, concerning one person exclusively """ __storm_table__ = 'individual' STATUS_SINGLE = u'single' STATUS_MARRIED = u'married' STATUS_DIVORCED = u'divorced' STATUS_WIDOWED = u'widowed' STATUS_SEPARATED = u'separated' STATUS_COHABITATION = u'cohabitation' marital_statuses = collections.OrderedDict([ (STATUS_SINGLE, _(u"Single")), (STATUS_MARRIED, _(u"Married")), (STATUS_DIVORCED, _(u"Divorced")), (STATUS_WIDOWED, _(u"Widowed")), (STATUS_SEPARATED, _(u'Separated')), (STATUS_COHABITATION, _(u'Cohabitation')), ]) GENDER_MALE = u'male' GENDER_FEMALE = u'female' genders = {GENDER_MALE: _(u'Male'), GENDER_FEMALE: _(u'Female'), None: _(u'None')} person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') # FIXME: rename to "document" #: the national document used to identify this person. cpf = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: A Brazilian government register which identify an individual rg_number = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: when this individual was born birth_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: current job occupation = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: martial status, single, married, widow etc marital_status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_SINGLE) #: Name of this individuals father father_name = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: Name of this individuals mother mother_name = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: When the rg number was issued rg_expedition_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: Where the rg number was issued rg_expedition_local = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: unregistered/male/female gender = EnumCol(default=None) #: the name of the spouse individual's partner in marriage spouse_name = UnicodeCol(default=u'') birth_location_id = IntCol(default=None) #: the |location| where individual was born birth_location = Reference(birth_location_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This individual is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This individual is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): skip = None super(Individual, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values) # If we copied the value from the other object, we also need to reset # it, so that there are no duplicate documents in the database if copy_empty_values: other.cpf = u'' def get_marital_statuses(self): return [(self.marital_statuses[i], i) for i in self.marital_statuses.keys()]
[docs] def get_cpf_number(self): """Returns the cpf number without any non-numeric characters :returns: the cpf number as a number """ if not self.cpf: return 0 return int(''.join([c for c in self.cpf if c in '1234567890']))
[docs] def check_cpf_exists(self, cpf): """Returns ``True`` if we already have a Individual with the given CPF in the database. """ return self.check_unique_value_exists(Individual.cpf, cpf)
[docs] def get_raw_cpf(self): """Returns the cpf without non-numeric characters as a string.""" if not validate_cpf(self.cpf): raise ModelDataError(_("The CPF of %s is not valid") % return raw_document(self.cpf)
[docs] def get_birthday_query(cls, start, end=None): """ Get a database query suitable to use in a SearchColumn.search_func callback. This can either be searching for a birthday in a date or an interval of dates. :param start: start date :param end: for intervals, an end date, use ``None`` for single days :returns: the database query """ start_year = DateTrunc(u'year', Date(start)) age_in_year = Age(cls.birth_date, DateTrunc(u'year', cls.birth_date)) next_birthday = ( start_year + age_in_year + Case(condition=age_in_year < Age(Date(start), start_year), result=Interval(u"1 year"), else_=Interval(u"0 year")) ) if end is None: return next_birthday == Date(start) else: return And(next_birthday >= Date(start), next_birthday <= Date(end))
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Company(Domain): """An institution created to conduct business """ __storm_table__ = 'company' person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') # FIXME: rename to document #: a number identifing the company cnpj = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: Doing business as (dba) name for this company, a secondary, non-legal #: name of the company. fancy_name = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: Brazilian register number associated with a certain state state_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: Brazilian register number associated with a certain city city_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u'') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This company is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This company is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): skip = None super(Company, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values) # If we copied the value from the other object, we also need to reset # it, so that there are no duplicate documents in the database if copy_empty_values: other.cnpj = u''
[docs] def get_cnpj_number(self): """Returns the cnpj number without any non-numeric characters :returns: the cnpj number as a number """ if not self.cnpj: return 0 # FIXME: We should return cnpj as strings, since it can begin with 0 num = u''.join([c for c in self.cnpj if c in u'1234567890']) if num: return int(num) return 0
[docs] def get_state_registry_number(self): """Returns the state registry number without any non-numeric characters :returns: the state registry number as a number or zero if there is no state registry. """ if not self.state_registry: return 0 numbers = u''.join([c for c in self.state_registry if c in u'1234567890']) return int(numbers or 0)
[docs] def check_cnpj_exists(self, cnpj): """Returns ``True`` if we already have a Company with the given CNPJ in the database. """ return self.check_unique_value_exists(Company.cnpj, cnpj)
[docs] def get_raw_cnpj(self): """Returns the cnpj without non-numeric characters as a string.""" if not validate_cnpj(self.cnpj): raise ModelDataError(_("The CNPJ of %s is not valid.") % return raw_document(self.cnpj)
[docs]class ClientCategory(Domain): """I am a client category. """ __storm_table__ = 'client_category' #: name of the category name = UnicodeCol() #: max discount for clients of this category max_discount = PercentCol(default=0) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API #
[docs] def can_remove(self): """ Check if the client category is used in some product.""" return super(ClientCategory, self).can_remove( skip=[('client', 'category_id')])
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove this client category from the database.""" {Client.category_id: None}, Client.category_id ==, Client))
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Client(Domain): """An individual or a company who pays for goods or services """ __storm_table__ = 'client' STATUS_SOLVENT = u'solvent' STATUS_INDEBTED = u'indebt' STATUS_INSOLVENT = u'insolvent' STATUS_INACTIVE = u'inactive' statuses = collections.OrderedDict([ (STATUS_SOLVENT, _(u'Solvent')), (STATUS_INDEBTED, _(u'Indebted')), (STATUS_INSOLVENT, _(u'Insolvent')), (STATUS_INACTIVE, _(u'Inactive')), ]) person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') #: ok, indebted, insolvent, inactive status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_SOLVENT) #: How many days is this client indebted days_late = IntCol(default=0) #: How much the user can spend on store credit, this is not #: related to credit given when returning a sale. It's basically #: how much this client can buy before having to pay. credit_limit = PriceCol(default=0) category_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the :obj:`client category <ClientCategory>` for this client category = Reference(category_id, '') #: client salary _salary = PriceCol(u'salary', default=0) #: all the sales to this client sales = ReferenceSet('id', 'Sale.client_id') # # IActive # def get_status_string(self): if not self.status in self.statuses: raise DatabaseInconsistency('Invalid status for client, ' 'got %d' % self.status) return self.statuses[self.status] def inactivate(self): if self.status == Client.STATUS_INACTIVE: raise AssertionError('This client is already inactive') self.status = self.STATUS_INACTIVE def activate(self): if self.status == Client.STATUS_SOLVENT: raise AssertionError('This client is already active') self.status = self.STATUS_SOLVENT @property def is_active(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_SOLVENT @is_active.setter def is_active(self, value): if value: self.activate() else: self.inactivate() # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_items(cls, store): """ Return a list of active items (name, id) :param store: a store :returns: the items """ join1 = LeftJoin(Person, == Client.person_id) join2 = LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == items = store.using(Client, join1, join2).find(( Coalesce(Concat(Company.fancy_name, u" (",, u")"),,, And(cls.status != cls.STATUS_INACTIVE)) return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
[docs] def get_name(self): """Name of the client """ return
[docs] def get_active_clients(cls, store): """Return a list of active clients. An active client is a person who are authorized to make new sales """ return store.find(cls, cls.status != cls.STATUS_INACTIVE)
[docs] def update_credit_limit(cls, percent, store): """Updates clients credit limit acordingly to the new percent informed. This perecentage is aplied to the client salary to calculate the credit limit. Only clients with an informed salary will have the credit limit updated. :param percent: The percentage value that will be used to calculate the new credit limit. """ if percent == 0: return vals = {Client.credit_limit: Client._salary * percent / 100} clause = Client._salary > 0 # XXX This will update the table, but storm wont reload the data. Maybe # we should invalidate all clients in cache store.execute(Update(vals, clause, Client))
[docs] def get_client_sales(self): """Returns a list of :obj:`sale views <>` tied with the current client """ from import SaleView return, SaleView.client_id ==
[docs] def get_client_returned_sales(self): """Returns a list of :obj:`returned sales <>` tied with the current client """ from import ReturnedSaleView query = And(ReturnedSaleView.client_id ==, Eq(ReturnedSaleView.returned_item.parent_item_id, None)) returned_sale_view =, query) return returned_sale_view.order_by(ReturnedSaleView.return_date)
[docs] def get_client_services(self): """Returns a list of sold :obj:`service views>` with services consumed by this client """ from import SoldServicesView return,
[docs] def get_client_work_orders(self): """Returns the :class:'stoqlib.domain.WorkOrderView' associated with a client :returns: a sequence of :class:'stoqlib.domain.WorkOrderView' """ from stoqlib.domain.workorder import WorkOrderView return, ==
[docs] def get_client_products(self, with_children=True): """Returns a list of products from SoldProductsView with products sold to the client """ from import SoldProductsView query = SoldProductsView.client_id == if not with_children: query = And(query, Eq(SoldProductsView.sale_item.parent_item_id, None)) return, query)
[docs] def get_client_payments(self): """Returns a list of payment from InPaymentView with client's payments """ from stoqlib.domain.payment.views import InPaymentView return, person_id=self.person_id).order_by(InPaymentView.due_date)
[docs] def get_last_purchase_date(self): """Fetch the date of the last purchased item by this client. None is returned if there are no sales yet made by the client :returns: the date of the last purchased item """ from import Sale max_date = self.get_client_sales().max(Sale.open_date) if max_date: return
@property def remaining_store_credit(self): from stoqlib.domain.payment.views import InPaymentView status_query = Or(InPaymentView.status == Payment.STATUS_PENDING, InPaymentView.status == Payment.STATUS_CONFIRMED) query = And(InPaymentView.person_id ==, status_query, InPaymentView.method_name == u'store_credit') debit =, query).sum(InPaymentView.value) or currency('0.0') return currency(self.credit_limit - debit)
[docs] def get_credit_transactions(self): """Returns all credit payments (in and out) associated with a client's credit account. :returns: a list of Settables representing payments. """ person = payments = Payment, And( # Joins only paid payments. Payment.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID, # Joins only payments for this client. Payment.group_id ==, PaymentGroup.payer_id ==, # Joins only credit payments. Payment.method_id ==, PaymentMethod.method_name == u'credit', ) ) return payments
@property def credit_account_balance(self): """Returns a client's credit balance. :returns: The client's credit balance.""" transactions = self.get_credit_transactions() balance = 0 for payment in transactions: if payment.payment_type == payment.TYPE_OUT: balance += payment.paid_value else: balance -= payment.paid_value return currency(balance) @property def salary(self): return self._salary @salary.setter def salary(self, value): assert value >= 0 self._salary = value salary_percentage = sysparam.get_decimal('CREDIT_LIMIT_SALARY_PERCENT') if salary_percentage > 0: self.credit_limit = value * salary_percentage / 100
[docs] def can_purchase(self, method, total_amount): """This method checks the following to see if the client can purchase:: - The parameter LATE_PAYMENTS_POLICY, - The payment method to be used, - The total amount of the |payment|, - The :obj:`.remaining_store_credit` of this client, when necessary. :param method: an |paymentmethod|. :param total_amount: the value of the |payment| that should be created for this client. :returns: ``True`` if user is allowed. Raises an SellError if user is not allowed to purchase. """ from stoqlib.domain.payment.views import InPaymentView if method.method_name in [u'store_credit', u'credit']: if method.method_name == u'store_credit': credit_left = self.remaining_store_credit else: credit_left = self.credit_account_balance if credit_left < total_amount: raise SellError(_(u'The available credit for this client (%s) ' u'is not enough.') % ( converter.as_string(currency, credit_left))) # Client does not have late payments if not InPaymentView.has_late_payments(, self.person): return True param = sysparam.get_int('LATE_PAYMENTS_POLICY') if param == LatePaymentPolicy.ALLOW_SALES: return True elif param == LatePaymentPolicy.DISALLOW_SALES: raise SellError(_(u'It is not possible to sell for clients with ' u'late payments.')) elif (param == LatePaymentPolicy.DISALLOW_STORE_CREDIT and method.method_name == u'store_credit'): raise SellError(_(u'It is not possible to sell with store credit ' u'for clients with late payments.')) return True
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Supplier(Domain): """A company or an individual that produces, provides, or furnishes an item or service """ __storm_table__ = 'supplier' STATUS_ACTIVE = u'active' STATUS_INACTIVE = u'inactive' STATUS_BLOCKED = u'blocked' statuses = {STATUS_ACTIVE: _(u'Active'), STATUS_INACTIVE: _(u'Inactive'), STATUS_BLOCKED: _(u'Blocked')} person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') #: active/inactive/blocked status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_ACTIVE) #: A short description telling which products this supplier produces product_desc = UnicodeCol(default=u'') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) # # Properties # @property def document(self): if return return self.person.individual.cpf # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This supplier is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This supplier is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): from stoqlib.domain.product import ProductSupplierInfo # product_supplier_info needs special treatment, since there is a unique # with the supplier_id skip = set([('product_supplier_info', 'supplier_id')]) subselect = Select(columns=[ProductSupplierInfo.product_id], tables=[ProductSupplierInfo], where=(ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_id == clause = And(ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_id ==, NotIn(ProductSupplierInfo.product_id, subselect)){ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_id:}, clause, ProductSupplierInfo)) super(Supplier, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values)
[docs] def get_name(self): """ :returns: the supplier's name """ return
@classmethod def get_active_suppliers(cls, store): query = And(cls.status == cls.STATUS_ACTIVE, cls.person_id == return store.find(cls, query).order_by( @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_items(cls, store): """ Return a list of active items (name, id) :param store: a store :returns: the items """ join1 = LeftJoin(Person, == cls.person_id) join2 = LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == items = store.using(cls, join1, join2).find(( Coalesce(Concat(Company.fancy_name, u" (",, u")"),,, And(cls.status == cls.STATUS_ACTIVE)) return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
[docs] def get_supplier_purchases(self): """ Gets a list of PurchaseOrderViews representing all purchases done from this supplier. :returns: a list of PurchaseOrderViews. """ from stoqlib.domain.purchase import PurchaseOrderView return,
[docs] def get_last_purchase_date(self): """Fetch the date of the last purchased item by this supplier. ``None`` is returned if there are no sales yet made by the client. :returns: the date of the last purchased item :rtype: or ``None`` """ orders = self.get_supplier_purchases() if orders.count(): # The get_client_sales method already returns a sorted list of # sales by open_date column # pylint: disable=E1101 return orders.last()
# pylint: enable=E1101 @implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Employee(Domain): """An individual who performs work for an employer under a verbal or written understanding where the employer gives direction as to what tasks are done """ __storm_table__ = 'employee' STATUS_NORMAL = u'normal' STATUS_AWAY = u'away' STATUS_VACATION = u'vacation' STATUS_OFF = u'off' statuses = {STATUS_NORMAL: _(u'Normal'), STATUS_AWAY: _(u'Away'), STATUS_VACATION: _(u'Vacation'), STATUS_OFF: _(u'Off')} #: normal/away/vacation/off status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_NORMAL) person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') #: salary for this employee salary = PriceCol(default=0) #: when this employeer started working for the |branch| admission_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: when the vaction expires for this employee expire_vacation = DateTimeCol(default=None) registry_number = UnicodeCol(default=None) education_level = UnicodeCol(default=None) dependent_person_number = IntCol(default=None) role_id = IdCol() #: A reference to an employee role object role = Reference(role_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) # This is Brazil-specific information workpermit_data_id = IdCol(default=None) workpermit_data = Reference(workpermit_data_id, '') military_data_id = IdCol(default=None) military_data = Reference(military_data_id, '') voter_data_id = IdCol(default=None) voter_data = Reference(voter_data_id, '') bank_account_id = IdCol(default=None) bank_account = Reference(bank_account_id, '') branch_id = IdCol() #: The |branch| this employee works on branch = Reference(branch_id, '') # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This employee is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This employee is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): skip = None # To merged employees: change the EmployeeRoleHistory status to inactive. # This is necessary to show that the employee has only an active role. clause = (EmployeeRoleHistory.employee_id =={EmployeeRoleHistory.is_active: False}, clause, EmployeeRoleHistory)) super(Employee, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def get_role_history(self): return, employee=self) def get_active_role_history(self): store = return store.find(EmployeeRoleHistory, employee=self, is_active=True).one() @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_employees(cls, store): """Return a list of active employees.""" return store.find(cls, And(cls.status == cls.STATUS_NORMAL, Eq(cls.is_active, True)))
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class LoginUser(Domain): """A user that us able to login to the system """ __storm_table__ = 'login_user' (STATUS_ACTIVE, STATUS_INACTIVE) = range(2) statuses = {STATUS_ACTIVE: _(u'Active'), STATUS_INACTIVE: _(u'Inactive')} person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') #: username, used to login it to the system username = UnicodeCol() #: a hash (md5) for the user password pw_hash = UnicodeCol() profile_id = IdCol() #: A profile represents a colection of information #: which represents what this user can do in the system profile = Reference(profile_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) def __init__(self, store=None, **kw): if 'password' in kw: kw['pw_hash'] = self.hash(kw['password'] or u'') del kw['password'] Domain.__init__(self, store=store, **kw) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This user is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This user is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): # user_branch_access is unique for (user_id, branch_id), so we should # only migrate what the current user does not have (and maybe delete the # rest) skip = set([('user_branch_access', 'user_id')]) subselect = Select(columns=[UserBranchAccess.branch_id], tables=[UserBranchAccess], where=(UserBranchAccess.user_id == clause = And(UserBranchAccess.user_id ==, NotIn(UserBranchAccess.branch_id, subselect)){UserBranchAccess.user_id:}, clause, UserBranchAccess)) super(LoginUser, self).merge_with(other, skip, copy_empty_values) @classmethod
[docs] def hash(cls, password): """:returns: the hash of a password. """ assert isinstance(password, unicode) return unicode(hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest())
[docs] def authenticate(cls, store, username, pw_hash, current_branch): """Authenticates a user against the credentials passed. :returns: A |loginuser| if a user is found, else returns ``None``. """ user = store.find(LoginUser, username=username, pw_hash=pw_hash, is_active=True).one() if not user: raise LoginError(_("Invalid user or password")) # current_branch may not be set if we are registering a new station if current_branch and not user.has_access_to(current_branch): raise LoginError(_(u'This user does not have access to this ' 'branch.')) return user
@property def status_str(self): """Returns the status description of a user""" if self.is_active: return self.statuses[self.STATUS_ACTIVE] return self.statuses[self.STATUS_INACTIVE] @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_users(cls, store): """Returns a list of all active |loginusers|""" return store.find(cls, is_active=True)
[docs] def get_associated_branches(self): """ Returns all the |branches| which the user has access """ return, user=self)
def add_access_to(self, branch): UserBranchAccess(, user=self, branch=branch)
[docs] def has_access_to(self, branch): """Checks if the user has access to the given |branch|. If the user has access to Administrative App, he has access to any |branch|. """ if self.profile.check_app_permission(u'admin'): return True return UserBranchAccess.has_access(, self, branch)
[docs] def set_password(self, password): """Changes the user password. """ self.pw_hash = self.hash(password or u'')
def login(self): station = get_current_station( if station: Event.log(, Event.TYPE_USER, _(u"User '%s' logged in on '%s'") % (self.username, else: Event.log(, Event.TYPE_USER, _(u"User '%s' logged in") % (self.username, )) def logout(self): station = get_current_station( if station: Event.log(, Event.TYPE_USER, _(u"User '%s' logged out from '%s'") % (self.username, else: Event.log(, Event.TYPE_USER, _(u"User '%s' logged out") % (self.username, ))
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Branch(Domain): """An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization """ __storm_table__ = 'branch' (STATUS_ACTIVE, STATUS_INACTIVE) = range(2) statuses = {STATUS_ACTIVE: _(u'Active'), STATUS_INACTIVE: _(u'Inactive')} person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') manager_id = IdCol(default=None) #: An employee which is in charge of this branch manager = Reference(manager_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) #: Brazil specific, "Código de Regime Tributário", one of: #: #: * Simples Nacional #: * Simples Nacional – excesso de sublimite da receita bruta #: * Regime Normal crt = IntCol(default=1) #: An acronym that uniquely describes a branch acronym = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: if this branch can execute |workorders| that belongs to other branches can_execute_foreign_work_orders = BoolCol(default=False) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This branch is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This branch is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): person = self.person return or # # Public API # def merge_with(self, other, copy_empty_values=True): # We cannot merge branches right now, since identifiers should be unique # by branch and changing identifiers would not be nice. assert False
[docs] def set_acronym(self, value): """Sets the branch acronym. :param value: The new acronym for this branch. If an empty string is used, it will be changed to ``None``. """ if value == u'': value = None self.acronym = value
[docs] def check_acronym_exists(self, acronym): """Returns ``True`` if we already have a Company with the given acronym in the database. """ return self.check_unique_value_exists(Branch.acronym, acronym)
[docs] def is_from_same_company(self, other_branch): """Receives a branch and checks, using this and the other branch's cnpj, whether they are from the same company :param other_branch: an :class:`branch <Branch>` :returns: true if they are from same company, false otherwise """ cnpj = other_cnpj = if not cnpj or not other_cnpj: return False return cnpj.split(u'/')[0] == other_cnpj.split(u'/')[0]
# Event def on_create(self): Event.log(, Event.TYPE_SYSTEM, _(u"Created branch '%s'") % (self.get_description(), )) # Classmethods @classmethod def get_active_branches(cls, store): return store.find(cls, Eq(cls.is_active, True)) @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_remote_branches(cls, store): """Find all active branches excluding the current one :param store: the store to be used to find the branches :returns: a sequence of active |branches| """ branches = cls.get_active_branches(store) current_branch = get_current_branch(store) return branches.find( !=
[docs] def get_active_items(cls, store): """ Return a list of active items (name, id) :param store: a store :returns: the items """ join1 = LeftJoin(Person, == cls.person_id) join2 = LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == items = store.using(cls, join1, join2).find(( Coalesce(Company.fancy_name,,, Eq(cls.is_active, True)) return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class SalesPerson(Domain): """An employee in charge of making sales """ __storm_table__ = 'sales_person' # Not really used right now (COMMISSION_GLOBAL, COMMISSION_BY_SALESPERSON, COMMISSION_BY_SELLABLE, COMMISSION_BY_PAYMENT_METHOD, COMMISSION_BY_BASE_SELLABLE_CATEGORY, COMMISSION_BY_SELLABLE_CATEGORY, COMMISSION_BY_SALE_TOTAL) = range(7) comission_types = {COMMISSION_GLOBAL: _(u'Globally'), COMMISSION_BY_SALESPERSON: _(u'By Salesperson'), COMMISSION_BY_SELLABLE: _(u'By Sellable'), COMMISSION_BY_PAYMENT_METHOD: _(u'By Payment Method'), COMMISSION_BY_BASE_SELLABLE_CATEGORY: _(u'By Base ' u'Sellable ' u'Category'), COMMISSION_BY_SELLABLE_CATEGORY: _(u'By Sellable ' u'Category'), COMMISSION_BY_SALE_TOTAL: _(u'By Sale Total')} person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') #: The percentege of commission the company must pay #: for this salesman comission = PercentCol(default=0) #: A rule used to calculate the amount of #: commission. This is a reference to another object comission_type = IntCol(default=COMMISSION_BY_SALESPERSON) is_active = BoolCol(default=True) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This sales person is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This sales person is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_salespersons(cls, store): """Get a list of all active salespersons When the salesperson is also a user in the system, only the users that have access to the current branch will be returned This will returna list of sales person ready to be used with a combo.prefill method """ tables = [SalesPerson, Join(Person, == SalesPerson.person_id), LeftJoin(LoginUser, LoginUser.person_id == SalesPerson.person_id), LeftJoin(UserBranchAccess, UserBranchAccess.user_id ==] current_branch = get_current_branch(store) query = And( Eq(cls.is_active, True), Or(UserBranchAccess.branch_id ==, Eq(UserBranchAccess.branch_id, None))) items = store.using(*tables).find((, SalesPerson), query) return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
[docs] def get_active_items(cls, store): """ Return a list of active items (name, id) When the salesperson is also a user in the system, only the users that have access to the current branch will be returned :param store: a store :returns: the items """ return [(name, for name, salesperson in cls.get_active_salespersons(store)]
@implementer(IActive) @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class Transporter(Domain): """An individual or company engaged in the transportation """ __storm_table__ = 'transporter' person_id = IdCol() #: the |person| person = Reference(person_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True) #: The date when we start working with this transporter open_contract_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) # FIXME: not used in purchases. #: The percentage amount of freight charged by this transporter freight_percentage = PercentCol(default=0) # # IActive # def inactivate(self): assert self.is_active, (u'This transporter is already inactive') self.is_active = False def activate(self): assert not self.is_active, (u'This transporter is already active') self.is_active = True def get_status_string(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_transporters(cls, store): """Get a list of all available transporters""" query = Eq(cls.is_active, True) return store.find(cls, query)
[docs] def get_active_items(cls, store): """ Return a list of active items (name, id) :param store: a store :returns: the items """ join1 = LeftJoin(Person, == cls.person_id) items = store.using(cls, join1).find((,, Eq(cls.is_active, True)) return locale_sorted(items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
[docs]class EmployeeRoleHistory(Domain): """Base class to store the employee role history.""" __storm_table__ = 'employee_role_history' began = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) ended = DateTimeCol(default=None) salary = PriceCol() role_id = IdCol() role = Reference(role_id, '') employee_id = IdCol() employee = Reference(employee_id, '') is_active = BoolCol(default=True)
[docs]class ClientSalaryHistory(Domain): """A class to keep track of all the salaries a client has had """ __storm_table__ = 'client_salary_history' #: date when salary has been updated date = DateTimeCol() #: value of the updated salary new_salary = PriceCol() #: value of the previous salary old_salary = PriceCol() client_id = IdCol() #: the |client| whose salary is being stored client = Reference(client_id, '') user_id = IdCol() #: the |loginuser| who updated the salary user = Reference(user_id, '') @classmethod def add(cls, store, old_salary, client, user): if old_salary != client.salary: ClientSalaryHistory(store=store, date=localtoday().date(), new_salary=client.salary, old_salary=old_salary, client=client, user=user)
[docs]class UserBranchAccess(Domain): """This class associates a |loginuser| to a |branch|. Users will only be able to login into Stoq if it is associated with the computer's branch. """ __storm_table__ = 'user_branch_access' user_id = IdCol() #: the |loginuser| user = Reference(user_id, '') branch_id = IdCol() #: the |branch| branch = Reference(branch_id, '') @classmethod
[docs] def has_access(cls, store, user, branch): """Checks if the given user has access to the given branch """ return store.find(cls, user=user, branch=branch).one() is not None
# # Views # @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class ClientView(Viewable): """Stores information about clients. Available fields are: :attribute id: id of the client table :attribute name: client name :attribute status: client financial status :attribute cpf: brazil-specific cpf attribute :attribute rg: brazil-specific rg_number attribute :attribute phone_number: client phone_number :attribute mobile_number: client mobile_number """ client = Client person = Person category = ClientCategory # Client id = status = Client.status # Person name = person_id = phone_number = Person.phone_number mobile_number = Person.mobile_number email = # Company fancy_name = Company.fancy_name cnpj = Company.cnpj # Individual cpf = Individual.cpf birth_date = Individual.birth_date rg_number = Individual.rg_number # ClientCategory client_category = # Address street = Address.street streetnumber = Address.streetnumber district = Address.district tables = [ Client, Join(Person, == Client.person_id), LeftJoin(Individual, == Individual.person_id), LeftJoin(Company, == Company.person_id), LeftJoin(ClientCategory, Client.category_id ==, LeftJoin(Address, And(Address.person_id ==, Eq(Address.is_main_address, True))), ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return self.description @property def description(self): return + (self.fancy_name and u" (%s)" % self.fancy_name or u"") # # Public API # @property def status_str(self): return Client.statuses[self.status] @property def cnpj_or_cpf(self): return self.cnpj or self.cpf @classmethod
[docs] def get_active_clients(cls, store): """Return a list of active clients. An active client is a person who are authorized to make new sales """ return store.find( cls, cls.status != Client.STATUS_INACTIVE ).order_by(
@implementer(IDescribable) class EmployeeView(Viewable): employee = Employee id = person_id = name = role = status = Employee.status is_active = Employee.is_active registry_number = Employee.registry_number tables = [ Employee, Join(Person, == Employee.person_id), LeftJoin(EmployeeRole, Employee.role_id ==, ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # def get_status_string(self): return Employee.statuses[self.status] @classmethod def get_active_employees(cls, store): """Return a list of active employees.""" return store.find(cls, status=Employee.STATUS_NORMAL, is_active=True) @implementer(IDescribable) class SupplierView(Viewable): supplier = Supplier # Supplier id = status = Supplier.status # Person person_id = name = phone_number = Person.phone_number mobile_number = Person.mobile_number # Company fancy_name = Company.fancy_name cnpj = Company.cnpj # Individual cpf = Individual.cpf birth_date = Individual.birth_date rg_number = Individual.rg_number # Address street = Address.street streetnumber = Address.streetnumber district = Address.district tables = [ Supplier, Join(Person, == Supplier.person_id), LeftJoin(Company, == Company.person_id), LeftJoin(Individual, == Individual.person_id), LeftJoin(Address, And(Address.person_id ==, Eq(Address.is_main_address, True))), ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): if self.fancy_name: return "%s (%s)" % (, self.fancy_name) else: return # # Public API # def get_status_string(self): return Supplier.statuses[self.status] @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class TransporterView(Viewable): """ Stores information about transporters :cvar id: the id of transporter table :cvar name: the transporter name :cvar phone_number: the transporter phone number :cvar person_id: the id of person table :cvar status: the current status of the transporter :cvar freight_percentage: the freight percentage charged """ transporter = Transporter id = person_id = name = phone_number = Person.phone_number freight_percentage = Transporter.freight_percentage is_active = Transporter.is_active tables = [ Transporter, Join(Person, == Transporter.person_id), ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return
@implementer(IDescribable) class BranchView(Viewable): Manager_Person = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_manager') branch = Branch id = acronym = Branch.acronym is_active = Branch.is_active person_id = name = fancy_name = Company.fancy_name phone_number = Person.phone_number manager_name = tables = [ Branch, Join(Person, == Branch.person_id), LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Employee, Branch.manager_id ==, LeftJoin(Manager_Person, Employee.person_id ==, ] # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # @property def status_str(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive') @implementer(IDescribable)
[docs]class UserView(Viewable): """ Retrieves information about user in the system. :cvar id: the id of user table :cvar name: the user full name :cvar is_active: the current status of the transporter :cvar username: the username (login) :cvar person_id: the id of person table :cvar profile_id: the id of the user profile :cvar profile_name: the name of the user profile (eg: Salesperson) """ user = LoginUser id = person_id = name = is_active = LoginUser.is_active username = LoginUser.username profile_id = LoginUser.profile_id profile_name = tables = [ LoginUser, Join(Person, == LoginUser.person_id), LeftJoin(UserProfile, LoginUser.profile_id ==, ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None) # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return # # Public API # @property def status_str(self): if self.is_active: return _(u'Active') return _(u'Inactive')
[docs]class CreditCheckHistoryView(Viewable): """A view that displays client credit history """ User_Person = ClassAlias(Person, 'user_person') check_history = CreditCheckHistory id = _person_id = client_name = check_date = CreditCheckHistory.check_date identifier = CreditCheckHistory.identifier status = CreditCheckHistory.status notes = CreditCheckHistory.notes user = tables = [ CreditCheckHistory, LeftJoin(Client, == CreditCheckHistory.client_id), LeftJoin(Person, == Client.person_id), LeftJoin(LoginUser, == CreditCheckHistory.user_id), LeftJoin(User_Person, LoginUser.person_id ==, ] # # Public API # @classmethod def find_by_client(cls, store, client): resultset = store.find(cls) if client is not None: resultset = resultset.find(CreditCheckHistory.client == client) return resultset
[docs]class CallsView(Viewable): """Store information about the realized calls to client. """ Attendant_Person = ClassAlias(Person, 'attendant_person') call = Calls person = Person id = person_id = name = date = description = Calls.description message = Calls.message attendant = tables = [ Calls, LeftJoin(Person, == Calls.person_id), LeftJoin(LoginUser, == Calls.attendant_id), LeftJoin(Attendant_Person, LoginUser.person_id ==, ] # # IDescribable # def get_description(self): return self.description # # Public API # @classmethod def find_by_client_date(cls, store, client, date): queries = [] if client: queries.append(Calls.person == client) if date: if isinstance(date, tuple): date_query = And(Date( >= date[0], Date( <= date[1]) else: date_query = Date( == date queries.append(date_query) if queries: return store.find(cls, And(*queries)) return store.find(cls) @classmethod def find_by_date(cls, store, date): return cls.find_by_client_date(store, None, date)
class ClientCallsView(CallsView): tables = CallsView.tables[:] tables.append( Join(Client, Client.person_id ==
[docs]class ClientSalaryHistoryView(Viewable): """Store information about a client's salary history """ id = date = new_salary = ClientSalaryHistory.new_salary user = tables = [ ClientSalaryHistory, LeftJoin(LoginUser, == ClientSalaryHistory.user_id), LeftJoin(Person, LoginUser.person_id ==, ] @classmethod def find_by_client(cls, store, client): resultset = store.find(cls) if client is not None: resultset = resultset.find(ClientSalaryHistory.client == client) return resultset
_InPaymentSummary = Select( columns=[PaymentGroup.payer_id, Alias(Sum(Payment.paid_value), 'paid_value')], tables=[Payment, Join(PaymentGroup, == Payment.group_id), Join(PaymentMethod, == Payment.method_id)], where=And(Payment.payment_type == Payment.TYPE_IN, PaymentMethod.method_name == u'credit', Payment.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID), group_by=[PaymentGroup.payer_id]) _OutPaymentSummary = Select( columns=_InPaymentSummary.columns, tables=_InPaymentSummary.tables, group_by=_InPaymentSummary.group_by, where=And(Payment.payment_type == Payment.TYPE_OUT, PaymentMethod.method_name == u'credit', Payment.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID))
[docs]class ClientsWithCreditView(Viewable): """A view that displays client with credit """ id = name = phone = Person.phone_number email = cpf = Individual.cpf birth_date = Individual.birth_date cnpj = Company.cnpj category = credit_received = Field('_out_summary', 'paid_value') credit_spent = Coalesce(Field('_in_summary', 'paid_value'), 0) remaining_credit = credit_received - credit_spent tables = [ Client, Join(Person, == Client.person_id), LeftJoin(ClientCategory, == Client.category_id), LeftJoin(Individual, Individual.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Alias(_InPaymentSummary, '_in_summary'), Field('_in_summary', 'payer_id') ==, LeftJoin(Alias(_OutPaymentSummary, '_out_summary'), Field('_out_summary', 'payer_id') ==, ] clause = Or(credit_spent > 0, credit_received > 0)
class PersonAddressView(Viewable): person = Person main_address = Address id = name = phone_number = Person.phone_number mobile_number = Person.mobile_number fax_number = Person.fax_number email = cnpj = Company.cnpj cpf = Individual.cpf birth_date = Individual.birth_date rg_number = Individual.rg_number clean_name = StoqNormalizeString( clean_street = Coalesce(StoqNormalizeString(Address.street), u'') tables = [ Person, LeftJoin(Individual, == Individual.person_id), LeftJoin(Company, == Company.person_id), LeftJoin(Address, And(Address.person_id ==, Eq(Address.is_main_address, True))), ] clause = Eq(Person.merged_with_id, None)