# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <stoq-devel@async.com.br>
Product, a physical goods that can be purchased, stored and sold.
It's purchased by a supplier and sold to client.
Imports that will be used in this doctest:
>>> from stoqlib.database.runtime import new_store, get_current_branch
>>> from stoqlib.domain.product import Product, ProductStockItem, Storable
>>> from stoqlib.domain.product import StockTransactionHistory
Create a new store
>>> store = new_store()
Create a branch we can use:
>>> from stoqlib.domain.exampledata import ExampleCreator
>>> branch = ExampleCreator.create(store, 'Branch')
Create a sellable we can use:
>>> from stoqlib.domain.exampledata import ExampleCreator
>>> sellable = ExampleCreator.create(store, 'Sellable')
The ExampleCreator already creates a Product for us. Now lets attach it a
storable facet.
>>> product = sellable.product
>>> storable = Storable(product=product, store=store)
The storable needs to have it's stock created, let's do so. Note that a reason
is always required when changing the stock quantity
>>> storable.increase_stock(10, branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_INITIAL, None)
A stock item should now be available for the storable:
>>> stock_item = storable.get_stock_item(branch, batch=None)
The branch and storable should be set properly
>>> stock_item.branch == branch
>>> stock_item.storable == storable
Fetch the stock item for the current branch and verify that the
stock_items are unique:
>>> current_branch = get_current_branch(store)
>>> stock_item2 = storable.get_stock_item(current_branch, batch=None)
>>> stock_item != stock_item2
>>> store.close()
# pylint: enable=E1101
from decimal import Decimal
from kiwi.currency import currency
from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet
from storm.expr import (And, Eq, LeftJoin, Alias, Sum, Coalesce, Select, Join, Cast)
from zope.interface import implementer
from stoqlib.database.expr import (Field, TransactionTimestamp,
ArrayAgg, Contains, IsContainedBy,
from stoqlib.database.properties import (BoolCol, DateTimeCol, DecimalCol,
EnumCol, IdCol, IntCol, PercentCol,
PriceCol, QuantityCol, UnicodeCol)
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_current_user, autoreload_object
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.events import (ProductCreateEvent, ProductEditEvent,
ProductRemoveEvent, ProductStockUpdateEvent)
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IDescribable
from stoqlib.domain.person import Person, Branch
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable
from stoqlib.exceptions import StockError
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow, localtoday
from stoqlib.lib.stringutils import next_value_for
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext, stoqlib_ngettext
_ = stoqlib_gettext
# pyflakes
Person # pylint: disable=W0104
[docs]class ProductSupplierInfo(Domain):
"""Supplier information for a |product|.
Each product can has more than one |supplier|.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_supplier_info.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product_supplier_info'
#: the cost which helps the purchaser to define the main cost of a
#: certain product. Each product can have multiple |suppliers| and for
#: each |supplier| a base_cost is available. The purchaser in this case
#: must decide how to define the main cost based in the base cost avarage
#: of all suppliers.
base_cost = PriceCol(default=0)
notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: if this object stores information for the main |supplier|.
is_main_supplier = BoolCol(default=False)
#: the number of days needed to deliver the product to purchaser.
lead_time = IntCol(default=1)
#: the minimum amount that we can buy from this supplier.
minimum_purchase = QuantityCol(default=Decimal(1))
#: a Brazil-specific attribute that means 'Imposto sobre circulacao
#: de mercadorias e prestacao de servicos'
icms = PercentCol(default=0)
supplier_id = IdCol()
#: the |supplier|
supplier = Reference(supplier_id, 'Supplier.id')
product_id = IdCol()
#: the |product|
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
#: the product code in the supplier
supplier_code = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
# Auxiliary methods
def get_name(self):
if self.supplier:
return self.supplier.get_description()
def get_lead_time_str(self):
return u"%d %s" % (
stoqlib_ngettext(_(u"Day"), _(u"Days"), self.lead_time))
[docs]class Product(Domain):
"""A Product is a thing that can be:
* ordered (via |purchase|)
* stored (via |storable|)
* sold (via |sellable|)
* manufactured (via |production|)
A manufactured product can have several |components|, which are parts
that when combined create the product.
A consigned product is borrowed from a |supplier|. You can also loan out
your own products via |loan|.
If the product does not use stock managment, it will be possible to sell
items, even if it was never purchased.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product'
product_types = {
TYPE_COMMON: _("Regular product"),
TYPE_BATCH: _("Product with batch control"),
TYPE_WITHOUT_STOCK: _("Product without stock control"),
TYPE_CONSIGNED: _("Consigned product"),
TYPE_GRID: _("Grid product"),
TYPE_PACKAGE: _("Package product"),
#: |sellable| for this product
sellable = Reference('id', 'Sellable.id')
#: if this product is loaned from the |supplier|
consignment = BoolCol(default=False)
#: ``True`` if this product has |components|.
#: This is stored on Product to avoid a join to find out if there is any
#: components or not.
is_composed = BoolCol(default=False)
#: ``True`` if this product is parent of another product.
#: This is also an indication that this product will have other products
#: "attached" to itself
is_grid = BoolCol(default=False)
#: id of his parent
parent_id = IdCol()
#: Indicates the parent of this product.
parent = Reference(parent_id, 'Product.id')
#: If this product will use stock management.
#: When this is set to ``True``, a corresponding |storable| should be created.
#: For ``False`` a storable will not be created and the quantity currently
#: in stock will not be known, e.g. |purchases| will not increase the stock
# quantity, and the operations that decrease stock (like a |sale| or a
# |loan|, will be allowed at any time.
manage_stock = BoolCol(default=True)
#: physical location of this product, like a drawer or shelf number
location = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
manufacturer_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: name of the manufacturer for this product, eg "General Motors"
manufacturer = Reference(manufacturer_id, 'ProductManufacturer.id')
#: name of the brand, eg "Chevrolet" or "Opel"
brand = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: name of the family, eg "Cobalt" or "Astra"
family = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: name of the model, eg "2.2 L Ecotec L61 I4" or "2.0 8V/ CD 2.0 Hatchback 5p Aut"
model = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: a number representing this part
part_number = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: physical width of this product, unit not enforced
width = DecimalCol(default=0)
#: physical height of this product, unit not enforced
height = DecimalCol(default=0)
#: depth in this product, unit not enforced
depth = DecimalCol(default=0)
#: physical weight of this product, unit not enforced
weight = DecimalCol(default=0)
#: The time in days it takes to manufacter this product
production_time = IntCol(default=1)
#: Brazil specific: NFE: nomenclature comon do mercuosol
ncm = UnicodeCol(default=None)
#: NFE: see ncm
ex_tipi = UnicodeCol(default=None)
#: NFE: see ncm
genero = UnicodeCol(default=None)
#: Id of ICMS tax in product tax template
icms_template_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.ProductIcmsTemplate` tax for *self*
icms_template = Reference(icms_template_id, 'ProductIcmsTemplate.id')
#: Id of IPI tax in product tax template
ipi_template_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.ProductIpiTemplate` tax for *self*
ipi_template = Reference(ipi_template_id, 'ProductIpiTemplate.id')
#: Id of PIS tax in product tax template
pis_template_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.ProductPisTemplate` tax for *self*
pis_template = Reference(pis_template_id, 'ProductPisTemplate.id')
#: Id of COFINS tax in product tax template
cofins_template_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.ProductCofinsTemplate` tax for *self*
cofins_template = Reference(cofins_template_id, 'ProductCofinsTemplate.id')
#: Used for composed products only
quality_tests = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductQualityTest.product_id')
#: list of |suppliers| that sells this product
suppliers = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductSupplierInfo.product_id')
#: list of |product| that is child of this product
children = ReferenceSet('id', 'Product.parent_id')
#: list of |product_attribute| of this product
attributes = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductAttribute.product_id')
#: list of |grid_option| of this product
grid_options = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductOptionMap.product_id')
#: the |storable| for this product
storable = Reference('id', 'Storable.id', on_remote=True)
#: This indicaters if this product is only used internally by the store.
#: This means this product can be bought but cannot be sold
internal_use = BoolCol(default=False)
#: Indicates if the product is a of TYPE_PACKAGE
is_package = BoolCol(default=False)
#: If this is a composed product, this indicates how much the production
#: process yields of this product. For instance, certain recipe could yield
#: 2.5Kgs of some food.
yield_quantity = QuantityCol(default=1)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
assert 'sellable' in kwargs
kwargs['id'] = kwargs['sellable'].id
super(Product, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Properties
def description(self):
return self.sellable.description
def product_type(self):
storable = self.storable
if self.is_grid:
return self.TYPE_GRID
elif not self.manage_stock and not self.is_package:
assert storable is None
elif self.is_package:
assert storable is None
return self.TYPE_PACKAGE
elif storable.is_batch:
return self.TYPE_BATCH
elif self.consignment:
return self.TYPE_CONSIGNED
return self.TYPE_COMMON
def product_type_str(self):
return self.product_types[self.product_type]
# Private
def _copy_product_suppliers(self, target):
"""Copy the suppliers reference set from self to a target product
:param target: The target |product| for the suppliers copy.
:returns: A |ProductSupplierInfo| ReferenceSet
# This dictionary is used as reference to tell us if the target has a
# supplier that it's parent doesn't.
target_suppliers = {info.supplier: info for info in target.suppliers}
props = ['base_cost', 'notes', 'is_main_supplier', 'lead_time',
'minimum_purchase', 'icms', 'supplier']
for info in self.suppliers:
# If this supplier is already related to the target, we will
# update it. We also pop it from our reference dictionary.
prod_sup = target_suppliers.pop(info.supplier)
except KeyError:
# If the supplier isn't in the dictionary, that means we must
# create it for the target.
prod_sup = ProductSupplierInfo(product=target)
for prop in props:
value = getattr(info, prop)
setattr(prod_sup, prop, value)
# If there is something left in the target_suppliers, this means those
# suppliers are not related to the parent anymore. So we remove it.
for info in target_suppliers.values():
return target
# Public API
[docs] def set_as_storable_product(self, quantity=0, branch=None, cost=None):
""" Change a product without storable to a product with stock control.
:param quantity: The current product quantity in stock.
assert self.product_type == self.TYPE_WITHOUT_STOCK
# FIXME: On first time, only creating a common product.
# After, also choose between create a consigned or a product with batch control
storable = Storable(product=self, store=self.store)
if not branch:
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_current_branch
branch = get_current_branch(store=self.store)
# TODO: Instead of register an initial stock, we must consider the product history.
# Calculating the current quantity based on stock transaction history.
storable.register_initial_stock(quantity, branch, cost or self.sellable.cost)
self.manage_stock = True
def has_quality_tests(self):
return not self.quality_tests.find().is_empty()
[docs] def remove(self):
"""Deletes this product from the database.
for child in self.children:
for attr in self.attributes:
storable = self.storable
if storable:
for option in self.grid_options:
for supplier in self.get_suppliers_info():
for component in self.get_components():
[docs] def can_remove_children(self):
"""Checks if this product's children can be removed
return all(child.sellable.can_remove() for child in self.children)
[docs] def can_remove(self):
"""Whether we can delete this product and it's |sellable| from the
``False`` if the product was sold, received or used in a
production. ``True`` otherwise.
if self.is_grid:
# We could call self.can_remove_children(), but that triggers *a
# lot* of extra queries and we cant afford that when the object has
# a lot of children, so only let the user remove a grid products if
# all its children are removed first.
return self.children.count() == 0
if self.storable and not self.storable.can_remove():
return False
return super(Product, self).can_remove(
skip=[('storable', 'id'),
('product_supplier_info', 'product_id'),
('product_option_map', 'product_id'),
('product_component', 'product_id')])
[docs] def can_close_children(self):
"""Checks if this product's children can be closed
Called by |self| to check if it's children can be closed or not.
A product child can be closed if it doesn't have any stock left
return all(child.sellable.can_close() for child in self.children)
[docs] def can_close(self):
"""Checks if this product can be closed
Called by |sellable| to check if it can be closed or not.
A product can be closed if it doesn't have any stock left
if self.is_grid:
return self.can_close_children()
if self.manage_stock:
return self.storable.get_total_balance() == 0
return True
[docs] def close(self):
"""Closes the product's children
for child in self.children:
[docs] def get_manufacture_time(self, quantity, branch):
"""Returns the estimated time in days to manufacture a product
If the |components| don't have enough stock, the estimated time to
obtain missing |components| will also be considered (using the max
lead time from the |suppliers|)
:param quantity:
:param branch: the |branch|
assert self.is_composed
# Components maximum lead time
comp_max_time = 0
for i in self.get_components():
# Products without manage stock control doesnt have storable
if not i.component.manage_stock:
storable = i.component.storable
needed = quantity * i.quantity
stock = storable.get_balance_for_branch(branch)
# We have enough of this component items to produce.
if stock >= needed:
comp_max_time = max(comp_max_time,
i.component.get_max_lead_time(needed, branch))
return self.production_time + comp_max_time
[docs] def get_max_lead_time(self, quantity, branch):
"""Returns the longest lead time for this product.
If this is a composed product, the lead time will be the time to
manufacture the product plus the time to obtain all the missing
If its a regular product this will be the longest lead time for a
supplier to deliver the product (considering the worst case).
quantity and |branch| are used only when the product is composed
if self.is_composed:
return self.get_manufacture_time(quantity, branch)
return self.suppliers.find().max(ProductSupplierInfo.lead_time) or 0
def get_main_supplier_name(self):
supplier_info = self.get_main_supplier_info()
if supplier_info is not None:
return supplier_info.get_name()
[docs] def get_main_supplier_info(self):
"""Gets a list of main suppliers for a Product, the main supplier
is the most recently selected supplier.
:returns: main supplier info
:rtype: ProductSupplierInfo or None if a product lacks
a main suppliers
store = self.store
return store.find(ProductSupplierInfo,
product=self, is_main_supplier=True).one()
[docs] def get_suppliers_info(self):
"""Returns a list of suppliers for this product
:returns: a list of suppliers
:rtype: list of ProductSupplierInfo
return self.store.find(ProductSupplierInfo,
def get_product_supplier_code(self, supplier):
query = And(ProductSupplierInfo.product == self.id,
ProductSupplierInfo.supplier == supplier)
return self.store.find(ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_code, query).one()
[docs] def get_product_supplier_info(self, supplier):
"""Returns the product information for the specified supplier.
:param supplier: the |supplier|
:returns: The supplier's product information
:rtype: :class:'ProductSupplierInfo'
query = And(ProductSupplierInfo.product == self,
ProductSupplierInfo.supplier == supplier)
return self.store.find(ProductSupplierInfo, query).one()
[docs] def get_components(self):
"""Returns the products which are our |components|.
:returns: a sequence of |components|
return self.store.find(ProductComponent, product=self)
[docs] def has_components(self):
"""Returns if this product has a |component| or not.
:returns: ``True`` if this product has |components|, ``False`` otherwise.
return self.get_components().count() > 0
[docs] def get_component(self, sellable):
"""Returns the ProductComponent of a given sellable
for component in self.get_components():
if component.component.sellable == sellable:
return component
[docs] def get_production_cost(self):
"""Return the production cost of one unit of the product.
:returns: the production cost
return self.sellable.cost
[docs] def update_production_cost(self, cost=None):
"""Update the production cost of this product and its parents
This will update the production cost of this product, and of all the
products that use this as a component.
:param cost: When provided, the components cost will not be calculated.
# First calculate our new cost if it was not provided
if not cost:
cost = sum(c.component.sellable.cost * c.quantity
for c in self.get_components())
cost /= self.yield_quantity
assert cost > 0
if self.sellable.cost != cost:
self.sellable.cost = cost
# Then trigger the changes up to the products that use our self as a
# component
parents = self.store.find(ProductComponent, component=self)
for component in parents:
[docs] def is_supplied_by(self, supplier):
"""If this product is supplied by the given |supplier|, returns the
object with the supplier information. Returns ``None`` otherwise
store = self.store
return store.find(ProductSupplierInfo, product=self,
supplier=supplier).one() is not None
[docs] def is_composed_by(self, product):
"""Returns if we are composed by a given product or not.
:param product: a possible component of this product
:returns: ``True`` if the given product is one of our component or a
component of our components, otherwise ``False``.
for component in self.get_components():
if product is component.component:
return True
if component.component.is_composed_by(product):
return True
return False
[docs] def child_exists(self, options):
"""Check if the child already exists
:param options: a list of |grid_option| that the child should match
:returns: True if the child exists, otherwise ``False``
tables = [ProductOptionMap,
Join(Product, Product.id == ProductOptionMap.product_id)]
query = Product.parent == self
data = self.store.using(*tables).find(ProductOptionMap.product_id, query)
# Here we are combining all the options for a given product, and checking
# if the given option matches any of the existing ones.
option_ids = list(o.id for o in options)
other_options = ArrayAgg(Cast(ProductOptionMap.option_id, 'text'))
having = And(Contains(option_ids, other_options),
IsContainedBy(option_ids, other_options))
data = data.group_by(ProductOptionMap.product_id).having(having)
return not data.is_empty()
[docs] def add_grid_child(self, options):
"""Create a new product, child of self
:param options: a list of |grid_option| that the child may have
assert not self.child_exists(options)
new_code = Sellable.get_max_value(self.store, Sellable.code)
child = self.copy_product()
child.parent = self
child.sellable.code = next_value_for(new_code)
Storable(store=self.store, product=child)
desc_parts = [self.description]
for option in options:
child.sellable.description = u' '.join(desc_parts)
[docs] def update_children_description(self):
"""Update a grid product's children descriptions.
This method updates all the this product's children description by
appending the parent description with each grid option description.
for child in self.children:
desc_parts = [self.description]
for opt in child.grid_options:
child.sellable.description = u' '.join(desc_parts)
[docs] def update_children_info(self):
"""Update a grid product's children informations.
This will update all the children of this product, copying all the
|sellable| attributes except from the description, which is updated by
calling the update_children_description method.
for child in self.children:
[docs] def copy_product(self, target=None):
"""This method copies self to another product.
If the |product| target is None, a new product is created. The copy is
made by copying all the |sellable| attributes and some of the
|product| attributes.
:param target: The |product| target for the copy.
returns: a |product| similar to self.
if target is None:
sellable = self.sellable.copy_sellable()
target = Product(store=self.store, sellable=sellable)
props = ['manufacturer', 'brand', 'family', 'width', 'height', 'depth',
'weight', 'ncm', 'ex_tipi', 'genero', 'icms_template',
'ipi_template', 'pis_template', 'cofins_template']
for prop in props:
value = getattr(self, prop)
setattr(target, prop, value)
# Since the suppliers are a reference set, we need to copy each object
# from ProductSupplierInfo
return target
[docs] def update_sellable_price(self):
"""Update the sellable price
Summarize the |product_component| price to set the package price
if not self.is_package:
self.sellable.price = sum(child.price * child.quantity
for child in self.get_components())
# Domain
def on_create(self):
def on_delete(self):
def on_update(self):
store = self.store
emitted_store_list = getattr(self, '_emitted_store_list', set())
# Since other classes can propagate this event (like Sellable),
# emit the event only once for each store.
if not store in emitted_store_list:
self._emitted_store_list = emitted_store_list
[docs]class GridGroup(Domain):
"""Attributes Group for product grid"""
__storm_table__ = 'grid_group'
#: group description
description = UnicodeCol()
#: Indicates if grid_group is active
is_active = BoolCol(allow_none=False, default=True)
attributes = ReferenceSet('id', 'GridAttribute.group_id')
# IDescribable
def get_description(self):
return self.description
# Classmethods
def get_active_groups(cls, store):
return store.find(cls, is_active=True)
def has_group(cls, store):
return store.find(cls).any()
[docs]class GridAttribute(Domain):
"""Product Attributes for product grid"""
__storm_table__ = 'grid_attribute'
#: description of self
description = UnicodeCol()
#: Indicates if grid_group is active
is_active = BoolCol(allow_none=False, default=True)
#: GridGroup id
group_id = IdCol()
group = Reference(group_id, 'GridGroup.id')
# Public API
[docs] def has_active_options(self):
"""Check if the grid_attribute have active |grid_option|
:return: ``True`` if self is referenced on any |grid_option|,
otherwise ``False``
query = And(GridOption.attribute == self, Eq(GridOption.is_active, True))
return not self.store.find(GridOption, query).is_empty()
[docs]class GridOption(Domain):
"""Attribute options for product grid"""
__storm_table__ = 'grid_option'
#: description of self
description = UnicodeCol()
#: Indicates if grid_group is active
is_active = BoolCol(allow_none=False, default=True)
#: Order that the option will be shown
option_order = IntCol()
#: Attribute id for that option
attribute_id = IdCol()
attribute = Reference(attribute_id, 'GridAttribute.id')
# Public API
def get_description(self):
return self.description
[docs] def can_remove(self):
"""Check if we can remove the attribute_option from database"""
return self.store.find(ProductOptionMap, option=self).is_empty()
[docs]class ProductAttribute(Domain):
"""Tells what attributes that product have"""
__storm_table__ = 'product_attribute'
#: id of the product
product_id = IdCol()
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
#: id of the attribute
attribute_id = IdCol()
attribute = Reference(attribute_id, 'GridAttribute.id')
#: a list of |grid_option| of the grid_attribute
options = ReferenceSet('attribute_id', 'GridOption.attribute_id',
[docs]class ProductOptionMap(Domain):
"""This class is used to map attribute and options to the product"""
__storm_table__ = 'product_option_map'
product_id = IdCol()
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
attribute_id = IdCol()
attribute = Reference(attribute_id, 'GridAttribute.id')
option_id = IdCol()
option = Reference(option_id, 'GridOption.id')
[docs]class ProductManufacturer(Domain):
"""Product manufacturer.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_manufacturer.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product_manufacturer'
#: manufacturer's name
name = UnicodeCol()
#: code of the manufacturer
code = UnicodeCol()
# IDescribable
def get_description(self):
if self.code:
return _('%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.code))
return self.name
[docs] def remove(self):
"""Remove this registry from the database."""
[docs]class ProductHistory(Domain):
"""Stores |product| history, such as sold (via |sale|),
received (via |receive|), transfered (via |transfer|) and
decreased quantities.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_history.html>`__
.. note:: We keep a reference to |sellable| instead of |product| because
we want to display the sellable id in the interface instead
of the product id for consistency with interfaces that display
__storm_table__ = 'product_history'
quantity_sold = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_received = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_transfered = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_produced = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_consumed = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_lost = QuantityCol(default=None)
quantity_decreased = QuantityCol(default=None)
production_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
sold_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
received_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
decreased_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
branch_id = IdCol()
#: the |branch|
branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
sellable_id = IdCol()
#: the |sellable|
sellable = Reference(sellable_id, 'Sellable.id')
[docs] def add_sold_item(cls, store, branch, product_sellable_item):
"""Adds a |saleitem| to the history. *product_sale_item* is an item
that was created during a |sale|.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the |branch|
:param product_sellable_item: the |saleitem| for the sold |product|
[docs] def add_received_item(cls, store, branch, receiving_order_item):
Adds a received item, populates the ProductHistory table using a
*receiving_order_item* created during a |purchase|
:param store: a store
:param branch: the |branch|
:param receiving_order_item: the item received for |purchase|
cls(branch=branch, sellable=receiving_order_item.sellable,
[docs] def add_transfered_item(cls, store, branch, transfer_order_item):
Adds a transfered_item, populates the ProductHistory table using a
*transfered_order_item* created during a |transfer|.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the source branch
:param transfer_order_item: the item transfered from source branch
cls(branch=branch, sellable=transfer_order_item.sellable,
[docs] def add_consumed_item(cls, store, branch, consumed_item):
Adds a consumed_item, populates the ProductHistory table using a
production_material item that was used in a |production|.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the source branch
:param retained_item: a ProductionMaterial instance
cls(branch=branch, sellable=consumed_item.product.sellable,
[docs] def add_produced_item(cls, store, branch, produced_item):
Adds a produced_item, populates the ProductHistory table using a
production_item that was produced in a production order.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the source branch
:param retained_item: a ProductionItem instance
cls(branch=branch, sellable=produced_item.product.sellable,
production_date=localtoday(), store=store)
[docs] def add_lost_item(cls, store, branch, lost_item):
Adds a lost_item, populates the ProductHistory table using a
production_item/product_material that was lost in a production order.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the source branch
:param lost_item: a ProductionItem or ProductionMaterial instance
if lost_item.lost <= 0:
raise ValueError("lost_item must have a positive lost attribute")
cls(branch=branch, sellable=lost_item.product.sellable,
production_date=localtoday(), store=store)
[docs] def add_decreased_item(cls, store, branch, item):
Adds a decreased item, populates the ProductHistory table informing
how many items wore manually decreased from stock.
:param store: a store
:param branch: the source |branch|
:param item: a StockDecreaseItem instance
cls(branch=branch, sellable=item.sellable,
[docs]class ProductStockItem(Domain):
"""Class that makes a reference to the |product| stock of a
certain |branch|.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_stock_item.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product_stock_item'
#: the average stock price, will be updated as new stock items are
#: received.
stock_cost = PriceCol(default=0)
#: number of storables in the stock item
quantity = QuantityCol(default=0)
branch_id = IdCol()
#: the |branch| this stock item belongs to
branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
storable_id = IdCol()
#: the |storable| the stock item refers to
storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')
batch_id = IdCol()
#: The |batch| that the storable is in.
batch = Reference(batch_id, 'StorableBatch.id')
def transactions(self):
return self.store.find(StockTransactionHistory,
[docs]class Storable(Domain):
'''Storable represents the stock of a |product|.
The actual stock of an item is in ProductStockItem.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/storable.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'storable'
#: the |product| the stock represents
product = Reference('id', 'Product.id')
#: If this storable should have a finer grain control by batches. When this
#: is true, stock for this storable will also require a batch information.
#: This will allow us to control from what batch a sale item came from, and
#: it will also let us know from what purchase this batch came from.
is_batch = BoolCol(default=False)
#: minimum quantity of stock items allowed
minimum_quantity = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: maximum quantity of stock items allowed
maximum_quantity = QuantityCol(default=0)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
assert 'product' in kwargs
kwargs['id'] = kwargs['product'].id
super(Storable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Classmethods
[docs] def get_initial_stock_data(cls, store, branch):
"""Get data about |storables| without a |productstockitem|
This will get all sellables, products and storables that dont have a
|productstockitem| on the given branch.
:param store: the store used to query the storables
:param branch: the |branch| used to check for the stock item existence
:returns: a result set of |sellable|, |product| and |storable|
tables = [
Join(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
Join(Storable, Storable.id == Product.id),
And(ProductStockItem.storable_id == cls.id,
ProductStockItem.branch_id == branch.id))
query = Eq(ProductStockItem.id, None)
return store.using(*tables).find((Sellable, Product, Storable), query)
# Public API
[docs] def increase_stock(self, quantity, branch, type, object_id, unit_cost=None,
"""When receiving a product, update the stock reference for this new
item on a specific |branch|.
:param quantity: amount to increase
:param branch: |branch| that stores the stock
:param type: the type of the stock increase. One of the
:param object_id: the id of the object responsible for the transaction
:param unit_cost: unit cost of the new stock or `None`
:param batch: The batch of the storable. Should be not ``None`` if
self.is_batch is ``True``
if quantity <= 0:
raise ValueError(_(u"quantity must be a positive number"))
if branch is None:
raise ValueError(u"branch cannot be None")
stock_item = self.get_stock_item(branch, batch)
old_quantity = stock_item.quantity if stock_item else 0
stock_transaction = StockTransactionHistory(
stock_item = stock_transaction.product_stock_item
ProductStockUpdateEvent.emit(self.product, branch, old_quantity,
[docs] def decrease_stock(self, quantity, branch, type, object_id,
cost_center=None, batch=None):
"""When receiving a product, update the stock reference for the sold item
this on a specific |branch|. Returns the stock item that was
:param quantity: amount to decrease
:param branch: a |branch|
:param type: the type of the stock increase. One of the
:param object_id: the id of the object responsible for the transaction
:param cost_center: the |costcenter| to which this stock decrease is
related, if any
:param batch: The batch of the storable. Should be not ``None`` if
self.is_batch is ``True``
# FIXME: Put this back once 1.6 is released
# assert isinstance(type, int)
if quantity <= 0:
raise ValueError(_(u"quantity must be a positive number"))
if branch is None:
raise ValueError(u"branch cannot be None")
stock_item = self.get_stock_item(branch, batch)
if stock_item is None or quantity > stock_item.quantity:
raise StockError(
_('Quantity to decrease is greater than the available stock.'))
old_quantity = stock_item.quantity
stock_transaction = StockTransactionHistory(
if cost_center is not None:
ProductStockUpdateEvent.emit(self.product, branch, old_quantity,
return stock_item
[docs] def register_initial_stock(self, quantity, branch, unit_cost,
"""Register initial stock, by increasing the amount of this storable,
for the given quantity and |branch|
:param quantity: The inital stock quantity for this storable
:param branch: The branch where the given quantity is avaiable for this
:param unit_cost: The unitary cost for the initial stock
:param batch_number: a batch number that will be used to
get or create a |batch| it will be get from the item's
pending quantity. Must be ``None`` if the :obj:`.is_batch`
is ``False``.
if batch_number is not None:
batch = StorableBatch.get_or_create(
batch = None
self.increase_stock(quantity, branch,
object_id=None, unit_cost=unit_cost, batch=batch)
[docs] def update_stock_cost(self, stock_cost, branch, batch=None):
"""Update the stock cost
:param stock_cost: The new stock cost
:param branch: The branch where the stock cost will be updated
:param batch: The batch of the storable
self.is_batch is ``True``
[docs] def get_total_balance(self):
"""Return the stock balance for the |product| in all |branches|
:returns: the amount of stock available in all |branches|
stock_items = self.get_stock_items()
return stock_items.sum(ProductStockItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)
[docs] def get_balance_for_branch(self, branch):
"""Return the stock balance for the |product| in a |branch|. If this
storable have batches, the balance for all batches will be returned.
If you want the balance for a specific |batch|, the
:param branch: the |branch| to get the stock balance for
:returns: the amount of stock available in the |branch|
store = self.store
stock_items = store.find(ProductStockItem, storable=self,
return stock_items.sum(ProductStockItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)
[docs] def get_stock_items(self):
"""Fetches the stock items available for all |branches|.
:returns: a sequence of stock items
return self.store.find(ProductStockItem, storable=self)
[docs] def get_stock_item(self, branch, batch):
"""Fetches the stock item for the given |branch|, |batch| and this
:param branch: the |branch| to get the stock item for
:param batch: the |batch| to get the stock item for
:returns: a stock item
self.validate_batch(batch, sellable=self.product.sellable)
return self.store.find(ProductStockItem, branch=branch, storable=self,
[docs] def get_available_batches(self, branch):
"""Return all batches that have some stock left in the given branch
:param branch: the |branch| that we are getting the avaiable batches
:returns: all batches available for this storable in the given branch
tables = [StorableBatch,
And(ProductStockItem.storable_id == StorableBatch.storable_id,
ProductStockItem.batch_id == StorableBatch.id))]
query = And(ProductStockItem.storable_id == self.id,
ProductStockItem.branch_id == branch.id,
ProductStockItem.quantity > 0)
return self.store.using(*tables).find(StorableBatch, query)
# TODO: Add a reference to the batch in:
# * References sellable:
# - Maybe: ProductHistory
# * References product:
# - ProductionMaterial: This is not that simple and will require some
# refatoring in the production process
# - ProductionProducedItem (Maybe)
[docs]class StorableBatch(Domain):
"""Batch information for storables.
A batch is a colection of products (storable) that were produced at the same
time and thus they have some common information, such as expiration date.
This information is useful since sometimes its necessary to make decisions
based on the batch like a special promotion for older batches (if it is
close to the expiration date, for instance) or if a batch is somehow
defective and we need to contact the clients that purchased items from this
__storm_table__ = 'storable_batch'
#: The sequence number for this batch. Should be unique for a given
#: storable
batch_number = UnicodeCol(allow_none=False)
#: The date this batch was created
create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
#: An expiration date, specially for perishable products, like milk and food in
#: general
expire_date = DateTimeCol()
#: Some space for the users to add notes to this batch.
notes = UnicodeCol()
storable_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
#: The storable that is in this batch
storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')
# IDescribable
def get_description(self):
return self.batch_number
# Classmethods
[docs] def is_batch_number_available(cls, store, batch_number,
"""Test if batch_number is available
Useful to find if a batch number is available to be used on a
new |batch|.
If you are increasing the stock of a storable, you probably
want to allow an existing batch number for it, in this case,
you can use exclude_storable param for that.
:param store: a store
:param batch_number: the batch number to check for availability
:param exclude_storable: if not ``None``, the |storable| to
exclude from the test
query = cls.batch_number == batch_number
if exclude_storable is not None:
query = And(query, cls.storable_id != exclude_storable.id)
return store.find(cls, query).is_empty()
def get_max_batch_number(cls, store):
attr = SplitPart(cls.batch_number, u'-', 1)
return StorableBatch.get_max_value(store, attr, validate_attr=False)
# Public API
[docs] def get_balance_for_branch(self, branch):
"""Return the stock balance for this |batch| in a |branch|.
:param branch: the |branch| to get the stock balance for
:returns: the amount of stock available in the |branch|
store = self.store
stock_items = store.find(ProductStockItem, storable=self.storable,
batch=self, branch=branch)
return stock_items.sum(ProductStockItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)
[docs]class StockTransactionHistory(Domain):
""" This class stores information about all transactions made in the
Everytime a |storable| has its stock increased or decreased, an object of
this class will be created, registering the quantity, cost, responsible and
reason for the transaction
__storm_table__ = 'stock_transaction_history'
#: the transaction is an initial stock adustment. Note that with this
#: transaction, there is no related object.
TYPE_INITIAL = u'initial'
#: the transaction is a sale
TYPE_SELL = u'sell'
#: the transaction is a return of a sale
TYPE_RETURNED_SALE = u'returned-sale'
#: the transaction is an undo of a returned sale
TYPE_UNDO_RETURNED_SALE = u'undo-returned-sale'
#: the transaction is the cancellation of a sale
TYPE_CANCELED_SALE = u'cancelled-sale'
#: the transaction is the receival of a purchase
TYPE_RECEIVED_PURCHASE = u'received-purchase'
#: the transaction is the return of a loan
TYPE_RETURNED_LOAN = u'returned-loan'
#: the transaction is a loan
TYPE_LOANED = u'loan'
#: the transaction is the cancellation of a loan
TYPE_CANCELLED_LOAN = u'cancelled-loan'
#: the transaction is the allocation of a product to a production
TYPE_PRODUCTION_ALLOCATED = u'production-allocated'
#: the transaction is the production of a product
TYPE_PRODUCTION_PRODUCED = u'production-produced'
#: the transaction is the return of an item from a production
TYPE_PRODUCTION_RETURNED = u'production-returned'
#: the transaction is a stock decrease
TYPE_STOCK_DECREASE = u'stock-decrease'
#: the transaction is the cancellation of a stock decrease
TYPE_CANCELLED_STOCK_DECREASE = u'cancelled-stock-decrease'
#: the transaction is a transfer from a branch
TYPE_TRANSFER_FROM = u'transfer-from'
#: the transaction is a transfer to a branch
TYPE_TRANSFER_TO = u'transfer-to'
TYPE_CANCELLED_TRANSFER = u'cancelled-transfer'
#: the transaction is the adjustment of an inventory
TYPE_INVENTORY_ADJUST = u'inventory-adjust'
#: the transaction is the cancellation of the adjustment of an inventory
TYPE_CANCELLED_INVENTORY_ADJUST = u'cancelled-inventory-adjust'
#: the transaction is the production of a product that didn't enter
#: stock right after its creation
TYPE_PRODUCTION_SENT = u'production-sent'
#: this transaction was created automatically by an upgrade from a previous
#: version of Stoq, when this history didn't exist.
TYPE_IMPORTED = u'imported'
#: the transaction is the return of a product to another company (ie, this
#: shop is giving the product back to the other company).
TYPE_CONSIGNMENT_RETURNED = u'consignment-returned'
#: the transaction is the utilization of a
#: |product| on a |workorderitem|
#: the transaction is the return of a |product| on a
#: |workorderitem| to the stock
TYPE_WORK_ORDER_RETURN_TO_STOCK = u'wo-returned-to-stock'
#: the transaction is a reserved product from a sale
TYPE_SALE_RESERVED = u'sale-reserved'
#: the transaction is a reserved product from a sale
TYPE_SALE_RETURN_TO_STOCK = u'sale-return-to-stock'
#: the transaction is a manual adjust done on the database
TYPE_MANUAL_ADJUST = u'manual-adjust'
#: the transaction is an adjustment on the stock cost with no update
#: on the stock itself
TYPE_UPDATE_STOCK_COST = u'update-stock-cost'
types = {TYPE_INVENTORY_ADJUST: _(u'Adjustment for inventory %s'),
TYPE_RETURNED_LOAN: _(u'Returned from loan %s'),
TYPE_LOANED: _(u'Loaned for loan %s'),
TYPE_PRODUCTION_ALLOCATED: _(u'Allocated for production %s'),
TYPE_PRODUCTION_PRODUCED: _(u'Produced in production %s'),
TYPE_PRODUCTION_SENT: _(u'Produced in production %s'),
TYPE_PRODUCTION_RETURNED: _(u'Returned remaining from '
u'production %s'),
TYPE_RECEIVED_PURCHASE: _(u'Received for receiving order %s'),
TYPE_RETURNED_SALE: _(u'Returned sale %s'),
TYPE_UNDO_RETURNED_SALE: _(u'Undone the returned sale %s'),
TYPE_CANCELED_SALE: _(u'Returned from canceled sale %s'),
TYPE_SELL: _(u'Sold in sale %s'),
TYPE_STOCK_DECREASE: _(u'Product removal for stock decrease %s'),
TYPE_TRANSFER_FROM: _(u'Transfered from branch in transfer '
u'order %s'),
TYPE_TRANSFER_TO: _(u'Transfered to this branch in transfer '
u'order %s'),
TYPE_INITIAL: _(u'Registred initial stock'),
TYPE_IMPORTED: _(u'Imported from previous version'),
TYPE_CONSIGNMENT_RETURNED: _(u'Consigned product returned %s.'),
TYPE_WORK_ORDER_USED: _(u'Used on work order %s.'),
TYPE_WORK_ORDER_RETURN_TO_STOCK: _(u'Returned to stock on work order %s.'),
TYPE_SALE_RESERVED: _(u'Reserved for sale %s.'),
TYPE_SALE_RETURN_TO_STOCK: _(u'Reserved quantity for sale %s '
u'returned to stock.'),
TYPE_MANUAL_ADJUST: _(u'Quantity manually adjusted'),
TYPE_UPDATE_STOCK_COST: _(u'Stock cost updated with no change on the stock'),
#: the date and time the transaction was made
date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
branch_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
storable_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')
batch_id = IdCol()
batch = Reference(batch_id, 'StorableBatch.id')
unit_cost = PriceCol(default=None)
#: the stock cost of the transaction on the time it was made
stock_cost = PriceCol()
#: The quantity that was removed or added to the stock.
#: Positive value if the value was increased, negative if decreased.
quantity = QuantityCol()
responsible_id = IdCol()
#: the |loginuser| responsible for the transaction
responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')
#: the id of the object who altered the stock
object_id = IdCol()
#: the type of the transaction
type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_INITIAL)
def total(self):
return currency(abs(self.stock_cost * self.quantity))
def product_stock_item(self):
return self.storable.get_stock_item(self.branch, self.batch)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# In some situations, storm would create the object without passing the
# id of those reference objects, making the trigger fail to execute.
# batch is the only one that we check differently because it is
# not mandatory
if 'branch_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['branch_id'] = kwargs.pop('branch').id
if 'storable_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['storable_id'] = kwargs.pop('storable').id
if 'batch' in kwargs:
batch = kwargs.pop('batch')
kwargs['batch_id'] = batch and batch.id
super(StockTransactionHistory, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Flush the store so the trigger that updates the ProductStockItem
# will run and reload it after
autoreload_object(self, obj_store=True)
autoreload_object(self.product_stock_item, obj_store=True)
def get_object(self):
if self.type in [self.TYPE_INITIAL, self.TYPE_IMPORTED,
return None
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_SELL, self.TYPE_CANCELED_SALE,
from stoqlib.domain.sale import SaleItem
return self.store.get(SaleItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_RETURNED_SALE,
from stoqlib.domain.returnedsale import ReturnedSaleItem
return self.store.get(ReturnedSaleItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_PRODUCTION_PRODUCED:
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionItem
return self.store.get(ProductionItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_PRODUCTION_ALLOCATED,
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionMaterial
return self.store.get(ProductionMaterial, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_RECEIVED_PURCHASE:
from stoqlib.domain.receiving import ReceivingOrderItem
return self.store.get(ReceivingOrderItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_RETURNED_LOAN, self.TYPE_LOANED]:
from stoqlib.domain.loan import LoanItem
return self.store.get(LoanItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_STOCK_DECREASE:
from stoqlib.domain.stockdecrease import StockDecreaseItem
return self.store.get(StockDecreaseItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_TRANSFER_FROM, self.TYPE_TRANSFER_TO]:
from stoqlib.domain.transfer import TransferOrderItem
return self.store.get(TransferOrderItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_INVENTORY_ADJUST:
from stoqlib.domain.inventory import InventoryItem
return self.store.get(InventoryItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_PRODUCTION_SENT:
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionProducedItem
return self.store.get(ProductionProducedItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type == self.TYPE_CONSIGNMENT_RETURNED:
from stoqlib.domain.purchase import PurchaseItem
return self.store.get(PurchaseItem, self.object_id)
elif self.type in [self.TYPE_WORK_ORDER_USED,
from stoqlib.domain.workorder import WorkOrderItem
return self.store.get(WorkOrderItem, self.object_id)
else: # pragma: nocoverage
raise NotImplementedError(self.type)
def get_object_parent(self):
obj = self.get_object()
if not obj:
return None
from stoqlib.domain.inventory import InventoryItem
from stoqlib.domain.loan import LoanItem
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionItem
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionMaterial
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionProducedItem
from stoqlib.domain.purchase import PurchaseItem
from stoqlib.domain.receiving import ReceivingOrderItem
from stoqlib.domain.returnedsale import ReturnedSaleItem
from stoqlib.domain.sale import SaleItem
from stoqlib.domain.stockdecrease import StockDecreaseItem
from stoqlib.domain.workorder import WorkOrderItem
from stoqlib.domain.transfer import TransferOrderItem
if isinstance(obj, SaleItem):
return obj.sale
elif isinstance(obj, ReturnedSaleItem):
return obj.returned_sale
elif isinstance(obj, ProductionItem):
return obj.order
elif isinstance(obj, ProductionProducedItem):
return obj.order
elif isinstance(obj, ProductionMaterial):
return obj.order
elif isinstance(obj, ReceivingOrderItem):
return obj.receiving_order
elif isinstance(obj, LoanItem):
return obj.loan
elif isinstance(obj, StockDecreaseItem):
return obj.stock_decrease
elif isinstance(obj, TransferOrderItem):
return obj.transfer_order
elif isinstance(obj, InventoryItem):
return obj.inventory
elif isinstance(obj, PurchaseItem):
return obj.order
elif isinstance(obj, WorkOrderItem):
return obj.order
else: # pragma: nocoverage
raise NotImplementedError(obj)
[docs] def get_description(self):
""" Based on the type of the transaction, returns the string
if self.type in [self.TYPE_INITIAL, self.TYPE_IMPORTED,
return self.types[self.type]
object_parent = self.get_object_parent()
number = unicode(object_parent.identifier)
return self.types[self.type] % number
[docs]class ProductComponent(Domain):
"""A |product| and it's related |component| eg other product
This maps the relationship between products, indicating what product is a component
of another product.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_component.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product_component'
quantity = QuantityCol(default=Decimal(1))
product_id = IdCol()
#: This is the main product, ie, the one that has components.
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
component_id = IdCol()
#: This is the product that is a component of the product above
component = Reference(component_id, 'Product.id')
#: A design reference
design_reference = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
#: The price to be used on |sale_item|. This is only used for package products and
#: indicate the price this component has in the final package
price = PriceCol()
[docs]class ProductQualityTest(Domain):
"""A quality test that a manufactured product will be submitted to.
See also:
`schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_quality_test.html>`__
__storm_table__ = 'product_quality_test'
TYPE_BOOLEAN = u'boolean'
TYPE_DECIMAL = u'decimal'
types = {
TYPE_BOOLEAN: _(u'Boolean'),
TYPE_DECIMAL: _(u'Decimal'),
product_id = IdCol()
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
test_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_BOOLEAN)
description = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
success_value = UnicodeCol(default=u'True')
def get_description(self):
return self.description
def type_str(self):
return self.types[self.test_type]
def success_value_str(self):
return _(self.success_value)
def get_boolean_value(self):
assert self.test_type == self.TYPE_BOOLEAN
if self.success_value == u'True':
return True
elif self.success_value == u'False':
return False
else: # pragma: nocoverage
raise ValueError(self.success_value)
def get_range_value(self):
assert self.test_type == self.TYPE_DECIMAL
a, b = self.success_value.split(u' - ')
return Decimal(a), Decimal(b)
def set_boolean_value(self, value):
self.success_value = unicode(value)
def set_range_value(self, min_value, max_value):
self.success_value = u'%s - %s' % (min_value, max_value)
def result_value_passes(self, value):
if self.test_type == self.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
return self.get_boolean_value() == value
a, b = self.get_range_value()
return a <= value <= b
_StockSummary = Alias(Select(
Alias(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity), 'stock')],
[docs]class StorableBatchView(Viewable):
"""A view for |batches|
This is used to get the most information of a |batch|
without doing lots of database queries.
It's bestly used with :meth:`.find_by_storable`
#: the |batch| object
batch = StorableBatch
#: the |branch| this batch is in
branch = Branch
# StorableBatch
id = StorableBatch.id
create_date = StorableBatch.create_date
batch_number = StorableBatch.batch_number
stock = Coalesce(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock'), 0)
tables = [
Field('_stock_summary', 'batch_id') == StorableBatch.id),
LeftJoin(Branch, Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == Branch.id),
[docs] def find_by_storable(cls, store, storable, branch=None):
"""Find results for this view that for *storable*
Normally it's best to use this instead of *store.find* since
it'll only |batches| for the given |storable|.
:param store: the store that will be used to find the results
:param storable: the |storable| used to filter the results
:param branch: a |branch| that, if not ``None``, will be used to
filter the results to only get batches on that branch.
:returns: the matching views
:rtype: a sequence of :class:`StorableBatchView`
query = StorableBatch.storable_id == storable.id
if branch is not None:
query = And(query,
Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == branch.id)
return store.find(cls, query)
[docs] def find_available_by_storable(cls, store, storable, branch=None):
"""Find results for this view that for *storable* that have stock
The same as :meth:`.find_by_storable`, but only results with
:obj:`.stock` > 0 will be fetched
:param store: the store that will be used to find the results
:param storable: the |storable| used to filter the results
:param branch: a |branch| that, if not ``None``, will be used to
filter the results to only get batches on that branch.
:returns: the matching views
:rtype: a sequence of :class:`StorableBatchView`
results = cls.find_by_storable(store, storable, branch=branch)
return results.find(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock') > 0)