# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <stoq-devel@async.com.br>
""" Base classes to manage production informations """
# pylint: enable=E1101
import collections
from decimal import Decimal
from storm.expr import And, Join
from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet
from zope.interface import implementer
from stoqlib.database.properties import (UnicodeCol, DateTimeCol, IntCol,
QuantityCol, BoolCol, IdentifierCol,
IdCol, EnumCol)
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.product import ProductHistory, StockTransactionHistory
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IContainer, IDescribable
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow, localtoday
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext
_ = stoqlib_gettext
[docs]class ProductionOrder(Domain):
"""Production Order object implementation.
__storm_table__ = 'production_order'
#: The production order is opened, production items might have been added.
ORDER_OPENED = u'opened'
#: The production order is waiting some conditions to start the
#: manufacturing process.
ORDER_WAITING = u'waiting'
#: The production order have already started.
ORDER_PRODUCING = u'producing'
#: The production is in quality assurance phase.
ORDER_QA = u'quality-assurance'
#: The production have finished.
ORDER_CLOSED = u'closed'
#: Production cancelled
ORDER_CANCELLED = u'cancelled'
statuses = collections.OrderedDict([
(ORDER_OPENED, _(u'Opened')),
(ORDER_WAITING, _(u'Waiting')),
(ORDER_PRODUCING, _(u'Producing')),
(ORDER_QA, _(u'Quality Assurance')),
(ORDER_CLOSED, _(u'Closed')),
(ORDER_CANCELLED, _(u'Cancelled')),
#: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
#: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
#: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
identifier = IdentifierCol()
#: the production order status
status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=ORDER_OPENED)
#: the date when the production order was created
open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
#: the date when the production order have been closed
close_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
#: the date when the production order have been cancelled
cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
#: the production order description
description = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
expected_start_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
start_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
responsible_id = IdCol(default=None)
#: the person responsible for the production order
responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'Employee.id')
branch_id = IdCol()
#: branch this production belongs to
branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
produced_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductionProducedItem.order_id')
# IContainer implmentation
def get_items(self):
return self.store.find(ProductionItem, order=self)
def add_item(self, sellable, quantity=Decimal(1)):
return ProductionItem(order=self, product=sellable.product,
def remove_item(self, item):
assert isinstance(item, ProductionItem)
if item.order is not self:
raise ValueError(_(u'Argument item must have an order attribute '
u'associated with the current production '
u'order instance.'))
item.order = None
# Public API
[docs] def can_cancel(self):
"""Checks if this order can be cancelled
Only orders that didn't start yet can be canceled, this means
only opened and waiting productions.
return self.status in [self.ORDER_OPENED,
[docs] def can_finalize(self):
"""Checks if this order can be finalized
Only orders that didn't start yet can be canceled, this means
only producing and waiting qa productions.
return self.status in [self.ORDER_PRODUCING,
[docs] def get_service_items(self):
"""Returns all the services needed by this production.
:returns: a sequence of :class:`ProductionService` instances.
return self.store.find(ProductionService, order=self)
def remove_service_item(self, item):
assert isinstance(item, ProductionService)
if item.order is not self:
raise ValueError(_(u'Argument item must have an order attribute '
u'associated with the current production '
u'order instance.'))
item.order = None
[docs] def get_material_items(self):
"""Returns all the material needed by this production.
:returns: a sequence of :class:`ProductionMaterial` instances.
return self.store.find(ProductionMaterial, order=self,
[docs] def start_production(self):
"""Start the production by allocating all the material needed.
assert self.status in [ProductionOrder.ORDER_OPENED,
for material in self.get_material_items():
self.start_date = localtoday()
self.status = ProductionOrder.ORDER_PRODUCING
[docs] def cancel(self):
"""Cancel the production when this is Open or Waiting.
assert self.can_cancel()
self.status = self.ORDER_CANCELLED
self.cancel_date = localtoday()
def is_completely_produced(self):
return all(i.is_completely_produced() for i in self.get_items())
def is_completely_tested(self):
# Produced items are only stored if there are quality tests for this
# product
produced_items = list(self.produced_items)
if not produced_items:
return True
return all([item.test_passed for item in produced_items])
[docs] def try_finalize_production(self, ignore_completion=False):
"""When all items are completely produced, change the status of the
production to CLOSED.
assert self.can_finalize(), self.status
if ignore_completion:
is_produced = True
is_produced = self.is_completely_produced()
is_tested = self.is_completely_tested()
if is_produced and not is_tested:
# Fully produced but not fully tested. Keep status as QA
self.status = ProductionOrder.ORDER_QA
elif is_produced and is_tested:
# All items must be completely produced and tested
self.close_date = localtoday()
self.status = ProductionOrder.ORDER_CLOSED
# If the order is closed, return the the remaining allocated material to
# the stock
if self.status == ProductionOrder.ORDER_CLOSED:
# Return remaining allocated material to the stock
for m in self.get_material_items():
# Increase the stock for the produced items
for p in self.produced_items:
def set_production_waiting(self):
assert self.status == ProductionOrder.ORDER_OPENED
self.status = ProductionOrder.ORDER_WAITING
def get_status_string(self):
return ProductionOrder.statuses[self.status]
def get_branch_name(self):
return self.branch.get_description()
def get_responsible_name(self):
if self.responsible is not None:
return self.responsible.person.name
return u''
# IDescribable implementation
def get_description(self):
return self.description
[docs]class ProductionItem(Domain):
"""Production Item object implementation.
__storm_table__ = 'production_item'
#: The product's quantity that will be manufactured.
quantity = QuantityCol(default=1)
#: The product's quantity that was manufactured.
produced = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: The product's quantity that was lost.
lost = QuantityCol(default=0)
order_id = IdCol()
#: The :class:`ProductionOrder` of this item.
order = Reference(order_id, 'ProductionOrder.id')
product_id = IdCol()
#: The product that will be manufactured.
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
def get_description(self):
return self.product.sellable.get_description()
# Properties
def unit_description(self):
return self.product.sellable.unit_description
def sellable(self):
return self.product.sellable
# Private API
def _get_material_from_component(self, component):
store = self.store
return store.find(ProductionMaterial, product=component.component,
# Public API
def get_components(self):
return self.product.get_components()
[docs] def can_produce(self, quantity):
"""Returns if we can produce a certain quantity. We can produce a
quantity items until we reach the total quantity that will be
manufactured minus the quantity that was lost.
:param quantity: the quantity that will be produced.
assert quantity > 0
if self.order.status != ProductionOrder.ORDER_PRODUCING:
return False
return self.produced + quantity + self.lost <= self.quantity
def is_completely_produced(self):
return self.quantity == self.produced + self.lost
[docs] def produce(self, quantity, produced_by=None, serials=None):
"""Sets a certain quantity as produced. The quantity will be marked as
produced only if there are enough materials allocated, otherwise a
ValueError exception will be raised.
:param quantity: the quantity that will be produced.
assert self.can_produce(quantity)
# check if its ok to produce before consuming material
if self.product.has_quality_tests():
# We have some quality tests to assure. Register it for later
assert produced_by
assert len(serials) == quantity
# We only support yield quantity > 1 when there are no tests
assert self.product.yield_quantity == 1
for component in self.get_components():
material = self._get_material_from_component(component)
needed_material = quantity * component.quantity
except ValueError:
if self.product.has_quality_tests():
for serial in serials:
# There are no quality tests for this product. Increase stock
# right now.
storable = self.product.storable
# A production process may yield more than one unit of this product
yield_quantity = quantity * self.product.yield_quantity
storable.increase_stock(yield_quantity, self.order.branch,
self.produced += quantity
ProductHistory.add_produced_item(self.store, self.order.branch, self)
[docs] def add_lost(self, quantity):
"""Adds a quantity that was lost. The maximum quantity that can be
lost is the total quantity minus the quantity already produced.
:param quantity: the quantity that was lost.
if self.lost + quantity > self.quantity - self.produced:
raise ValueError(
_(u'Can not lost more items than the total production quantity.'))
store = self.store
for component in self.get_components():
material = self._get_material_from_component(component)
material.add_lost(quantity * component.quantity)
except ValueError:
self.lost += quantity
ProductHistory.add_lost_item(store, self.order.branch, self)
[docs]class ProductionMaterial(Domain):
"""Production Material object implementation.
This represents the material needed by a production. It can either be
consumed or lost (due to manufacturing process).
__storm_table__ = 'production_material'
product_id = IdCol()
#: The |product| that will be consumed.
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
order_id = IdCol()
#: The |production| that will consume this material.
order = Reference(order_id, 'ProductionOrder.id')
# The quantity needed of this material.
needed = QuantityCol(default=1)
#: The quantity that is actually allocated to this production. It may be
#: more than the quantity required (and in this case, the remaining quantity
#: will be returned to the stock later.
allocated = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: The quantity already used of this material.
consumed = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: The quantity lost of this material.
lost = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: The quantity to purchase of this material.
to_purchase = QuantityCol(default=0)
#: The quantity to manufacture of this material.
to_make = QuantityCol(default=0)
# Public API
[docs] def can_add_lost(self, quantity):
"""Returns if we can loose a certain quantity of this material.
:param quantity: the quantity that will be lost.
return self.can_consume(quantity)
def can_consume(self, quantity):
assert quantity > 0
if self.order.status != ProductionOrder.ORDER_PRODUCING:
return False
return self.lost + quantity <= self.needed - self.consumed
[docs] def allocate(self, quantity=None):
"""Allocates the needed quantity of this material by decreasing the
stock quantity. If no quantity was specified, it will decrease all the
stock needed or the maximum quantity available. Otherwise, allocate the
quantity specified or raise a ValueError exception, if the quantity is
not available.
:param quantity: the quantity to be allocated or None to allocate the
maximum quantity possible.
storable = self.product.storable
# If there is no storable for the product, than we just need to allocate
# what is necessary
if not storable:
self.allocated = self.needed
stock = self.get_stock_quantity()
if quantity is None:
required = self.needed - self.allocated
if stock > required:
quantity = required
quantity = stock
elif quantity > stock:
raise ValueError(_(u'Can not allocate this quantity.'))
if quantity > 0:
self.allocated += quantity
storable.decrease_stock(quantity, self.order.branch,
[docs] def return_remaining(self):
"""Returns remaining allocated material to the stock
This should be called only after the production order is closed.
assert self.order.status == ProductionOrder.ORDER_CLOSED
remaining = self.allocated - self.lost - self.consumed
assert remaining >= 0
if not remaining:
storable = self.product.storable
if not storable:
storable.increase_stock(remaining, self.order.branch,
self.allocated -= remaining
[docs] def add_lost(self, quantity):
"""Adds the quantity lost of this material. The maximum quantity that
can be lost is given by the formula::
- max_lost(quantity) = needed - consumed - lost - quantity
:param quantity: the quantity that was lost.
assert quantity > 0
if self.lost + quantity > self.needed - self.consumed:
raise ValueError(_(u'Cannot loose this quantity.'))
required = self.consumed + self.lost + quantity
if required > self.allocated:
self.allocate(required - self.allocated)
self.lost += quantity
store = self.store
ProductHistory.add_lost_item(store, self.order.branch, self)
[docs] def consume(self, quantity):
"""Consumes a certain quantity of material. The maximum quantity
allowed to be consumed is given by the following formula:
- max_consumed(quantity) = needed - consumed - lost - quantity
:param quantity: the quantity to be consumed.
assert quantity > 0
available = self.allocated - self.consumed - self.lost
if quantity > available:
raise ValueError(_(u'Can not consume this quantity.'))
required = self.consumed + self.lost + quantity
if required > self.allocated: # pragma nocover
self.allocate(required - self.allocated)
self.consumed += quantity
store = self.store
ProductHistory.add_consumed_item(store, self.order.branch, self)
# IDescribable Implementation
def get_description(self):
return self.product.sellable.get_description()
# Accessors
def unit_description(self):
return self.product.sellable.unit_description
def get_stock_quantity(self):
storable = self.product.storable
assert storable is not None
return storable.get_balance_for_branch(self.order.branch)
[docs]class ProductionService(Domain):
"""Production Service object implementation.
__storm_table__ = 'production_service'
service_id = IdCol()
#: The service that will be used by the production.
service = Reference(service_id, 'Service.id')
order_id = IdCol()
#: The :class:`ProductionOrder` of this service.
order = Reference(order_id, 'ProductionOrder.id')
#: The service's quantity.
quantity = QuantityCol(default=1)
# IDescribable Implementation
def get_description(self):
return self.service.sellable.get_description()
# Properties
def unit_description(self):
return self.service.sellable.unit_description
def sellable(self):
return self.service.sellable
[docs]class ProductionProducedItem(Domain):
"""This class represents a composed product that was produced, but
didn't enter the stock yet. Its used mainly for the quality assurance
__storm_table__ = 'production_produced_item'
order_id = IdCol()
order = Reference(order_id, 'ProductionOrder.id')
# ProductionItem already has a reference to Product, but we need it for
# constraint checks UNIQUE(product_id, serial_number)
product_id = IdCol()
product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')
produced_by_id = IdCol()
produced_by = Reference(produced_by_id, 'LoginUser.id')
produced_date = DateTimeCol()
serial_number = IntCol()
entered_stock = BoolCol(default=False)
test_passed = BoolCol(default=False)
test_results = ReferenceSet('id', 'ProductionItemQualityResult.produced_item_id')
def get_pending_tests(self):
tests_done = set([t.quality_test for t in self.test_results])
all_tests = set(self.product.quality_tests)
return list(all_tests.difference(tests_done))
def get_last_serial_number(cls, product, store):
return store.find(cls, product=product).max(cls.serial_number) or 0
def is_valid_serial_range(cls, product, first, last, store):
query = And(cls.product_id == product.id,
cls.serial_number >= first,
cls.serial_number <= last)
# There should be no results for the range to be valid
return store.find(cls, query).is_empty()
def send_to_stock(self):
# Already is in stock
if self.entered_stock:
storable = self.product.storable
storable.increase_stock(1, self.order.branch,
self.entered_stock = True
def set_test_result_value(self, quality_test, value, tester):
store = self.store
result = store.find(ProductionItemQualityResult,
if not result:
result = ProductionItemQualityResult(
result.tested_by = tester
result.tested_date = localnow()
return result
def get_test_result(self, quality_test):
store = self.store
return store.find(ProductionItemQualityResult,
[docs] def check_tests(self):
"""Checks if all tests for this produced items passes.
If all tests passes, sets self.test_passed = True
results = [i.test_passed for i in self.test_results]
passed = all(results)
self.test_passed = (passed and
len(results) == self.product.quality_tests.count())
if self.test_passed:
[docs]class ProductionItemQualityResult(Domain):
"""This table stores the test results for every produced item.
__storm_table__ = 'production_item_quality_result'
produced_item_id = IdCol()
produced_item = Reference(produced_item_id, 'ProductionProducedItem.id')
quality_test_id = IdCol()
quality_test = Reference(quality_test_id, 'ProductQualityTest.id')
tested_by_id = IdCol()
tested_by = Reference(tested_by_id, 'LoginUser.id')
tested_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
result_value = UnicodeCol()
test_passed = BoolCol(default=False)
def get_description(self):
return self.quality_test.description
def result_value_str(self):
return _(self.result_value)
def get_boolean_value(self):
if self.result_value == u'True':
return True
elif self.result_value == u'False':
return False
raise ValueError
def get_decimal_value(self):
return Decimal(self.result_value)
def set_value(self, value):
if isinstance(value, bool):
def set_boolean_value(self, value):
self.test_passed = self.quality_test.result_value_passes(value)
self.result_value = unicode(value)
def set_decimal_value(self, value):
self.test_passed = self.quality_test.result_value_passes(value)
self.result_value = u'%s' % (value, )
class ProductionOrderProducingView(Viewable):
id = ProductionOrder.id
tables = [
Join(ProductionItem, ProductionOrder.id == ProductionItem.order_id),
clause = (ProductionOrder.status == ProductionOrder.ORDER_PRODUCING)
def is_product_being_produced(cls, product):
query = ProductionItem.product_id == product.id
return not product.store.find(cls, query).is_empty()