Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

## Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## Author(s): Stoq Team <>
Domain objects related to the sale process in Stoq.

Sale object and related objects implementation """

# pylint: enable=E1101

import collections
from decimal import Decimal

from kiwi.currency import currency
from kiwi.python import Settable
from stoqdrivers.enum import TaxType
from storm.expr import (And, Avg, Count, LeftJoin, Join, Max,
                        Or, Sum, Alias, Select, Cast, Eq, Coalesce)
from import ClassAlias
from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet
from zope.interface import implementer

from stoqlib.api import api
from stoqlib.database.expr import (Concat, Date, Distinct, Field, NullIf,
from import (UnicodeCol, DateTimeCol, IntCol,
                                         PriceCol, QuantityCol, IdentifierCol,
                                         IdCol, BoolCol, EnumCol)
from stoqlib.database.runtime import (get_current_user,
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.address import Address, CityLocation
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.domain.costcenter import CostCenter
from stoqlib.domain.event import Event
from import (SaleStatusChangedEvent,
from stoqlib.domain.fiscal import FiscalBookEntry, Invoice
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IContainer, IInvoice, IInvoiceItem
from stoqlib.domain.payment.payment import Payment
from stoqlib.domain.payment.method import PaymentMethod
from stoqlib.domain.person import (Person, Client, Branch, LoginUser,
                                   SalesPerson, Company, Individual,
from stoqlib.domain.product import (Product, ProductHistory, Storable,
                                    StockTransactionHistory, StorableBatch)
from stoqlib.domain.returnedsale import ReturnedSale, ReturnedSaleItem
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable, SellableCategory
from stoqlib.domain.service import Service
from stoqlib.domain.taxes import check_tax_info_presence, InvoiceItemIpi
from stoqlib.exceptions import SellError, StockError, DatabaseInconsistency
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow
from stoqlib.lib.defaults import quantize
from stoqlib.lib.formatters import format_quantity
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

# pyflakes: Reference requires that CostCenter is imported at least once
CostCenter  # pylint: disable=W0104

# Base Domain Classes

[docs]class SaleItem(Domain): """An item of a |sellable| within a |sale|. Different from |sellable| which contains information about the base price, tax, etc, this contains the price in which *self* was sold, it's taxes, the quantity, etc. Note that objects of this type should never be created manually, only by calling :meth:`Sale.add_sellable` See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'sale_item' repr_fields = ['sale_id'] #: the quantity of the of sold item in this sale quantity = QuantityCol() #: the quantity already decreased from stock. quantity_decreased = QuantityCol(default=0) #: original value the |sellable| had when adding the sale item base_price = PriceCol() #: averiage cost of the items in this item average_cost = PriceCol(default=0) #: price of this item price = PriceCol() sale_id = IdCol() #: |sale| for this item sale = Reference(sale_id, '') sellable_id = IdCol() #: |sellable| for this item sellable = Reference(sellable_id, '') batch_id = IdCol() #: If the sellable is a storable, the |batch| that it was removed from batch = Reference(batch_id, '') delivery_id = IdCol(default=None) #: The |delivery| this sale_item *is in* or None delivery = Reference(delivery_id, '') #: The |delivery| that this item *corresponds* to. Ie, this sale_item's sellable is #: the Delivery service that was added to the sale. delivery_adaptor = Reference('id', 'Delivery.service_item_id', on_remote=True) cfop_id = IdCol(default=None) #: :class:`fiscal entry <stoqlib.domain.fiscal.CfopData>` cfop = Reference(cfop_id, '') #: user defined notes, currently only used by services notes = UnicodeCol(default=None) #: estimated date that *self* will be fixed, currently #: only used by services estimated_fix_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) # FIXME: This doesn't appear to be used anywhere. Maybe we # should remove it from the database completion_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: Id of ICMS tax in product tax template icms_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIcms` tax for *self* icms_info = Reference(icms_info_id, '') #: Id of IPI tax in product tax template ipi_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIpi` tax for *self* ipi_info = Reference(ipi_info_id, '') #: Id of PIS tax in product tax template pis_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemPis` tax for *self* pis_info = Reference(pis_info_id, '') #: Id of COFINS tax in product tax template cofins_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemCofins` tax for *self* cofins_info = Reference(cofins_info_id, '') #: Id of |sale_item| parent of self parent_item_id = IdCol(default=None) parent_item = Reference(parent_item_id, '') #: A list of children of self children_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'SaleItem.parent_item_id') def __init__(self, store=None, **kw): if not 'kw' in kw: if not 'sellable' in kw: raise TypeError('You must provide a sellable argument') base_price = kw['sellable'].price kw['base_price'] = base_price if not kw.get('cfop'): kw['cfop'] = kw['sellable'].default_sale_cfop if not kw.get('cfop'): kw['cfop'] = sysparam.get_object(store, 'DEFAULT_SALES_CFOP') store = kw.get('store', store) check_tax_info_presence(kw, store) Domain.__init__(self, store=store, **kw) product = self.sellable.product if product: # Set ipi details before icms, since icms may depend on the ipi self.ipi_info.set_item_tax(self) self.icms_info.set_item_tax(self) self.pis_info.set_item_tax(self) self.cofins_info.set_item_tax(self) # # Properties # @property def returned_quantity(self): # FIXME: Verificar status do ReturnedSale return, sale_item=self).sum(ReturnedSaleItem.quantity) or Decimal('0') @property def sale_discount(self): """The discount percentage (relative to the original price when the item was sold) :returns: the discount amount """ if self.price > 0 and self.price < self.base_price: return (1 - (self.price / self.base_price)) * 100 return 0 @property def price_with_discount(self): """Applies the sale discount to this item. This will apply the discount given in the sale proportionally to this item. This value should be used when returning or trading this item, since the user should not receive more than what he paid for. Please note that this may result in rounding problems, since precision may be lost when appling the discount in the items. :returns: price with discount/surcharge """ diff = - if diff == 0: return currency(self.price) # Dont use here since they are # already quantized, and we may lose even more precision. percentage = diff / return currency(quantize(self.price * (1 - percentage))) # # Invoice implementation # @property def item_discount(self): if self.price < self.base_price: return self.base_price - self.price return Decimal('0') @property def parent(self): return @property def cfop_code(self): """Returns the cfop code to be used on the NF-e If the sale was also printed on a ECF, then the cfop should be: * 5.929: if sold to a |Client| in the same state or :returns: the cfop code """ if return u'5929' if self.cfop: return self.cfop.code.replace(u'.', u'') # FIXME: remove sale cfop? return'.', u'') # # Public API # def sell(self, branch): store = if not (branch and == get_current_branch(store).id): raise SellError(_(u"Stoq still doesn't support sales for " u"branch companies different than the " u"current one")) if not self.sellable.is_available(): raise SellError(_(u"%s is not available for sale. Try making it " u"available first and then try again.") % ( self.sellable.get_description())) # This is emitted here instead of inside the if bellow because one can # connect on it and change this item in a way that, if it wasn't going # to decrease stock before, it will after SaleItemBeforeDecreaseStockEvent.emit(self) quantity_to_decrease = self.quantity - self.quantity_decreased storable = self.sellable.product_storable if storable and quantity_to_decrease: try: item = storable.decrease_stock( quantity_to_decrease, branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_SELL,,, batch=self.batch) except StockError as err: raise SellError(str(err)) self.average_cost = item.stock_cost self.quantity_decreased += quantity_to_decrease self.update_tax_values() def cancel(self, branch): # This is emitted here instead of inside the if bellow because one can # connect on it and change this item in a way that, if it wasn't going # to increase stock before, it will after SaleItemBeforeIncreaseStockEvent.emit(self) storable = self.sellable.product_storable if storable and self.quantity_decreased: storable.increase_stock(self.quantity_decreased, branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_CANCELED_SALE,, batch=self.batch) self.quantity_decreased = Decimal(0)
[docs] def reserve(self, quantity): """Reserve some quantity of this this item from stock This will remove the informed quantity from the stock. """ assert 0 < quantity <= (self.quantity - self.quantity_decreased) storable = self.sellable.product_storable if storable: storable.decrease_stock(quantity,, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_SALE_RESERVED,, batch=self.batch) self.quantity_decreased += quantity
[docs] def return_to_stock(self, quantity): """Return some reserved quantity to stock This will return a previously reserved quantity to stock, so that it can be sold in any other sale. """ assert 0 < quantity <= self.quantity_decreased storable = self.sellable.product_storable if storable: storable.increase_stock(quantity,, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_SALE_RETURN_TO_STOCK,, batch=self.batch) self.quantity_decreased -= quantity
[docs] def set_batches(self, batches): """Set batches for this sale item Set how much quantity of each |batch| this sale item represents. Note that this will replicate this item and create others, since the batch reference is one per sale item. At the end, this sale item will contain the quantity not used by any batch yet or, if the sum of quantities on batches are equal to :obj:`.quantity`, it will be used for one of the batches :param batches: a dict mapping the batch to it's quantity :returns: a list of the new created items :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if this item already has a batch :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the sum of the batches quantities is greater than this item's original quantity """ # Make a copy since we are going to modify this dict batches = batches.copy() if self.batch is not None: raise ValueError("This item already has a batch") quantities_sum = sum(quantity for quantity in batches.values()) if quantities_sum > self.quantity: raise ValueError("The sum of batch quantities needs to be equal " "or less than the item's original quantity") missing = self.quantity - quantities_sum # If there's some quantity missing batch information, leave self # with that missing quantity so it can be set again in the future if missing: self.quantity = missing else: self.batch, self.quantity = batches.popitem() self.update_tax_values() new_sale_items = [] for batch, quantity in batches.items(): new_item = self.__class__(, sellable=self.sellable,, quantity=quantity, batch=batch, cfop=self.cfop, base_price=self.base_price, price=self.price, notes=self.notes) new_item.update_tax_values() new_sale_items.append(new_item) SaleItemAfterSetBatchesEvent.emit(self, new_sale_items) return new_sale_items
[docs] def set_discount(self, discount): """Apply *discount* on this item Note that the discount will be applied based on :obj:`.base_price` and then substitute :obj:`.price`, making any previous discount/surcharge being lost :param decimal.Decimal discount: the discount to be applied as a percentage, e.g. 10.0, 22.5 """ if self.parent_item: component = self.get_component(self.parent_item) discount_value = quantize(component.price * discount / 100) base_price = component.price else: discount_value = quantize(self.base_price * discount / 100) base_price = self.base_price self.price = max(base_price - discount_value, Decimal('0.01'))
def get_total(self): # Sale items are suposed to have only 2 digits, but the value price # * quantity may have more than 2, so we need to round it. if self.ipi_info: return currency(quantize(self.price * self.quantity + self.ipi_info.v_ipi)) return currency(quantize(self.price * self.quantity)) def get_quantity_unit_string(self): return u"%s %s" % (format_quantity(self.quantity), self.sellable.unit_description) def get_description(self): return self.sellable.get_description()
[docs] def is_totally_returned(self): """If this sale item was totally returned :returns: ``True`` if it was totally returned, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.quantity == self.returned_quantity
[docs] def is_service(self): """If this sale item contains a |service|. :returns: ``True`` if it's a service """ service =, sellable=self.sellable).one() return service is not None
[docs] def get_sale_surcharge(self): """The surcharge percentage (relative to the original price when the item was sold) :returns: the surcharge amount """ if self.price > self.base_price: return ((self.price / self.base_price) - 1) * 100 return 0
def update_tax_values(self): if self.icms_info: self.icms_info.update_values(self) if self.ipi_info: self.ipi_info.update_values(self) if self.pis_info: self.pis_info.update_values(self) if self.cofins_info: self.cofins_info.update_values(self) def has_children(self): return self.children_items.count() > 0
[docs] def get_component(self, parent): """Get the quantity of a component. :param parent: the |sale_item| parent_item of self :returns: the |product_component| """ for component in parent.sellable.product.get_components(): if self.sellable.product == component.component: return component return None
[docs]class Delivery(Domain): """Delivery, transporting a set of sale items for sale. Involves a |transporter| transporting a set of |saleitems| to a receival |address|. Optionally a :obj:`.tracking_code` can be set to track the items. See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'delivery' #: The delivery was created and is waiting to be picked STATUS_INITIAL = u'initial' #: The delivery was cancelled STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled' #: The delivery was picked and is waiting to be packed STATUS_PICKED = u'picked' #: The delivery was packed and is waiting to be packed STATUS_PACKED = u'packed' #: sent to deliver STATUS_SENT = u'sent' #: received by the |client| STATUS_RECEIVED = u'received' #: CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight): The freight is responsibility of #: the receiver (i.e. the client) FREIGHT_TYPE_CIF = u'cif' #: CIF (Free on Board): The freight is responsibility of the sender #: (i.e. the branch) FREIGHT_TYPE_FOB = u'fob' #: 3rd party: The freight is responsibility of a third party FREIGHT_TYPE_3RDPARTY = u'3rdparty' #: No freight: There's no freight FREIGHT_TYPE_NONE = None statuses = {STATUS_INITIAL: _(u"Waiting"), STATUS_CANCELLED: _(u"Cancelled"), STATUS_PICKED: _(u"Picked"), STATUS_PACKED: _(u"Packed"), STATUS_SENT: _(u"Sent"), STATUS_RECEIVED: _(u"Received")} freights = {FREIGHT_TYPE_NONE: _(u"No freight"), FREIGHT_TYPE_CIF: _(u"CIF"), FREIGHT_TYPE_FOB: _(u"FOB"), FREIGHT_TYPE_3RDPARTY: _(u"Third party")} #: the delivery status status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_INITIAL) #: the date which the delivery was created open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=TransactionTimestamp) #: The date that the delivery was cancelled cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: The date that the delivery was picked pick_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: The date that the delivery was packed pack_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date which the delivery sent to deliver send_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date which the delivery received by the |client| receive_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the delivery tracking code, a transporter specific identifier that #: can be used to look up the status of the delivery tracking_code = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: The type of the freight freight_type = EnumCol(default=FREIGHT_TYPE_CIF) #: The kind of the volumes volumes_kind = UnicodeCol(default=u'') #: The quantity of volumes in this freight volumes_quantity = IntCol() address_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |address| to deliver to address = Reference(address_id, '') transporter_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |transporter| for this delivery transporter = Reference(transporter_id, '') service_item_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |saleitem| for the delivery itself service_item = Reference(service_item_id, '') #: the |saleitems| for the items to deliver delivery_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'SaleItem.delivery_id') cancel_responsible_id = IdCol(default=None) #: The responsible for cancelling the products for delivery cancel_responsible = Reference(cancel_responsible_id, '') pick_responsible_id = IdCol(default=None) #: The responsible for picking the products for delivery pick_responsible = Reference(pick_responsible_id, '') pack_responsible_id = IdCol(default=None) #: The responsible for packing the products for delivery pack_responsible = Reference(pack_responsible_id, '') send_responsible_id = IdCol(default=None) #: The responsible for delivering the products to the |transporter| send_responsible = Reference(send_responsible_id, '') # # Properties # @property def status_str(self): return self.statuses[self.status] @property def address_str(self): if self.address: return self.address.get_address_string() return u'' @property def client_str(self): client = if client: return client.get_description() return u'' # # Public API #
[docs] def can_cancel(self): """Check if we can cancel the delivery. Only initial, picked or packed deliveries can be cancelled. """ return self.status in [self.STATUS_INITIAL, self.STATUS_PICKED, self.STATUS_PACKED]
[docs] def can_pick(self): """Check if we can pick the delivery. Only initial deliveries can be picked. """ return self.status == self.STATUS_INITIAL
[docs] def can_pack(self): """Check if we can pack the delivery. Only picked deliveries can be packed. """ return self.status == self.STATUS_PICKED
[docs] def can_send(self): """Check if we can send the delivery. Only packed deliveries can be sent. """ # FIXME: In the future once pick & pack is implemented, should we only # allow packed deliveries to be sent? return self.status in [self.STATUS_INITIAL, self.STATUS_PICKED, self.STATUS_PACKED]
[docs] def can_receive(self): """Check if we can receive the delivery. Only sent deliveries can be received. """ return self.status == self.STATUS_SENT
[docs] def set_initial(self): """Set the delivery in its initial state.""" # FIXME: This should be removed in the future once we implement # the pick & pack structure self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_INITIAL)
[docs] def cancel(self, responsible): """Set the delivery as cancelled.""" assert self.can_cancel() self.cancel_date = TransactionTimestamp() self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_CANCELLED) self.cancel_responsible = responsible
[docs] def pick(self, responsible): """Set the delivery as picked.""" assert self.can_pick() self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_PICKED) self.pick_date = TransactionTimestamp() self.pick_responsible = responsible
[docs] def pack(self, responsible): """Set the delivery as packed.""" assert self.can_pack() self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_PACKED) self.pack_date = TransactionTimestamp() self.pack_responsible = responsible
[docs] def send(self, responsible): """Set the delivery as sent.""" assert self.can_send() self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_SENT) self.send_date = TransactionTimestamp() self.send_responsible = responsible
[docs] def receive(self): """Set the delivery as received.""" assert self.can_receive() self._set_delivery_status(self.STATUS_RECEIVED) self.receive_date = TransactionTimestamp()
# # IContainer implementation # def add_item(self, item): = self def get_items(self): return list(self.delivery_items) def remove_item(self, item): = None def remove_all_items(self): for item in self.get_items(): self.remove_item(item) # # Private # def _set_delivery_status(self, status): old_status = self.status DeliveryStatusChangedEvent.emit(self, old_status) self.status = status
@implementer(IContainer) @implementer(IInvoice)
[docs]class Sale(Domain): """Sale logic, the process of selling a |sellable| to a |client|. * calculates the sale price including discount/interest/markup * creates payments * decreases the stock for products * creates a delivery (optional) * verifies that the client is suitable * creates commissions to the sales person * add money to the till (if paid with money) * calculate taxes and fiscal book entries +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | **Status** | **Can be set to** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_QUOTE` | :obj:`STATUS_INITIAL` | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_INITIAL` | :obj:`STATUS_ORDERED`, | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_ORDERED` | :obj:`STATUS_CONFIRMED` | | | :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED` | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_CONFIRMED` | :obj:`STATUS_RENEGOTIATED` | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED` | None | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_RENEGOTIATED` | None | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | :obj:`STATUS_RETURNED` | None | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ .. graphviz:: digraph sale_status { STATUS_QUOTE -> STATUS_INITIAL; STATUS_INITIAL -> STATUS_ORDERED; STATUS_ORDERED -> STATUS_CONFIRMED; STATUS_ORDERED -> STATUS_CANCELLED; STATUS_CONFIRMED -> STATUS_CANCELLED; STATUS_CONFIRMED -> STATUS_RENEGOTIATED; } See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'sale' repr_fields = ['identifier', 'status'] #: The sale is opened, products or other |sellable| items might have #: been added. STATUS_INITIAL = u'initial' #: When asking for sale quote this is the initial state that is set before #: reaching the initial state STATUS_QUOTE = u'quote' #: This state means the order was left the quoting state, but cant just yet #: go to the confirmed state. This may happen for various reasons, #: like when there is not enough stock to confirm the sale; when the sale #: has pending work orders; or when the confirmation should happen on #: the till app (because of the CONFIRM_SALES_AT_TILL parameter) STATUS_ORDERED = u'ordered' #: The sale has been confirmed and all payments have been registered, #: but not necessarily paid. STATUS_CONFIRMED = u'confirmed' #: The sale has been canceled, this can only happen #: to an sale which has not yet reached the SALE_CONFIRMED status. STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled' #: The sale has been returned, all the payments made have been canceled #: and the |client| has been compensated for everything already paid. STATUS_RETURNED = u'returned' #: A sale that is closed as renegotiated, all payments for this sale #: should be canceled at list point. Another new sale is created with #: the new, renegotiated payments. STATUS_RENEGOTIATED = u'renegotiated' statuses = collections.OrderedDict([ (STATUS_INITIAL, _(u'Opened')), (STATUS_QUOTE, _(u'Quoting')), (STATUS_ORDERED, _(u'Ordered')), (STATUS_CONFIRMED, _(u'Confirmed')), (STATUS_CANCELLED, _(u'Cancelled')), (STATUS_RETURNED, _(u'Returned')), (STATUS_RENEGOTIATED, _(u'Renegotiated')), ]) #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of #: :obj:`` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such. identifier = IdentifierCol() #: status of the sale status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_INITIAL) # FIXME: this doesn't really belong to the sale # FIXME: it should also be renamed and avoid *_id #: identifier for the coupon of this sale, used by a ECF printer coupon_id = IntCol() # FIXME: This doesn't appear to be used anywhere. # Maybe we should remove it from the database. service_invoice_number = IntCol(default=None) #: the date sale was created, this is always set open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) #: the date sale was confirmed, or None if it hasn't been confirmed confirm_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date sale was paid, or None if it hasn't be paid close_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date sale was confirmed, or None if it hasn't been cancelled cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: the date sale was confirmed, or None if it hasn't been returned return_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: date when this sale expires, used by quotes expire_date = DateTimeCol(default=None) #: This flag indicates if the sale its completely paid and received paid = BoolCol(default=False) #: discount of the sale, in absolute value, for instance:: #: #: sale.total_sale_amount = 150 #: sale.discount_value = 18 #: # the price of the sale will now be 132 #: discount_value = PriceCol(default=0) #: surcharge of the sale, in absolute value, for instance:: #: #: sale.total_sale_amount = 150 #: sale.surcharge_value = 18 #: # the price of the sale will now be 168 #: surcharge_value = PriceCol(default=0) #: the total value of all the items in the same, this is set when #: a sale is confirmed, this is the same as calling #: :obj:`Sale.get_total_sale_amount()` at the time of confirming the sale, total_amount = PriceCol(default=0) #: The reason the sale was cancelled cancel_reason = UnicodeCol() cfop_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`fiscal entry <stoqlib.domain.fiscal.CfopData>` cfop = Reference(cfop_id, '') client_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |client| who this sale was sold to client = Reference(client_id, '') salesperson_id = IdCol() #: the |salesperson| who sold the sale salesperson = Reference(salesperson_id, '') branch_id = IdCol() #: the |branch| this sale belongs to branch = Reference(branch_id, '') transporter_id = IdCol(default=None) # FIXME: transporter should only be used on Delivery. #: If we have a delivery, this is the |transporter| for this sale transporter = Reference(transporter_id, '') group_id = IdCol() #: the |paymentgroup| of this sale group = Reference(group_id, '') client_category_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |clientcategory| used for price determination. client_category = Reference(client_category_id, '') cost_center_id = IdCol(default=None) #: the |costcenter| that the cost of the products sold in this sale should #: be accounted for. When confirming a sale with a |costcenter| set, a #: |costcenterentry| will be created for each product cost_center = Reference(cost_center_id, '') #: list of :class:`comments <>` for #: this sale comments = ReferenceSet('id', 'SaleComment.sale_id', order_by='') #: All returned sales of this sale returned_sales = ReferenceSet('id', 'ReturnedSale.sale_id', order_by='ReturnedSale.return_date') invoice_id = IdCol() #: The |sale_token| id sale_token_id = IdCol() #: Reference to |SaleToken| sale_token = Reference(sale_token_id, '') #: The |invoice| generated by the sale invoice = Reference(invoice_id, '') cancel_responsible_id = IdCol() #: The responsible for cancelling the sale. At the moment, the #: |loginuser| that cancelled the sale cancel_responsible = Reference(cancel_responsible_id, '') def __init__(self, store=None, **kw): kw['invoice'] = Invoice(store=store, invoice_type=Invoice.TYPE_OUT) super(Sale, self).__init__(store=store, **kw) # Branch needs to be set before cfop, which triggers an # implicit flush. self.branch = kw.pop('branch', None) if not 'cfop' in kw: self.cfop = sysparam.get_object(store, 'DEFAULT_SALES_CFOP') # # Classmethods # @classmethod
[docs] def get_status_name(cls, status): """The :obj:`Sale.status` as a translated string""" if not status in cls.statuses: raise DatabaseInconsistency(_(u"Invalid status %d") % status) return cls.statuses[status]
# # IContainer implementation # def add_item(self, sale_item): assert not = self def get_items(self, with_children=True): store = query = == self if not with_children: query = And(query, Eq(SaleItem.parent_item_id, None)) return store.find(SaleItem, query) def remove_item(self, sale_item): if sale_item.quantity_decreased > 0: sale_item.return_to_stock(sale_item.quantity_decreased) # If the item removed is the item corresponding to the delivery, we need to # remove all items from the delivery, including the delivery itself delivery = sale_item.delivery_adaptor if delivery: delivery.remove_all_items() = None # # IInvoice implementation # @property def recipient(self): if self.client: return self.client.person return None @property def invoice_subtotal(self): return self.get_sale_subtotal() @property def invoice_total(self): return self.get_total_sale_amount() @property def nfe_coupon_info(self): """Returns """ if not self.coupon_id: return None # According to the "Cartilha do ECF Emissor de Cupom Fiscal - Perguntas e # respostas, versão 3.2 - Abril 2016 da Sefaz de MG", the ECF serial number # is the number attributed by the establishment/user number = ECFGetPrinterUserNumberEvent.emit() or u'' return Settable(number=number, coo=self.coupon_id) # Status
[docs] def can_order(self): """Only newly created sales can be ordered :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be ordered """ return (self.status == Sale.STATUS_INITIAL or self.status == Sale.STATUS_QUOTE)
[docs] def can_confirm(self): """Only ordered sales can be confirmed :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be confirmed """ if self.client: method_values = {} for p in self.payments: # We should ignore already paid payments if p.is_paid(): continue method_values.setdefault(p.method, 0) method_values[p.method] += p.value for method, value in method_values.items(): assert self.client.can_purchase(method, value) return (self.status == Sale.STATUS_ORDERED or self.status == Sale.STATUS_QUOTE)
[docs] def can_set_paid(self): """Only confirmed sales can raise the flag paid. Also, the sale must have at least one payment and all the payments must be already paid. :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be set as paid """ if self.paid: return False payments = list(self.payments) if not payments: return False return all(p.is_paid() for p in payments)
[docs] def can_set_not_paid(self): """Only confirmed sales can be paid :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be set as paid """ return self.paid
[docs] def can_set_renegotiated(self): """Only sales with status confirmed can be renegotiated. :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be renegotiated """ # This should be as simple as: # return self.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED # But due to bug 3890 we have to check every payment. return self.payments.find( Payment.status == Payment.STATUS_PENDING).count() > 0
[docs] def can_cancel(self): """Only ordered, confirmed, paid and quoting sales can be cancelled. :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be cancelled """ # None is acceptable as it means no one catch the event if SaleCanCancelEvent.emit(self) is False: return False # If ALLOW_CANCEL_CONFIRMED_SALES is not set, we can only cancel # quoting sales if not sysparam.get_bool("ALLOW_CANCEL_CONFIRMED_SALES"): return self.status == self.STATUS_QUOTE return self.status in (Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED, Sale.STATUS_ORDERED, Sale.STATUS_QUOTE)
[docs] def can_return(self): """Only confirmed (with or without payment) sales can be returned :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be returned """ return self.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED
[docs] def can_edit(self): """Check if the sale can be edited. Only quoting and ordered sales can be edited, as long as they are not external. :returns: ``True`` if the sale can be edited """ if self.is_external(): return False return (self.status == Sale.STATUS_QUOTE or self.status == Sale.STATUS_ORDERED)
[docs] def is_external(self): """Check if this is an external sale. :rtype: bool """ return bool(SaleIsExternalEvent.emit(self))
def is_returned(self): return self.status == Sale.STATUS_RETURNED
[docs] def order(self): """Orders the sale Ordering a sale is the first step done after creating it. The state of the sale will change to Sale.STATUS_ORDERED. To order a sale you need to add sale items to it. A |client| might also be set for the sale, but it is not necessary. """ assert self.can_order() if self.get_items().is_empty(): raise SellError(_('The sale must have sellable items')) if self.client and not self.client.is_active: raise SellError(_('Unable to make sales for clients with status ' '%s') % self.client.get_status_string()) self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_ORDERED)
[docs] def confirm(self, till=None): """Confirms the sale Confirming a sale means that the customer has confirmed the sale. Sale items containing products are physically received and the payments are agreed upon but not necessarily received. All money payments will be set as paid. :param till: the |till| where this sale was confirmed. Can be `None` in case the process was automated (e.g. a virtual store) """ assert self.can_confirm() assert self.branch # FIXME: We should use self.branch, but it's not supported yet store = branch = get_current_branch(store) for item in self.get_items(): self.validate_batch(item.batch, sellable=item.sellable) if item.sellable.product: ProductHistory.add_sold_item(store, branch, item) item.sell(branch) self.total_amount = self.get_total_sale_amount() self._add_inpayments(till=till) self._create_fiscal_entries() # Save operation_nature and branch in Invoice table. self.invoice.branch = branch if self._create_commission_at_confirm(): for payment in self.payments: self.create_commission(payment) if self.client: = self.client.person self.confirm_date = TransactionTimestamp() # When confirming a sale, all credit and money payments are # automatically paid. # Since some plugins may listen to the sale status change event, we should # set payments as paid before the status change. for method in if method.operation.pay_on_sale_confirm(): old_status = self.status self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED) if self.current_sale_token: self.current_sale_token.close_token() # do not log money payments twice if not self.only_paid_with_money(): if self.client: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} to client {client_name} was " u"confirmed with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier,, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) else: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} without a client was " u"confirmed with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) Event.log(, Event.TYPE_SALE, msg) StockOperationConfirmedEvent.emit(self, old_status)
[docs] def set_paid(self): """Mark the sale as paid Marking a sale as paid means that all the payments have been received. """ assert self.can_set_paid() # Right now commissions are created when the payment is confirmed # (if the parameter is set) or when the payment is confirmed. # This code is still here for the users that some payments created # (and paid) but no commission created yet. # This can be removed sometime in the future. for payment in self.payments: self.create_commission(payment) self.close_date = TransactionTimestamp() self.paid = True if self.only_paid_with_money(): # Money payments are confirmed and paid, so lof them that way if self.client: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} to client {client_name} was paid " u"and confirmed with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier,, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) else: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} without a client was paid " u"and confirmed with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) else: if self.client: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} to client {client_name} was paid " u"with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier,, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) else: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} without a client was paid " u"with value {total_value:.2f}.").format( sale_number=self.identifier, total_value=self.get_total_sale_amount()) Event.log(, Event.TYPE_SALE, msg)
[docs] def set_not_paid(self): """Mark a sale as not paid. This happens when the user sets a previously paid payment as not paid. """ assert self.can_set_not_paid() self.close_date = None self.paid = False
[docs] def set_renegotiated(self): """Set the sale as renegotiated. The sale payments have been renegotiated and the operations will be done in another |paymentgroup|.""" assert self.can_set_renegotiated() self.close_date = TransactionTimestamp() self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_RENEGOTIATED)
[docs] def set_not_returned(self): """Sets a sale as not returnd This will reset the sale status to confirmed (once you can only returna confirmed sale). Also, the return_date will be reset. """ self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED) self.return_date = None
[docs] def cancel(self, reason, force=False): """Cancel the sale You can only cancel an ordered sale. This will also cancel all the payments related to it. :param reason: A short text describing the cancellation reason. :param force: if ``True``, :meth:`.can_cancel` will not be asserted. Only use this if you really need to (for example, when canceling the last sale on the ecf) """ if not force: assert self.can_cancel() branch = get_current_branch( for item in self.get_items(): item.cancel(branch) self.cancel_date = TransactionTimestamp() self.cancel_reason = reason self.cancel_responsible = api.get_current_user( self.paid = False # Cancel payments for payment in self.payments: if payment.can_cancel(): payment.cancel() if self.current_sale_token: self.current_sale_token.close_token() self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_CANCELLED)
[docs] def return_(self, returned_sale): """Returns a sale Returning a sale means that all the items are returned to the stock. A renegotiation object needs to be supplied which contains the invoice number and the eventual penalty :param returned_sale: a :class:`stoqlib.domain.returnedsale.ReturnedSale` object. It can be created by :meth:`create_sale_return_adapter` """ assert self.can_return() assert isinstance(returned_sale, ReturnedSale) totally_returned = all([sale_item.is_totally_returned() for sale_item in self.get_items()]) if totally_returned: self.return_date = TransactionTimestamp() self._set_sale_status(Sale.STATUS_RETURNED) self.paid = False if self.client: if totally_returned: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} to client {client_name} was " u"totally returned with value {total_value:.2f}. " u"Reason: {reason}") else: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} to client {client_name} was " u"partially returned with value {total_value:.2f}. " u"Reason: {reason}") msg = msg.format(sale_number=self.identifier,, total_value=returned_sale.returned_total, reason=returned_sale.reason) else: if totally_returned: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} without a client was " u"totally returned with value {total_value:.2f}. " u"Reason: {reason}") else: msg = _(u"Sale {sale_number} without a client was " u"partially returned with value {total_value:.2f}. " u"Reason: {reason}") msg = msg.format(sale_number=self.identifier, total_value=returned_sale.returned_total, reason=returned_sale.reason) Event.log(, Event.TYPE_SALE, msg)
[docs] def set_items_discount(self, discount): """Apply discount on this sale's items :param decimal.Decimal discount: the discount to be applied as a percentage, e.g. 10.0, 22.5 """ new_total = currency(0) items = [] for item in self.get_items(): sellable = item.sellable if sellable.product and sellable.product.is_package: # We should not set discount for package_products continue items.append(item) item.set_discount(discount) new_total += item.price * item.quantity # Since we apply the discount percentage above, items can generate a # 3rd decimal place, that will be rounded to the 2nd, making the value # differ. Find that difference and apply it to a sale item. The sale # item that will be used for this rounding is the first one that the # quantity can divide the diff. sale_base_subtotal = self.get_sale_base_subtotal() discount_value = quantize((sale_base_subtotal * discount) / 100) diff = new_total - sale_base_subtotal + discount_value if diff: # The value cannot be <= 0 # Note that we should use price instead of base_price, since the # for above may have changed the price already for item in items: if (diff * 100) % item.quantity == 0: item.price = max(item.price - diff / item.quantity, Decimal('0.01')) break
# # Accessors #
[docs] def get_total_sale_amount(self, subtotal=None): """ Fetches the total value paid by the |client|. It can be calculated as:: Sale total = Sum(product and service prices) + surcharge + interest - discount :param subtotal: pre calculated subtotal, pass in this to avoid a querying the database :returns: the total value """ if subtotal is None: subtotal = self.get_sale_subtotal() surcharge_value = self.surcharge_value or Decimal(0) discount_value = self.discount_value or Decimal(0) total_amount = subtotal + surcharge_value - discount_value return currency(total_amount)
[docs] def get_sale_subtotal(self): """Fetch the subtotal for the sale, eg the sum of the prices for of all items. :returns: subtotal """ total = 0 for sale_item in self.get_items(): total += sale_item.get_total() return currency(total)
[docs] def get_sale_base_subtotal(self): """Get the base subtotal of items Just a helper that, unlike :meth:`.get_sale_subtotal`, will return the total based on item's base price. :returns: the base subtotal """ items = self.get_items() subtotal = 0 for item in items: sellable = item.sellable if sellable.product and sellable.product.is_package: # We should not sum package_product continue if item.parent_item: component = item.get_component(item.parent_item) subtotal += item.quantity * component.price else: subtotal += item.quantity * item.base_price return currency(subtotal)
[docs] def get_items_total_quantity(self): """Fetches the total number of items in the sale :returns: number of items """ return self.get_items().sum(SaleItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)
[docs] def get_total_paid(self): """Return the total amount already paid for this sale :returns: the total amount paid """ total_paid = 0 for payment in if payment.is_inpayment() and payment.is_paid(): # Already paid by client. Value instead of paid_value as the # second might have penalties and discounts not applicable here total_paid += payment.value elif payment.is_outpayment(): # Already returned to client total_paid -= payment.value return currency(total_paid)
[docs] def get_total_to_pay(self): """Missing payment value for this sale. Returns the value the client still needs to pay for this sale. This is the same as :meth:`.get_total_sale_amount` - :meth:`.get_total_paid` """ return currency(self.get_total_sale_amount() - self.get_total_paid())
[docs] def get_returned_value(self): """The total value returned from this sale. This will return the sum of all returned sales of this sale. """ return currency(sum(i.returned_total for i in self.returned_sales))
[docs] def get_available_discount_for_items(self, user=None, exclude_item=None): """Get available discount for items in this sale The available items discount is the total discount not used by items in this sale. For instance, if we have 2 products with a price of 100 and they can have 10% of discount, we have 20 of discount available. If one of those products price is set to 98, that is, using 2 of it's discount, the available discount is now 18. :param user: passed to :meth:`stoqlib.domain.sellable.Sellable.get_maximum_discount` together with :obj:`.client_category` to check for the max discount for sellables on this sale :param exclude_item: a |saleitem| to exclude from the calculations. Useful if you are trying to get some extra discount for that item and you don't want it's discount to be considered here :returns: the available discount """ available_discount = currency(0) used_discount = currency(0) for item in self.get_items(): if item == exclude_item: continue # Don't put surcharges on the discount, or it can end up negative if item.price > item.base_price: continue used_discount += item.base_price - item.price max_discount = item.sellable.get_maximum_discount( category=self.client_category, user=user) / 100 available_discount += item.base_price * max_discount return available_discount - used_discount
[docs] def get_details_str(self): """Returns the sale details The details are composed by the items notes, the delivery address and the estimated fix date Note that there might be some extra comments on :obj:`.comments` :returns: the sale details string. """ details = [] delivery_added = False for sale_item in self.get_items(): if delivery_added is False: # FIXME: Add the delivery info just once can lead to an error. # It's possible that some item went to delivery X while # some went to delivery Y. delivery = if delivery is not None: details.append(_(u'Delivery Address: %s') % delivery.address.get_address_string()) # At the moment, we just support only one delivery per sale. delivery_added = True delivery = None else: if sale_item.notes: details.append(_(u'"%s" Notes: %s') % ( sale_item.get_description(), sale_item.notes)) if sale_item.is_service() and sale_item.estimated_fix_date: details.append(_(u'"%s" Estimated Fix Date: %s') % ( sale_item.get_description(), sale_item.estimated_fix_date.strftime('%x'))) return u'\n'.join(sorted(details))
[docs] def get_salesperson_name(self): """ :returns: the sales person name """ return self.salesperson.get_description()
[docs] def get_client_name(self): """Returns the client name, if a |client| has been provided for this sale :returns: the client name of a place holder string for sales without clients set. """ if not self.client: return _(u'Not Specified') return self.client.get_name()
[docs] def get_client_document(self): """Returns the client document for this sale This could be either its cnpj or cpf. """ if not self.client_id: return None return self.client.person.get_cnpj_or_cpf()
# FIXME: move over to client or person
[docs] def get_client_role(self): """Fetches the client role :returns: the client role (an |individual| or a |company|) instance or None if the sale haven't |client| set. """ if not self.client: return None client_role = self.client.person.has_individual_or_company_facets() if client_role is None: raise DatabaseInconsistency( _(u"The sale %r have a client but no " u"client_role defined.") % self) return client_role
[docs] def get_items_missing_batch(self): """Get all |saleitems| missing |batch| This usually happens when we create a quote. Since we are not removing the items from the stock, they probably were not set on the |saleitem|. :returns: a result set of |saleitems| that needs to set set the batch information """ return SaleItem, And(SaleItem.sale_id ==, SaleItem.sellable_id ==, ==, Eq(Storable.is_batch, True), Eq(SaleItem.batch_id, None)))
[docs] def need_adjust_batches(self): """Checks if we need to set |batches| for this sale's |saleitems| This usually happens when we create a quote. Since we are not removing the items from the stock, they probably were not set on the |saleitem|. :returns: ``True`` if any |saleitem| needs a |batch|, ``False`` otherwise. """ return not self.get_items_missing_batch().is_empty()
[docs] def check_and_adjust_batches(self): """ Check batches and perform a first adjustment when a sale item has only one batch. :returns: ``True`` if all items that need a batch were adjusted, or ``False`` if there are items that were not possible to be adjusted. """ # No batchs or batches already adjusted if not self.need_adjust_batches(): return True all_adjusted = True sale_items = self.get_items_missing_batch() # Set unique batch. for item in sale_items: storable = item.sellable.product_storable available_batches = list(storable.get_available_batches(self.branch)) if len(available_batches) == 1: item.batch = available_batches[0] else: all_adjusted = False return all_adjusted
[docs] def only_paid_with_money(self): """Find out if the sale is paid using money :returns: ``True`` if the sale was paid with money """ if self.payments.is_empty(): return False return all(payment.is_of_method(u'money') for payment in self.payments)
[docs] def add_sellable(self, sellable, quantity=1, price=None, quantity_decreased=0, batch=None, parent=None): """Adds a new item to a sale. :param sellable: the |sellable| :param quantity: quantity to add, defaults to 1 :param price: optional, the price, it not set the price from the sellable will be used :param quantity_decreased: the quantity already decreased from stock. e.g. The param quantity 10 and that quantity were already decreased, so this param should be 10 too. :param batch: the |batch| this sellable comes from, if the sellable is a storable. Should be ``None`` if it is not a storable or if the storable does not have batches. :param parent: a |sale_item| parent_item of another |sale_item| :returns: a |saleitem| for representing the sellable within this sale. """ # Quote can add items without batches, but they will be validated # after on self.confirm if self.status not in (self.STATUS_QUOTE, self.STATUS_ORDERED): self.validate_batch(batch, sellable=sellable) if price is None: price = sellable.price return SaleItem(, quantity=quantity, quantity_decreased=quantity_decreased, sale=self, sellable=sellable, batch=batch, price=price, parent_item=parent)
def create_sale_return_adapter(self): store = current_user = get_current_user(store) returned_sale = ReturnedSale( store=store, sale=self, branch=get_current_branch(store), responsible=current_user, ) for sale_item in self.get_items(with_children=False): if sale_item.is_totally_returned(): # Exclude quantities already returned from this one continue r_item = ReturnedSaleItem( store=store, sale_item=sale_item, returned_sale=returned_sale, quantity=sale_item.quantity_decreased, batch=sale_item.batch, # XXX Please note that when applying the sale discount in the # items, ther may be some rounding issues, leaving the total # value either greater or lower than the expected value. price=sale_item.price_with_discount ) for child in sale_item.children_items: ReturnedSaleItem(store=store, sale_item=child, returned_sale=returned_sale, quantity=child.quantity_decreased, batch=child.batch, price=child.price_with_discount, parent_item=r_item) return returned_sale
[docs] def create_commission(self, payment): """Creates a commission for the *payment* This will create a |commission| for the given |payment|, :obj:`.sale` and :obj:`.sale.salesperson`. Note that, if the payment already has a commission, nothing will be done. """ from stoqlib.domain.commission import Commission if payment.has_commission(): return commission = Commission( commission_type=self._get_commission_type(), sale=self, payment=payment, if payment.is_outpayment(): commission.value = -commission.value return commission
def get_first_sale_comment(self): first_comment = self.comments.first() if first_comment: return first_comment.comment return u'' def get_delivery_item(self): delivery_service_id = sysparam.get_object_id('DELIVERY_SERVICE') for item in self.get_items(): if == delivery_service_id: return item return None # # Properties # @property def status_str(self): return self.get_status_name(self.status) @property def current_sale_token(self): """The current token attached to this sale.""" return, sale=self).one() @property def products(self): """All |saleitems| of this sale containing a |product|. :returns: the result set containing the |saleitems|, ordered by :attr:`stoqlib.domain.sellable.Sellable.code` """ return SaleItem, And(SaleItem.sale_id ==, SaleItem.sellable_id ==, == Sellable.code) @property def services(self): """All |saleitems| of this sale containing a |service|. :returns: the result set containing the |saleitems|, ordered by :attr:`stoqlib.domain.sellable.Sellable.code` """ return SaleItem, And(SaleItem.sale_id ==, SaleItem.sellable_id ==, == Sellable.code) @property def payments(self): """Returns all valid payments for this sale ordered by open date This will return a list of valid payments for this sale, that is, all payments on the |paymentgroups| that were not cancelled. If you need to get the cancelled too, use :obj:`.group.payments`. :returns: an ordered iterable of |payment|. """ return @property def discount_percentage(self): """Sets a discount by percentage. Note that percentage must be added as an absolute value, in other words:: sale.total_sale_amount = 200 sale.discount_percentage = 5 # the price of the sale will now be be `190` """ discount_value = self.discount_value if not discount_value: return Decimal(0) subtotal = self.get_sale_subtotal() assert subtotal > 0, ('the sale subtotal should not be zero ' 'at this point') total = subtotal - discount_value percentage = (1 - total / subtotal) * 100 return quantize(percentage) @discount_percentage.setter def discount_percentage(self, value): self.discount_value = self._get_percentage_value(value) @property def surcharge_percentage(self): """Sets a discount by percentage. Note that percentage must be added as an absolute value, in other words:: sale.total_sale_amount = 200 sale.surcharge_percentage = 5 # the price of the sale will now be `210` """ surcharge_value = self.surcharge_value if not surcharge_value: return Decimal(0) subtotal = self.get_sale_subtotal() assert subtotal > 0, ('the sale subtotal should not be zero ' 'at this point') total = subtotal + surcharge_value percentage = ((total / subtotal) - 1) * 100 return quantize(percentage) @surcharge_percentage.setter def surcharge_percentage(self, value): self.surcharge_value = self._get_percentage_value(value) # # Private API # def _set_sale_status(self, status): old_status = self.status self.status = status SaleStatusChangedEvent.emit(self, old_status) def _get_percentage_value(self, percentage): if not percentage: return currency(0) subtotal = self.get_sale_subtotal() percentage = Decimal(percentage) perc_value = subtotal * (percentage / Decimal(100)) # discount/surchage cannot have more than 2 decimal points return quantize(currency(perc_value)) def _add_inpayments(self, till=None): payments = self.payments if not payments.count(): raise ValueError( _('You must have at least one payment for each payment group')) if till is None: return for payment in payments: if not payment.is_inpayment(): # There may be a change payment if the client has overpaid the # sale. continue till.add_entry(payment) def _create_commission_at_confirm(self): return sysparam.get_bool('SALE_PAY_COMMISSION_WHEN_CONFIRMED') def _get_commission_type(self): from stoqlib.domain.commission import Commission nitems = 0 for item in self.payments: if not item.is_outpayment(): nitems += 1 if nitems <= 1: return Commission.DIRECT return Commission.INSTALLMENTS def _get_pm_commission_total(self): """Return the payment method commission total. Usually credit card payment method is the most common method which uses commission """ return currency(0) def _get_icms_total(self, av_difference): """A Brazil-specific method Calculates the icms total value :param av_difference: the average difference for the sale items. it means the average discount or surcharge applied over all sale items """ icms_total = Decimal(0) for item in self.products: price = item.price + av_difference sellable = item.sellable tax_constant = sellable.get_tax_constant() if tax_constant is None or tax_constant.tax_type != TaxType.CUSTOM: continue icms_tax = tax_constant.tax_value / Decimal(100) icms_total += icms_tax * (price * item.quantity) return icms_total def _get_iss_total(self, av_difference): """A Brazil-specific method Calculates the iss total value :param av_difference: the average difference for the sale items. it means the average discount or surcharge applied over all sale items """ iss_total = Decimal(0) iss_tax = sysparam.get_decimal('ISS_TAX') / Decimal(100) for item in price = item.price + av_difference iss_total += iss_tax * (price * item.quantity) return iss_total def _get_average_difference(self): if self.get_items().is_empty(): raise DatabaseInconsistency( _(u"Sale orders must have items, which means products or " u"services")) total_quantity = self.get_items_total_quantity() if not total_quantity: raise DatabaseInconsistency( _(u"Sale total quantity should never be zero")) # If there is a discount or a surcharge applied in the whole total # sale amount, we must share it between all the item values # otherwise the icms and iss won't be calculated properly total = (self.get_total_sale_amount() - self._get_pm_commission_total()) subtotal = self.get_sale_subtotal() return (total - subtotal) / total_quantity def _get_iss_entry(self): return FiscalBookEntry.get_entry_by_payment_group(,, FiscalBookEntry.TYPE_SERVICE) def _create_fiscal_entries(self): """A Brazil-specific method Create new ICMS and ISS entries in the fiscal book for a given sale. Important: freight and interest are not part of the base value for ICMS. Only product values and surcharge which applies increasing the product totals are considered here. """ av_difference = self._get_average_difference() if not self.products.is_empty(): FiscalBookEntry.create_product_entry(,, self.cfop, self.coupon_id, self._get_icms_total(av_difference)) if not and self.service_invoice_number: FiscalBookEntry.create_service_entry(,, self.cfop, self.service_invoice_number, self._get_iss_total(av_difference))
[docs]class SaleToken(Domain): """A Token to help on sale for restaurants This will be attached to a |sale| to help the sale for restaurants, hotels. eg: table 1, table 2, room 12, room 334 """ __storm_table__ = 'sale_token' STATUS_AVAILABLE = u'available' STATUS_OCCUPIED = u'occupied' statuses = {STATUS_AVAILABLE: _(u'Available'), STATUS_OCCUPIED: _(u'Occupied')} #: the status of the sale_token status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_AVAILABLE) #: the code that used to identify the token code = UnicodeCol() #: The name of the token name = UnicodeCol() sale_id = IdCol() #: The |sale| that this token is attached to sale = Reference(sale_id, '') branch_id = IdCol() #: The |branch| that this token belongs branch = Reference(branch_id, '') @property def status_str(self): return self.statuses[self.status] @property def description(self): return "[{}] {}".format(self.code, # # Public API # def open_token(self, sale): assert self.can_open() = sale sale.sale_token = self self.status = SaleToken.STATUS_OCCUPIED def close_token(self): assert self.can_close() = None self.status = SaleToken.STATUS_AVAILABLE def can_open(self): return self.status == SaleToken.STATUS_AVAILABLE def can_close(self): return self.status == SaleToken.STATUS_OCCUPIED
[docs]class SaleTokenView(Viewable): """Sale token view.""" ClientPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'client_person') ClientCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'client_company') BranchPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'branch_person') BranchCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'branch_company') sale_token = SaleToken sale = Sale client = Client branch = Branch id = name = code = SaleToken.code status = SaleToken.status client_id = client_name = Coalesce(NullIf(ClientCompany.fancy_name, u''), branch_id = branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(BranchCompany.fancy_name, u''), sale_identifier = Sale.identifier sale_identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text') tables = [ SaleToken, # Sale LeftJoin(Sale, SaleToken.sale_id ==, # Client LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id ==, LeftJoin(ClientPerson, Client.person_id ==, LeftJoin(ClientCompany, ClientCompany.person_id ==, # Branch LeftJoin(Branch, SaleToken.branch_id ==, LeftJoin(BranchPerson, Branch.person_id ==, LeftJoin(BranchCompany, BranchCompany.person_id ==, ] @property def status_str(self): return SaleToken.statuses[self.status]
[docs]class SaleComment(Domain): """A simple holder for |sale| comments See also: `schema <>`__ """ __storm_table__ = 'sale_comment' #: When this comment was created date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) #: The comment itself. comment = UnicodeCol() author_id = IdCol() #: The author of the comment author = Reference(author_id, '') sale_id = IdCol() #: The |sale| that was commented sale = Reference(sale_id, '')
# # Views # class ReturnedSaleItemsView(Viewable): branch = Branch returned_sale = ReturnedSale sellable = Sellable # returned and original sale item id = quantity = ReturnedSaleItem.quantity price = ReturnedSaleItem.price parent_item_id = ReturnedSaleItem.parent_item_id # returned and original sale _sale_id = _new_sale_id = ReturnedSale.new_sale_id returned_identifier = ReturnedSale.identifier invoice_number = Invoice.invoice_number return_date = ReturnedSale.return_date reason = ReturnedSale.reason # sellable sellable_id = ReturnedSaleItem.sellable_id code = Sellable.code description = Sellable.description batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'') batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date # summaries total = ReturnedSaleItem.price * ReturnedSaleItem.quantity tables = [ ReturnedSaleItem, LeftJoin(StorableBatch, == ReturnedSaleItem.batch_id), Join(SaleItem, == ReturnedSaleItem.sale_item_id), Join(Sellable, == ReturnedSaleItem.sellable_id), Join(ReturnedSale, == ReturnedSaleItem.returned_sale_id), LeftJoin(Invoice, == ReturnedSale.invoice_id), Join(Sale, == ReturnedSale.sale_id), # Note that the sale branch may be different than the returned sale # branch Join(Branch, == ReturnedSale.branch_id), ] @property def new_sale(self): if not self._new_sale_id: return None return, self._new_sale_id) # # Class methods # @classmethod def find_by_sale(cls, store, sale): return store.find(cls, @classmethod def find_parent_items(cls, store, sale): query = And(cls.returned_sale.sale_id ==, Eq(cls.parent_item_id, None)) return store.find(cls, query) # # Public API # def get_children(self): return, ReturnedSaleItemsView.parent_item_id == def is_package(self): if self.sellable.product is None: # Services return False product =, return product.is_package _SaleItemSummary = Select(columns=[SaleItem.sale_id, Alias(Sum(InvoiceItemIpi.v_ipi), 'v_ipi'), Alias(Sum(SaleItem.quantity), 'total_quantity'), Alias(Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price), 'subtotal')], tables=[SaleItem, LeftJoin(InvoiceItemIpi, == SaleItem.ipi_info_id)], group_by=[SaleItem.sale_id]) SaleItemSummary = Alias(_SaleItemSummary, '_sale_item')
[docs]class SaleView(Viewable): """Stores general informatios about sales """ Person_Branch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch') Person_Client = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client') Person_SalesPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_sales_person') Company_Branch = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_branch') Company_Client = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_client') #: the |sale| of the view sale = Sale #: the |client| of the view client = Client #: The branch this sale was sold branch = Branch #: The |invoice| of the view invoice = Invoice #: The token referencing this sale token = SaleToken #: the id of the sale table id = #: unique numeric identifier for the sale identifier = Sale.identifier #: unique numeric identifier for the sale, text representation identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text') #: The code of the current token holding the sale token_code = SaleToken.code #: The name of the current token holding the sale token_name = #: the sale invoice number invoice_number = Invoice.invoice_number #: the id generated by the fiscal printer coupon_id = Sale.coupon_id #: the date when the sale was started open_date = Sale.open_date #: the date when the sale was closed close_date = Sale.close_date #: the date when the sale was confirmed confirm_date = Sale.confirm_date #: the date when the sale was cancelled cancel_date = Sale.cancel_date #: the date when the sale was returned return_date = Sale.return_date #: the date when the sale will expire expire_date = Sale.expire_date #: the sale status status = Sale.status #: the flag that indicates if the sale is completely paid paid = Sale.paid #: the sale surcharge value surcharge_value = Sale.surcharge_value #: the sale discount value discount_value = Sale.discount_value #: the |branch| where this |sale| was sold branch_id = Sale.branch_id #: the if of the |client| table client_id = #: the salesperson name salesperson_name = Coalesce(, u'') #: the |sale| salesperson id salesperson_id = #: the |sale| client name client_name = Coalesce(, u'') #: the |sale| client fancy name client_fancy_name = Company_Client.fancy_name #: name of the |branch| this |sale| was sold branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company_Branch.fancy_name, u''), # Summaries v_ipi = Coalesce(Field('_sale_item', 'v_ipi'), 0) #: the sum of all items in the sale _subtotal = Coalesce(Field('_sale_item', 'subtotal'), 0) + v_ipi #: the items total quantity for the sale total_quantity = Coalesce(Field('_sale_item', 'total_quantity'), 0) #: the subtotal - discount + charge _total = Coalesce(Field('_sale_item', 'subtotal'), 0) - \ Sale.discount_value + Sale.surcharge_value + v_ipi tables = [ Sale, LeftJoin(SaleItemSummary, Field('_sale_item', 'sale_id') ==, LeftJoin(Branch, Sale.branch_id ==, LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id ==, LeftJoin(SalesPerson, Sale.salesperson_id ==, LeftJoin(Invoice, Sale.invoice_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_Branch, Branch.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Company_Branch, Company_Branch.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_Client, Client.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Company_Client, Company_Client.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_SalesPerson, SalesPerson.person_id ==, LeftJoin(SaleToken, SaleToken.sale_id ==, ] @classmethod def post_search_callback(cls, sresults): select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Sum(cls._total)) return ('count', 'sum'), select # # Class methods # @classmethod def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch): if branch: return store.find(cls, Sale.branch == branch) return store.find(cls) # # Properties # @property def token_str(self): return self.token.description if self.token else '' @property def returned_sales(self): return, @property def return_total(self): store = returned_items = store.find(ReturnedSaleItemsView, == return currency(returned_items.sum( or 0) # # Public API # def can_return(self): return def can_confirm(self): return def can_cancel(self): return def can_edit(self): return @property def subtotal(self): # The editor requires the model to be a currency, but _subtotal is a # decimal. So we need to convert it return currency(self._subtotal) @property def total(self): return currency(self._total) @property def open_date_as_string(self): return self.open_date.strftime("%x") @property def status_name(self): return Sale.get_status_name(self.status)
[docs]class SaleCommentsView(Viewable): """A view for |salecomments| This is used to get the most information of a |salecomment| without doing lots of database queries """ #: the |salecomment| object comment = SaleComment # SaleComment id = comment = SaleComment.comment date = # Sale sale_id = sale_identifier = Sale.identifier # Person author_name = tables = [ SaleComment, Join(Sale, SaleComment.sale_id ==, Join(LoginUser, SaleComment.author_id ==, Join(Person, LoginUser.person_id ==, ] @classmethod
[docs] def find_by_sale(cls, store, sale): """Find results for this view for *sale* :param store: a store :param sale: the |sale| used to filter the results :returns: the matching views :rtype: a sequence of :class:`SaleCommentsView` """ return store.find(cls,
[docs]class ReturnedSaleView(Viewable): """Stores general informatios about returned sales.""" Person_Branch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch') Person_Client = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client') Person_SalesPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_sales_person') Person_LoginUser = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_login_user') sale = Sale client = Client branch = Branch returned_sale = ReturnedSale returned_item = ReturnedSaleItem # Sale sale_id = # Returned Sale id = identifier = ReturnedSale.identifier identifier_str = Cast(ReturnedSale.identifier, 'text') invoice_number = Invoice.invoice_number return_date = ReturnedSale.return_date reason = ReturnedSale.reason responsible_id = ReturnedSale.responsible_id branch_id = ReturnedSale.branch_id new_sale_id = ReturnedSale.new_sale_id # Returned Sale Item price = ReturnedSaleItem.price quantity = ReturnedSaleItem.quantity total = ReturnedSaleItem.price * ReturnedSaleItem.quantity # Sellable product_name = Sellable.description # Person salesperson_name = client_name = responsible_name = # Branch branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), # Client client_id = tables = [ ReturnedSale, Join(Sale, == ReturnedSale.sale_id), Join(ReturnedSaleItem, ReturnedSaleItem.returned_sale_id ==, Join(Sellable, == ReturnedSaleItem.sellable_id), Join(Branch, ReturnedSale.branch_id ==, Join(Person_Branch, Branch.person_id ==, Join(Company, Company.person_id ==, Join(SalesPerson, Sale.salesperson_id ==, Join(Person_SalesPerson, SalesPerson.person_id ==, Join(LoginUser, == ReturnedSale.responsible_id), Join(Person_LoginUser, == LoginUser.person_id), LeftJoin(Invoice, Sale.invoice_id ==, LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_Client, Client.person_id ==, ] def get_children_items(self): query = And(ReturnedSaleView.client_id == self.client_id,[ for child in self.returned_item.children_items])) return, query)
class SalePaymentMethodView(SaleView): # If a sale has more than one payment, it will appear as much times in the # search. Must always be used with select(distinct=True). tables = SaleView.tables[:] tables.append(LeftJoin(Payment, Sale.group_id == Payment.group_id)) # # Class Methods # @classmethod def find_by_payment_method(cls, store, method): if method: results = store.find(cls, Payment.method == method) else: results = store.find(cls) results.config(distinct=True) return results class SoldSellableView(Viewable): Person_Client = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client') Person_SalesPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_sales_person') sale_item = SaleItem # Sellable id = code = Sellable.code description = Sellable.description # SaleItem sale_item_id = # Client client_id = Sale.client_id client_name = # Aggregates total_quantity = Sum(SaleItem.quantity) subtotal = Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price) group_by = [id, code, description, client_id, client_name, sale_item] tables = [ Sellable, LeftJoin(SaleItem, SaleItem.sellable_id ==, LeftJoin(Sale, == SaleItem.sale_id), LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id ==, LeftJoin(SalesPerson, Sale.salesperson_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_Client, Client.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Person_SalesPerson, SalesPerson.person_id ==, LeftJoin(InvoiceItemIpi, == SaleItem.ipi_info_id), ] class SoldServicesView(SoldSellableView): estimated_fix_date = SaleItem.estimated_fix_date group_by = SoldSellableView.group_by[:] group_by.append(estimated_fix_date) tables = SoldSellableView.tables[:] tables.append(Join(Service, == class SoldProductsView(SoldSellableView): value = SaleItem.price quantity = SaleItem.quantity total_value = SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price sale_date = Sale.open_date tables = SoldSellableView.tables[:] tables.append(Join(Product, == group_by = SoldSellableView.group_by[:] group_by.append(sale_date) def get_children_items(self): query = And(SoldProductsView.client_id == self.client_id,[ for child in self.sale_item.children_items])) return, query) # FIXME: This needs some more work, as currently, this viewable is: # * Not filtering the paiments correctly given a date. # * Not ignoring payments from returned sales # Get the total amount already paid in a sale and group it by sales person _PaidSale = Select(columns=[Sale.salesperson_id, Alias(Sum(Payment.paid_value), 'paid_value')], tables=[Sale, LeftJoin(Payment, Payment.group_id == Sale.group_id)], group_by=[Sale.salesperson_id]) PaidSale = Alias(_PaidSale, '_paid_sale') class SalesPersonSalesView(Viewable): id = name = # aggregates total_amount = Sum(Sale.total_amount) total_quantity = Sum(Field('_sale_item', 'total_quantity')) total_sales = Count( #paid_value = Field('_paid_sale', 'paid_value') group_by = [id, name] tables = [ SalesPerson, LeftJoin(Sale, Sale.salesperson_id ==, LeftJoin(SaleItemSummary, Field('_sale_item', 'sale_id') ==, LeftJoin(Person, == SalesPerson.person_id), #LeftJoin(PaidSale, Field('_paid_sale', 'salesperson_id') ==, ] clause = Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED @classmethod def find_by_date(cls, store, date): if date: if isinstance(date, tuple): date_query = And(Date(Sale.confirm_date) >= date[0], Date(Sale.confirm_date) <= date[1]) else: date_query = Date(Sale.confirm_date) == date results = store.find(cls, date_query) else: results = store.find(cls) results.config(distinct=True) return results class ClientsWithSaleView(Viewable): main_address = Address city_location = CityLocation id = person_name = phone = Person.phone_number email = cpf = Individual.cpf birth_date = Individual.birth_date cnpj = Company.cnpj category = sales = Count(Distinct( sale_items = Sum(SaleItem.quantity) total_amount = Sum(SaleItem.price * SaleItem.quantity) last_purchase = Max(Sale.confirm_date) tables = [ Person, Join(Client, == Client.person_id), LeftJoin(ClientCategory, == Client.category_id), LeftJoin(Individual, Individual.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id ==, Join(Sale, == Sale.client_id), Join(SaleItem, SaleItem.sale_id ==, Join(Sellable, == SaleItem.sellable_id), LeftJoin(SellableCategory, == Sellable.category_id), LeftJoin(Address, And(Address.person_id ==, Eq(Address.is_main_address, True))), LeftJoin(CityLocation, Address.city_location_id ==, ] group_by = [id,,,,,] clause = Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED # # Public API # @property def address_string(self): return self.main_address.get_address_string() @property def details_string(self): return self.main_address.get_details_string() @property def cnpj_or_cpf(self): return self.cnpj or self.cpf class SoldItemsByClient(Viewable): product = Product sellable = Sellable id = Concat(, # Sellable code = Sellable.code description = Sellable.description sellable_category = SellableCategory.description # Client client_name = email = phone_number = Person.phone_number # Aggregates base_price = Avg(SaleItem.base_price) quantity = Sum(SaleItem.quantity) price = Avg(SaleItem.price) total = Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price) tables = [ Sellable, Join(SellableCategory, == Sellable.category_id), Join(Product, ==, Join(SaleItem, SaleItem.sellable_id ==, Join(Sale, SaleItem.sale_id ==, LeftJoin(Client, == Sale.client_id), LeftJoin(Person, == Client.person_id), ] clause = Or(Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED, Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_ORDERED) group_by = [id,, Product, sellable_category,]