Source code for stoqlib.domain.transfer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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## Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Async Open Source <>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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##  Author(s): Stoq Team <>
"""  Product transfer management """

# pylint: enable=E1101

from decimal import Decimal

from kiwi.currency import currency
from storm.expr import Join, LeftJoin, Sum, Cast, Coalesce, And, Or
from import ClassAlias
from storm.references import Reference
from zope.interface import implementer

from stoqlib.database.expr import NullIf
from import (DateTimeCol, IdCol, IdentifierCol,
                                         PriceCol, QuantityCol,
                                         UnicodeCol, EnumCol)
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_current_branch
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from import StockOperationConfirmedEvent
from stoqlib.domain.fiscal import Invoice
from stoqlib.domain.product import ProductHistory, StockTransactionHistory
from stoqlib.domain.person import Person, Branch, Company
from stoqlib.domain.interfaces import IContainer, IInvoice, IInvoiceItem
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import Sellable
from stoqlib.domain.product import StorableBatch
from stoqlib.domain.taxes import check_tax_info_presence
from stoqlib.lib.dateutils import localnow
from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext

_ = stoqlib_gettext

[docs]class TransferOrderItem(Domain): """Transfer order item """ __storm_table__ = 'transfer_order_item' sellable_id = IdCol() # FIXME: This should be a product, since it does not make sense to transfer # serviçes #: The |sellable| to transfer sellable = Reference(sellable_id, '') batch_id = IdCol() #: If the sellable is a storable, the |batch| that was transfered batch = Reference(batch_id, '') transfer_order_id = IdCol() #: The |transfer| this item belongs to transfer_order = Reference(transfer_order_id, '') #: The quantity to transfer quantity = QuantityCol() #: Average cost of the item in the source branch at the time of transfer. stock_cost = PriceCol(default=0) icms_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIcms` tax for *self* icms_info = Reference(icms_info_id, '') ipi_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIpi` tax for *self* ipi_info = Reference(ipi_info_id, '') pis_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemPis` tax for *self* pis_info = Reference(pis_info_id, '') cofins_info_id = IdCol() #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemCofins` tax for *self* cofins_info = Reference(cofins_info_id, '') item_discount = Decimal('0') def __init__(self, store=None, **kwargs): if not 'sellable' in kwargs: raise TypeError('You must provide a sellable argument') check_tax_info_presence(kwargs, store) super(TransferOrderItem, self).__init__(store=store, **kwargs) product = self.sellable.product if product: self.ipi_info.set_item_tax(self) self.icms_info.set_item_tax(self) self.pis_info.set_item_tax(self) self.cofins_info.set_item_tax(self) # # IInvoiceItem implementation # @property def parent(self): return self.transfer_order @property def base_price(self): return self.stock_cost @property def price(self): return self.stock_cost @property def cfop_code(self): # Transfers between distinct companies are fiscally considered a sale if not self.transfer_order.is_between_same_company: sale_cfop_data = sysparam.get_object(, 'DEFAULT_SALES_CFOP') return sale_cfop_data.code.replace(u'.', u'') return u'5152' # # Public API #
[docs] def get_total(self): """Returns the total cost of a transfer item eg quantity * cost""" return self.quantity * self.sellable.cost
[docs] def send(self): """Sends this item to it's destination |branch|. This method should never be used directly, and to send a transfer you should use TransferOrder.send(). """ product = self.sellable.product if product.manage_stock: storable = product.storable storable.decrease_stock(self.quantity, self.transfer_order.source_branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_TRANSFER_TO,, batch=self.batch) ProductHistory.add_transfered_item(, self.transfer_order.source_branch, self)
[docs] def receive(self): """Receives this item, increasing the quantity in the stock. This method should never be used directly, and to receive a transfer you should use TransferOrder.receive(). """ product = self.sellable.product if product.manage_stock: storable = product.storable storable.increase_stock(self.quantity, self.transfer_order.destination_branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_TRANSFER_FROM,, unit_cost=self.stock_cost, batch=self.batch)
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel the receiving of this transfer item. This method will return the product to the stock from source branch. This method should never be used directly, and to cancel a transfer you should use TransferOrder.cancel() """ storable = self.sellable.product_storable storable.increase_stock(self.quantity, self.transfer_order.source_branch, StockTransactionHistory.TYPE_CANCELLED_TRANSFER,, unit_cost=self.stock_cost, batch=self.batch)
@implementer(IContainer) @implementer(IInvoice)
[docs]class TransferOrder(Domain): """ Transfer Order class """ __storm_table__ = 'transfer_order' STATUS_PENDING = u'pending' STATUS_SENT = u'sent' STATUS_RECEIVED = u'received' STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled' statuses = {STATUS_PENDING: _(u'Pending'), STATUS_SENT: _(u'Sent'), STATUS_RECEIVED: _(u'Received'), STATUS_CANCELLED: _(u'Cancelled')} status = EnumCol(default=STATUS_PENDING) #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead #: of :obj:`` when displaying a numerical representation of this #: object to the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such. identifier = IdentifierCol() #: The date the order was created open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow) #: The date the order was received receival_date = DateTimeCol() #: The date the order was cancelled cancel_date = DateTimeCol() cancel_responsible_id = IdCol() #: The |employee| responsible for cancel the transfer cancel_responsible = Reference(cancel_responsible_id, '') #: Comments of a transfer comments = UnicodeCol() source_branch_id = IdCol() #: The |branch| sending the stock source_branch = Reference(source_branch_id, '') destination_branch_id = IdCol() #: The |branch| receiving the stock destination_branch = Reference(destination_branch_id, '') source_responsible_id = IdCol() #: The |employee| responsible for the |transfer| at source |branch| source_responsible = Reference(source_responsible_id, '') destination_responsible_id = IdCol() #: The |employee| responsible for the |transfer| at destination |branch| destination_responsible = Reference(destination_responsible_id, '') #: |payments| generated by this transfer payments = None #: |transporter| used in transfer transporter = None invoice_id = IdCol() #: The |invoice| generated by the transfer invoice = Reference(invoice_id, '') #: the reason the transfer was cancelled cancel_reason = UnicodeCol() def __init__(self, store=None, **kwargs): kwargs['invoice'] = Invoice(store=store, invoice_type=Invoice.TYPE_OUT) super(TransferOrder, self).__init__(store=store, **kwargs) # # IContainer implementation # def get_items(self): return, transfer_order=self) def add_item(self, item): assert self.status == self.STATUS_PENDING item.transfer_order = self def remove_item(self, item): if item.transfer_order is not self: raise ValueError(_('The item does not belong to this ' 'transfer order')) item.transfer_order = None # # IInvoice implementation # @property def discount_value(self): return currency(0) @property def invoice_subtotal(self): subtotal = self.get_items().sum(TransferOrderItem.quantity * TransferOrderItem.stock_cost) return currency(subtotal) @property def invoice_total(self): return self.invoice_subtotal @property def recipient(self): return self.destination_branch.person @property def operation_nature(self): # TODO: Save the operation nature in new transfer_order table field # Transfers between distinct companies are fiscally considered a sale if not self.is_between_same_company: return _(u"Sale") return _(u"Transfer") # # Public API # @property def branch(self): return self.source_branch @property def status_str(self): return(self.statuses[self.status]) @property def is_between_same_company(self): return self.source_branch.is_from_same_company(self.destination_branch)
[docs] def add_sellable(self, sellable, batch, quantity=1, cost=None): """Add the given |sellable| to this |transfer|. :param sellable: The |sellable| we are transfering :param batch: What |batch| of the storable (represented by sellable) we are transfering. :param quantity: The quantity of this product that is being transfered. """ assert self.status == self.STATUS_PENDING self.validate_batch(batch, sellable=sellable) product = sellable.product if product.manage_stock: stock_item = product.storable.get_stock_item( self.source_branch, batch) stock_cost = stock_item.stock_cost else: stock_cost = sellable.cost return TransferOrderItem(, transfer_order=self, sellable=sellable, batch=batch, quantity=quantity, stock_cost=cost or stock_cost)
def can_send(self): return (self.status == self.STATUS_PENDING and self.get_items().count() > 0) def can_receive(self): return self.status == self.STATUS_SENT def can_cancel(self): return And(self.status == self.STATUS_SENT, self.source_branch == get_current_branch(
[docs] def send(self): """Sends a transfer order to the destination branch. """ assert self.can_send() for item in self.get_items(): item.send() # Save the operation nature and branch in Invoice table. self.invoice.operation_nature = self.operation_nature self.invoice.branch = self.branch old_status = self.status self.status = self.STATUS_SENT StockOperationConfirmedEvent.emit(self, old_status)
[docs] def receive(self, responsible, receival_date=None): """Confirms the receiving of the transfer order. """ assert self.can_receive() for item in self.get_items(): item.receive() self.receival_date = receival_date or localnow() self.destination_responsible = responsible self.status = self.STATUS_RECEIVED
[docs] def cancel(self, responsible, cancel_reason, cancel_date=None): """Cancel a transfer order""" assert self.can_cancel() for item in self.get_items(): item.cancel() self.cancel_date = cancel_date or localnow() self.cancel_responsible_id = self.cancel_reason = cancel_reason self.status = self.STATUS_CANCELLED
[docs] def get_pending_transfers(cls, store, branch): """Get all the transfers that need to be recieved Get all transfers that have STATUS_SENT and the current branch as the destination This is useful if you want to list all the items that need to be recieved in a certain branch """ return store.find(cls, And(cls.status == cls.STATUS_SENT, cls.destination_branch == branch))
[docs] def get_source_branch_name(self): """Returns the source |branch| name""" return self.source_branch.get_description()
[docs] def get_destination_branch_name(self): """Returns the destination |branch| name""" return self.destination_branch.get_description()
[docs] def get_source_responsible_name(self): """Returns the name of the |employee| responsible for the transfer at source |branch| """ return
[docs] def get_destination_responsible_name(self): """Returns the name of the |employee| responsible for the transfer at destination |branch| """ if not self.destination_responsible: return u'' return
[docs] def get_total_items_transfer(self): """Retuns the |transferitems| quantity """ return sum([item.quantity for item in self.get_items()], 0)
class BaseTransferView(Viewable): BranchDest = ClassAlias(Branch, 'branch_dest') PersonDest = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_dest') CompanyDest = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_dest') transfer_order = TransferOrder identifier = TransferOrder.identifier identifier_str = Cast(TransferOrder.identifier, 'text') status = TransferOrder.status open_date = TransferOrder.open_date finish_date = Coalesce(TransferOrder.receival_date, TransferOrder.cancel_date) source_branch_id = TransferOrder.source_branch_id destination_branch_id = TransferOrder.destination_branch_id source_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), destination_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(CompanyDest.fancy_name, u''), group_by = [TransferOrder, source_branch_name, destination_branch_name] tables = [ TransferOrder, Join(TransferOrderItem, == TransferOrderItem.transfer_order_id), # Source LeftJoin(Branch, TransferOrder.source_branch_id ==, LeftJoin(Person, Branch.person_id ==, LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id ==, # Destination LeftJoin(BranchDest, TransferOrder.destination_branch_id ==, LeftJoin(PersonDest, BranchDest.person_id ==, LeftJoin(CompanyDest, CompanyDest.person_id ==, ] @property def branch(self): # We need this property for the acronym to appear in the identifier return, self.source_branch_id) class TransferOrderView(BaseTransferView): id = # Aggregates total_items = Sum(TransferOrderItem.quantity) class TransferItemView(BaseTransferView): id = item_quantity = TransferOrderItem.quantity item_description = Sellable.description sellable_id = batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'') batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date group_by = BaseTransferView.group_by[:] group_by.extend([TransferOrderItem, Sellable, batch_number, batch_date]) tables = BaseTransferView.tables[:] tables.extend([ Join(Sellable, == TransferOrderItem.sellable_id), LeftJoin(StorableBatch, == TransferOrderItem.batch_id) ]) @classmethod def find_by_branch(cls, store, sellable, branch): query = (cls.sellable_id ==, Or(cls.source_branch_id ==, cls.destination_branch_id == return store.find(cls, query)