# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2012 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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""" Domain classes to define required and visible fields """
# pylint: enable=E1101
from storm.references import Reference
from stoqlib.database.properties import BoolCol, UnicodeCol, IdCol
from stoqlib.database.runtime import get_default_store
from stoqlib.domain.base import Domain
from stoqlib.lib.translation import stoqlib_gettext, N_
_ = stoqlib_gettext
[docs]class UIField(Domain):
"""This describes a field in form a.
Can be used makae fields mandatory or hide them completely.
__storm_table__ = 'ui_field'
ui_form_id = IdCol()
ui_form = Reference(ui_form_id, 'UIForm.id')
field_name = UnicodeCol()
description = UnicodeCol()
visible = BoolCol()
mandatory = BoolCol()
[docs] def update_field(self, mandatory=False, visible=False):
"""This method changes some properties of the field
:param mandatory: A boolean indicating if the field is mandatory
:param visible: A boolean indicating if the field is visible
self.mandatory = mandatory
self.visible = visible
def _add_fields_to_form(store, ui_form, fields):
for (field_name, field_description,
visible, mandatory) in fields:
ui_field = store.find(UIField, ui_form=ui_form,
if ui_field is None:
def _get_or_create_form(store, name, desc):
ui_form = store.find(UIForm, form_name=name).one()
if ui_form is None:
ui_form = UIForm(store=store, form_name=name, description=desc)
return ui_form
def create_default_forms(store):
person_fields = [
(u'name', N_(u'Name'), True, True),
(u'phone_number', N_(u'Phone number'), True, False),
(u'mobile_number', N_(u'Mobile number'), True, False),
(u'fax', N_(u'Fax'), True, False),
(u'email', N_(u'Email'), True, False),
(u'street', N_(u'Street'), True, True),
(u'street_number', N_(u'Street number'), True, True),
(u'postal_code', N_(u'Postal code'), True, False),
(u'district', N_(u'District'), True, True),
(u'complement', N_(u'Complement'), True, False),
(u'city', N_(u'City'), True, False),
(u'state', N_(u'State'), True, True),
(u'country', N_(u'Country'), True, True),
employee_fields = [
(u'role', N_(u'Role'), True, True),
(u'salary', N_(u'Salary'), True, True),
product_fields = [
(u'code', N_(u'Code'), True, False),
(u'barcode', N_(u'Barcode'), True, False),
(u'category', N_(u'Category'), True, False),
(u'location', N_(u'Location'), True, False),
(u'part_number', N_(u'Part number'), True, False),
(u'width', N_(u'Width'), True, False),
(u'height', N_(u'Height'), True, False),
(u'depth', N_(u'Depth'), True, False),
(u'weight', N_(u'Weight'), True, False),
(u'minimum_quantity', N_(u'Minimum quantity'), True, False),
(u'maximum_quantity', N_(u'Maximum quantity'), True, False),
(u'manufacturer', N_(u'Manufacturer'), True, False),
(u'ncm', N_(u'Mercosul NCM'), True, False),
(u'ex_tipi', N_(u'Mercosul EX Tipi'), True, False),
(u'genero', N_(u'Mercosul GĂȘnero'), True, False),
for name, desc in [(u'user', N_(u'User')),
(u'client', N_(u'Client')),
(u'employee', N_(u'Employee')),
(u'supplier', N_(u'Supplier')),
(u'transporter', N_(u'Transporter')),
(u'branch', N_(u'Branch'))]:
ui_form = _get_or_create_form(store, name, desc)
_add_fields_to_form(store, ui_form, person_fields)
employee_form = store.find(UIForm, form_name=u'employee').one()
_add_fields_to_form(store, employee_form, employee_fields)
product_form = _get_or_create_form(store, u'product', N_(u'Product'))
_add_fields_to_form(store, product_form, product_fields)