# Mode: Python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
## Copyright (C) 2007 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br>
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/.
## Author(s): Stoq Team <stoq-devel@async.com.br>
# pylint: enable=E1101
from kiwi.currency import currency
from storm.expr import (And, Coalesce, Eq, Join, LeftJoin, Or, Sum, Select,
Alias, Count, Cast, Ne, JoinExpr)
from storm.info import ClassAlias
from stoqlib.database.expr import (Case, Distinct, Field, NullIf,
StatementTimestamp, Concat)
from stoqlib.database.viewable import Viewable
from stoqlib.domain.account import Account, AccountTransaction
from stoqlib.domain.address import Address
from stoqlib.domain.commission import CommissionSource
from stoqlib.domain.costcenter import CostCenterEntry
from stoqlib.domain.fiscal import CfopData, Invoice
from stoqlib.domain.image import Image
from stoqlib.domain.loan import Loan, LoanItem
from stoqlib.domain.person import (Person, Supplier, Company, LoginUser,
Branch, Client, Employee, Transporter,
Individual, SalesPerson, ClientView)
from stoqlib.domain.product import (Product,
Storable, StorableBatch)
from stoqlib.domain.production import ProductionOrder, ProductionItem
from stoqlib.domain.purchase import (Quotation, QuoteGroup, PurchaseOrder,
from stoqlib.domain.receiving import (ReceivingOrderItem, ReceivingOrder,
from stoqlib.domain.sale import SaleItem, Sale, Delivery
from stoqlib.domain.returnedsale import ReturnedSale, ReturnedSaleItem
from stoqlib.domain.sellable import (Sellable, SellableUnit,
from stoqlib.domain.stockdecrease import (StockDecrease, StockDecreaseItem)
from stoqlib.domain.workorder import WorkOrder, WorkOrderItem
from stoqlib.lib.decorators import cached_property
# This subselect will be used to filter by branch, so it should include all
# possible (branch, storable) combinations so that all storables appear in the
# results
_StockBranchSummary = Alias(Select(
columns=[Alias(Storable.id, 'storable_id'),
Alias(Branch.id, 'branch_id'),
Alias(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity), 'stock'),
Alias(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity *
ProductStockItem.stock_cost), 'total_stock_cost')],
# This is equivalent to a cross join
Join(Branch, And(True)),
LeftJoin(ProductStockItem, And(ProductStockItem.branch_id == Branch.id,
ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id))],
group_by=[Storable.id, Branch.id]), '_stock_summary')
_price_search = Case(condition=And(StatementTimestamp() >= Sellable.on_sale_start_date,
StatementTimestamp() <= Sellable.on_sale_end_date),
[docs]class ProductFullStockView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about products.
This view is used to query stock information on a certain branch.
:cvar id: the id of the asellable table
:cvar barcode: the sellable barcode
:cvar status: the sellable status
:cvar cost: the sellable cost
:cvar price: the sellable price
:cvar description: the sellable description
:cvar unit: the unit of the product
:cvar product_id: the id of the product table
:cvar location: the location of the product
:cvar branch_id: the id of branch table
:cvar stock: the stock of the product
# We need to store the Branch.id for the get_parent method, but we don't
# want it on the result as it would break the aggregation.
_branch_id = None
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
# Sellable
id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
barcode = Sellable.barcode
status = Sellable.status
cost = Sellable.cost
description = Sellable.description
base_price = Sellable.base_price
on_sale_price = Sellable.on_sale_price
on_sale_start_date = Sellable.on_sale_start_date
on_sale_end_date = Sellable.on_sale_end_date
price = _price_search
# Product
product_id = Product.id
parent_id = Product.parent_id
location = Product.location
model = Product.model
brand = Product.brand
ncm = Product.ncm
internal_use = Product.internal_use
family = Product.family
# Storable
storable_id = Storable.id
# Image
image_id = Image.id
has_image = Ne(Image.id, None)
manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
tax_description = SellableTaxConstant.description
category_description = SellableCategory.description
unit = SellableUnit.description
# Aggregates
total_stock_cost = Coalesce(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity *
ProductStockItem.stock_cost), 0)
stock = Coalesce(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity), 0)
tables = [
Join(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.id == Product.id),
LeftJoin(ProductStockItem, ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
SellableTaxConstant.id == Sellable.tax_constant_id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),
And(Sellable.id == Image.sellable_id, Eq(Image.is_main, True))),
clause = Sellable.status != Sellable.STATUS_CLOSED
group_by = [id, product_id, storable_id, category_description,
manufacturer, tax_description, unit, image_id]
def __eq__(self, other):
hvs = self.highjacked.values()
# Viewable's __eq__ would only consider equal objects of the same
# class, but the HighjackedViewable is an exception to the rule!
if (other.__class__ in [self.__class__] + hvs or
self.__class__ in [other.__class__] + hvs):
return self.id == other.id
return super(ProductFullStockView, self).__eq__(other)
def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
expr = sresults.get_select_expr(Alias(cls.id, 'id'),
Alias(cls.stock, 'stock'))
select = Select(
columns=[Count(Distinct(Field('_sub', 'id'))),
Sum(Field('_sub', 'stock'))],
tables=[Alias(expr, '_sub')])
return ('count', 'sum'), select
def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
if branch is None:
return store.find(cls)
# Highjack the class being queried, since we need to add the branch
# on the ProductStockItem join to filter it.
# Make sure to create it only once or else Viewable would fail to
# compare both objects as their class would be different.
hv = cls.highjacked.get(branch.id, None)
if hv is None:
tables = cls.tables[:]
for i, table in enumerate(tables):
if not isinstance(table, JoinExpr):
if table.right is ProductStockItem:
tables[i] = LeftJoin(
And(ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id,
ProductStockItem.branch_id == branch.id))
else: # pragma nocoverage
raise AssertionError("Did not find ProductStockItem join")
hv = type(
"Highjacked%s" % (cls.__name__, ),
(cls, ),
dict(tables=tables, _branch_id=branch.id))
cls.highjacked[branch.id] = hv
# Make sure we will not create a highjack highjacked view
hv.highjacked[branch.id] = hv
return store.find(hv)
[docs] def get_product_and_category_description(self):
"""Returns the product and the category description in one string.
The category description will be formatted inside square
brackets, if any. Otherwise, only the product description will
be returned.
category_description = ''
if self.category_description:
category_description += '[' + self.category_description + '] '
return category_description + self.description
def get_parent(self):
if not self.parent_id:
return None
branch = self._branch_id and self.store.get(Branch, self._branch_id)
res = self.find_by_branch(self.store, branch)
return res.find(Product.id == self.parent_id).one()
def stock_cost(self):
if self.stock:
return self.total_stock_cost / self.stock
return 0
def unit_description(self):
unit = self.product.sellable.unit_description
if unit == u"":
return u"un"
return unit
[docs]class ProductFullWithClosedStockView(ProductFullStockView):
"""Stores information about products, showing the closed ones too.
internal_use = Product.internal_use
family = Product.family
clause = None
[docs]class ProductClosedStockView(ProductFullWithClosedStockView):
"""Stores information about products that were closed.
clause = Sellable.status == Sellable.STATUS_CLOSED
[docs]class ProductComponentView(ProductFullStockView):
"""Stores information about production products"""
clause = And(ProductFullStockView.clause, Eq(Product.is_composed, True))
[docs]class ProductComponentWithClosedView(ProductComponentView):
"""Stores information about production products, including closed ones"""
clause = Eq(Product.is_composed, True)
[docs]class ProductWithStockView(ProductFullStockView):
"""Stores information about products, since product has a purchase or sale.
This view is used to query stock information on a certain branch.
:cvar id: the id of the asellable table
:cvar barcode: the sellable barcode
:cvar status: the sellable status
:cvar cost: the sellable cost
:cvar price: the sellable price
:cvar description: the sellable description
:cvar unit: the unit of the product
:cvar product_id: the id of the product table
:cvar branch_id: the id of branch table
:cvar stock: the stock of the product
having = ProductFullStockView.stock > 0
[docs]class ProductWithStockBranchView(ProductFullStockView):
"""The same as ProductWithStockView but has a branch_id property that must
be used to filte.
Note that when using this viewable, all queries must include the branch
filter, otherwise, the results may be duplicated (once for each branch in
the database)
branch_id = ProductStockItem.branch_id
minimum_quantity = Storable.minimum_quantity
maximum_quantity = Storable.maximum_quantity
clause = And(ProductFullStockView.clause,
Eq(Product.is_grid, False),
Eq(Product.is_package, False))
group_by = ProductFullStockView.group_by[:]
# This subselect should query only from PurchaseItem, otherwise, more one
# product may appear more than once in the results (if there are purchase
# orders for it)
_PurchaseItemTotal = Select(
Alias(Sum(PurchaseItem.quantity -
LeftJoin(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrder.id == PurchaseItem.order_id)],
where=PurchaseOrder.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED,
class ProductFullStockItemView(ProductFullStockView):
# ProductFullStockView already joins with a 1 to Many table (Sellable
# with ProductStockItem).
# This is why we must join PurchaseItem (another 1 to many table) in a
# subquery
minimum_quantity = Storable.minimum_quantity
maximum_quantity = Storable.maximum_quantity
to_receive_quantity = Coalesce(Field('_purchase_total', 'to_receive'), 0)
difference = ProductFullStockView.stock - Storable.minimum_quantity
tables = ProductFullStockView.tables[:]
tables.append(LeftJoin(Alias(_PurchaseItemTotal, '_purchase_total'),
'sellable_id') == Sellable.id))
clause = And(ProductFullStockView.clause,
Eq(Product.is_grid, False))
group_by = ProductFullStockView.group_by[:]
[docs]class ProductFullStockItemSupplierView(ProductFullStockItemView):
""" Just like ProductFullStockView, but will also be joined with
ProductSupplierInfo and Supplier, so use this only if you are specifing a
supplier in the query.
tables = ProductFullStockItemView.tables[:]
Join(ProductSupplierInfo, Product.id == ProductSupplierInfo.product_id),
Join(Supplier, Supplier.id == ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_id),
[docs]class ProductQuantityView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about products solded and received.
:cvar id: the id of the sellable_id of products_quantity table
:cvar description: the product description
:cvar branch_id: the id of branch table
:cvar quantity_sold: the quantity solded of product
:cvar quantity_transfered: the quantity transfered of product
:cvar quantity_received: the quantity received of product
:cvar branch: the id of the branch_id of producst_quantity table
:cvar date_sale: the date of product's sale
:cvar date_received: the date of product's received
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
# Sellable
id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
description = Sellable.description
# Product
product_id = Product.id
# ProductHistory
branch = ProductHistory.branch_id
sold_date = ProductHistory.sold_date
received_date = ProductHistory.received_date
production_date = ProductHistory.production_date
decreased_date = ProductHistory.decreased_date
# Aggregates
quantity_sold = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_sold)
quantity_received = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_received)
quantity_transfered = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_transfered)
quantity_produced = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_produced)
quantity_consumed = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_consumed)
quantity_lost = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_lost)
quantity_decreased = Sum(ProductHistory.quantity_decreased)
tables = [
Join(Sellable, ProductHistory.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
Join(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
# This are columns that are not supposed to be queried, but should still be
# able to be filtered
hidden_columns = ['sold_date', 'received_date', 'production_date',
group_by = [id, product_id, code, description, branch]
[docs]class ProductBranchStockView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about the stock of a certain |product| among
all branches
branch = Branch
id = Branch.id
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person.name)
storable_id = ProductStockItem.storable_id
stock = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)
tables = [
Join(Person, Person.id == Branch.person_id),
Join(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id),
Join(ProductStockItem, ProductStockItem.branch_id == Branch.id),
group_by = [Branch, branch_name, storable_id]
def find_by_storable(cls, store, storable):
return store.find(cls, storable_id=storable.id)
[docs]class SellableFullStockView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about products.
This view is used to query stock information on a certain branch.
:cvar id: the id of the asellable table
:cvar barcode: the sellable barcode
:cvar status: the sellable status
:cvar cost: the sellable cost
:cvar price: the sellable price
:cvar description: the sellable description
:cvar unit: the unit of the product or None
:cvar product_id: the id of the product table or None
:cvar branch_id: the id of branch table or None
:cvar stock: the stock of the product or None
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
barcode = Sellable.barcode
status = Sellable.status
cost = Sellable.cost
description = Sellable.description
on_sale_price = Sellable.on_sale_price
on_sale_start_date = Sellable.on_sale_start_date
on_sale_end_date = Sellable.on_sale_end_date
base_price = Sellable.base_price
max_discount = Sellable.max_discount
price = _price_search
product_id = Product.id
model = Product.model
location = Product.location
unit = SellableUnit.description
manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
category_description = SellableCategory.description
stock = Coalesce(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock'), 0)
# If the sellable is a service Product.internal_use will return None, so we
# must add it to the query to include services
clause = And(Or(Eq(Product.internal_use, False), Eq(Product.internal_use, None)),
Or(Eq(Product.is_grid, False), Eq(Product.is_grid, None)))
tables = [
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, SellableUnit.id == Sellable.unit_id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.id == Product.id),
Field('_stock_summary', 'storable_id') == Storable.id),
Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),
def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
assert branch
query = Or(Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == branch.id,
Eq(Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id'), None))
return store.find(cls, query)
[docs]class SellableCategoryView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about categories.
This view is used to query the category with the related
commission source.
category = SellableCategory
id = SellableCategory.id
parent_id = SellableCategory.category_id
description = SellableCategory.description
suggested_markup = SellableCategory.suggested_markup
commission = CommissionSource.direct_value
installments_commission = CommissionSource.installments_value
tables = [
CommissionSource.category_id == SellableCategory.id),
def get_parent(self):
if not self.parent_id:
return None
return self.store.find(SellableCategoryView, id=self.parent_id).one()
def get_suggested_markup(self):
return self._suggested_markup
def _suggested_markup(self):
category = self
while category:
# Compare to None as suggested_markup can be 0
if category.suggested_markup is not None:
return category.suggested_markup
category = category.get_parent()
def get_commission(self):
# Compare to None as commission can be 0
if self.commission is not None:
return self.commission
source = self._parent_source_commission
if source:
return source.direct_value
def get_installments_commission(self):
# Compare to None as commission can be 0
if self.commission is not None:
return self.installments_commission
source = self._parent_source_commission
if source:
return source.installments_value
def _parent_source_commission(self):
parent = self.get_parent()
while parent:
store = self.store
source = store.find(CommissionSource,
if source:
return source
parent = parent.get_parent()
[docs]class QuotationView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about the quote group and its quotes.
group = QuoteGroup
quotation = Quotation
purchase = PurchaseOrder
id = Quotation.id
purchase_id = Quotation.purchase_id
group_id = Quotation.group_id
identifier = Quotation.identifier
identifier_str = Cast(Quotation.identifier, 'text')
group_identifier = QuoteGroup.identifier
open_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
deadline = PurchaseOrder.quote_deadline
supplier_name = Person.name
tables = [
QuoteGroup.id == Quotation.group_id),
PurchaseOrder.id == Quotation.purchase_id),
Supplier.id == PurchaseOrder.supplier_id),
LeftJoin(Person, Person.id == Supplier.person_id),
[docs]class SoldItemView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about all sale items, including the average cost
of the sold items.
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
description = Sellable.description
category = SellableCategory.description
product_id = Product.id
# Aggregate
quantity = Sum(SaleItem.quantity)
total_sold = Sum(SaleItem.price * SaleItem.quantity)
total_cost = Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.average_cost)
tables = [
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(SaleItem, Sellable.id == SaleItem.sellable_id),
LeftJoin(Sale, SaleItem.sale_id == Sale.id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, Sellable.category_id == SellableCategory.id),
clause = Or(Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED,
Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_RENEGOTIATED)
group_by = [id, product_id, code, description, category, Sale.status]
def average_cost(self):
if not self.quantity: # pragma: nocoverage
# FIXME: Will this ever happen?
return 0
return self.total_cost / self.quantity
[docs]class StockDecreaseView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about all stock decreases
_PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, "person_branch")
_PersonSentTo = ClassAlias(Person, "person_sent_to")
stock_decrease = StockDecrease
id = StockDecrease.id
identifier = StockDecrease.identifier
confirm_date = StockDecrease.confirm_date
reason = StockDecrease.reason
cfop_description = CfopData.description
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), _PersonBranch.name)
removed_by_name = Person.name
sent_to_name = _PersonSentTo.name
# Aggregate
total_items_removed = Sum(StockDecreaseItem.quantity)
tables = [
Join(Employee, StockDecrease.removed_by_id == Employee.id),
Join(Person, Employee.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Branch, StockDecrease.branch_id == Branch.id),
Join(_PersonBranch, Branch.person_id == _PersonBranch.id),
LeftJoin(_PersonSentTo, StockDecrease.person_id == _PersonSentTo.id),
Join(Company, Company.person_id == _PersonBranch.id),
LeftJoin(CfopData, CfopData.id == StockDecrease.cfop_id),
StockDecreaseItem.stock_decrease_id == StockDecrease.id)
group_by = [id, CfopData.id, Company.id, Person.id, _PersonBranch,
[docs]class StockDecreaseItemsView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about all stock decrease items
branch = Branch
id = StockDecreaseItem.id
quantity = StockDecreaseItem.quantity
sellable = StockDecreaseItem.sellable_id
decrease_id = StockDecrease.id
decrease_identifier = StockDecrease.identifier
date = StockDecrease.confirm_date
removed_by_name = Person.name
unit_description = SellableUnit.description
batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
tables = [
LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == StockDecreaseItem.batch_id),
Join(StockDecrease, StockDecreaseItem.stock_decrease_id == StockDecrease.id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, StockDecreaseItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
Join(Employee, StockDecrease.removed_by_id == Employee.id),
Join(Person, Employee.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Branch, StockDecrease.branch_id == Branch.id),
[docs]class SoldItemsByBranchView(SoldItemView):
"""Store information about the all sold items by branch.
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person.name)
# Aggregates
total = Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price)
tables = SoldItemView.tables[:]
LeftJoin(Branch, Branch.id == Sale.branch_id),
LeftJoin(Person, Branch.person_id == Person.id),
LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id),
group_by = SoldItemView.group_by[:]
[docs]class PurchasedItemAndStockView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about the purchase items that will be delivered and
also the quantity that is already in stock.
This view is used to query which products are going to be delivered and if
they are on time or not.
:cvar id: the id of the purchased item
:cvar product_id: the id of the product
:cvar purchased: the quantity purchased
:cvar received: the quantity already received
:cvar stocked: the quantity in stock
:cvar expected_receival_date: the date that the item might be deliverd
:cvar purchase_date: the date when the item was purchased
:cvar branch: the branch where the purchase was done
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
purchase_item = PurchaseItem
branch = Branch
id = PurchaseItem.id
purchased = PurchaseItem.quantity
received = PurchaseItem.quantity_received
expected_receival_date = PurchaseItem.expected_receival_date
order_identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
order_identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
purchased_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
branch_id = PurchaseOrder.branch_id
sellable_id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
description = Sellable.description
product_id = Product.id
# Aggregate
stocked = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)
tables = [
LeftJoin(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseItem.order_id == PurchaseOrder.id),
LeftJoin(Branch, PurchaseOrder.branch_id == Branch.id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, Sellable.id == PurchaseItem.sellable_id),
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == PurchaseItem.sellable_id),
LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.id == Product.id),
LeftJoin(ProductStockItem, ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
clause = And(PurchaseOrder.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED,
PurchaseOrder.branch_id == ProductStockItem.branch_id,
PurchaseItem.quantity > PurchaseItem.quantity_received, )
group_by = [PurchaseItem, Branch, order_identifier, purchased_date,
branch_id, code, description, sellable_id, product_id]
class ConsignedItemAndStockView(PurchasedItemAndStockView):
sold = PurchaseItem.quantity_sold
returned = PurchaseItem.quantity_returned
clause = And(Eq(PurchaseOrder.consigned, True),
PurchaseOrder.branch_id == ProductStockItem.branch_id)
[docs]class PurchaseReceivingView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about received orders.
:cvar id: the id of the receiving order
:cvar receival_date: the date when the receiving order was closed
:cvar invoice_number: the number of the order that was received
:cvar invoice_total: the total value of the received order
:cvar purchase_identifier: the identifier of the received order
:cvar branch_id: the id branch where the order was received
:cvar purchase_responsible_name: the one who have confirmed the purchase
:cvar responsible_name: the one who has received the order
:cvar supplier_name: the supplier name
_Responsible = ClassAlias(Person, "responsible")
_Supplier = ClassAlias(Person, "supplier_person")
_PurchaseUser = ClassAlias(LoginUser, "purchase_user")
_PurchaseResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, "purchase_responsible")
order = ReceivingOrder
id = ReceivingOrder.id
receival_date = ReceivingOrder.receival_date
invoice_number = ReceivingOrder.invoice_number
invoice_total = ReceivingOrder.invoice_total
purchase_identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
purchase_identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
branch_id = ReceivingOrder.branch_id
purchase_responsible_name = _PurchaseResponsible.name
responsible_name = _Responsible.name
supplier_name = _Supplier.name
tables = [
ReceivingOrder.id == PurchaseReceivingMap.receiving_id),
LeftJoin(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReceivingMap.purchase_id == PurchaseOrder.id),
PurchaseOrder.responsible_id == _PurchaseUser.id),
_PurchaseUser.person_id == _PurchaseResponsible.id),
LeftJoin(Supplier, ReceivingOrder.supplier_id == Supplier.id),
LeftJoin(_Supplier, Supplier.person_id == _Supplier.id),
LeftJoin(LoginUser, ReceivingOrder.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
LeftJoin(_Responsible, LoginUser.person_id == _Responsible.id),
[docs]class SaleItemsView(Viewable):
"""Show information about sold items and about the corresponding sale.
This is slightlig difrent than SoldItemView that groups sold items from
diferent sales.
branch = Branch
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = SaleItem.id
sellable_id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
description = Sellable.description
category = SellableCategory.description
sale_id = SaleItem.sale_id
sale_identifier = Sale.identifier
sale_date = Sale.open_date
client_id = Client.id
client_name = Person.name
quantity = SaleItem.quantity
price = SaleItem.price
base_price = SaleItem.base_price
parent_item_id = SaleItem.parent_item_id
manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
unit_description = SellableUnit.description
batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
item_discount = SaleItem.base_price - SaleItem.price
total = SaleItem.price * SaleItem.quantity
tables = [
LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == SaleItem.batch_id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, Sellable.id == SaleItem.sellable_id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
ProductManufacturer.id == Product.manufacturer_id),
Join(Sale, SaleItem.sale_id == Sale.id),
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id == Client.id),
LeftJoin(Person, Client.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Branch, Sale.branch_id == Branch.id),
# Class methods
def find_confirmed(cls, store, sellable):
clause = And(Sellable.id == sellable.id,
Or(Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED,
Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_RENEGOTIATED,
Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_ORDERED))
return store.find(cls, clause)
def find_parent_items(cls, store, sale):
clause = And(cls.sale_id == sale.id,
Eq(cls.parent_item_id, None))
return store.find(cls, clause)
# Public API
def get_children(self):
return self.store.find(SaleItemsView, SaleItemsView.parent_item_id == self.id)
[docs]class ReceivingItemView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about receiving items.
This view is used to query products that are going to be received or was
already received and the information related to that process.
:cvar id: the id of the receiving item
:cvar order_identifier: the identifier of the receiving order
:cvar purchase_identifier: the identifier of the purchase order
:cvar purchase_item_id: the id of the purchase item
:cvar sellable_id: the id of the sellable related to the received item
:cvar invoice_number: the invoice number of the receiving order
:cvar receival_date: the date when the item was received
:cvar quantity: the received quantity
:cvar cost: the product cost
:cvar unit_description: the product unit description
:cvar supplier_name: the product supplier name
branch = Branch
id = ReceivingOrderItem.id
order_identifier = ReceivingOrder.identifier
purchase_identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
purchase_item_id = ReceivingOrderItem.purchase_item_id
sellable_id = ReceivingOrderItem.sellable_id
invoice_number = ReceivingOrder.invoice_number
receival_date = ReceivingOrder.receival_date
quantity = ReceivingOrderItem.quantity
cost = ReceivingOrderItem.cost
unit_description = SellableUnit.description
supplier_name = Person.name
batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
tables = [
LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == ReceivingOrderItem.batch_id),
ReceivingOrderItem.receiving_order_id == ReceivingOrder.id),
ReceivingOrder.id == PurchaseReceivingMap.receiving_id),
Join(PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReceivingMap.purchase_id == PurchaseOrder.id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, ReceivingOrderItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
LeftJoin(Supplier, ReceivingOrder.supplier_id == Supplier.id),
LeftJoin(Person, Supplier.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Branch, PurchaseOrder.branch_id == Branch.id),
class ProductionItemView(Viewable):
production_item = ProductionItem
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = ProductionItem.id
order_identifier = ProductionOrder.identifier
order_identifier_str = Cast(ProductionOrder.identifier, 'text')
order_status = ProductionOrder.status
quantity = ProductionItem.quantity
produced = ProductionItem.produced
lost = ProductionItem.lost
category_description = SellableCategory.description
unit_description = SellableUnit.description
description = Sellable.description
tables = [
ProductionItem.order_id == ProductionOrder.id),
ProductionItem.product_id == Product.id),
Sellable.id == Product.id),
SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
class ProductBatchView(Viewable):
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = ProductStockItem.id
branch_name = Company.fancy_name
description = Sellable.description
quantity = ProductStockItem.quantity
batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
category = SellableCategory.description
manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
model = Product.model
brand = Product.brand
tables = [
Join(Branch, ProductStockItem.branch_id == Branch.id),
Join(Company, Branch.person_id == Company.person_id),
LeftJoin(StorableBatch, ProductStockItem.batch_id == StorableBatch.id),
Join(Storable, ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
Join(Product, Storable.id == Product.id),
Join(Sellable, Product.id == Sellable.id),
Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, Sellable.category_id == SellableCategory.id)
clause = ProductStockItem.quantity > 0
class ProductBrandByBranchView(Viewable):
branch = Branch
# The tuple (brand, branch, manufacturer, category) is unique, so we can use as id
id = Concat(Product.brand,
Cast(Branch.id, "text"),
Coalesce(ProductManufacturer.name, u''),
Coalesce(SellableCategory.description, u''))
brand = Coalesce(Product.brand, u'')
manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
product_category = SellableCategory.description
branch_id = Branch.id
company = Company.fancy_name
quantity = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)
tables = [
Join(Storable, Storable.id == ProductStockItem.storable_id),
Join(Product, Product.id == Storable.id),
ProductManufacturer.id == Product.manufacturer_id),
Join(Branch, Branch.id == ProductStockItem.branch_id),
Join(Person, Person.id == Branch.person_id),
Join(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Sellable, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, Sellable.category_id == SellableCategory.id),
clause = ProductStockItem.quantity > 0
group_by = [id, brand, Branch.id, Company.id, ProductManufacturer.id,
def find_by_category(cls, store, category):
queries = []
if category:
queries.append(Sellable.category == category)
if queries:
return store.find(cls, And(*queries))
return store.find(cls)
def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
return store.find(cls, branch_id=branch.id)
class ProductBrandStockView(Viewable):
# Alias of Branch to Person table
id = Product.brand
brand = Coalesce(Product.brand, u'')
quantity = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)
company = u''
tables = [
Storable.id == Product.id),
ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, Sellable.id == Product.id),
LeftJoin(Branch, Branch.id == ProductStockItem.branch_id)
group_by = [id, brand]
[docs]class UnconfirmedSaleItemsView(Viewable):
"""Stores information about reserved products
This view is used to query products that was reserved
and temporarily removed from stock until the sale is completed.
:cvar id: the id of the reserved sale item
:cvar price: the price when it was reserved
:cvar quantity_decreased: quantity reserved
:cvar open_date: when the sale was open
:cvar status: status of a sale can be STATUS_ORDERED or STATUS_QUOTE
:cvar description: the description of a product
:cvar client_name: stores who reserved the product
:cvar salesperson_name: stores the sales person
PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')
PersonSales = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_sales')
branch = Branch
id = SaleItem.id
price = SaleItem.price
quantity = SaleItem.quantity
quantity_decreased = SaleItem.quantity_decreased
total = SaleItem.price * SaleItem.quantity
branch_id = Sale.branch_id
sale_id = Sale.id
identifier = Sale.identifier
open_date = Sale.open_date
status = Sale.status
description = Sellable.description
product_category = SellableCategory.description
product_code = Sellable.code
client_name = PersonClient.name
salesperson_name = PersonSales.name
manufacturer_name = ProductManufacturer.name
wo_identifier = WorkOrder.identifier
wo_identifier_str = Cast(WorkOrder.identifier, 'text')
wo_status = WorkOrder.status
wo_estimated_finish = WorkOrder.estimated_finish
wo_finish = WorkOrder.finish_date
tables = [
Join(Sale, Sale.id == SaleItem.sale_id),
Join(Sellable, Sellable.id == SaleItem.sellable_id),
Join(Branch, Branch.id == Sale.branch_id),
Join(SalesPerson, SalesPerson.id == Sale.salesperson_id),
Join(PersonSales, PersonSales.id == SalesPerson.person_id),
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(ProductManufacturer, ProductManufacturer.id == Product.manufacturer_id),
LeftJoin(Client, Client.id == Sale.client_id),
LeftJoin(PersonClient, PersonClient.id == Client.person_id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, Sellable.category_id == SellableCategory.id),
LeftJoin(WorkOrderItem, WorkOrderItem.sale_item == SaleItem.id),
LeftJoin(WorkOrder, WorkOrder.id == WorkOrderItem.order_id)
clause = Or(Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_ORDERED,
Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_QUOTE)
def status_str(self):
return Sale.statuses[self.status]
def wo_status_str(self):
if not self.wo_identifier:
return ''
return WorkOrder.statuses[self.wo_status]
class ReturnedSalesView(Viewable):
PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
PersonResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'responsible_sale')
PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')
returned_sale = ReturnedSale
#: The branch this sale was sold
branch = Branch
#: The sale that is being returned
sale = Sale
id = ReturnedSale.id
identifier = ReturnedSale.identifier
identifier_str = Cast(ReturnedSale.identifier, 'text')
return_date = ReturnedSale.return_date
reason = ReturnedSale.reason
invoice_number = Invoice.invoice_number
receiving_date = ReturnedSale.confirm_date
receiving_responsible = ReturnedSale.confirm_responsible_id
status = ReturnedSale.status
sale_id = Sale.id
sale_identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')
responsible_name = PersonResponsible.name
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), PersonBranch.name)
client_name = PersonClient.name
tables = [
Join(Sale, Sale.id == ReturnedSale.sale_id),
Join(LoginUser, LoginUser.id == ReturnedSale.responsible_id),
Join(PersonResponsible, PersonResponsible.id == LoginUser.person_id),
Join(Branch, Branch.id == ReturnedSale.branch_id),
Join(PersonBranch, PersonBranch.id == Branch.person_id),
Join(Company, Company.person_id == PersonBranch.id),
LeftJoin(Invoice, Invoice.id == ReturnedSale.invoice_id),
LeftJoin(Client, Client.id == Sale.client_id),
LeftJoin(PersonClient, PersonClient.id == Client.person_id),
def sale_identifier(self):
return self.sale.identifier
def can_receive(self):
from stoqlib.api import api
same_branch = self.sale.branch == api.get_current_branch(self.store)
return bool(self.is_pending() and same_branch)
def is_pending(self):
return self.returned_sale.is_pending()
def status_str(self):
return ReturnedSale.statuses[self.status]
class ReturnedItemView(ReturnedSalesView):
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
id = ReturnedSaleItem.id
item_description = Sellable.description
item_quantity = ReturnedSaleItem.quantity
returned_sale_id = ReturnedSale.id
tables = ReturnedSalesView.tables[:]
ReturnedSale.id == ReturnedSaleItem.returned_sale_id),
Join(Sellable, ReturnedSaleItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(Product, Sellable.id == Product.id)])
def returned_sale_view(self):
return self.store.find(ReturnedSalesView,
class PendingReturnedSalesView(ReturnedSalesView):
clause = ReturnedSale.status == ReturnedSale.STATUS_PENDING
class LoanView(Viewable):
PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
PersonResponsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_responsible')
PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')
loan = Loan
id = Loan.id
identifier = Loan.identifier
identifier_str = Cast(Loan.identifier, 'text')
status = Loan.status
open_date = Loan.open_date
close_date = Loan.close_date
expire_date = Loan.expire_date
removed_by = Loan.removed_by
client_id = Loan.client_id
branch_id = Loan.branch_id
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), PersonBranch.name)
responsible_name = PersonResponsible.name
client_name = PersonClient.name
# Aggregates
loaned = Sum(LoanItem.quantity)
total = Sum(LoanItem.quantity * LoanItem.price)
tables = [
Join(LoanItem, Loan.id == LoanItem.loan_id),
LeftJoin(Branch, Loan.branch_id == Branch.id),
LeftJoin(LoginUser, Loan.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
LeftJoin(Client, Loan.client_id == Client.id),
LeftJoin(PersonBranch, Branch.person_id == PersonBranch.id),
LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == PersonBranch.id),
LoginUser.person_id == PersonResponsible.id),
LeftJoin(PersonClient, Client.person_id == PersonClient.id),
group_by = [Loan, branch_name, responsible_name, client_name]
class LoanItemView(Viewable):
sellable = Sellable
product = Product
branch = Branch
id = LoanItem.id
quantity = LoanItem.quantity
sale_quantity = LoanItem.sale_quantity
return_quantity = LoanItem.return_quantity
price = LoanItem.price
total = LoanItem.quantity * LoanItem.price
loan_identifier = Loan.identifier
loan_status = Loan.status
opened = Loan.open_date
closed = Loan.close_date
sellable_id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
description = Sellable.description
product_id = Product.id
batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
category_description = SellableCategory.description
unit_description = SellableUnit.description
identifier_str = Cast(Loan.identifier, 'text')
tables = [
LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == LoanItem.batch_id),
Join(Loan, LoanItem.loan_id == Loan.id),
Join(Branch, Loan.branch_id == Branch.id),
LeftJoin(Sellable, LoanItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
LeftJoin(SellableCategory, SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
_SourceSum = Select(
Alias(Sum(AccountTransaction.value), 'value')],
_DestSum = Select(
Alias(Sum(AccountTransaction.value), 'value')],
class AccountView(Viewable):
account = Account
id = Account.id
parent_id = Account.parent_id
account_type = Account.account_type
dest_account_id = Account.parent_id
description = Account.description
code = Account.code
source_value = Field('source_sum', 'value')
dest_value = Field('dest_sum', 'value')
tables = [
LeftJoin(Alias(_SourceSum, 'source_sum'),
Field('source_sum', 'source_account_id') == Account.id),
LeftJoin(Alias(_DestSum, 'dest_sum'),
Field('dest_sum', 'account_id') == Account.id),
def parent_account(self):
"""Get the parent account for this view"""
return self.store.get(Account, self.parent_id)
def matches(self, account_id):
"""Returns true if the account_id matches this account or its parent"""
if self.id == account_id:
return True
if self.parent_id and self.parent_id == account_id:
return True
return False
def get_combined_value(self):
"""Returns the combined value of incoming and outgoing
if not self.dest_value and not self.source_value:
return 0
elif not self.dest_value:
return -self.source_value
elif not self.source_value:
return self.dest_value
return self.dest_value - self.source_value
def __repr__(self):
return '<AccountView %s>' % (self.description, )
class DeliveryView(Viewable):
# Aliases
TransporterPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_transporter')
TransporterCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_transporter')
ClientPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_client')
ClientCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_client')
BranchPerson = ClassAlias(Person, "person_branch")
BranchCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_branch')
# Objects
delivery = Delivery
branch = Branch
transporter = Transporter
# Delivery
id = Delivery.id
status = Delivery.status
tracking_code = Delivery.tracking_code
open_date = Delivery.open_date
cancel_date = Delivery.cancel_date
send_date = Delivery.send_date
receive_date = Delivery.receive_date
pick_date = Delivery.pick_date
pack_date = Delivery.pack_date
identifier_str = Cast(Sale.identifier, 'text')
# Sale
sale_identifier = Sale.identifier
sale_status = Sale.status
sale_total = Sale.total_amount
# Transporter
transporter_name = Coalesce(NullIf(TransporterCompany.fancy_name, u''),
# Client
client_name = Coalesce(NullIf(ClientCompany.fancy_name, u''),
# Branch
branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(BranchCompany.fancy_name, u''),
# Address
address_id = Delivery.address_id
tables = [
LeftJoin(SaleItem, SaleItem.id == Delivery.service_item_id),
LeftJoin(Sale, Sale.id == SaleItem.sale_id),
LeftJoin(Transporter, Transporter.id == Delivery.transporter_id),
TransporterPerson.id == Transporter.person_id),
TransporterPerson.id == TransporterCompany.person_id),
LeftJoin(Branch, Branch.id == Sale.branch_id),
LeftJoin(BranchPerson, BranchPerson.id == Branch.person_id),
LeftJoin(BranchCompany, BranchPerson.id == BranchCompany.person_id),
LeftJoin(Client, Client.id == Sale.client_id),
LeftJoin(ClientPerson, ClientPerson.id == Client.person_id),
LeftJoin(ClientCompany, ClientPerson.id == ClientCompany.person_id),
def status_str(self):
return Delivery.statuses[self.status]
def sale_status_str(self):
return Sale.statuses[self.sale_status]
def address_str(self):
return self.store.get(Address, self.address_id).get_description()
def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
# FIXME: We are using the count of the deliveries because we have
# nothing to sum here. Should we do something different?
select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Count(1))
return ('count', 'sum'), select
[docs]class CostCenterEntryStockView(Viewable):
"""A viewable with information about cost center entries related to stock
stock_transaction = StockTransactionHistory
# StockTransactionHistory has an indirect reference to only one of this
# (sale_item or stock_decrease_item), but here we are speculatively quering
# both to cache the results, avoiding extra queries when getting the
# description of the transaction
_sale_item = SaleItem
_stock_decrease_item = StockDecreaseItem
_sale = Sale
_stock_decrease = StockDecrease
id = CostCenterEntry.id
cost_center_id = CostCenterEntry.cost_center_id
date = StockTransactionHistory.date
stock_cost = StockTransactionHistory.stock_cost
quantity = StockTransactionHistory.quantity
responsible_name = Person.name
sellable_id = Sellable.id
code = Sellable.code
product_description = Sellable.description
tables = [
CostCenterEntry.stock_transaction_id == StockTransactionHistory.id),
Join(LoginUser, StockTransactionHistory.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
Join(Person, LoginUser.person_id == Person.id),
Join(Sellable, StockTransactionHistory.storable_id == Sellable.id),
# possible sale item and stock decrease item
LeftJoin(SaleItem, SaleItem.id == StockTransactionHistory.object_id),
LeftJoin(Sale, SaleItem.sale_id == Sale.id),
StockDecreaseItem.id == StockTransactionHistory.object_id),
StockDecreaseItem.stock_decrease_id == StockDecrease.id),
def total(self):
return currency(abs(self.stock_cost * self.quantity))
[docs]class ClientWithSalesView(ClientView):
"""A client view capable of filtering clients with sales on a given branch."""
tables = ClientView.tables[:]
Sale.client_id == Client.id),
Sale.branch_id == Branch.id),
[docs] def find_by_birth_date(cls, store, date, branch=None):
"""Find clients by bith date.
:param store: The store used to do the query
:param date: The date to filter the birthdays, either the
value directly or a tuple defining a (start, end) interval
:param branch: If not ``None`` will be used to filter only clients
with at least one sale referencing it done on that |branch|
assert date is not None
# If we are finding by birth date, exclude those without that
# information by default
query = [Ne(cls.birth_date, None)]
if branch is not None:
query.append(Branch.id == branch.id)
if isinstance(date, tuple):
date[0], date[1]))
res = store.find(cls, And(*query))
return res