Class s.p.d.F.FS2100(FS345):

Part of stoqdrivers.printers.daruma.FS2100 View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: stoqdrivers.printers.daruma.FS600MFD.FS600MFD

No class docstring
Method coupon_add_item Undocumented
Method send_new_command This method is used to send especific commands to model FS2100.

Inherited from FS345:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _reset Undocumented
Method send_command Undocumented
Method _read_reply Undocumented
Method _get_status Undocumented
Method status_check Undocumented
Method _check_status Undocumented
Method needs_reduce_z Undocumented
Method needs_read_x Undocumented
Method handle_error Undocumented
Method show_status Undocumented
Method show_information Undocumented
Method show_document_status Undocumented
Method get_firmware_version Return the firmware version.
Method _get_fiscal_registers Undocumented
Method _get_registers Undocumented
Method _verify_coupon_open Undocumented
Method _is_open Undocumented
Method _get_totalizers Undocumented
Method _get_coupon_number Undocumented
Method _add_payment Undocumented
Method _add_voucher Undocumented
Method _configure_taxes Undocumented
Method _configure_payment_methods Undocumented
Method _configure_bound_receipts Undocumented
Method coupon_identify_customer Undocumented
Method coupon_is_customer_identified Undocumented
Method coupon_open Undocumented
Method coupon_cancel_item Undocumented
Method coupon_add_payment Undocumented
Method coupon_cancel Undocumented
Method cancel_last_coupon Cancel the last non fiscal coupon or the last sale.
Method coupon_totalize Undocumented
Method coupon_close Undocumented
Method summarize Undocumented
Method close_till Undocumented
Method _get_bound_receipt_constants Undocumented
Method get_payment_receipt_identifier Returns the receipt identifier corresponding to the payment method.
Method payment_receipt_open Undocumented
Method payment_receipt_print Undocumented
Method payment_receipt_close Undocumented
Method till_add_cash Undocumented
Method till_remove_cash Undocumented
Method till_read_memory Undocumented
Method _till_read_memory_to_serial Undocumented
Method till_read_memory_by_reductions Undocumented
Method get_capabilities Undocumented
Method get_constants Undocumented
Method query_status Undocumented
Method status_reply_complete Undocumented
Method get_serial Undocumented
Method get_ccf Undocumented
Method get_coo Undocumented
Method get_gnf Undocumented
Method get_crz Undocumented
Method get_tax_constants Undocumented
Method get_payment_constants Undocumented
Method get_sintegra Undocumented
Method get_user_registration_info Returns current ecf user registration date and time,

Inherited from SerialBase (via FS345):

Method set_port Undocumented
Method get_port Undocumented
Method fileno Undocumented
Method writeline Undocumented
Method write Undocumented
Method read Undocumented
Method readline Undocumented
def coupon_add_item(self, code, description, price, taxcode, quantity=Decimal('1.0'), unit=UnitType.EMPTY, discount=Decimal('0.0'), surcharge=Decimal('0.0'), unit_desc=''):
def send_new_command(self, command, extra=''):
This method is used to send especific commands to model FS2100. Note that the main differences are the prefix (0x1c + 'F', since we will use a function of the FS2100 superset) and the checksum, that must be included in the end of all the functions of this superset.
API Documentation for Stoqdrivers, generated by pydoctor at 2009-04-30 17:14:35.