Module s.d.synchronization

Part of stoqlib.database

Synchronization, Distributed database replication.
Function _collect_table Undocumented
Function get_tables Fetches a list of tables given a specific policy.
Class TableSerializer Undocumented
Class SynchronizationService No class docstring; 6/10 methods documented
Class SynchronizationClient No class docstring; 3/18 methods documented
def _collect_table(tables, table):
def get_tables(policy, pfilter=None):
Fetches a list of tables given a specific policy. A pfilter can optionally be specified to filter out tables which does not match a specific state.
Parameterspolicya SynchronizationPolicy
pfiltera sequence of states to skip or None to fetch all
Returnsa list of tables (type: list of sqlobject tables )
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.