Module s.d.interfaces

Part of stoqlib.domain

Interfaces definition for all domain classes
Class IActive It defines if a certain object can be active or not
Class IContainer An objects that holds other objects or items
Class IDescribable It defines that a object can be described through get_description
Class IStorable Storable documentation for a certain product or a sellable item.
Class IPersonFacet A facet on a Person, the only thing it has is a named reference
Class IPaymentFacet A facet on a Payment, the only thing it has is a named reference
Class IIndividual Being or characteristic of a single person, concerning one
Class ICompany An institution created to conduct business
Class IClient An individual or a company who pays for goods or services
Class ISupplier A company or an individual that produces, provides, or furnishes
Class IEmployee An individual who performs work for an employer under a verbal
Class IUser An employee which have access to one or more Stoq applications
Class IBranch An administrative division of some larger or more complex
Class ISalesPerson An employee in charge of make sales
Class IBankBranch Undocumented
Class ICreditProvider No class docstring; 1/1 methods documented
Class ITransporter An individual or company engaged in the transportation
Class IInPayment Interface specification for InPayments.
Class IOutPayment Interface specification for OutPayments.
Class IPaymentTransaction Interface specification for PaymentGroups.
Class IDelivery Specification of a Delivery interface for a sellable.
Class IReversal A financial entry which support reversal operations
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.