Module s.g.csvexporter

Part of stoqlib.gui

CSV Exporter Utilities
Function objectlist2csv Convert a instance of kiwi.ui.objectlist.ObjectList to a CSV format.
Function _get_field_string Undocumented
def objectlist2csv(objectlist, encoding):
Convert a instance of kiwi.ui.objectlist.ObjectList to a CSV format. The column's title will be used as the field header and the colmns which is not displayed will also not be included in the CSV representation.
Parametersobjectlistan kiwi.ui.objectlist.ObjectList instance.
encodingthe encode we should use when return the CSV content.
Returnsa string containing the the CSV representation of the kiwi.ui.objectlist.ObjectList instance.
def _get_field_string(item, field):
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.