Class s.g.w.s.SalesPersonStep(BaseMethodSelectionStep, WizardEditorStep):

Part of stoqlib.gui.wizards.salewizard View In Hierarchy

An abstract step which allows to define a salesperson, the sale's discount and surcharge, when it is needed.
Method __init__ A base class for editor slaves inheritance
Method _update_totals Undocumented
Method _update_widgets Undocumented
Method _fill_clients_combo Undocumented
Method _fill_cfop_combo Undocumented
Method _create_client Undocumented
Method update_discount_and_surcharge Undocumented
Method setup_widgets Undocumented
Method post_init Undocumented
Method setup_slaves A subclass can override this
Method setup_proxies A subclass can override this
Method on_client__changed Undocumented
Method on_create_client__clicked Undocumented
Method on_discount_slave_changed Undocumented
Method on_notes_button__clicked Undocumented
Method on_create_cfop__clicked Undocumented

Inherited from BaseMethodSelectionStep:

Method _update_next_step Undocumented
Method _get_total_amount Undocumented
Method get_selected_method Undocumented
Method setup_cash_payment Undocumented
Method next_step Undocumented
Method on_payment_method_changed Undocumented

Inherited from BaseEditorSlave (via WizardEditorStep):

Method _setup_visual_mode Undocumented
Method create_model Creates a new model for the editor.
Method on_cancel This is a hook method which must be redefined when some
Method on_confirm This is a hook method which must be redefined when some
Method update_visual_mode This method must be overwritten on child if some addition task in
Method validate_confirm Must be redefined by childs and will perform some validations
def __init__(self, wizard, conn, model, payment_group):
A base class for editor slaves inheritance
Parametersconna connection
modelthe object model tied with the proxy widgets
visual_modedoes this slave must be opened in visual mode? if so, all the proxy widgets will be disable
def _update_totals(self):
def _update_widgets(self):
def _fill_clients_combo(self):
def _fill_cfop_combo(self):
def _create_client(self):
def update_discount_and_surcharge(self):
def setup_widgets(self):
def post_init(self):
def setup_slaves(self):
A subclass can override this
def setup_proxies(self):
A subclass can override this
def on_client__changed(self, entry):
def on_create_client__clicked(self, button):
def on_discount_slave_changed(self, slave):
def on_notes_button__clicked(self, *args):
def on_create_cfop__clicked(self, widget):
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.