Class s.r.b.f.Signature(Flowable):

Part of stoqlib.reporting.base.flowables View In Hierarchy

A signature flowable
Method __init__ Creates a new Signature object
Method get_draw_string_func Based on the alignment type, returns a 'text writer' function.
Method build_signatures This is the method that really draw the flowable on the report.
Method wrap Calculate the space required by the flowable. Internal use by
Method drawOn Start drawing the flowable. This method is called internally by
def __init__(self, labels, align=RIGHT, line_width=75 * mm, height=60, text_align=CENTER, style_data=None):
Creates a new Signature object
ParameterslabelsA list of string, with each string representing a signature.
(type: list )
alignThe signature alignment
(type: One of LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT constants )
line_widthThe line width
(type: int/float )
heightHow much space before the signature line?
(type: int/float )
text_alignThe signature text alignment.
(type: One of CENTER, LEFT or RIGHT constants )
style_dataA string with the paragraph style.
(type: One of the styles defined in the default_style module. )
def get_draw_string_func(self, canvas, align):
Based on the alignment type, returns a 'text writer' function.
def build_signatures(self, canvas, x, x1, x2, y, default_x2):
This is the method that really draw the flowable on the report. This is called internally by drawOn.
def wrap(self, avail_width, avail_height):
Calculate the space required by the flowable. Internal use by Reportlab.
def drawOn(self, canvas, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
Start drawing the flowable. This method is called internally by Reportlab
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.