Class s.r.p.ProductPriceReport(PriceReport):

Part of stoqlib.reporting.product View In Hierarchy

This report show a list of all products returned by a SearchBar, listing both its description and price in the selected stock.
Method __init__ Common parameters to BaseReportTemplate was ommited, maybe

Inherited from PriceReport:

Method _get_columns Undocumented
Method _setup_items_table Undocumented

Inherited from SearchResultsReport (via PriceReport):

Method get_title This method build the report title based on the arguments sent

Inherited from BaseStoqReport (via PriceReport, SearchResultsReport):

Method draw_header Draws the report header (the thing where you can want to put your
Method _initialize Undocumented

Inherited from ReportTemplate (via PriceReport, SearchResultsReport, BaseStoqReport):

Method get_report_name Undocumented
Method draw_footer Implementation of BaseReportTemplate hook. This method is called on

Inherited from BaseReportTemplate (via PriceReport, SearchResultsReport, BaseStoqReport, ReportTemplate):

Method save Build and saves the report. Internal use (you don't need to call
Method build Build the report - initialize all the pages and start drawing its
Method setup_page_templates Report initialization. Here we have to initialize report control
Method add Adds a flowable to report.
Method start_group Starts flowables groupping.
Method end_group Finish flowables groupping
Method get_usable_width Returns the horizontal space available for drawing.
Method get_usable_height Returns the vertical space available for drawing.
Method set_page_number Sets the current page.
Method get_page_number Returns the current page number
Method add_page_break Adds a simple page break
Method add_document_break This method adds a document break, starting a new document.
Method add_blank_space Adds a blank space on the current report position. Through
Method add_signatures Adds a signature flowable.
Method add_preformatted_text Adds a given given text to the document, using a given
Method add_paragraph Adds a paragraph to the document, using a given style.
Method add_line Insert a simple line on the report.
Method add_title Adds a title. The title flowable is composed of a text inside two
Method add_report_table Inserts a report table.
Method add_column_table Adds a column table.
Method add_object_table Insert an object table. Its parameters are:
Method add_grouping_table TODO
Method add_data_table Insert a data table on the report.
Method paint_page_canvas This method is called by Reportlab on each time that a page starts
def __init__(self, filename, products, *args, **kwargs):
Common parameters to BaseReportTemplate was ommited, maybe you want look at BaseReportTemplate documentation?
ParameterstimestampThe time when the report was created must be drawed at the report footer? Defaults to False. (type: bool )
do_headerMust a header be drawed on top of the report? Defaults to True. (type: bool )
do_footerMust a footer be drawed on each report page? Defaults to True. (type: bool )
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.