Class s.g.b.l.ModelListDialog(gtk.Dialog, ModelListSlave):

Part of stoqlib.gui.base.lists View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: stoqlib.gui.dialogs.devices.DeviceSettingsDialog, stoqlib.gui.dialogs.paymentcategorydialog.PaymentCategoryDialog, stoqlib.gui.editors.addresseditor.AddressAdditionDialog, stoqlib.gui.editors.addresseditor.AddressSelectionDialog, stoqlib.gui.editors.invoiceeditor.InvoiceLayoutDialog, stoqlib.gui.editors.invoiceeditor.InvoicePrinterDialog, stoqlib.gui.editors.sellableeditor.SellableTaxConstantsDialog, stoqlib.gui.slaves.liaisonslave.LiaisonListDialog

A dialog which displays all items in a table and allows you to add and remove items from it
Class Variablesmodel_typean ORMObject for the table we want to modify, must implement the IDescribable interface.
columnsa list of kiwi.ui.objectlist.Columns
editor_classclass used to edit the model, must take the constructor arguments (conn, model)
sizea two sized tuple; (width, height) or None
titlewindow title
Method __init__ Create a new ModelListDialog object.

Inherited from ModelListSlave:

Method _delete_with_transaction Undocumented
Method _delete_model Undocumented
Method _prepare_run_editor Undocumented
Method populate Undocumented
Method add_item Undocumented
Method remove_item Undocumented
Method edit_item Undocumented
Method set_model_type Set the type of the model this slave is containing
Method set_editor_class Set the editor class which will be used to modify
Method set_reuse_transaction Reuse the transaction.
Method run_dialog A special variant of run_dialog which deletes objects
Method run_editor This can be override by a subclass who wants to send in
Method delete_model Deletes the model in a transaction.
def __init__(self, conn=None):
Create a new ModelListDialog object.
ParametersconnA database connection
API Documentation for Stoqlib, generated by pydoctor at 2009-07-14 16:00:32.